Study on the Boundary and the Area of Badain Jaran Desert Based on Remote Sensing Imagery
Received date: 2010-01-01
Revised date: 2010-05-01
Online published: 2010-09-25
The Badain Jaran Desert is a unique geomorphic unit with the world's highest sand hill and more than 100 lakes. However, there are different opinions on the boundary and the area of it, leading to the question whether its area is the second or the third in China. According to latest research achievements and extensive fieldwarks in 2009, questions related to the boundary and the area of the desert have been dealt with in the view of geography. By using the Landsat7-ETM+ images and GIS and GPS methods, the boundary of the Badain Jaran Desert was investigated and the area of it was reexamined. The results show that the Badain Jaran Desert starts from the southeastern edge of the Yabulai Salt Lake and Yabulai Mount and the eastern edge of the Zangnai Mount and S218 National Road, cannects with the western edge of the Zhengyi Valley on Heihe River, and reaches Ruashui River and Gurinai Lake. The north of it is the Guaizi Lake and the Ancient Juyan Lake. The south of it is the Heli Mount, Beida Mount and Heishan Mount. The Badain Jaran Desert crasses a langitude of 5 degrees with a length of 442 km from east to west, and a latitude of 3 degrees with a length of 354 km from south to north. It ranges from 39°04'15"N to 42°12'23"N and from 99°23‘18"E to 104°34'02"E, cavering an area of 52.162x103 km2. The Badain Jaran Desert cavers 7 caunties (banners or district)in 2 provinces. Therefore, it can be cincluded that the Badain Jaran is the second largest desert in China.
Key words: area; Badain Jaran Desert; boundary; desertificatian; remote sensing
ZHU Jinfeng, WANG Nai'ang, CHEN Hongbao, DONG Chunyu, ZHANG Hua'an . Study on the Boundary and the Area of Badain Jaran Desert Based on Remote Sensing Imagery[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(9) : 1087 -1094 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.09.010
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