Design and Implementation of Multi-Source Database for Regional Water System
Received date: 2010-01-01
Revised date: 2010-03-01
Online published: 2010-11-25
Based on database technology, GIS technology and software engineering methods, this paper tries to design the database functionality of "China's land-based water system comprehensive simulation and virtual reality platform", which is the core software platform of the CAS Knowledge Innovation Program key project “Trans-basin water transfer and its impact on terrestrial water cycle and water safety". Using GIS software and commercial databases, a "multi-source database for regional water system" is established, with the diversity of spatial distribution, time scales, and data format, based on the integrated spatial-temporal strategy and the multi-database establishment frame, which effectively eliminate the effect of information silos, to achieve comprehensive utilization of data related to trans-basin water resources, and to provide integrated data support services for the platform.
Key words: data integration; database; database design; spatial database
JI Peng,WANG Zhonggen, XIA Jun, GONG Jianhua, YANG Liyang . Design and Implementation of Multi-Source Database for Regional Water System[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(11) : 1345 -1349 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.11.018
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