Prediction on Ecological Water Demand in the Mainstream of the Tarim River Based on Ecological Restoration
Received date: 2010-01-01
Revised date: 2010-05-01
Online published: 2010-09-25
In this paper, the ecological water demand in the mainstream of the Tarim River under the current year 2005 was calculated with the quota-area method, the phreatic evaporation method and the groundwater storage quantity change method. The ecological water demands calculated with these methods are 33.89×108 m3, 23.97×108 m3; and 33.07×108 m3;, respectively. In comparison, the reasonable ecological water demand is 30.31×108 m3. Besides, the monthly ecological demand in the mainstream of the Tarim River was acquired on the basis of monthly phreatic evaporation calculated by Aweliyongrufe formula and Qunke formula based on monthly average evaporation (1995-2004) from Aksu, Shaya, Ruche, Luntai, Korla, Yuli and Tikanlik weather stations. Analyzing the monthly ecological water demand, it was found that the ecological water demand in the growing season(from April to October) was 86% of the annual total, with May, June, July and August accpunting for 59% of the annual total. According to the ecological restoration scheme formulated, the ecological water demand of the three target years were forecasted with the quota-area method and the phreatic evaporation method. The reasonable ecological water demand in 2010, 2015 and 2020 are 31.88×108 m3, 34.08×108 m3 and 36.84×108 m3, respectively by averaging the two results. This study provides a scientific basis for optimal allocation of water resources in the Tarim River Basin.
GUO Bin, WANG Xinping;, LI Yin|LI Huimin, LI Weihong, ZHAO Ruifeng . Prediction on Ecological Water Demand in the Mainstream of the Tarim River Based on Ecological Restoration[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(9) : 1121 -1128 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.09.015
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