Original Articles

Characteristics of Holocene Temperature Change in China

  • 1. School of Life and Geographic Science, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China;
    2. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Received date: 2010-10-01

  Revised date: 2011-01-01

  Online published: 2011-09-25


Based on the researches on temperature change in China in the Holocene, the characteristics of temperature variability were displayed in this report. The temperature variation in the Holocene could be divided into three stages: ascending in the early Holocene with great fluctuations, Megathermal in the mid-Holocene, and descending in the late Holocene. The temperature in the warmest period of 8.0-6.2 kaBP was 1℃ higher than at present. Ten cold intervals which occurred in 11.0 kaBP, 9.8 kaBP, 9.2 kaBP, 8.9 kaBP, 8.2 kaBP, 6.2 kaBP, 4.0 kaBP, 2.8 kaBP, 1.5 kaBP and 0.4 kaBP were consistent with the eight cold events in the North Atlantic domain. It seems that the most significant cold-events appeared in 4.0 kaBP and 0.4 kaBP. Warm events occurred around 8.6 kaBP, 4.7 kaBP and 3.5 kaBP. The significant periodicities of temperature variation in the Holocene were 1000a and 700a.

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HOU Guangliang, FANG Xiuqi . Characteristics of Holocene Temperature Change in China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2011 , 30(9) : 1075 -1080 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.09.001


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