收稿日期: 2010-01-01
修回日期: 2010-07-01
网络出版日期: 2010-12-25
Structure of the Tourism Destination Image
Received date: 2010-01-01
Revised date: 2010-07-01
Online published: 2010-12-25
旅游目的地意象(Tourism Destination Image, TDI)研究中对旅游目的地意象内涵的争论仍未休止。造成当前研究中旅游目的地意象概念混乱的根本原因在于:旅游目的地意象这一抽象概念的操作化(Operationalization)方法不尽合理。现有研究普遍采纳的一维连续体理论虽有助于对旅游目的地意象概念的理解,但在旅游目的地意象概念的操作化使用方面仍显不足。本文进一步研究了旅游目的地意象的基本属性,提出了一种基于文脉属性、地脉属性及功能属性的旅游目的地意象结构,这一耦合结构更加清晰地界定旅游目的地意象的属性维度,从而为旅游目的地意象概念应用提供更合理的操作化方法。
周永博, 沙润, 余子萍 . 旅游目的地意象三维耦合结构——基于江南水乡古镇旅游者的实证分析[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(12) : 1590 -1596 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.017
Over the past, tourism destination image (TDI) studies generally considered that the functional-psychological continuum theory could be a reasonable explanation of TDI structure. However, due to the absence of further analysis of the psychological attributes, this continuum theory is also flawed in the measurement and evaluation of TDI. In this paper, the psychological properties of TDI were further analyzed in order to improve the operability of TDI’s abstract concept in actual research.
According to the findings from group interviews and content analysis, the researchers designed a questionnaire survey of 291 random tourists in Zhouzhuang and Wuzhen, and the topics covered included TDI experience level and demographic characteristics. Then, this paper used SPSS16.0 for exploratory factor analysis, and used LISREL8.70 for a confirmatory factor analysis, revealing that the fitting degree with three factors was much better than that with two factors. Empirical study concluded that: firstly, the original functional-psychological continuum should be further deconstructed to form a function-time-space coupling structure; secondly, the coupling structure contains three basic dimensions of time characteristics, space characteristics and functional characteristics; thirdly, each dimension contains either cognitive components or affective components of TDI and should be a part of cognitive-affective continuum of the TDI structure. In this paper, psychology, geography and marketing theory were applied to TDI research. In the 291 samples analyzed, this paper concluded that tourism destination image had a tourist-centered coupling structure, in particular, it contained three basic dimensions, and each dimension was a part of the cognitive-affective continuum. Therefore, the tourism destination image structure is the unity of the function-time-space coupling structure and the cognitive-affective continuum.
Key words: continuum; coupling structure; image; tourism destination
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