Study on Financial Spatial System Evolution under New Economic Background
Online published: 2009-11-25
Financial spatial system is defined as a spatial structure which formed by various financial elements interaction in an area. As a macro spatial structure power, financial spatial system deeply affects different local development through trading efficiency, credit demand and access to credit. Under new economic background, such as deregulation, fast development of information technology, globalization, financial spatial system evolution takes on some new trends, such as mainstream financial space integration, outstanding spatial ranking characteristics, increasing competition between sticky financial places, alternative financial space forming and appearing. Fundamentally speaking, it is the different spatial profit which financial institute and financial capital pursue that drives financial spatial system evolution. But in contemporary era, financial spatial system evolution increasingly is driven by some macro, top-town factors, such as globalization, information technology development, national financial regulation and financial crisis.
PANG Baoyu1|LI Xiaojian1,2 . Study on Financial Spatial System Evolution under New Economic Background[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(6) : 970 -976 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.019
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