Relationship between Place Attachment of Historic Street and Customer Shopping Satisfaction: A Case Study of Guanqian Street
Online published: 2010-03-25
Based on the theories of Place Attachment and American Customer Satisfaction Index Model, the influence of place attachment on customer shopping satisfaction was explored by constructing the structural relationship model of place attachment and customer shopping satisfaction, and using path analysis, correlation analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and other research methods. A total of 256 questionnaires from the shoppers on Guanqian Street in Suzhou city were analyzed in this paper. The results showed that: (1) Place attachment had certain degree influence on customer shopping satisfaction, customer complaint and customer shopping loyalty. The function elements and the emotional bonds between customer and historic street were both important influencing factors of customer shopping satisfaction, customer complaint and customer shopping loyalty. (2) Place attachment had most significant positive influence on customer shopping satisfaction, which illustrated that the key to successful development was preservation of place characteristics, continuation of traditional features and agglomeration of traditional commercial form. And it was an effective development model to combine exhibition traditional features with modern leisure shopping. (3) Place attachment had a significant negative effect on customer complaint, and had an indirect and insignificant negative effect on customer complaint working through customer shopping satisfaction. This showed that antique historic buildings and colorful local featured products met and satisfied customers’ psychological demands and emotional appeal for sightseeing, tracing historic memories and characteristic leisure shopping experiences, which was an important way to reducing customers’ complaints and enhancing the level of customers’ emotional attachment. Besides, to strengthen visitor management and improve the service functions is still an important aspect of sustainable development of Guanqian Street. (4) Place attachment had a direct significant impact on customer shopping loyalty, and had an indirect significant impact when customer shopping satisfaction was taken as an intermediate variable. It was an opportunity to improve the convenience and timeliness of neighborhood complaint service. Complaint service processing was an important channel for strengthening subject-object interaction and emotional marketing in neighborhood. Constantly enhancing the emotional link between people and land (customers and Guanqian Street) was an effective way to reduce customers’ complaints and improve customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. The objective of this paper was to provide references for preservation of endemic elements, creation of good leisure shopping atmosphere and persistence of commercial vitality, and to further enrich the theory of domestic shopping satisfaction and expand the theory perspective of local attachment.
Key words: customers; Guanqian Street; historic street; place attachment; shopping satisfaction
QIAN Shuwei1, SU Qin1, ZHENG Huanyou1,2 . Relationship between Place Attachment of Historic Street and Customer Shopping Satisfaction: A Case Study of Guanqian Street[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(3) : 355 -362 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.03.015
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