Original Articles

Advances and Expectations of Intensive Land Use Researches

  • Key Laboratory of Land Use, Ministry of Land and Resources, China Land Surveying &|Planning Institute, Beijing 100035

Received date: 2005-12-01

  Revised date: 2006-01-01

  Online published: 2006-03-25


Currently, intensive land use has not only become one of the important contents of circular economy and economical society, but also is a key work in country land resource management departments. Based on the critical review on the development of international intensive land use researches, the developing trend of intensive land use has been carried out in this paper. It is found that studies on following four aspects should be strengthed. (1) On research view, the coupling relationship between the regional industry structure and land use structure should be studied further. (2) On research content, because related research is at preliminary stage, the study of standard system can not meet the demands of economical society. It is urgent to carry out the study of the investigation standard, evaluation standard and auditing standard of intensive land use. (3) At research scales, multilayer and different region intensive land use researches, including medium, small cities and agriculture, should be identified and discussed. (4) On research methodology, the application of GIS technology, systemic dynamic model and Artificial Neural Work should be developed in order to change traditional qualitative analysis and simple quantitative analysis. The results and conclusions in this paper will provide scientific basis for accelerating the study of intensive land use in China.

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SHAO Xiaomei,LIU Qing, ZHANG Yanyu . Advances and Expectations of Intensive Land Use Researches[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2006 , 25(2) : 85 -95 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.02.010


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