Main Progr ess and Prospects of Land Resour ce Ecological Secur ity Resear ch
Received date: 2006-05-01
Revised date: 2006-08-01
Online published: 2006-09-25
Ecological security is critical to sustainable development of human society, which includes resource security, biological security, environmental security and etc. And land resource ecological security is an important aspect of resources security. However, the ecological problems of land resource are increasingly serious in such terms as soil erosion, land pollution and desertification, which are threatening regional eco- security and sustainable development. Therefore, the research of land resource ecological security has become the forefront topic in the field of sustainable utilization of land resource. This article interpreted the concept of land resource ecological security firstly, and then summarized the main progress and achievements in land ecological security research, which include the relationship between land resource ecological security and land use/land cover changes, assessment of land resource eco- security and design of land resource eco- security. Finally this article put forward that special attention should be paid to following aspects in the future study of land resource eco- security. Firstly, there is an tendency to integration of the research on mechanism of land resource eco- security, land ecological security assessment and land resource eco- security design. Secondly, study of land eco- security assessment method as well as determination of the threshold of land resource eco- security index should be further discussed. And finally, construction of land use security pattern is still an exploratory work.
Key words: ecological security; land resource; sustainable development
ZHANG Hongbo,LIU Liming . Main Progr ess and Prospects of Land Resour ce Ecological Secur ity Resear ch[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2006 , 25(5) : 77 -85 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.05.017
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