地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (4): 577-587 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.04.010



黄幸, 刘玉亭

华南理工大学建筑学院,亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,广州 510640

Exploring new-build gentrification in urban China from the demand side: A case of the ZS neighborhood in Xuanwumen, Beijing

HUANG Xing, LIU Yuting

School of Architecture, State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China

收稿日期: 2018-09-18

修回日期:  2019-01-2

网络出版日期:  2019-04-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41701175,41771175)广州市社会科学界联合会2018年度“羊城青年学人”资助项目(18QNXR06)中国博士后科学基金一等面上资助项目(2017M620368)


第一作者简介:黄幸(1985— ),男,贵州贵阳人,博士,副研究员,主要从事城市社会地理学、城市更新及社区规划研究。E-mail: huangxing57@scut.edu.cn




关键词: 新建绅士化 ; 绅士化群体 ; 住房选择 ; 社会空间效应 ; 北京


As a process of social and spatial change, gentrification results from class upgrading and transformation. New-build gentrification, characterized by demolition and subsequent residential development involving direct or indirect residential displacement and landscape change, has become the main type of gentrification in contemporary urban China. Academic literature on Chinese city cases has studied this issue from the perspective of supply, which stresses the leading role of state power, while the demand side has seldom been researched in China. Therefore, this study examined the process of new-build gentrification in urban China from the perspective of the demand side. Empirical material was based on in-depth interviews and questionnaires sent to the inhabitants of the ZS neighborhood (a new-build gentrification area) in Xuanwumen, Beijing. In particular, the main questions in this study underline the housing choice of gentrifiers and the social and spatial effects on displaced local residents. According to the empirical research, the new-build gentrifiers highlight the importance of factors relating to proximity and accessibility to services and convenience of life, irrespective of their household type. Nuclear family gentrifiers stress the factor of children's education as well. However, gentrification has the opposite effect on the displaced residents. Through the investigation on the displaced residents who previously lived in the location of the case study site and now are relocated in the planned resettlement housing located in urban periphery, it is found that although their housing condition has been improved, gentrification brought serious negative effects to these local residents in terms of quality of life and emotional aspects.

Keywords: new-build gentrification ; gentrifiers ; housing choice ; social and spatial effects ; Beijing


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黄幸, 刘玉亭. 消费端视角的中国大城市新建绅士化现象——以北京宣武门ZS小区为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(4): 577-587 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.04.010

HUANG Xing, LIU Yuting. Exploring new-build gentrification in urban China from the demand side: A case of the ZS neighborhood in Xuanwumen, Beijing[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(4): 577-587 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.04.010

随着城市化的快速推进与经济的高速增长,中国城市在近30 a间发生了翻天覆地的变化。大尺度的城市再开发与城市更新重构了中国城市的内部空间,老旧的传统民居被大量拆除,取而代之的是封闭的高档社区或现代化商业设施(胡毅等, 2015)。这种建成环境改善和邻里阶层结构升级的“城市更新”现象被称为绅士化(gentrification)。绅士化最早由英国社会学家Glass在20世纪60年代提出,意指伦敦内城衰败的工人阶级社区被中产阶级作为住房目标而逐渐迁入,从而改变其社会、文化、人口和景观特征的过程(Glass, 1964)。经过数十年的发展,绅士化已然成为一种全球现象(Lees et al, 2016),其概念、深度、过程和特征也发生了巨大的变化(Lees et al, 2008; 宋伟轩, 2012; Lees et al, 2015, 2016)。广义而言,绅士化泛指具有更高社会经济地位的土地使用者对原土地使用者的置换,并伴随建成环境改善以及资本再投资的过程(Clark, 2005)。对绅士化内涵的界定概括为4个条件:① 资本的再投资;② 建成环境的改善;③ 邻里社会阶层的演替与上升;④ 原居民直接或间接的置换与动迁(Davidson et al, 2005, 2010; Lees et al, 2008)。并且,这4个条件不受任何时间、空间和语境的约束(Lees et al, 2008)。当今的绅士化现象已经不再局限于历史民居改修的传统模式,各种新兴的绅士化现象逐渐涌现并被探讨,新建绅士化(new-build gentrification)便是其一。

新建绅士化也被称为“拆建型绅士化(slash-and-build gentrification)(Waley, 2016)”,意指将破旧衰败的低收入社区拆除后新建中高收入阶层的使用空间,并伴随原低收入阶层居民被直接或间接置换的过程(Davidson et al, 2005)。这种以房屋拆除重建为主要形式的绅士化现象虽然在欧美相对少见,但在中国却是最常见的绅士化形式(He, 2010; Lees, 2014)。近年来,有学者呼吁绅士化研究应超越英美语境,转而关注和建立东方国家(Global East)的绅士化语境与理论(Waley, 2016)。在中国大城市,快速城市化背景下拆旧建新的空间改造模式极为普遍,非常适合新建绅士化的案例研究和理论建构(Huang et al, 2017)。目前,已有学者基于人口变化的视角从宏观层面上对中国城市新建绅士化进行了研究(He, 2010),也有学者从新建绅士化政治经济驱动的生产端作出了详细的解析(宋伟轩等, 2017; 宋伟轩等, 2018),但在微观社区尺度以及新建绅士化群体需求层面及其作用的研究相对较少。中国的新建绅士化研究需要加强人群需求视角的消费端研究,融合供-需两端参与主体的驱动因素,从而构建反映中国特色并与国际接轨的绅士化理论框架(宋伟轩等, 2018)。因此,对新建绅士化中绅士化群体的属性特征和住房选择动机,以及对原居民动迁后的社会空间影响亟需深度探讨。

1 消费端视角的新建绅士化

20世纪70年代末至90年代初,西方学者针对绅士化的解析展开了激烈的争辩。以Neil Smith为代表的新马克思主义地理学者们从政治经济视角出发,强调绅士化过程中主要的推动者是资本、政府、开发商等,并且基于“非均衡发展理论”创造出了“地租差”(rent gap)概念,以此诠释造成绅士化的最终原因是“资本”而不是“人”(Smith, 1979, 1982, 1996)。以David Ley为代表的人文主义地理学者们则从文化消费的角度出发,反驳了Smith等学者的“唯资本论”观点,强调绅士化中“人”的能动作用,认为中产阶层的消费理念及住房选择动机在绅士化过程中具有决定性的作用(Ley, 1980, 1986, 1996)。从此,绅士化研究中政治经济投资论(生产端)和群体需求消费论(消费端)之间的对立与争论持续了十余年。进入20世纪90年代后,学者们发现这样的争论持续无果,并且争论双方也逐渐认识到不论是生产端还是消费端的片面解释都宛如“盲人摸象”(Hammnet, 1991),生产端和消费端恰如“硬币的两面”(Lees, 1994),都是绅士化过程中的重要驱动力。因此必须融合生产与消费、结构与人文、经济与文化、政府作用与居民行为等多方面的作用才能更好地诠释当前全球范围内复杂多变的绅士化现象(Davidson et al, 2005; Lees et al, 2008)。

西方的新建绅士化,生产端可以理解为政府的新自由主义策略和开发商的投资导向,而消费端则体现了中产阶层另一种生活方式与住房选择动机(Rérat, 2012; Davidson, 2018)。不同于传统绅士化中那些追求另类和独到生活的“雅皮士”(yuppie)(Caulfield, 1994; Butler, 1997),新建绅士化中的绅士化群体更追求于一种大众、奢华和富裕的消费及生活方式(Davidson et al, 2005)。他们不需要像“传统绅士化群体”那样利用自己的“血汗资本”(sweat equity)去修缮中意的住房,他们只需要利用自己充足的经济资本来获取现成的商品化生活方式(Davidson et al, 2010)。与传统绅士化相比,新建绅士化中绅士化群体住房选择的研究相对较少(Davidson, 2018)。但少量实证研究表明,新建绅士化中绅士化群体的住房选择在大都市区域更加趋向于文化类要素,而中小型城市更加趋向于空间类要素(Tallon et al, 2004)。原因主要在于,大都市能满足文化、家庭、工作等不同需求的整合,人们不用担心文化追求与工作家庭的冲突,因此文化要素成为首选(Bridge G, 2006; Rérat et al, 2011; Rérat, 2012)。

在中国,特有的政治经济环境和土地制度将新建绅士化与地方政府紧密联系。在以房地产开发为导向的新建绅士化过程中,地方政府与开发商成为重要驱动者(He et al, 2007)。何深静等(He, 2007;何深静等, 2010)分析和探究了中国城市绅士化的政府主导机制,宋伟轩等则以南京为例,从政治经济视角对新建绅士化的生产端进行了解析(宋伟轩等, 2017; 宋伟轩等, 2018)。诚然,政府与开发商是中国新建绅士化的主要驱动者,为新建绅士化的产生提供了必要条件,但该过程中“人”的作用也不容忽视。中国各地“鬼城”的例子已经说明,缺乏消费群体的投资与开发并不能促成绅士化的进程(Yin et al, 2017)。改革开放以来,住房制度改革解绑的住房自由选择,以及社会变迁带来的居民偏好变化成为中国新建绅士化的重要驱动要素之一。无论从生产还是消费出发,任何一方的缺失都不能促成中国城市新建绅士化的产生。换句话说,在地方政府作为主导力量的背景下,高收入阶层(绅士化群体)的行为特征与动机要素亦是中国新建绅士化的重要动力。为此,本文以北京市宣武门ZS小区的新建绅士化为例,从消费端出发,分析居民的住房选择和社会空间效应,以期更好地理解中国绅士化及城市更新的多元动力和影响机制,同时也更好地解读当前中国城市空间重构的社会性、阶层性与多元性。

2 案例选择与研究数据

2.1 研究案例

本文案例为北京市宣武门地区的新建中高档社区——ZS小区(庄胜二期)。宣武门位于北京市西城区中部,北邻西单,南接菜市口,同时连接地铁2号线和4号线,属于北京市的中心区域(图1)。2000年初旧城改造之前,宣武门是典型的传统老旧胡同社区。据当地居委会和街道办的工作人员介绍,宣武门原住居民主要由各类工人、小贩、出租车司机、无业者等低收入阶层构成。20世纪90年代末到21世纪初,北京在全市开展了大规模的旧城改造,宣武门地区作为当时的城市旧城区也位列其中。2000年,由原宣武区政府主导,香港庄胜集团投资约16亿元对宣武门地区进行再开发,原住居民也于同年被要求迁出原住地。由于没有提供原地安置,原住居民被迫搬迁至其他地区。根据对当地居委会、街道办工作人员及周边未搬迁原住民的访谈,约60%的本地居民选择了住房补偿,被安置在了南三环外的马家堡地区(图1)。安置的本地居民大约在2001年前后完成最终安置;而其余的本地居民则选择了货币补偿,分散到了城市各个边缘地区。再开发工程导致了大量的胡同社区被拆除,取而代之的是一个日港合资的大型购物商场——崇光百货,以及专门面向高收入阶层的新建中高档商品房社区——ZS小区。2002年ZS小区开始对外发售,2005年新居民开始陆续搬入新小区。改造后的ZS小区西邻崇光百货,东接北京师范大学附属中学和北京第一实验小学,而南面毗邻未开发的低矮胡同社区。从内部结构来看,ZS小区已然成为一个集高层住宅楼、庭院、运动设施等为一体的门禁社区(gated community),与之前低矮老旧的胡同社区形成了鲜明的对比(图2)。

图1   案例地ZS小区所在位置

Fig.1   Location of the ZS neighborhood in Beijing

图2   宣武门的景观变化

Fig.2   Landscape change in Xuanwumen



2.2 研究数据

本文研究数据来源于2014年7—11月对案例地的实地调研,主要分为2个部分。第一部分调研主要针对绅士化群体(新居民),即ZS小区内居住的中高收入阶层居民,主要采用问卷调查、深度访谈和参与观察等方法。问卷调查主要用来采集绅士化群体的社会经济结构特征、迁出前住地原因、现住房选择动机等信息;深度访谈用于辅助问卷,采集更多关于绅士化群体住房选择的质性信息。本研究对ZS小区居民随机进行问卷发放,共发放问卷240份,回收有效问卷234份,回收率为97.5%。同时,对27位居民进行深入访谈,每次访谈均超过40 min。此外,本文也对当地的2名居委会工作人员、1名街道办工作人员和3名周围老旧社区的居民进行了深入访谈,从而了解该区域的发展历程。第二部分主要针对被置换的原居民,即以前居住在宣武门地区的低收入居民。根据以上对居委会、街道办工作人员及当地居民的访谈,被置换的低收入居民在当时的开发过程中主要有货币和异地安置2种补偿方式。60%以上的居民选择了异地安置,安置的区域位于北京市南三环外的马家堡地区(图1)。安置小区内的居民基本上都来自于原宣武区的各个拆迁住区。由于该安置房小区内并非全部来自于本案例的原住居民,因此对安置小区内的居民进行筛选,主要针对原先居住在本案例的居民,在他们间随机发放问卷,用以采集原住居民的社会经济特征。所有被调查的原住居民均来自于ZS小区所在地开发之前的胡同社区。问卷共发放220份,回收204份,回收率为92.7%;同时对其中21人进行深度访谈(人均约1~2 h),用以了解原住居民在动迁前后的状况和生活变化,进而探究绅士化对他们造成的影响。

3 阶层变化与住房选择

3.1 社会阶层的演替及升级

表1反映了绅士化中新居民(绅士化群体)与旧居民(原住居民)的社会经济属性特征对比。首先,从年龄上来看,新居民里中年群体占据了半数有余,主要集中在30~50岁之间。这与欧美国家传统绅士化中绅士化群体主要为青年(35岁以下)的结果不同 (Ley, 1996),在一定程度上可解释为新建绅士化的现成高档住宅需要绅士化群体拥有更多的经济能力和时间成本。不同于新居民,旧居民的年龄结构趋于老龄化,超过半数分布在50~70岁的年龄段,并且70岁以上的比例也大于新居民。家庭结构的特征与年龄结构相适应,新居民主要以夫妇与子女组成的核心家庭为主,也有不少与父母、子女同住的扩展家庭。这主要由于当前中国夫妇双方工作繁忙,父母可同住帮助照顾小孩。此外,子女成年的老年人夫妇的家庭结构也占据较大比例,而传统绅士化中较多的丁克与单身家庭在此的比例较低。旧居民由于老龄化程度较高,因此家庭结构也多为老年人结构家庭,特别是“老年夫妇与成年子女”及“老年夫妇(与子女分居)”的比例大于6成。

表1   新居民(绅士化群体)与旧居民(原住居民)的社会经济属性对比

Tab.1   Comparison of the socioeconomic characteristics of gentrifiers and local residents






3.2 绅士化群体的住房选择

绅士化群体的住房选择是绅士化过程的重要环节,也是绅士化的动力机制之一。支持绅士化消费论的学者们一直在探索绅士化群体的住房选择特征及动机(Lees et al, 2008; Rérat, 2012)。住房选择是人类生命历程中比较重要的抉择之一,并非单纯的房屋挑选。这一过程包括2个重要步骤:① 搬迁出原住地的动机;② 选择现住地的理由。既往的绅士化研究中,一些学者致力于探究绅士化群体的住房选择与其生命历程之间的联系,以期揭示绅士化的多元性及其背后的社会结构要素(Smith, 2002; Bridge, 2003)。由此可见,住房选择亦会因人生阶段和家庭结构产生明显的变化。因此,根据构成特征和比例,将绅士化群体的家庭结构分为三大类型,即无子女夫妇类、核心家庭类(夫妇+未成年子女、夫妇+未成年子女+父(母))和中老年家庭类(夫妇+成年子女、夫妇(与子女分居)),分别对其住房选择各步骤进行分析与探讨。

3.2.1 搬迁原住地动机


图3   新居民(绅士化群体)搬迁出原住地的原因

Fig.3   Reasons of gentrifiers moving out of their former homes


3.2.2 现住地选择


表2   新居民(绅士化群体)评为“非常重要”或“重要”的现住地选择要素百分比

Tab.2   Percentage of gentrifier households rating the factors as important or very important

附近有休闲设施(酒吧、咖啡馆、 KTV等)64.724.228.9



从不同类型家庭来看,首先,无子女年轻夫妇类被视为传统绅士化群体的主要类型。从欧美的绅士化研究来看,传统绅士化群体的住房动机主要强调被视为“大都市惯习”(metropolitan habitus)的都市生活逻辑,如喜欢多样的文化生活、追求另类的审美等(Ley, 1996; Butler, 2007)。然而,本案例的无子女夫妇却对这类要素的重视程度较低,如文化设施和历史街区审美等方面的要素都低于50%。相反,他们对邻近商业设施以及工作地点等要素更加重视。这在某种程度上可以解释为无子女夫妇对生活的务实性及其处于重视工作和事业的生命历程阶段。

其次,核心家庭类的绅士化群体是近年显现的新兴绅士化群体类型(Karsten, 2003, 2014)。抚养子女成为此类家庭的主要任务。在本案例中,此类家庭因照看子女的原因还常常伴有老年家庭成员。因此,为了兼顾家庭各成员的需求,核心家庭类的住房选择动机趋于复杂化,但子女的教育仍是最重要的动机要素。数据显示,9成以上家庭将邻近好的小学或中学视为“非常重要”或“重要”,同时,超过75%的家庭也强调了子女课外活动的重要性。这与近年来国内城市中教育驱动的绅士化现象类似(Wu et al, 2016; 吴启焰, 2016),同时也在一定程度上反映了核心家庭类型居民的子女教育观:具有一定社会地位的家长希望子女能继承并进一步提升自己的社会地位,而教育是最有效的方式。正如大部分受访的核心家庭类居民表示,希望自己的子女在各方面都优于自己,各方面都得到良好的发展。与此同时,邻近工作单位(81.8%)、汽车的进入和停放(83.3%)也成为大多数受访者的重要选择动机。而从小区的绿化及安全考虑等要素来看,受访者表示其是想给子女们一个更加健康和安全的成长环境。可以看出,核心家庭类居民需要权衡多种要素才能决定最后的住房选择,特定的生命历程阶段需要其兼顾子女教育、职业生涯和生活便利等。正如一位有7岁孩子的受访者说:“当时在选择房子时真的大费周折,我首先想要给女儿找到好的学区房,同时也要离我单位近;我和我太太工作都比较忙,岳母就过来帮我照顾小孩,所以还要考虑生活的方便……真是绞尽脑汁啊……所以这个地方我还是相当满意的。”


4 新建绅士化的社会空间效应

4.1 原住居民的置换与动迁

伴随着2000年初的旧城改造,庄胜集团与原宣武区政府合作,对宣武门地区进行再开发。庄胜集团起初就将ZS小区的未来购买者锁定为中高收入“成功人士”,而本地居民的社会经济地位显然不符合条件。并且,地方政府和开发商并没有原址回迁本地居民的计划。因此,本地居民不得不搬迁出原住址。根据对本地居民及当地街道办工作人员的访谈,安置的动员工作在再开发工程正式实施之前一两年左右就已开始进行,本地居民相继被迫选择搬迁出原地址;当时的拆迁补偿办法主要有货币补偿与异地安置补偿2种,大约60%以上的地方居民选择了异地安置,安置住区位于北京南三环以外的马家堡角门地区。宣武门地区拆除重建后的高档社区ZS小区在2002年的平均销售价格为11000元/m2(80 m2住房约88万元)。当时北京市低收入家庭的年平均收入为6820.9元(北京市统计局, 2003, 表9-3)。这就意味着,对于低收入的本地居民来说,他们需要不吃不喝积攒储蓄100 a以上才能买上ZS小区的住房。2014年住房价格暴涨,ZS小区的平均价格已经涨到了70585元/m2(80 m2约560万元以上),这是原居民更加无法触及的天价。此外,新建社区为了安全与隐私的考虑,都配备了电子门禁系统和安保人员,除了小区的新居民外,其他人员都限制进入小区。ZS小区已经成为一个只供中高收入阶层居住消费的门禁社区。综上所述,宣武门地区的原居民已经被完全地置换与动迁,并且很难有能力回到原住址。

4.2 动迁后的影响


(1) 日常生活:原住居民动迁后的日常生活受到了较为严重的影响。宣武门地区位于北京市中心区域,有着各种便利的日常生活及公共服务设施,但安置房所处的马家堡地区在刚搬迁来的时候(2000年左右)属于城市边缘地区,公交线路少,周围几乎没有任何集市、医院和商业设施。由于动迁居民的老年人口比例较高,他们都有逛早市的习惯,搬迁后他们还是会回到以前住址附近的早市去购买商品,但是较长的距离给他们的生活带来了很大的不便。此外,动迁居民中有相当数量的家庭从事食品贩卖等职业,在未搬迁之前,他们有着自己的铺面及固定的客源。然而,搬迁之后铺面也不能经营,以前的熟客也早已不知去向,动迁给他们的生计造成了严重的影响。而对于在职的动迁居民来说,通勤时间的增加也给他们的生活带来了影响。正如一位从事工厂工作的动迁居民所说:“以前上班骑个自行车十几分钟就能到,中午还能回家午睡一会儿;而现在需要很早起来坐公交,中午就在椅子上打个盹,下班要天黑了才能到家……”。


(2) 情感要素:动迁对原住居民的情感造成较大的影响。动迁居民原先居住的宣武门地区为四合院住区,很多居民在孩童时期就居住在那里,产生了很强的地方感并且建立了较强的社会网络。地方感根植于特定的景观与建成环境(Cresswell, 2014)。随着过去住宅的拆除,原住居民的地方感也会因此被抹去。正如一位受访者所说:“我现在根本不想去以前那里逛,看到我就生气,和以前完全不一样了,面目全非……”。此外,动迁也将原住居民之间建立的社会网络瓦解。很多受访者表示,住在宣武门的时候,他们会经常串门、休闲和交流,而现在几乎不怎么出门,唯一的娱乐活动就只有在家看看电视。

(3) 住房条件:动迁在一定程度上改善了居民的住房条件。虽然在日常生活及情感方面,新建绅士化所带来的动迁对居民造成了很多负面影响,但是在住房方面却得到了一定程度的改善。正如前文所述,动迁居民的原住区破旧衰败,并且缺乏独立厨房和卫生间等设施。比较而言,安置房都拥有独立卫生间和厨房,并且拥有现代化的排水和供暖系统。住房条件的改善,实际上也是开发商和地方政府安抚原住居民的一项策略。

5 结论与讨论


宣武门地区的新建绅士化与西方相比虽有相似之处,但亦存在明显差异(表3):① 从绅士化群体的特征来看,宣武门地区新建绅士化中的绅士化群体更加复杂和多样化,西方的新建绅士化中虽有一定数量的家庭绅士化群体,但是中老年仍较鲜见。这主要因为西方的住房市场已经完善,绅士化群体的住房选择在一定程度上遵循生命历程轨迹。而中国由于住房制度改革、土地制度改革和社会变迁等因素,新建绅士化中绅士化群体的年龄及家庭特征趋于多样化。② 从后续社会影响来看,虽然宣武门的新建绅士化与西方相同,给原住居民带来了生活上和情感上的负面影响,但在住房条件上有一定程度的改善。西方的绅士化主要依赖于自由市场,被动迁的原居民并没有特地安置的住房,因此很难找到被置换掉的原居民。宣武门地区的新建绅士化由地方政府和开发商协力驱动,为了在一定程度上安抚原居民,地方政府会为居民提供货币或实物的安置措施。③ 从绅士化发展的历程来看,中国的新建绅士化发展独立于西方的进程。西方绅士化已经历了三次浪潮,而新建绅士化在第三次浪潮才开始出现并蔓延,且相较于传统绅士化并非主流绅士化类型。相反,中国的绅士化没有经历与西方相同的过程,并且新建绅士化在中国绅士化发展初期就已出现并成为主流趋势。事实上,一方面,中国的绅士化发展主要由改革开放所带来的现代化进程、市场经济改革、土地和住房制度改革、社会结构变迁等因素影响,在发展路径上有别于西方;另一方面,中国特殊的土地制度使得传统绅士化发展受到一定的阻碍,加上地方政府对经济增长的热衷,拆除重建的房地产开发成为城市再开发的主流。这些都促成了中国绅士化在现象特征、人口变化、发展路径上具有其特殊性和复杂性。通过比较分析可以看出,新建绅士化在中西方存在较大差异,而差异主要源于不同的城市发展背景、特殊的土地制度以及特定的社会文化环境。

表3   新建绅士化的中西异同比较

Tab.3   Comparison of new-build gentrification in China and the West



由于特殊的城市土地制度以及政府主导的城市开发模式,中国城市的绅士化都以政府经营和经济循环的供给端作为主导力量(He, 2007; 宋伟轩等, 2018)。然而从本文的分析可以看出,住房体制改革后多元家庭需求、生活方式及文化偏好所带来的住房选择也成为绅士化过程中重要的驱动要素。中国的绅士化群体是在经济改革与社会转型中衍生而来,对自由住房选择的渴望在改革与转型中得到释放。充实的经济能力、多元的家庭需求以及自我生活方式的追求使得中国绅士化群体的消费需求趋于多元化,这也使得中国的绅士化群体在需求层面上有别于西方。诚然,政府与政策主导的供给层面为中国绅士化的发生提供了充分条件,然而如果没有绅士化群体消费需求所提供的必要条件,整个绅士化进程也将不会促成。这从另一层面也说明了城市空间结构变化过程中个人或群体的主观能动性也不容被忽视,只有将自上而下的宏观供给层面与自下而上的微观需求层面相结合才能更加理解当今复杂化的城市空间重构脉络。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 北京市统计局. 2003. 北京统计年鉴2003 [M]. 北京: 中国统计出版社.

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[J]. 地理科学, 30(4): 493-502.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on a review of the mutation of gentrification in the west, this paper examines the mechanism and consequences of China’s emerging gentrification under the background of market transition. Prawing on a detailed anlaysis of China’s political economic transformation in the post-reform era, this study shows that strong state intervention plays an important role in promoting China’s gentrification. This can be seen from three aspects. First, the state stimulates and accommodates the consumption demands of the emerging middle class through launching land and housing reforms. Second, to create optimal conditions for capital circulation, the state makes policy interventions and invests heavily in environment beautification and infrastructure construction. Third, the state mobilizes the most important resources, e.g. land and resettlement housing, to tackle the problem of fragmented property rights and to facilitate gentrification. Under market transition, China’s gentrification resembles its western counterparts, and shows two distinctive characteristics: the state plays a predominant role throughout the gentrification process; the social interests of low-income groups have been overwhelmed by the economic interests of local government and real estate developers. This particular form of state-sponsored gentrification in China is motivated by the pursuit of economic growth and urban development, at the cost of large-scale residential displacement. At the end of this paper, the authors elaborate the negative effects of gentrification in Chinese cities, and discuss possible solutions to overcome these adverse consequences.

[He S J, Liu Y T.2010.

Mechanism and consequences of China's gentrification under market transition

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 30(4): 493-502. ]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on a review of the mutation of gentrification in the west, this paper examines the mechanism and consequences of China’s emerging gentrification under the background of market transition. Prawing on a detailed anlaysis of China’s political economic transformation in the post-reform era, this study shows that strong state intervention plays an important role in promoting China’s gentrification. This can be seen from three aspects. First, the state stimulates and accommodates the consumption demands of the emerging middle class through launching land and housing reforms. Second, to create optimal conditions for capital circulation, the state makes policy interventions and invests heavily in environment beautification and infrastructure construction. Third, the state mobilizes the most important resources, e.g. land and resettlement housing, to tackle the problem of fragmented property rights and to facilitate gentrification. Under market transition, China’s gentrification resembles its western counterparts, and shows two distinctive characteristics: the state plays a predominant role throughout the gentrification process; the social interests of low-income groups have been overwhelmed by the economic interests of local government and real estate developers. This particular form of state-sponsored gentrification in China is motivated by the pursuit of economic growth and urban development, at the cost of large-scale residential displacement. At the end of this paper, the authors elaborate the negative effects of gentrification in Chinese cities, and discuss possible solutions to overcome these adverse consequences.
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欧洲和北美地区的绅士化研究代表着世界绅士化研究的主流与方向。在介绍绅士化的传统与衍生概念的基础上,对绅士化概念问世以来的主要理论解释派系进行分析总结,特别是从生产端和消费端进行解释的两大阵营。本文对欧美绅士化的三波发展浪潮进行介绍,并将半个世纪以来的绅士化研究划分为4 个发展阶段:绅士化现象描述阶段、两大阵营的激烈论战阶段、两种理论的相互融合阶段与绅士化政策应对研究阶段。在对绅士化作为全球城市发展战略和绅士化的主要社会空间效应做出简单评价以后,展望了世界范围内绅士化问题的研究前景;绅士化研究虽然已经走过了很长的一段路,但依然存在着巨大的研究空间。

[Song W X.2012.

A review on gentrification in European and North American countries

. Progress in Geography, 31(6): 825-834. ]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.06.020      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

欧洲和北美地区的绅士化研究代表着世界绅士化研究的主流与方向。在介绍绅士化的传统与衍生概念的基础上,对绅士化概念问世以来的主要理论解释派系进行分析总结,特别是从生产端和消费端进行解释的两大阵营。本文对欧美绅士化的三波发展浪潮进行介绍,并将半个世纪以来的绅士化研究划分为4 个发展阶段:绅士化现象描述阶段、两大阵营的激烈论战阶段、两种理论的相互融合阶段与绅士化政策应对研究阶段。在对绅士化作为全球城市发展战略和绅士化的主要社会空间效应做出简单评价以后,展望了世界范围内绅士化问题的研究前景;绅士化研究虽然已经走过了很长的一段路,但依然存在着巨大的研究空间。
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基于“租差”理论的城市居住空间中产阶层化研究: 以南京内城为例

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Rent gap and gentrification in the inner city of Nanjing

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Abstract New-build gentrification has been the subject of renewed attention of late. The impetus was Lambert and Boddy, who asserted that inner-city new-build developments in British city centres should not be viewed as a form of gentrification. While the term has long been generally accepted, Lambert and Boddy, and, more recently, Boddy, argue that the demographic transformations stimulated by city centre new-build developments are relatively innocuous. They do not cause population displacement, and are not associated with the rent-hike and eviction processes of gentrification proper. Indeed, within a move to rethink the workings and consequences of gentrification more generally (e.g. Butler), there has been a new questioning of whether this, or any, contemporary form of gentrification produces significant displacement concerns. In this paper, we address these new debates. We begin by tracing the histories of new-build gentrification, highlighting its long-standing presence, and then we move on to look at its trajectories, focusing our lens on London to demonstrate the diversity and complexity of this process in just one city. We outline the presence of displacement – both direct and indirect – as a complex and nuanced process (not just a spatial moment), but one that has nevertheless had a real-life impact on real people. Copyright 08 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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[19] Hammnet C.1991.

The blind men and the elephant: The explanation of gentrification

[J]. Transactions of the Institute British Geographers, 16(2): 173-189.

https://doi.org/10.2307/622612      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper critically reviews the major theories of gentrification which have emerged over the last 10 years and the debate which has surrounded them. It argues that the reason why the gentrification debate has attracted so much interest, and has been so hard fought, is that it is one of key theoretical battlegrounds of contemporary human geography which highlights the arguments between structure and agency, production and consumption, capital and culture, and supply and demand. It also argues that each of the two major explanations which have been advanced to account for gentrification (the rent gap and the production of gentrifiers) are partial explanations, each of which is necessary but not sufficient. Finally, it argues that an integrated explanation for gentrification must involve both explanation of the production of devalued areas and housing and the production of gentrifiers and their specific consumption and reproduction patterns.
[20] He S.2007.

State-sponsored gentrification under market transition: The case of Shanghai

[J]. Urban Affairs Review, 43(2): 171-198.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1078087407305175      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[21] He S.2010.

New-build gentrification in central Shanghai: Demographic changes and socioeconomic implications

[J]. Population, Space and Place, 16(5): 345-361.

https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.548      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In Shanghai, globalised urban images and a well-functioning accumulation regime are enthusiastically sought after by urban policy, and explicitly promoted as a blueprint for a civilised city life. The city is celebrating its thriving neo-liberal urbanism by implementing enormous new-build gentrification, mostly in the form of demolition090009rebuild development involving direct displacement of residents and landscapes. This study aims to understand demographic changes and the socioeconomic consequences of new-build gentrification in central Shanghai. The paper first examines demographic changes between 1990 and 2000 in central Shanghai, i.e. the changing distribution of potential gentrifiers and displacees. It then looks into two cases of new-build gentrification projects in central Shanghai, to compare residents' socioeconomic profiles in old neighbourhoods and new-build areas. This study also examines the impacts of gentrification on displacees' quality of life and socioeconomic prospects. Because the enlarging middle class and the pursuit of wealth-induced growth by the municipal government are turning the central city into a hotspot of gentrification, inequalities in housing and socioeconomic prospects are being produced and intensified in the metropolitan area. This study thus emphasises that critical perspectives in gentrification research are valuable and indispensable. Copyright 0008 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[22] He S, Wu F.2007.

Socio-spatial impacts of property-led redevelopment on China’s urban neighbourhoods

[J]. Cities, 24(3): 194-208.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2006.12.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[23] Huang X, Yang Y.2017.

Urban redevelopment, gentrification and gentrifiers in post-reform inland China: A case study of Chengdu, China

[J]. Chinese Geographic Science, 27(1): 151-164.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-017-0852-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[24] Karsten L.2003.

Family gentrifiers: Challenging the city as a place simulataneously to build a career and raise children

[J]. Urban Studies, 40(12): 353-371.

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[25] Karsten L.2014.

From yuppies to yupps: Family gentrifiers consuming spaces and re-inventing cities

[J]. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 105(2): 175-188.

https://doi.org/10.1111/tesg.12055      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This is a study of family consumption in an upgraded Amsterdam neighbourhood. It aims to unravel the relationship between the increase of middle-class families and the establishing of new family-related consumption spaces, both commercial and public. Based on observations and interviews in Amsterdam, we identify an increase in family and child directed consumption spaces. They reflect parental wishes to continue their former childless lifestyle, the need to combine work and care, and the wish to educate children in a wide range of skills. The more intensive consumption of parks and sidewalks reveals new practices of public parenting in urban contexts. It is argued that the transformation from childless yuppie to young urban professional parent (yupp) not only goes along with new consumption cultures but also with the production of a new city. This re-invented city has potentials for age and gender equality, however unequal class relations appear to continue.
[26] Lees L.1994.

Rethinking gentrification: Beyond the positions of economics or culture

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 18(2):137-150.

https://doi.org/10.1177/030913259401800201      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[27] Lees L.2014.

Gentrification in Global South?

[M]// Parnell S, Oldfield S. The Routledge handbook on cities of the Global South. New York: Routledge: 506-521.

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[28] Lees L, Shin H B, López-Morales E.2015. Global gentrificaions: Uneven development and displacement [M]. Bristol: Polity Press.

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[29] Lees L, Shin H B, López- Morales E.2016. Planetary gentrification [M]. Bristol, UK: Polity Press.

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[30] Lees L, Slater T, Wyly E.2008.


[M]. New York: Routledge.

[本文引用: 5]     

[31] Ley D.1980.

Liberal ideology and the postindustrial city

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 70: 238-258.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2562952      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[32] Ley D.1986.

Alternative explanations for inner-city gentrification: A Canadian assessment

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 76(4): 521-535.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1986.tb00134.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Within the rapidly expanding literature on inner-city revitalization (or gentrification), there has been no attempt to assess in a comparative and systematic manner a range of explanations that have emerged from studies of single cities or even single neighborhoods. Four major explanations of gentrification are reviewed here and then made operational in a correlation and regression analysis of inner-city gentrification in the Canadian urban system between 1971 and 1981. Several of the posited explanations are not supported. Economic and urban amenity factors perform most strongly in the analysis, but demographic and housing factors have less effect. I develop an integrated model and discuss its theoretical implications, including its consistency with staple theory and the interrelatedness demonstrated between housing and labor markets.
[33] Ley D.1996. The new middle class and the remaking of the central city [M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 3]     

[34] Rérat P.2012.

Gentrifiers and their choice of housing: characteristics of the households living in new developments in Swiss cities

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 44: 221-236.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a4496      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[35] Rérat P, Lees L.2011.

Spatial capital, gentrification and mobility: Evidence from Swiss core cities

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36(1): 126-142.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2010.00404.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper we are critical of the fact that the gentrification literature has moved away from discussions about the reclaiming of locational advantage as a marker of gentrifiers’ social distinction within the middle classes. We begin the process of re/theorising locational advantage as ‘spatial capital’ focusing on the mobility practices of new-build gentrifiers in Swiss core cities. Gentrification is a relatively new process in Swiss cities and is dominated by new-build developments in central city areas. We focus on two case studies: Neuch09tel and the Zurich West area of Zurich. We show that Swiss new-build gentrifiers have sought locational advantage in the central city, and in so doing have gained the ‘spatial capital’ that they need to negotiate and cope with dual career households and the restrictive job markets of Swiss cities. The mobility practices of these gentrifiers show how they are both hyper-mobile and hyper-fixed, they are mobile and rooted/fixed.
[36] Smith D.2002.

Extending the temporal and spatial limits of gentrification: A research agenda for population geographers

[J]. International Journal of Population Geography, 8: 385-394.

https://doi.org/10.1002/ijpg.267      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

How processes of gentrification unfold, at what rate, and with what effects, can all differ substantially in different places. Although pre-existing theories have sought to encapsulate this diversity, the temporal and spatial limits of gentrification processes have yet to be fully explored. This paper postulates that population geographers have a role to play here. Firstly, researchers are urged to study gentrification within a broader temporal perspective, and to unravel connections between migration dynamics and population transitions over the course of the process. Secondly, it is contended that processes and effects of gentrification should be examined within wider spatial frameworks, whereby migration flows of relatively affluent households are evaluated within the context of (re)urbanisation, suburbanisation and counterurbanisation. This may pose important questions about the understandings of demographic links between gentrification and in-migrants at particular stages of their life-course. It is argued that this research agenda will require the adoption of more inclusive definitions of gentrification, embracing wider spatial and temporal criteria. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[37] Smith N.1979.

Toward a theory of gentrification: A back to the city movement by capital not people

[J]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 45(4): 538-548.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944367908977002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Consumer sovereignty hypotheses dominate explanations of gentrification but data on the number of suburbanites returning to the city casts doubt on this hypothesis. In fact, gentrification is an expected product of the relatively unhampered operation of the land and housing markets. The economic depreciation of capital invested in nineteenth century inner-city neighborhoods and the simultaneous rise in potential ground rent levels produces the possibility of profitable redevelopment. Although the very apparent social characteristics of deteriorated neighborhoods would discourage redevelopment, the hidden economic characteristics may well be favorable. Whether gentrification is a fundamental restructuring of urban space depends not on where new inhabitants come from but on how much productive capital returns to the area from the suburbs.
[38] Smith N.1982.

Gentrification and uneven development

[J]. Economic Geography, 58(2): 139-155.

https://doi.org/10.2307/143793      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[39] Smith N.1996.

The new urban frontier: Gentrification and the revanchist city

[M]. London and New York: Routledge.

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[40] Tallon A, Bromley R.2004.

Exploring the attractions of city centre living: Evidence and policy implications in British cities

[J]. Geoforum, 35: 771-787.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.05.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The British city centre has been the focus of dynamic housing development and repopulation strategies as a key dimension of the government's urban renaissance programme. Through large scale interview surveys in the provincial city centres of Bristol and Swansea, this paper explores the positive and negative features of city centre living, and how these vary amongst a range of social and physical characteristics. The findings suggest that the practical and mundane attractions of city centre living are more important than the more widely publicised lifestyle and cultural attractions of the city centre commonly emphasised in the gentrification literature. Moreover, the research points to differences in attitudes between age groups, with younger adults placing greater value on the range of social and cultural activities in the city centre, whilst older people express high levels of satisfaction with the attractiveness of the environment. A number of policy implications emerge to encourage inclusive marketing strategies within the continued urban renaissance, particularly to challenge the negative perceptions and promote the varied attractions of city centre living to a mix of social groups.
[41] Waley P.2016.

Speaking gentrification in the languages of the Global East

[J]. Urban Studies, 53(3): 615-625.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098015615726      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[42] Wu Q, Zhang X, Waley P.2016.

Jiaoyufication: When gentrification goes to school in the Chinese inner city

[J]. Urban Studies, 53(16): 3510-3526.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098015613234      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[43] Yin G, Liu Y.2017.

Administrative urbanization and city-making in post-reform China: A case study of Ordos City, Inner Mongolia

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 27(6): 891-903.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-017-0919-1      URL      [本文引用: 1]     
