

  • 1. 云南师范大学旅游与地理科学学院,昆明 650092;
    2. 保山学院,保山 678000;
    3. 云南省发展和改革委员会,昆明 650041
赵兴国(1985-),男,布朗族,云南保山人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为区域系统开发与区域资源环境研究。 E-mail: xgzhao108@163.com

收稿日期: 2010-11-01

  修回日期: 2011-04-01

  网络出版日期: 2011-06-25



Temporal-Spatial Evolution of the Relationship between Resource-Environment and Economic Development in China: A Method Based on Decoupling

  • 1. Department of Tourism and Geography,Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092, China;
    2. Baoshan College, Baoshan 678000, China;
    3. Yunnan Development and Reform Commission, Kunming 650041,China

Received date: 2010-11-01

  Revised date: 2011-04-01

  Online published: 2011-06-25


为揭示中国资源环境与经济发展相互关系的时空演变特征或规律,借助“驱动力—状态—响应”(DSR)概念模型,构建区域资源环境负荷指数,应用脱钩理论及基于弹性分析法改进的脱钩程度判定标准,以1998-2008 年为时间界限,以T1 、T2 、T3 、T4 和T5 5 个时期为时间尺度,以全国及31 个省、直辖市、自治区为空间尺度,试图对中国及各省区资源环境负荷与经济发展脱钩程度,及时空演变特征或规律进行定量判定与综合分析。结果表明:①无论是从时间演变还是从空间演变来看,中国及其绝大多数省区资源环境负荷与经济发展的关系总体上处于相对脱钩状态,其演变主要从相对脱钩Ⅰ → 相对脱钩Ⅱ → 相对脱钩Ⅳ → 相对脱钩Ⅲ → 相对脱钩Ⅱ的呈近“正态分布曲线”的规律。②按东北、东部、中部和西部4 大地带划分,各省区资源环境与经济发展脱钩程度与全国比较的空间演变规律主要表现为,东北地区经济发展对资源环境的压力相对较低,但有上升趋势;东部、中部、西部地区区域发展的资源环境压力则随着经济的较快增长而逐渐下降,其下降速度的顺序为西部地区<中部地区<东部地区。随着中国区域科学发展的有力推进和经济发展方式的不断优化,资源环境与经济发展正呈现良性互动,二者有望实现绝对脱钩,这对中国实现资源环境与经济社会的全面协调可持续发展具有重大的推动作用。


赵兴国, 潘玉君, 赵波, 和瑞芳, 刘树芬, 杨小燕, 李会仙 . 区域资源环境与经济发展关系的时空分析[J]. 地理科学进展, 2011 , 30(6) : 706 -714 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.06.008


The relationship between resource-environment and economic development has become a key research subject in regional sustainable development. Decoupling between them is a basic requirement to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of resource-environment and economy-society, and is also an important goal of the regional scientific development. In order to explore the features or rules of the temporal- spatial evolution of the relationship between resource-environment and economic development in China, with the conceptual model of Driving Force-State-Response, this study constructed a regional resources and environmental load index. Using the decoupling theory and the criteria for decoupling degrees based on the improvement of elastic analysis, this paper attempted to make quantitative and comprehensive analyses of the features or rules of temporal-spatial evolution of decoupling degrees between resource-environment and economic development at national and provincial scales, with a time span from 1998 to 2008. The results show that: (1) no matter what the evolution of the time or the space is, the relationship between resource-environment load and economic development was generally in a state of relative decoupling in the country and most of provinces, the order of the evolution was relative decoupling Ⅰ→relative decoupling Ⅱ→relative decoupling Ⅳ→relative decoupling Ⅲ→relative decoupling Ⅱ, and the changes were close to the“normal distribution curve”; (2) according to the division of the four areas: northeastern, eastern, central and western parts of China, the spatial evolution rule of decoupling degrees'comparison of resource-environment and GDP between the nation and the provinces showed that the resource-environmental costs of economic development were lower in the northeast region than in the other regions of China. The resource-environmental costs in the eastern, central and western regions with the rapid economic development showed a declining trend. The resource-environment and the economic development are showing positive interaction in China and they are expected to reach a state of absolute decoupling, which will be helpful for achieving comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development in China.


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