Study on the Dynamic Changes and Driving Forces Based on Remote Sensing Images of Land Reclamation in Shenzhen
Online published: 2009-07-25
In this paper, the scope of land reclamation is defined to be below the mean high tide level of the coastal zone. The dynamic changes of reclamation in Shenzhen have been analyzed by extracting single-band images and converting binary Images, on the basis of a series of remote sensing images(MSS,1978), Landsat TM(1986), Landsat TM(1995), Landsat TM(1999), Spot(2004). The reclamation rate of 1978-1985 is 146.31 hm2/a, that of 1986-1994 is 304.55 hm2/a, 1995-1998 is 337.16 hm2/a, and 1999-2004 is 273.59 hm2/a. The reclamation rate in Shenzhen was fast, ecperiencing a faster to the fastest period, but it became slowed down recently. This paper not only shows the different rates and distributions, but also discusses the different roles of the four periods of land reclamation in Shenzhen. As the reclamation may induce great changes to the coast zone, it requires serious considerations. Therefore, the driving forces of the dynamic change are analyzed combining with the progress of urbanization of Shenzhen city in the period of 1979-2004. This paper establishes a comprehensive driving forces system of reclamation, including four aspects of change: location, policy, socioeconomy and coastal natural conditions (environmental problems). Shenzhen is near Hong Kong, which is the key factor to improve the reclamation projects of Shenzhen and also the driving force for the development of Shenzhen city in the early years. The changes of the policy and laws of land use in China since 1979 make great profit of reclamation, but the laws of protecting against destroying coastal zone limit the projects of reclamation. In the regression of relationship between the reclamation and the economic factors, it is found that the growth of population improves the reclamation, but the growth of infrastructure investment decreases the reclamation. The coastal natural conditions limit reclamation project. The reclamation has affected the environment of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, limited by the problems of reclamation, the growth of reclamation in Shenzhen has decreased. The system of Shenzhen reclamation is complex but evolves to a more scientific direction.
Key words: driving force; dynamic change; reclamation; Shenzhen
YU Haibo1, MO Duowen1|WU Jiansheng2 . Study on the Dynamic Changes and Driving Forces Based on Remote Sensing Images of Land Reclamation in Shenzhen[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2009 , 28(4) : 584 -590 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.04.014
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