The precipitation change over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Holocene is of great importance to the study of global change in the past. There is a lack of practical and effective methods to reconstruct precipitation in a large-scale region in the previous studies on global change, and in order to solve this problem, this study takes the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as the research area and combines the method of partitioned space simulation of ancient precipitation and multi-area weighted method for the purpose of reconstructing the precipitation series of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Holocene. As the vegetation variation of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau can well reflect the precipitation change, this study mainly takes pollen as the circumstantial evidence, selects ten pollen reconstructed precipitation series of sampling points on the plateau, acquires 716 signaled quantitative precipitation records and reconstructs the precipitation series of the plateau in Holocene. With the help of GIS analysis, based on the geographical simulation of spatial distribution of modern plateau precipitation, and integrated with the ancient precipitation records, this paper quantitatively reconstructed the 200-resolution precipitation series of the plateau during the Holocene. The results indicated that during the Holocene the precipitation went up rapidly, reaching a peak of 500 mm at 9 ka BP, 170 mm more than that in modern times. The period 9-5.6 ka BP was a moist period with the total precipitation 80 mm more than that at present. However it showed a downward trend. Since 5.6 ka BP the precipitation went down compared with the present time with small fluctuation. Synthetic series are comparable to the other records in a high or low resolution, which means synthetic series are representative and accurate.
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