Original Articles

Evolution of spatial structure of Jiangsu Province from nodal region perspective: Discovery of regional resonant axis structural models

  • 1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China;
    2. Regional and Urban Research Center, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221009, China

Received date: 2012-05-01

  Revised date: 2012-12-01

  Online published: 2013-02-07


Study on the mechanism of how a regional spatial structure evolves in long time series has been a weak link of the process of discovering a spatial structural model, nonetheless the analysis of historical causes in long time series is important for assessing the current status of a regional spatial structure and provides a scientific basis for optimizing it in the future. From the perspective of the nodal region, this paper presents a systematic analysis of the whole dynamic of the progression axis of the region of Jiangsu Province as a“Pole-Axis” structural model since B.C.770, including its formation, development, dominance, and transition. In addition, based on empirical analysis of four eras of the history, including the Spring and Autumn Period, the Sui Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, and Present time, a lateral comparison is conducted between the“Pole-Axis”structural model and“Dual-Nuclei”structural model. The analysis indicates that the regional development could be divided into four periods: from the Spring and Autumn Period to the North-South Dynasties, from the Sui Dynasty to the South Song Dynasty, from Yuan Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, and from Republic era to now, which led to the discovery of the phenomenon of“Dual-nuclei Resonant Axis”in the third period, and“Port-City Resonant Axis” in the fourth period. The“Resonant Axis”structure is a spatial structure composed of an axis of regional central cities and an axis of major port cities (or prefecture-level port cities) connected by transportation networks along river and coastal areas, during a transition stage of development. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the mechanism of the evolution of the spatial structure of Jiangsu Province region from the four aspects: change of cities’functions, transition of the“Pole-Axis”system, layout of modern transportation networks, and the adjacent region (Shanghai).

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YAN Xinxiang, MA Xiaodong, XU Guangjun . Evolution of spatial structure of Jiangsu Province from nodal region perspective: Discovery of regional resonant axis structural models[J]. PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY, 2013 , 32(2) : 203 -213 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.02.006


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