Original Articles

Study on Type Division Based on Non-cultivated Land Coefficient Similitude in Xinjiang

  • 1. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, Urumqi 830011, China|
    2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Online published: 2010-03-25


Non-cultivated land in cultivated areas is the key factor affecting monitoring cultivated land area using remote sensing technique on a large scale. In this paper, the conception of non-cultivated land coefficient was proposed to express the percentage of non-cultivated land in cultivated areas. Non-cultivated land coefficient shows the effects of human activities on the cultivated land. In addition, Precision of surveying results could be improved with non-cultivated land coefficient and the cultivated land area by remote sensing. Taking the typical agriculture area in the oasis in Yining County in Xinjiang as a study area, the paper designed 30 samples based on the Quick Bird data in 2008. Based on the platform of ArcGIS, spatial database was built to store the sampling data and calculate the non-cultivated land coefficient. It is time-saving to use the Quick Bird data to substitute for filed measurements. Firstly, the paper used grey correlation method to study the relationship between non-cultivated land coefficient and its influencing factors. Simplification of these factors was done by analytic hierarchy process. Based on the simplified factors, differences between type zones can be found to complete the agriculture division using accumulated ■ method. The results are as follows: the main factors influencing non-cultivated land coefficient were land use fragmentation, density of water network, agricultural population density and per-capita cultivated land. These factors were used as agricultural division index. In the paper, 8 zones are divided using the theory of optimal allocation. Finally, the results of agricultural division in the paper can meet the requirements of zone division that there is little difference between the samples in one division zone and quite obvious between two different division zones. Using accumulated method to find the thresholds of different type zones was very effective and convenient. The agricultural division, which reflects interference degree of human activities to land, is useful in guiding land use and land consolidation. Study on agricultural division based on non-cultivated land coefficient similitude in Xinjiang is quite useful for improving the cultivated areas by remote sensing.

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FENG Xueli1,2, WU Shixin1, CHEN Hong1,2, ZHANG Liangxia1,2 . Study on Type Division Based on Non-cultivated Land Coefficient Similitude in Xinjiang[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(3) : 301 -306 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.03.007


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