Research on the Tourism Climatology: Review and Preview
Online published: 2010-02-25
Global climate has experienced a remarkable change of warming since the 1980s. Global climate warming has aroused much attention from society and scientist due to its impacts. As one of the biggest industries in world economy, tourism depends greatly on climate, and the impact of climate change on tourism is no less than that on agriculture. The impact of climate change on tourism has been noticed by IPCC and WTO (World Tourism Organization). Therefore, the branch subject of Tourism Climatology becomes the focus of tourism and meteorology research. However, tourism itself is a complicated system and there are still many uncertainties about climate change. It is very difficult to research the relationship between climate change and tourism. The study on Tourism Climatology in China began in the 1980s, lagging 20 years behind abroad. For all that, it has acquired the rather development for years, but there are still some shortcomings in the research and there are many blind spots that need a breakthrough. In order to enrich this interdisciplinary, the article reviewed the study of Tourism Climatology from total quantity and structure of literature, the research stage, content and the method. According to the reviews, the total quantity of papers on Tourism Climatology in the past years is quite small. The research work focuses mainly on two aspects. The first is climate and weather as tourism resources; and the second is comfort climate condition to tourists' activities. From the 1980s till now, the research of Tourism Climatology experienced four stages. At present, the research is still in its initial stage, and the method system has not been established. For the moment, the research of Tourism Climatology has not been fully recognized by tourism. There are many fields that need to be further explored, such as the influence of climate and weather on tourism destination to tourists' behaviors and the influence of human activities on climate and weather. In the future, we need strengthen basic theoritial studies on Tourism Climatology, especially the interaction between climatic change and tourism. In order to enrich this interdisciplinary, we should expand the field and view of Tourism Climatology research.
Key words: climate; status quo; tourism; Tourism Climatology
WU Pu1, XI Jianchao2|GE Quansheng2 . Research on the Tourism Climatology: Review and Preview[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(2) : 131 -137 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.02.001
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