The Spatial Analysis of Socio-economic Difference and its Agglomeration Development Strategy Model in Huang-Huai-Hai Region
Online published: 2009-11-25
As a region is an open system, interregional interaction and influence can lead to high regional correlation characteristics in many areas. This paper evaluates regional socio-economic development level using the method of comprehensive evaluation,and analyses its socio-economic space aggregation according to Moran space correlation index based on the imbalance development theory. Research results show that the socio-economy in Huang-Huai-Hai has the characteristics of differences in number and similarities in space, its social and economic space agglomeration is falling in recent years in time aspect and has reflected significant space differentiation pattern in space aspect. The higher level cities of regional socio-economic development are mainly concentrated in municipalities, capital cities of provinces, coastal areas and economic location in advantageous positions while the lower are mainly distributed in the middle and southern parts, and the region has preliminarily showed four socio-economic agglomeration increasing zones which respectively are Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic zone, Shandong Peninsula economic zone, Zhongyuan economic zone and Su-wan northern economic zone, but their leading roles of economic core areas in Zhongyuan and Su-Wan northern economic zones to the surrounding areas are inadequate,so we should strengthen their core leading abilities to promote regional economic development in balance and economic development of the surrounding areas in future. This paper structured the socio-economic agglomeration development strategy model in Huang-Huai-Hai Region according to the actual situation of regional economic development and land use, and its essence is to strengthen the regional internal division and cooperation of agricultural production and non-agricultural construction so as to promote regional land-use optimized distribution and to improve the regional socio-economic development competitiveness.
CAO Zhihong1, LIANG Liutao2, HAO Jinmin1 . The Spatial Analysis of Socio-economic Difference and its Agglomeration Development Strategy Model in Huang-Huai-Hai Region[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(6) : 984 -990 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.021
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