Landscape Monitoring and Dynamic Evolution of Wetland Resources in Beijing
Received date: 2009-01-01
Revised date: 2010-01-01
Online published: 2010-07-25
Wetland, considered as the natural ecosystem and landscape, has great resource potentiality and environmental function. For a long time, the change of wetland landscape pattern has been affected by human activities, which has changed the existing wetland functions, and exerted influence on wetland environment. This paper, took the capital city of Beijing as a case for the study of wetland areas, and used Markov model to analyze the dynamic change and the trend of evolution. Supported by RS and GIS technology, combining the previous researches and numerous field investigations, this paper used Landsat TM images of 1996, 2001 and 2005 as the information source to analysis the process of dynamic evolution. The results showed that Beijing wetland recources were degraded significantly. The area of wetland dropped from 62869.64 hm2 in 1996 to 31416.31 hm2 in 2005. The patches of wetlands tended to be irregular, and the degree of fragmentation was increasing. The transition probability matrices at two primary states (1996 and 2005) were established. Then, the development and the future tendency of wetland landscape patterns were simulated and forecasted with Markov process. Under the existing human effects, Beijing wetland landscape pattern may achieve a relative stable state, in which natural rivers make up 10.93% and artificial waters account for 99.17%. The findings have provided the basis for the sustainable development and the scientific management of Beijing's wetlands.
Key words: Beijing; dynamic evolution; landscape pattern; Marcov model; wetland resource
GU Li,WANG Xinjie,GONG Zhiwen,FU Yao,LIU Jun . Landscape Monitoring and Dynamic Evolution of Wetland Resources in Beijing[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(7) : 789 -796 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.07.003
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