Original Articles

The Scope Judgment of “Pan-Yangtze River Delta&rdquo|Based on Inter-regional Links

  • 1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China|
    2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Online published: 2010-03-25


Expansion of Yangtze River Delta has been a general trend of regional development, but the determination of its scope is a primary problem in the study of regional integration. Recently, scholars show their respective attitudes towards the problem of how to define the scope of “Pan-Yangtze River Delta”. Objectively, there are several key factors to define the scope of the “Pan-Yangtze River Delta”, such as interregional connection, intimate personal relationship, cultural accommodation, economic assimilation, frequent fluxion of essential factors and survival of the fittest, which are the key factors to define the region of the “Pan-Yangtze River Delta”. Therefore, some indicators including economic and social links between the regions can determine the scope of inter-regional connection. Based on the analysis of the concept and the development conditions of “Pan-Yangtze River Delta”, firstly, this paper compares the various related indicators between Yangtze River Delta and the provinces around it; secondly, the paper compares the development trends of the relationship between Yangtze River Delta and neighboring provinces, thirdly, this paper analyses the relation between some of the neighboring provinces and other regions such as the Pearl River Delta region and the Bohai Rim. On this basis, a synthesized evaluation system including multiple indexes is established. Combining the system with the gravity model, the paper gives a qualitative comparison of the linking degrees between the neighboring provinces and Yangtze River Delta region. Finally, according to the regional economic integration as well as the current social and economic development of the neighboring provinces in the Yangtze River Delta, we propose a moderate development scope of “Pan-Yangtze River Delta” based on the overall analysis in order to provide a valuable reference to the process of regional integration

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CHEN Xiao1,2, CHEN Wen1, ZHANG Lei1,2, GUO Yao1,2 . The Scope Judgment of “Pan-Yangtze River Delta&rdquo|Based on Inter-regional Links[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(3) : 370 -376 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.03.017


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