Eastern Asian dust has great influences on ecosystem and atmosphere environment. The remote sensing data of ’true color’ SeaWiFS image (7 months’ daily data from Dec,2000 to Jun,2001 ) is used to analyze the source areas and tracks as well as temporal-spatial distribution of eastern Asian dust. The result indicates that three main dust sources are Gobi of Mongolia, desert and Gobi of inner Mongolia, and Taklamakan desert. There are three tracks of eastern Asian dust according to difference of affected areas, that is, north track, middle track and south track. And the north track affects the northeastern China, the middle track affects northern China, and the south track affects eastern China. Based on the statistics of 7 months’ daily SeaWiFS data, this paper find that Asian dust occurs most frequently in spring, especially in April. As dust sources, Taklamakan desert has 80 dust days, desert and Gobi of inner Mongolia has 19 dust days, and Gobi of Mongolia has 13 dust days. But not all dust occurred in dust sources moves away to the outside. Moreover, as dust affected areas, northeastern China has 19 dust days, northern China has 20 dust days, and eastern China has 10 dust days.
YAN Hao, WANG Chang yao, NIU Zheng, ZHANG Ye ping
. Remote Sensing Study of Tracks and Source Areas of Eastern Asian Dust[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2002
, 21(1)
: 90
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.011
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