Original Articles


  • The State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environment Information System, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101

Received date: 1998-08-01

  Online published: 1998-12-24


In this paper some terrestrial carbon cycle models in the world and China are introduced. After comparing the state-of-the-art development between the world and China, it is suggested that, on the study on terrestrial carbon cycle models in China, the following aspects should be paid attention to: (1) Future terrestrial carbon cycle models should pay attention to the development of dynamic model and be able to simulate the impacts of human activities. (2) The models are dynamic. They can reveal not only the feedback relationship between terrestrial carbon cycle and climate change but also the interaction between terrestrial and atmosphere, and predict terrestrial dynamic change and feedback impact in China in future. (3) The models can utilize technique and methods of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing to provide strong pools and data. (4) The models of terrestrial carbon cycle should couple with climate models to study the impacts of climate change on terrestrial carbon cycle. Meanwhile, the models should strengthen scenario study and predict changes in future so that the models can provide theory basis and foundation for making policy of greenhouse gas emission in China.

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Wang Shaoqiang, Chen Yufeng . THE STUDY AND TRENDS ON TERRESTRIAL CARBON CYCLE MODELS[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 1998 , 17(4) : 66 -74 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.1998.04.009

