Original Articles

Water Resources Security Appraisement of Haihe Basin

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, CAS, Beijing 100101

Received date: 2003-06-01

  Revised date: 2003-07-01

  Online published: 2003-07-24


Using the water resources security appraisement indicator system constructed in paper "Regional water scarcity indicators and water resources security appraisement indicator system" (Jia Shaofeng et, 2002), authors appraise the situation of water resources security of Haihe Basin Water resources security means the normal need of human living, economic production and ecological sustaining to water resources can be satisfied by affordable cost The local total water resources of Haihe Basin is 372 billion cubic meter while 6 bcm can be divided from Yellow River, so the total water resource available for Haihe Basin is 432 bcm Besides about 11 bcm for ecological requirement, 8 bcm difficult to use (depleting in the form of ground water evaporation), there is about 24 bcm of consumerable water resources in Haihe Basin But human living and economic production has consumed about 30 bcm per year The gap between consumerable water resources and real depletion is offset by over withdrawal of ground water, engrossing of ecological water requirement, using seawater and reusing polluted water Because of the over exploitation of water resources in Haihe Basin, the water resources development in Haihe Basin is not sustainable and there exists strong water resources insecurity in Haihe Basin But the water resources insecurity of Haihe Basin is not permanent but has the quality of temporal scarcity in the period of less precipitation In 1980’s, averaged annual precipitation was 30% less than long term average In 1990’s it’s 4% less than long term average But in 1950’s, it’s 47% more than the average And in 1960’s, it’s 11% more than the average So, if a high water period comes, the water security situation in Haihe Basin will change much better Besides the water quantity problem, water quality problem is more serious to water resources security in Haihe Basin All pervading water pollution and sewage irrigation has caused threat to water and food safety.

Cite this article

JIA Shaofeng, ZHANG Shifeng . Water Resources Security Appraisement of Haihe Basin[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2003 , 22(4) : 379 -387 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2003.04.006

