收稿日期: 2008-07-01
修回日期: 2008-09-01
网络出版日期: 2008-11-25
Analysis of Urban Land Use Growth in Shijiazhuang City
Received date: 2008-07-01
Revised date: 2008-09-01
Online published: 2008-11-25
在城市用地增长管理中,单一考虑土地利用面积数量的变化,忽略用地强度的增长,在一定程度上影响了 对城市土地利用变化过程的客观认识和准确把握。本文以高分辨率遥感影像作为基础数据源获取城市土地利用类 型和强度信息,通过构建城市土地利用变化指数,从地类变更和集约度变化两个方面,对1994~2002 年石家庄市城 市建成区土地利用变化进行综合分析。研究结果发现,从面积扩展和强度增加两个方面综合分析城市土地利用可 以补偿单一指标认识城市土地利用增长的不足,集约度增长指数较好地综合了两个方面土地利用变化;研究期间 耕地仍是城市用地增长的重要来源,城市土地集约利用也成为满足城市发展用地需求的重要途径;城市用地扩展 并辅以集约程度的提高,城市土地利用空间组织整体上呈集约化圈层式向外扩散,城市土地利用趋向合理;城市土 地利用变化存在较强的空间差异性,中心区更多向空间立体维度发展,其他区则以内部填充、外延扩展和城市更新 等方式实现城市用地增长;在类型上,土地利用变化表现出空间区位差异性,中心区继续强化城市中心职能,以商 业金融业用地等“强”城市属性地类变化为主。
高迎春,佟连军,尹君 . 石家庄城市土地利用增长研究[J]. 地理科学进展, 2008 , 27(6) : 18 -24 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.06.003
Urban land use presents the social economic activities through the coverage of physical component filled in three-dimensional space. More analyses on urban land use often focus on the aspect of urban expansion or urban inner intensive utilization, and few pays any attention to a comprehensive analysis including area extension and intensity growth. To some extent, this impacts the objective understanding of urban land use. Under the support of high -resolution remote sensing images, adopting the studying index such as single land use change rate, comprehensive dynamic degree of land use, land use relative change rate, intensity growth index and so on, integrating land use alteration and land use intensity change, this article analyzes the urban land use growth in the built-up area of Shijiazhuang city from 1994 to 2002. This paper found: The comprehensive analysis of the integrated land use alteration and intensity change is helpful to comprehend urban land use change correctly, and intensity growth index can integrate two aspects of urban land use change effectively. Arable land loss is continuing during the urbanization process in Shijiazhuang, and cropland is still the main way to meet urban development need, although land intensive use has been another important source for land use growth. As a whole, urban spatial organization is oriented to land intensive use in a way of circle pervasion, and urban land use trends to be more reasonable. Urban land use change displays prominent difference in spatial dimension, and land use in central area develops more vertically, while other areas adopt the filling, outward expansion and urban renewal to achieve the growth of urban land use target. Land use change also represents location differences in land use type in a way that land use change in central area mainly centralizes on the type with advanced urban attribute such as commercial land, and the premier in other areas is the inferior quality type such as industrial land and so on.
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