网络出版日期: 2010-10-25
The Progresses of Urban Industrial Agglomeration Dynamic Mechanism and Patterns
Online published: 2010-10-25
吴丰林,方创琳,赵雅萍 . 城市产业集聚动力机制与模式研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(10) : 1201 -1208 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.10.007
Industrial agglomeration has become the mainstream form of world economic development. In recent years, the planning and construction of industrial agglomeration areas in China appear in succession, and gain rapid development. However, there is still lack of basic theoretical guidance. Therefore, this paper selects urban industrial agglomeration as the research object, reviews and studies on its dynamic mechanisms and patterns, and explores the general research approach in order to provide a scientific basis for the planning and construction of urban industrial agglomeration areas and the rational development of urban industrial economy. Based on the reviews of the studies on the dynamic mechanism and patterns of industrial agglomeration and analysis of the interaction between industrial agglomeration and urban development, this paper proposes the general research approach of the dynamic mechanism and pattern of urban industrial agglomeration. This approach emphasizes the foundation role that the research on the dynamic mechanism and pattern and the interaction between industrial agglomeration and urban development plays. With the application of system theory, the urban industrial agglomeration system is divided into inner system and regulative system. This paper emphasizes that the selection of the development pattern of urban industrial agglomeration should be based on the analysis of its dynamic mechanism in order to ensure the development pattern scientific and rational.
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