Population geography is a study of the ways in which spatial variations in the distribution, composition, migration and growth of population are related to the nature of places. Long before the last century, there was no discipline called population geography. However, the early substantial relevant investigations of population geography were embodied in the traditional geography. In the first half of the 20th century, yet researches of population geography still did not become independent from human geography. The philosophy of anthropogeography of Friedrich Ratzel was inherited during the same period. After the Second World War, the studies of population geography progressively develop toward a subfield within geography. It was not until the 1950s was the science of population geography gradually established. Since then, the population geography as a branch subject has gained a persistent and fast development. Bulks of population matters are involved in the scope of population geography in the start of new millennium. Above all, some worldwide concerned and ongoing issues such as fertility and ageing, mobility and migration, and population and vulnerability have turned into hot themes lately. In the near future, population and difference, vulnerability, and spatial analysis will still be key interests of population geographers. To cope with the new challenges, the geographic scale and geographic dimensions of population problems should be emphasized, and the methodologies of spatialization of statistical population should be intensified simultaneously.
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