在中国城市社会经济发展和住房市场化的进程中,居住—就业的空间格局发生了巨大的变化,居住—就业的空间分离引发了一系列交通和社会问题。本文通过对北京市不同区域的4 个社区进行问卷发放和实地调查研究,考察了北京市居民的通勤特征和居住地、就业地的空间分布特征,测算了样本的居住—就业平衡度,进而比较了居住—就业平衡和不平衡的居民社会经济属性的差异。研究表明:北京市居民居住—就业不平衡现象十分普遍,居住—就业不平衡现象在大型就业中心和大规模居住区表现得愈突出。对居民社会经济属性与居住—就业空间平衡关系的研究发现,居住—就业平衡群体的最突出特征是年龄在50 岁以上、职业为公务员、住房为单位集体宿舍或借住朋友/亲戚家。而相反,已婚居民、自有住房群体或从事农林渔牧水利生产等这部分人群往往最容易产生居住—就业不平衡。
In the process of socio-economic development and planning construction of Chinese cities, the spatial patterns of job-housing have undergone tremendous changes, and the mismatch of job-housing has led to a series of traffic and social problems. This paper defines a measurement of job-housing balance, through questionnaires and on-site visits in four communities of Beijing in 2008, and then studies their spatial patterns. Further, this paper compares the situation of job-housing balance between citizens with different socio-economic attributes. The results show that the job-housing balance of residents has been destroyed in Beijing, especially in the large-scale work and residence centers. By analyzing the relationship between the social-economic attributes and job-housing balance of residents, we find that the most prominent features of the balanced group are more than 50 years old or engaging in public service or living in the accommodation provided by the corporation or staying with friends/relatives for a transitional period. In contrast, the nuclear families, dwelling owners or the laborers who are engaged in production of farming forestry, animal husbandry and fishery tend to be more imbalanced in job-housing.
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