Original Articles

A Study on the Evaluation Index System of Agricultural Resources Effective Utility

  • Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2001-06-01

  Revised date: 2001-07-01

  Online published: 2001-08-24


In view of the entity and integrity of natural reproduction and economic reproduction of agriculture, the paper selects and builds the Evaluation Index System (EIS) of agricultural resources effective utility on the basis of the necessity and observable basic principles to build EIS. This paper includes four sections as follows. Firstly, the author discusses observable basic principles to build EIS. The principles include objective laws of sciences, a system in its entirety, easy operation, good arrangement and sequence of structure, and changeable trends. Secondly, by analyzing systematically the behavior and characteristic of agricultural production progress of resources and the basic ways of agricultural resources effective utilization, the author selects 94 indices, which include 46 background and input indices, 14 potential indices and 34 evaluation indices. As a result of analyzing comparatively 34 evaluation indices, the author builds the evaluation index system consisting of 13 comprehensive evaluation indices. Thirdly, as an addition to EIS, the author discusses 5 comprehensive evaluation indices of 13 ones, including attenuation intensity of soil production, biotic economic index, scientific and technical contribution ratio of agriculture, commercialization index of agricultural products, and management comprehensive index. Last, some problems are discussed in the paper.

Cite this article

XU Yong . A Study on the Evaluation Index System of Agricultural Resources Effective Utility[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2001 , 20(3) : 240 -246 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2001.03.006

