Based on BP network model, GIS technology and Grey correlation model, this paper makes a comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic development at the county level, and reveals the characteristics and the laws of spatial disparities in the socio-economic development in Shaanxi province. The results show that the county level comprehensive development has a convex curve, which indicates that the strong trends stronger, and the weak trends weaker, with the middle and low level areas concentrated. The regional spatial structure presents that county level comprehensive development increases from south to north and shows a “U”-shaped pattern from west to east in space. In addition, the regional spatial forms have three types, namely the "Shaft", "Gathering area "and" Shaft-gathering area", and the distribution shows a clear hierarchy. Further studies suggest that internal and external factors are two main driving forces for the spatial disparities of county level comprehensive development.
ZHOU Duhui, LI Tongsheng, Hasbagen, YANG Wei
. Mechanism of County Level Comprehensive Development Spatial Disparities in Shaanxi Province[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011
, 30(2)
: 205
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.02.010
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