Original Articles

A Review on the Research of Harmony of Economy and Environment

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS, Beijing 100101 China

Received date: 2001-12-01

  Revised date: 2002-01-01

  Online published: 2002-01-24


Along with the rapid development of the economy and society, the contradiction between human being and the earth is becoming more and more intense. As a result, how to keep the economic development and the environment in harmonious relationship is one of the hotspots that scholars study. The understanding of the dialectical relation of the economic and environmental relation is mainly on the basis of the coordination of "U" relation foundation of two factors. The disciplines which study this question includes geography, economics, and ecology, etc. Geography’s focal point is time space distribution, optimizing and adjusting of regional economy and environment; economics’ starting point is survival guarantee; ecology and environmental science’s research angle is ecological economics and environmental economic. Setting up index system and mathematic model, taking regional carrying capacity as an important appraisal factor, more and more attention is paid to quantitative appraisal on the coordination of the economy and environment. A brief comment on the current research issue and some advice are given finally.

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WANG Chang zheng, LIU Yi . A Review on the Research of Harmony of Economy and Environment[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2002 , 21(1) : 58 -65 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.007


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