Advances and Prospects of Spatial Optimal Allocation of Land Use
Online published: 2009-09-25
The optimal allocation of land use has been one of the important ways to achieve sustainable land use, to promote regional economic development and harmonious environment. More people and less land is the basic situation in China, and more and more farmland conversion to construction land will be a reality in the present phase as China is speeding up industrialization and urbanization process. It is a significant problem which needs to be studied immanently that how to achieve sustainable land use in the process of speedy development of economy. A scientific optimization allocation of land resource can unleash capability of land use, improve concentration effect of land resource and also can maintain a balance of land ecosystems. The traditional optimization allocation of land use study focuses on the optimal structure of the amount of land use, but the study on the spatial optimization of land use is ignored. Obviously, the structure of the amount of land use is the basis for a rational allocation of land use, if we have designed an improper distribution of land use in geographical space, which would restrict the improvement efficiency of land use and affect the scientificness and precision of optimization allocation of land resource, finally we can not achieve the ultimate goal of the optimization allocation of land resources. We must think that how to locate the predictable amount of land use for all types, so the study on spatial optimization allocation of land use is especially important. This paper explained the comprehensive concept of spatial optimization allocation of land use, systemically introduced the related theories and methods of the structure of land use and spatial allocation at home and abroad. From the point of views such as the principle of geography, landscape ecology, system engineering and management, technology such as GIS or RS and application of mathematical model, and sociology and policy, some prospects on land use spatial allocation were made, which aimed to innovate and intensify the study on spatial optimization allocation of land use.
Key words: advances; optimal allocation of land use; prospects; spatial distribution
LUO Ding1, XU Yueqing1, SHAO Xiaomei2, WANG Jing2 . Advances and Prospects of Spatial Optimal Allocation of Land Use[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(5) : 791 -797 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.05.018
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