With rapid urbanization, the importance of air pollution removal by regional green space had been widely accepted. Therefore, the concept of spatial heterogeneity and ecological function were applied to regional management and spatial planning. This article took the view of spatial heterogeneity, and analysed the relevant factors and discrimination method. The current study established the correlation between air pollution reduction effect and spatial characteristics, which revealed the impact of spatial heterogeneity on vegetation. The study showed that the relative effects of regional forest cover in reducing air pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere of SO2, NO2, and PM10 were 1.3%, 0.7% and 4.1%, respectively, which varied in different sub-regional air quality improvement. Pollutant removal rates in moderate ability subregion was obviously higher than that in high-ability subregion and low-aridity subregion. However the driving force of ecological function in moderare aridity subregion was still at the level of pollution-driven stage, compared with the other two subregions at the levels of green feature-driven stage. Therefore, the effects of biological diversity, ecological structure and landscape pattern on ecological function were more prominent. Finally, some problems were pointed out and function- oriented research was proposed as the main development trend in the future.
DING Yu, LI Guicai, LU Xu, Gao Mei
. Spatial Heterogeneity and Air Pollution Removal by Green Space in Greater Pearl River Delta[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011
, 30(11)
: 1415
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.11.012
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