This paper first looks back on the history of the study on city life space and community sustainable development in Western developed countries. It then points out that the research on this new issue in China is relatively slower. The study on city life space and community sustainable development in China mainly covers the following 7 domains, namely, ① research of the chief elements of city life space; ② research of the structure and basic theories of city life space; ③ evaluation and practical exploration of the quality of city life space; ④ theoretical approach and practical exploration of city life space designing; ⑤ research of the residence-worthiness of city life space; ⑥ research of the change as well as development of city life space; and ⑦ research of city life space and community sustainable development. Six trends of development in this field are predictable: ① to find harmoniousness, on the basis of human beings and the nature, between the construction of city life space and community; ② to transfer gradually from the study of city life space structure and present community system to that of the coordinative development of structural elements of city life space and the conformity of systematic elements of community; ③ to transfer gradually from the study of the differentiation of city life space and segregation of community to that of conformity of city life space and harmony of community; ④ to transfer gradually from the study of present city life space and community designing to that of general artistic distribution of circumstance space of city life and community; ⑤ to transfer gradually from the study of the present city life space and community designing to that of green city life space and community designing; and ⑥ to transfer gradually from the study of the morphology space and image space of city life and community to that of the informational city life space and intelligential environmental community. Thus it is important that the relevant disciplines in this field coordinate closely to deepen the study on the subjects and expand the study domain. Human beings, with the developing of society, economy, culture, science and technology, will have higher demands on the space of city life as well as the quality of community. This means that city life space and community sustainable development will experience a kind of revolution, which will revolve around the construction of green city life space and green community, and which will hold as its goal the promotion of community sustainable development. Therefore the relevant disciplines, when studying city life space and community in their material pattern, physical space, spirit space, behavior space, landscape system, spatial structure, horizon, open spatial system, artistic features and so on, should interrelate closely human beings and the nature, to construct green city space and green community and to promote community sustainable development.
SUN Feng hua, WANG Xing zhong
. The Status Quo and Trends of the Study on City Life-space and Community Sustainable Development in China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2002
, 21(5)
: 491
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.05.011
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