

  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101;
    2. 中国科学院研究生院, 北京100049;
    3. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京100871
张镱锂(1962-), 男,吉林人,研究员,博士生导师.从事生物地理学与自然地理综合研究.Email:zhangyl@igsnrr.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2008-06-01

  修回日期: 2008-10-01

  网络出版日期: 2008-11-25



Chinese Literature Analysis on Land Use Research in China

  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China;
    2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
    3. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Received date: 2008-06-01

  Revised date: 2008-10-01

  Online published: 2008-11-25


中国生态与环境及可持续发展面临的许多问题都与土地利用及其变化有着密切的联系,寻求解决这些问 题的途径的迫切性决定了开展土地利用综合研究的必要性和重要性。土地利用研究文献则是反映土地利用研究水 平、研究现状及趋势的晴雨表,对于展示中国的土地利用研究成果,制定科学的区域可持续发展政策,正确认识我 国土地利用研究的热点(区域和问题)有着重要的科学价值和借鉴意义。通过对近百年来国内发表的中文文献的不 完全统计和分析,以1978~2007 年发表的4531 篇中国土地利用研究论文为数据源,利用文献计量学方法,从中国 土地利用研究文献的数量、研究区域、研究方法、研究主题的分布及变化等方面进行了深入的分析,并探讨了中国 土地利用研究现状及发展趋势。


张镱锂,聂勇,吕晓芳 . 中国土地利用文献分析及研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2008 , 27(6) : 1 -11 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.001


Many ecological and environmental problems in China and the difficulties emerging in the progress of sustainable development are always related to land use and its change. So it is necessary to find ways to solve such problems that determine the necessity and importance of the comprehensive researches on land use. The research literature on land use reflects the level, current situation and trend of the researches, which have important scientific value and strategic significance in showing the land use researches in China, providing scientific basis for policy formulation of regional sustainable development and identifying hotspot region and problem in the land use researches. This paper further analyzed the aspects of quantity, study area, method, topics and changes of Chinese literature on land use in China in the latest 30 years by the method of bibliometrics, and explored the current situation and trend of researches on land use based on 4531 relevant papers covering the period 1978-2007 that were gained through incomplete searches for and analysis on the literatures in recent 100 years. The literature analysis showed that: (1) The numbers of Chinese literature on land use in the latest 30 years steadily increased from 2 articles in 1978 to 796 in 2007, and the quality of the papers improved gradually, especially, both kept a trend of rapid development in the past 10 years. (2) The percentage of papers on case researches of the special study area was low (only 16.8%), however, the number of theoretical papers and reviews took up quite a few. (3) The number of papers on LUCC and their driving forces were the most (33.6%), and papers on land use classification and partitioning were fewer (7.15%) in the distribution of research topic. (4) In view of the study area, the researches are mainly distributed in eastern China, but the trend of the new research was focused on western China, especially environmental sensitive area, such as arid farming-pastoral zone, rural-urban fringe recently. The researches which took the geographical unit or watershed as the case study area were more than that taking the administrative division as the case study area. (5) On technical aspect, 3S technique, experiment and modeling were used to the land use research, which increased the scientificity and technicality of the research and changed the features of the way of using data, that is to integrate the multisource remote sensing data with field investigation, thematic data and statistical data. The main trend and direction of theory and method on land use research included the urgent further and integrated study of land use theory at a coupled human-environment system, the strengthening and deepening of case study in typical geographical units, the deepening and integrating of the methods used in mechanism study, the multi-scale construction of land use coupled system, the unification of data standardization and establishing the share platform of data, enhancing the quantitative research on the evaluation indexes and model of land use and regional sustainable development.


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