收稿日期: 2010-03-01
修回日期: 2010-06-01
网络出版日期: 2010-12-25
The Characteristics and Forming Mechanisms of Gentrification in Cities of Western China: The Case Study in Chengdu City
Received date: 2010-03-01
Revised date: 2010-06-01
Online published: 2010-12-25
绅士化是20 世纪60 年代产生的一种城市社会地理现象,对城市绅士化运动的实证研究是近年来我国人文地理学研究的热点之一,但很少以西部城市为案例进行研究。本文以成都为例,利用质性研究法(Qualitative Research)和深度访谈法探讨了西部城市的绅士化现象及其形成的内在机制。研究结果证实:成都市绅士化运动的产生主要是政府政策、制度创新、产业结构调整、开发商推动和居民个人意愿共同交织作用的结果,在绅士化运动的萌芽期、成熟期一直到最后完成一个周期,都是这几个因素共同作用的结果。成都市的绅士化运动除了在形式上表现出多样化外,在形成机制上也表现为复杂化,并且发现成都市的绅士化运动已与西方国家城市绅士化运动在现象和形成机制上具有相似性。
黄幸, 杨永春 . 中国西部城市绅士化现象及其形成机制——以成都市为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(12) : 1532 -1540 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.009
Gentrification is a new phenomenon of urban social geography in 1960s. Recently, the empirical research about gentrification is one of the hot studies in human geography in China. However, it is seldom to find the researches in China’s western cities. Based on the methodology of qualitative research and deep interviews, taking three areas of gentrification in Chengdu as research cases, this paper aims to analyze the characteristics and the driving forces of Chengdu’s gentrification. The authors find that the phenomenon of Chengdu’s gentrification trend to diversification and its formation mechanism become more complicated. The real reasons are caused by the state government polices, the institutional innovation, the industrial restructuring, firms-sponsored and the residents’wishes promotion. These different factors interaction eventually led to the gentrification in Chengdu. First, the phenomenon of gentrification seems to have the diversifying tendency, the waterfront gentrification, the new-build gentrification on the brown field and the tourism gentrification have the phenomenon as the same as the China’s eastern cities, even the western countries’cities; Second, contemporary gentrification has become increasingly complex, because different actors and locations have become involved and the landscapes produced have changed, therefore, the driving forces are gradually complicated. All of these aspects are sponsoring the development of Chengdu’s gentrification, and that means the Chengdu’s gentrification become more and more similar to the western countries’cities.
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