20 世纪中叶,到森林中休闲游憩的人数剧增,为了保护生态环境,同时为游客提供高质量的游憩体验,美国林务局的管理者和专家发展了游憩机会谱(ROS)理念和管理框架,其主要以游憩需求为导向,依据“自然环境”、“社会环境”和“管理环境”指标对游憩区进行分类分级,编制游憩机会清单,对资源进行清查、规划和管理。本文在介绍ROS理论的基础上,结合北京市民森林游憩的需求特征和森林游憩区当前的管理体制和开发利用现状,筛选出“自然程度”、“偏远程度”、“游客密度”和“管理强度”4 个评价指标,分析提出了北京山地森林游憩机会谱,将北京城郊山地森林游憩区分为城郊开发区域、城郊自然区域、乡村开发区域、乡村自然区域和半原始区域五个游憩机会等级,并结合目前的北京市游憩资源的利用和管理现状,用GIS作图直观展示了各游憩机会的分布,分析比较了各游憩机会的供需状况,为北京城郊森林游憩的规划和管理提出了合理化建议。
Since the 1950s, the number of people visiting forests has been increased. The Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) was developed by the managers and scientists of USDA FS to protect natural resources and provide quality recreation experiences. The fundamental premise of ROS is to satisfy different demands by providing diversity of opportunities. Such opportunities are described by the setting which is composed of physical, social, and management attributes, each varying along a continuum. As a concept and a framework, it is used for resource planning and management by classifying the settings and making resource inventory. This paper intruduced the ROS theory and constructed the ROS in the suburban mountain region of Beijing on the basis of integrating the forest recreation demand characteristics and the present management system and the development status of Beijing. Using indicators of"naturalness","access","encounter"and"management", the forest recreation areas of Beijing are classified into five distinct settings: suburban developed, suburban natural, rural developed, rural natural and semi-primitive. Considering the current uses and management of the recreation resources in Beijing, the distribution of these recreation opportunities is displayed in map by GIS. The demand and supply of recreation opportunities are compared and recommendations to help plan and manage the suburban mountain forests of Beijing are provided.
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