Original Articles

Progress in Japanese Flood Risk Management Research

  • Department of Urban and Regional Planning/Laboratory for Urban Disaster and Public Safety, Nanjing University,
    Nanjing 210093, China

Online published: 2010-01-25


Like China, Japan is a country with frequent flood occurrence, but has achieved great progress in flood disaster management through more than 100-year exploration and practice. This paper reviews the literatures on the flood disaster risk in Japan and finds that Japan pays many attentions to non-structural measures such as public flood risk awareness, real-time early warning system and disaster insurance against flood disaster as well as structural measures like levees and urban sewage system. It has become an academic mainstream in Japan that applying information technology in flood management, integrating urban flood risk management and urban development, and implementing integrated flood risk management. Japanese experience may provide many good implications for Chinese flood disaster management. That is, strengthening the interdisciplinary studies on the flood risk mechanism and management by increasing the research investment; emphasizing public participation and insurance system in flood management; and fastening the development and application of high technology such as information technology in flood risk management.

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ZHAI Guofang . Progress in Japanese Flood Risk Management Research[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2010 , 29(1) : 3 -9 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.001


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