

  • 1. 辽东学院旅游管理学院,丹东118001;
    2. 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,长春130024
郑辽吉(1962-)|男|满族|吉林洮南人|副教授|博士研究生|主要研究方向为生态旅游。E-mail: zhengliaoji@vip.sina.com

网络出版日期: 2010-10-25



The Management Pattern of Waterfront Areas in Cities and Towns

  • 1. Tourism Management College, Liaoning Eastern University;
    Dandong 118001, China;

    2. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

Online published: 2010-10-25


滨水区是服务于人们游憩活动的综合性空间环境,其生态要素是滨水区游憩管理的重要内容之一。为了强化水体服务于滨水区的生态功能,提升城镇滨水区的景观生态价值,以丹东市城乡滨水区为例,提出了滨水区生态利益游憩管理模式(EBBM),指导城镇滨水区景观生态的规划建设。采用结构方程验证了该模型中生态要素与活动、背景、体验及利益等要素之间的结构关系。在模型验证过程中,运用SPSS13.0 及AMOS6.0 软件测试了模型;拟合度检验表明,该模型具有较高的可靠性。


郑辽吉,刘惠清 . 城镇滨水区游憩管理模式[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(10) : 1256 -1262 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.10.014


Waterfront areas in the urban and the town areas provide easy opportunities to have access to the public space of good qualities for residents and visitors who are keen on a variety of recreational activities. The objective of this study is to offer a structural equation modeling which helps to identify the structural relationship among waterfront areas about ecological benefits-based management (EBBM). The structural equation model is invented to reliably and validly measure predictive relationships between the constructs of Activity, Setting, Experience, Benefits and Ecological Features. This approach represents a significant departure from the traditional planning model of waterfront areas. The findings indicate that the comprehensive uses of Activity, Setting, Experience, Benefits and Ecological features are applicable in waterfront areas. The EBBM approach recognizes the ecological benefits that waterfront areas contribute to the overall qualities of life in the community, and it contributes to help policymakers take new and emergent findings into account when designing recreation and activity services and initiatives for the 21st century. Waterfront areas perform valuable functions such as providing groundwater recharge areas, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, and filtering pollutants from storm water run-off and sediment control. The ecological benefits-based model acknowledges that there are multiple providers of waterfront areas. The most important benefits are to protect the natural surroundings and to have access to water and public lands. Data are collected by using a combination of on-site interview and questionnaires completed by 304 inhabitants and tourists of Dandong. The survey indicates that waterfront areas are needed in the urban and the town areas. The survey also requires respondents to rate the public benefits of waterfront areas. The fit indices show that the model fits the data accurately.


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