收稿日期: 2008-10-01
修回日期: 2008-12-01
网络出版日期: 2009-01-24
Chinese Tourism Research Related to the Subject of South Korea: A Content Analysis
Received date: 2008-10-01
Revised date: 2008-12-01
Online published: 2009-01-24
自中韩正式建交以来,两国之间旅游交流的迅速发展促进了中国旅游学界对韩国旅游相关方面的研究。文章以中国知识资源总库的四个主要子数据库为基础检索了1994 年以来发表在中国大陆与韩国旅游相关的研究文 献,并通过内容分析法对此进行了系统的归纳、分析和总结,认为目前中国旅游学界对韩国旅游相关方面的研究主要集中在三个领域:韩国赴中国旅游市场分析与开发、韩国旅游业成功经验分析与借鉴以及中韩旅游交流与合作; 存在三个主要问题:研究动机的行业推动性、研究方法的单一性和研究内容的肤浅性;在此基础上提出了一个中国的韩国旅游研究概念框架,指出了未来应进一步拓宽研究视角、深化研究内容,采取更加科学的方法重点研究韩国旅游者行为、中韩旅游区域合作与竞争等主题。
徐璡昱,刘力,吴慧 . 中国的韩国旅游研究进展与展望[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(1) : 153 -160 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.01.021
Tourism scholars of China have shown great interest in the subject related to South Korea due to the number of South Korean visitors to mainland China has been dramatically increased since the formal diplomatic relations was established between China and South Korea in 1992. Based on the comprehensive review of previous tourism literature related to South Korea published on the academic journals in mainland China from 1994 to 2008 by using a customized content analysis database, the present paper investigates the development and maturity of this research field to gain an understanding of its evolution and current status, and to provide insights into directions for future research. The analysis paints a picture of Chinese tourism research related to the subject of South Korea through an objective representation of the growing body of literature from multiple perspectives: research areas, keywords topics, research methodologies, data collection, to name a few. It concludes first that the main topics of current research in this field are: (1) to study on the research and development of South Korea tourism market from the point of view of China; (2) to analyze the successful experiences of South Korea in developing international tourism industry; and (3) to study the intercommunication and cooperation in tourism area between China and South Korea. And then the paper indicates the three characteristics of current research, which are (1) industry-driven research, (2) singleness of research method, and (3) superficiality of research content. Based on the above analysis the paper presents a conceptual framework of Chinese tourism research related to the subject of South Korea which seeks to map the directions and trends in future study. The paper suggests that, in the future, the levels of analysis should be transferred from macro level to meso and micro level, and academics should conduct more causal research, using correlational or experimental design and sophisticated statistical methods to study some new topics in this field, such as Korean tourist behavior research, spatial competition and regional cooperation between China and South Korea, rather than those that had been repeatedly studied by many scholars.
Key words: China; conceptual framework; content analysis; South Korea; tourism research
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