

  • 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所|北京100101
孙威(1975-)|男|河南开封人|博士后|助理研究员|主要从事城市地理、区域发展和规划研究。 E-mail: sunw@igsnrr.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2010-01-01

  修回日期: 2010-07-01

  网络出版日期: 2010-12-25



Assessment of Transportation Superiority Degree in Shanxi Province

  • Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2010-01-01

  Revised date: 2010-07-01

  Online published: 2010-12-25


主体功能区划背景下,交通优势度评价是划分各类主体功能区,特别是优化开发区域和重点开发区域的10个指标之一。本文采用《省级主体功能区域划分技术规程》的技术流程和评价方法,基于山西省107 个县(市、区)级行政单元的单项指标和集成性指标的评价,分析了山西省交通优势度的空间分布特征和成因。研究发现:①交通优势度呈“偏正态”分布,7.48%的县(市、区)具有突出的交通优势,23.36%的县(市、区)交通条件处于明显劣势。与全国交通优势度评价相比,山西省具有突出优势和具有明显劣势的县(市、区)比例明显偏高。②交通优势度具有北高南低、东高西低的区域分异特点,太原、运城、长治、大同4 大城镇密集区具有明显的交通优势,在全省范围内形成“大”字型的分布格局。这主要是由国家主干线建设、煤炭资源开发和地形地貌等因素综合作用的结果。③公路,特别是高速公路是影响山西省交通优势度评价的主要因素。但公路的地区分布并不均衡,若从盂县—永和划一条连接线,则该线以南以东地区公路网密度明显高于以西以北地区;在吕梁山区和黄河沿岸地区出现了集中连片的低值区;在全省范围内形成了太原—运城、太原—晋城两条公路网密集带。


孙威, 张有坤 . 山西省交通优势度评价[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(12) : 1562 -1569 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.013


In the context of the major function oriented zoning, the evaluation of the superiority degree of transportation is one of the ten indicators for the classification of major functional zones, especially for the optimization development zones and key development zones. This paper employs the technical processes and assessment methods in The Technical Specification of Regional Division of Provincial Major Functional Zones. Based on the evaluation of the individual and integrated indicators of the 107 counties (city, district) level administrative units in Shanxi Province, this paper analyzes the spatial distribution characteristics of the superiority degree of transportation in Shanxi Province. The study has the following results. (1) The superiority degree of transportation has a skewed normal distribution. Some 7.48% of the counties (cities, districts) have outstanding transportation advantages, and 23.36% have obvious disadvantages. Compared to the national transportation superiority degree assessment, the ratios of both the counties (cities, districts) with outstanding advantages and disadvantages are significantly higher in Shanxi Province. (2) It is characterized by a regional differentiation of“high in the north and low in the south”and“high in the east and low in the west”. Taiyuan, Yuncheng, Changzhi, and Datong, the four city-and-town concentrated areas, have significant transportation advantages with a“Da-shaped”pattern of distribution in the province. This is mainly caused by the comprehensive functions of multi-factors such as the national trunk line construction, the coal resource development, the topography and so on. (3) Roads, especially highways, is the main factor that affects the evaluation. However, the regional distribution of roads is uneven. If a connecting line is drawn from Yuxian to Yonghe, we will find that regional road network density is significantly higher in the southern and eastern parts of the line compared to that in the northern and western parts. Contiguous areas with low superiority degree values are found in Luliang mountain areas and along the Yellow River. Two dense road network belts, i.e. Taiyuan-Yuncheng and Taiyuan-Jincheng road network belts, are formed in the province.


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