Original Articles

Introduction and Comments on Experiments of New Round Territorial Planning in China

  • Infomation Center of Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100812, China

Online published: 2009-11-25


The article first introduced and analyzed territorial planning of experiment areas, through such aspects as its features and functions, basic purposes and major tasks, spatial areas and temporal terms, guiding ideas and working thoughts, organizing bodies and working patterns, subject matters and outline contents, special subjects and main products, and regions set off. From this, we can discover that those provinces and cities prompted territorial planning experiment work studiously and overcame difficulties, since the Ministry of Land and Resources arranged to make new round territorial planning experiment in 2001. Although the territorial planning experiments had some flaws, such as having not got consistent on key problems, having paid little attention to implementation, experiments having not carried out according to plans, and social influence needing expansion, they acquired obvious effects, such as department characteristics being evident, foundation being strong and the collectivity being rather good, several attempts having innovations, and experiments having some important contributions. With China attaching more importance to territorial planning, the article put forward such advices as sticking to era topics based on department characteristics, strengthening discussion and establishing guidance, perfecting coordination mechanism to reduce resistance, emphasizing experiments’ typicalness and representativeness, and improving and popularizing experiments’ experience, in the national or regional territorial planning constitution and implementation.

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LIU Xinwei . Introduction and Comments on Experiments of New Round Territorial Planning in China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(6) : 892 -897 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.009


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