Original Articles

The Progr ess and Prospect of Land Use Conflicts

  • 1. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China|
    2. Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100039, China

Received date: 2005-12-01

  Revised date: 2006-03-01

  Online published: 2006-05-25


Varied demands of society for the limited land are leading to an overlay of interests and thus to land use conflicts. Moreover, the conflicts are exacerbated by the rapid increase of population and urban expansion on both regional and global scale, which is an obstacle for sustainable land use. It is becoming increasingly challenging for local and national government over land management. Thereby, the study of land use conflicts plays an important role in the realization of sustainable land use. This article examines the causes of land use conflicts from both physical and social - economic dimensions, and regards that scarces of land resource and increasing conflicting demands for land should be responsible for land use conflicts. Conflicts among economical, environmental and social objectives are this articles main contents. Farmingpastoral region, water - land ecotone and urban - rural fringe are the three hotspots of multiple conflicts. The article also describes familiar methods used in the study of resource use conflicts, with a hope to help the study of land use conflicts. There is still a long way to define and understand the concept of land use conflict and its connotation, to pursue its driving forces and countermeasures. In the future the emphases of land use conflicts study should focus on tracing and monitoring the dynamics of land use conflicts in order to create a better basis for understanding the conflicts and also on the contrast of internal and external conflicts from the context of occurrence and evolution. The models or tools should also be developed at the same time in order to reduce land use conflicts in terms of a regional management of environment and natural resources.

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YU Bohua,LV Changhe . The Progr ess and Prospect of Land Use Conflicts[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2006 , 25(3) : 106 -115 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.03.013


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