A Review on Research of Service Industry from an Angle of Space
With the development of theory and practice, much attention has been paid to the research of service industry from an angle of space. Meanwhile, there is a great need to make a deep research into the law of the geographical and spatial development of service industry in order to strengthen the guidance function of theories.
The paper makes analysis of the progress and tendency of the researches concerning the space of service industry and appraises them through comments based on clarifying the theoretical basis and background of related studies. Undoubtedly the tendency from location-theory basis to the combination of multi disciplines and the revitalization of Spatial Economy pushes the development of the research.
For the time being, the researches mainly concentrate on service industry in regions, particular service sectors and high-order producer services. Although great progress has been made, it should be noticed that a good analytical framework has not formed yet and inductive method and empirical analysis are mainly carried out. Therefore, the depth and applicability of conclusions and viewpoints become restricted.
As to the tendency of the relating researches in the future, there are three following main aspects: firstly, the combination of multi disciplines and creation of theories will lay solid foundation on the study. Various theories and disciplines such as Location theory, Urban Economics, Regional Economics and so on inevitably become necessary resources and important bases of the creation and development of studies, which will push the research up to a higher level; secondly, multiple methods will certainly deepen the research. Through drawing on the methods of Geographical Science, Information Technology Science, Industrial Economics and Econometrics etc., combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, static analysis with dynamic analysis, the researchers will surely obtained all-round understandings; thirdly, different angles will develop the research platforms. The research eye span concentrates not only on city, but also on the region and the globe. What’s more, more factors such as institutes, geography, culture etc. should be taken into account.
Key words: research progress; review; service industry; space
WANG Haiwen . A Review on Research of Service Industry from an Angle of Space[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(2) : 199 -207 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.02.011
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