Eco geographic system is a hierachical regional system divided or combined from geographic related comparison and integrated analysis of biological and non biological factors on the earth’s surface according to natural distributing laws. Main objects of the system are special patterns of natural factors and their relationship to natural resources. Ecological construction is to take measurements to reduce or eliminate environmental factors that are unsuitable for human living and development. The main measurement for ecological construction include vegetation recovery and protection, agricultural (including livestock husbandry and forestry) structural adjustment, land degradation reparation and natural disaster reduction. It is eco geographic system that gives regional differentiation of natural factors, which is a frame to recognize the environment, a foundation to set up policies for environmental reparation, and an important instruction for vegetation recovery and conservation. Ecological construction in the West China faces many environmental problems, such as salinity and alkalinity in the Northwest area; soil erosion in the Loess Plateau and the Southeast areas; grassland degradation in the Qinghai Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau area; and landslide and mud flow in the Southwest area. Ideological problems in management of ecological construction include “ecological construction=planting trees” and “converting farmland certainly to forestry land”. Moreover, disorder development situation should be avoided and simplified working methodology must be diversified. According to differentiation of natural conditions, eco geographic system of West China is divided into 8 temperature zones and 25 basic regions. Based on environmental characteristics of West China, relationship between eco geographic system and ecological construction. The authors set up ecological construction pattern for West China from the eco geographic system of West China. Brief ecological strategies of each region are described.
WU Shao hong, ZHENG Du, YANG Qin ye
. A Preliminary Study on Eco geographic System and Ecological Construction in West China[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2001
, 20(1)
: 10
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2001.01.002
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