地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (3): 441-451 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.013



梁珊1, 邓羽2, 贾宁1, 刘毅1*

1. 清华大学环境学院,北京 100084
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

Impact of urban morphology on sewage systems based on a virtual city modeling approach

LIANG Shan1, DENG Yu2, JIA Ning1, LIU Yi1*

1. School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者:  *通信作者简介:刘毅(1975— ),男,辽宁人,教授,主要从事复杂性科学与环境经济复合系统模拟应用研究。E-mail: yi.liu@tsinghua.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-05-4

修回日期:  2019-01-10

网络出版日期:  2019-03-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金面上项目(71473148)“十二五”水体污染控制与治理重大科技专项城市主题集成课题(2014ZX07323001)


第一作者简介:梁珊(1993— ),女,陕西宝鸡人,硕士生,城市空间形态与污水系统关系研究。E-mail: caulsjy@163.com



城市形态与污水设施的运行之间关系密切,探讨城市形态对城市内污水设施的影响对解决现有设施存在的水力失效及未来情景应对能力欠佳等问题具有重要价值。因此,论文测算了现阶段中国地级城市的城市形态,设置了城市形态情景和排水情景,使用Kruscal算法进行管网定线、SWMM软件模拟系统性能,构建自上而下的虚拟城市空间与污水系统耦合模型,探索了不同形态城市的污水系统生命周期成本、结构和性能的一般性规律,构建了系统经济性、有效性和适应性指标体系以综合评估城市污水系统。研究发现,在城市人口36.24万、面积35 km2的规模下,污水系统的生命周期成本约为6亿~7亿元。方形、长条形和星形的流速失效比分别为0.55、0.67、0.55,充满度失效比分别为0.35、0.42、0.36。在排水情景改变下,污水量变小时,系统流速失效情况均更为严重,而充满度失效情况均有所改善;当污水量变大时,流速失效情况均有所改善,而充满度失效情况更为严重。分析系统结构特性,发现越分散的污水系统连通性越好,长条形城市的污水系统相较于方形和星形城市更为集中。对指标作相关性分析,发现越分散的污水系统经济性和有效性更好,但适应性更差。从系统经济性和有效性角度出发,方形和星形城市更有利。从污水系统适应性角度出发,长条形城市优于方形和星形城市,结合2010—2015年的城市形态分析,长条→长条(变化前后城市形态均为长条形,以此类推)、星形→长条、方形→长条的86个城市的城市发展方向不够合理,各城市在未来扩建或新建规划中应在因地制宜基础上考虑内部污水设施,选择合理的城市形态。

关键词: 虚拟城市 ; 污水系统 ; 城市形态 ; 排水情景 ; 综合评估


Urban sewage systems in China have been developing rapidly in recent years, with problems of system hydraulic failure in peak period, challenge from change of drainage scenario caused by population change, climate change, and water saving behavior; and urban form is closely related to the operation of urban facilities. This study set up urban morphology scenarios and drainage scenarios, built a top-down virtual model of urban space and sewage system, used Kruscal algorithm for network routing and SWMM software for system simulation, and sampled a large number of sewage system solutions, to explore life cycle cost, structure, and operation of urban sewage systems, and assess urban sewage systems with regard to economic performance, effectiveness, and adaptability. The study found that life cycle cost is about 600-700 million yuan for the city. The velocity failure rate of square, rectangular, and star-shaped cities is 0.55, 0.67, and 0.55 respectively, and the capacity failure rate is 0.35, 0.42, and 0.36. Under the low discharge sewage scenario, velocity failure of the system turns more serious, and capacity failure of the system is improved. Under the high discharge sewage scenario, velocity failure is improved, but capacity failure is more serious. More dispersed sewage systems have better connectedness and the sewage system of rectangular city is more centralized than the square and star-shaped cities. Correlation analysis showed that the more dispersed sewage system is more economical and effective, but the adaptability is worse. Finally, from the perspective of system economy and effectiveness, square and star-shaped cities perform better. With regard to the adaptability of sewage system, rectangular city is superior to square and star-shaped cities. Based on the urban forms of the 86 Chinese urban areas examined in this study, the development trend is unreasonable. It is hoped that the conclusion can provide some reference for future urban planning and urban form management.

Keywords: virtual city ; sewage system ; urban form ; drainage scenario ; comprehensive evaluation


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梁珊, 邓羽, 贾宁, 刘毅. 基于虚拟城市模型的城市形态对污水系统影响研究[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(3): 441-451 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.013

LIANG Shan, DENG Yu, JIA Ning, LIU Yi. Impact of urban morphology on sewage systems based on a virtual city modeling approach[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(3): 441-451 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.013

中国拥有世界最大规模的人口和第二大规模的污水系统设施(Batt et al, 2007),后者也是城市基础设施的重要组成和确保城市水系统安全的重要支撑。污水设施短期内难以重构的特性是污水设施需求优化的一大挑战,一方面,污水系统面临因城镇化(Astaraie-Imani et al, 2012;Deng et al, 2013)、气候变暖(Pingale et al, 2014;Foti et al, 2014)以及节水行为(Beal et al, 2011;Makki et al, 2015)等带来的污水量改变的问题,现有污水系统能否适应未来排水情景的改变,适应性能到底如何还需探明;另一方面,目前城市污水设施的运行还存在严重问题,由于污水排放在一天当中具有峰值,高峰期污水量过大易造成管网充满度过大损害管网寿命,低峰时段又因为管段内污水流速过低容易产生淤塞(白桦, 2016)等问题。能否从城市规划层面解决上述问题?城市形态与城市基础设施之间存在强相关性,据作者调查,中国2010年地级城市空间形态紧凑度与城市管网密度、污水处理率、设施规模密度和污水处理厂负荷率等的配置水平均存在显著相关性,城市越紧凑,污水设施系统规模越小。不同的城市人口时空分布会带来不同的城市污水时空分布,可能使污水系统在峰值期出现的水力问题得到改善。因此,在城市空间结构与形态层面研究污水系统设施的运行,具有一定现实意义。

城市形态直接影响城市内部各组成部分的总体布局,关系城市生产、生活质量、城市改造和城市合理发展方向等(崔功豪等, 1990;Kotharkar et al, 2012;李旋旗等, 2012;赵会兵等, 2016)。国外对于城市形态与交通的环境影响之间关系的研究较多(Giuliano et al, 2003; Borrego et al, 2006; Hong et al, 2014; Kashem et al, 2014),主要是模拟不同土地利用模式和道路结构下交通出行的碳排放和空气污染状况。其次是与公共健康暴露之间关系的研究(Schweitzer et al, 2010;Schindler et al, 2014;Mansfield et al, 2015),主要通过对面板数据进行多元回归分析和虚拟城市模拟等方法来探究不同城市形态对公共健康的影响。也有与住宅能耗间关系的研究。如Ewing等(2008)考虑电力传输和分配损失等因素分析城市形态对住宅能耗的影响,认为紧凑型可节省能耗。国内关于城市形态和城市环境要素间关系的研究主要集中在应对气候变化和空气污染(杨磊等, 2011; 崔胜辉等, 2015; 范晨璟等, 2017)等领域。方法上大多使用面板数据、以表征城市形态的指标与环境要素间的相关性分析为主(秦波等, 2013; 佘倩楠等, 2015; 陈珍启等, 2016),也出现了少量通过构建模型模拟环境响应的研究(龙瀛等, 2011)。卢思佳等(2010)研究了表征城市外轮廓的指标与城市投入要素之间定量化的相关性,发现城市越紧凑,人口密度越大,交通网络越均衡,人均城市要素占用量越少。郭腾云等(2009)也发现,随着城市紧凑度的提高,城市资源要素的配置和利用水平及城市效率均有一定提高。潘竟虎等(2015)认为,H形和星形形态对消除大气污染的效果最好。但尚缺乏使用建模方法从城市形态本身出发研究其对城市基础设施的规模、运行效率等方面影响的理论性研究。国外有一些关于城市空间形态与城市给水设施间关系的理论探讨:Filion(2008)使用虚拟城市和LCA(生命周期评价)的方法,研究几种典型城市形态下给水管网空间分布与能耗的关系,认为放射状多中心城市形态人均给水能耗最低;Farmani等(2014)结合虚拟城市和情景分析的方法,基于小城镇给水管网扩建构建不同城市形态,探究不同人口增长情景下的水量、水质、成本及设施效率,认为均匀扩展最具成本效益;Wong等(2015)基于北美真实街道形状概化而成的给水管网布局形态,以虚拟城市和自底向上建模的方法研究其空间分布与能耗的关系。因此使用虚拟城市探究城市形态和城市污水系统的结构以及运行性能间关系具有一定可行性。


1 研究方法

1.1 研究对象

城市形态、城市人口数量和城市面积具有相互对应且相互制约的关系,因此虚拟城市的人口数量和城市面积参数的选择非常重要,本文将真实城市的人口、面积和设施规模之间的对应关系特征应用到案例城市的参数选择上来,通过研究2015年中国各分类地级城市的城区人口规模、建成区面积、人口密度、污水处理厂座数和处理能力,得到一般性小城市的人口密度和污水处理设施一般规模,小城市平均建成区面积53 km2(含工业用地),人口33万。最终确定虚拟城市人口约为36.24万,城市面积约为35 km²。对城市打格子形成排水DU(排水地块),每个格子代表一个排水DU,规模为300 m×300 m,人口聚集在DU上,每个DU周围有4条道路。DU单元的基础属性包括编号、高程、坐标、排污总量以及日排污过程线。其中为避免高程差异影响,增加方案间可比性,设置统一高程,必要时按照水力计算要求加设泵站。使用MATLAB计算各DU间的邻接关系和路由关系,按照不同的情景设置将DU拼装成逻辑关系上的虚拟城市。

1.2 情景设置

1.2.1 形态情景





图1   2010和2015年中国各区域地级城市形态分类

Fig.1   Regional classification of urban morphology of China, 2010 and 2015

图2   2010和2015年中国各等级地级城市形态分类

Fig.2   Hierarchical classification of urban morphology of China, 2010 and 2015

表1   2010—2015年中国各地级城市形态变化分类

Tab.1   Urban morphology change classification of prefecture-level cities of China, 2010-2015




据此确定3种代表现阶段中国地级城市的城市形态,即正方形、长条形和星形,作为本文研究的形态情景。如图3所示,为了增加方案间可比性,三种形态情景中排污DU总数均为20×20=400,道路DU总数=800,总面积=35 km²,总人口=36.24万人,单位DU人口数=906人,单位DU排污流量=4.09 L/s。

图3   3种形态情景示意图

Fig.3   Three urban morphology scenarios

1.2.2 排水情景


图4   各情景要素中城市排水系数变化

Fig.4   Variation of urban drainage coefficient in each drainage scenario


1.2.3 污水输入



式中:WUper为人均生活用水排放量;Popi为DU人口数量;Kz为总变化系数,根据污水平均流量Q通过式(3)计算取值;Kd为污水排放系数(取值0.8);WWresi为生活污水排放量(L/s),全年排放,无季节性差异。查文献知污水管道一般设计流量为Q=100 L/s,人均生活污水量:300 L/(d·人)。


1.3 模型构建

根据构建的虚拟城市污水系统,引用白桦(2016)的污水系统构建模型,使用图论以及Kruscal算法,通过遍历所有排污单元以管网总长最小为目标生成最小生成树以构成污水系统定线方案。然后进行水力计算,泵站设置为每种情景生成大量不同拓扑结构的污水系统方案集,测算出每个方案集的生命周期成本和拓扑结构,最后放入到SWMM模型中,为每个排污DU输入排水过程线,去模拟一天24 h内的管网运行性能,利用输出的生命周期成本、运行性能等指标来综合评估方案的经济性、有效性以及适应性。

1.4 指标体系


1.4.1 系统结构

污水系统拓扑结构是在图论理论下,对于图形中点和边以及互相关系进行描述,使用边介数(Chopra et al, 2014)和全局效率进行表征:边介数指系统中任意两点通过指定边的最短路径总和,表示边在全局中的重要程度,数值越小,说明重要边数目越少,说明系统越分散;全局效率,在图论理论下代表系统的连通性,即全局效率越高,系统连通性越高,系统效率越高。

1.4.2 系统经济性

污水系统的成本包括管网、泵站和污水处理厂,其生命周期成本又包括建设成本和运行维护成本,按30 a计算。单位10³万元。计算公式如下:





式中:LIC为系统全生命周期成本;LICpipe为管网的全生命周期成本;npipe指所有管段;LICpump为泵站的全生命周期成本;LICwwtp为污水处理厂的全生命周期成本;CCpipe为管网的建造成本;OMCpipe为管网的运行维护成本;CCpump为泵站的建造成本;OMCpump为泵站的运行维护成本; CCwwtp为污水处理厂的建造成本;nwwtp指所有污水处理厂; OMCwwtp为污水处理厂的运行维护成本。

管网的建设成本计算公式(董颖等, 2008)为:


泵站的建设成本计算公式(董颖等, 2008)为:


污水处理厂的建设成本计算公式(刘杰等, 2010)为:


管网运行维护成本计算公式(董颖等, 2008)为:


泵站运行维护成本计算公式(董颖等, 2008)为:


污水处理厂的运行维护成本计算公式(刘杰等, 2010)为:



1.4.3 系统有效性

污水系统的输水性能采用管道充满度失效比例和流速失效比例来表征,管段在24 h内充满度只要大于0.75或24 h内流速持续小于0.6 m/s的管段即为失效管段,分别计算每种方案中充满度失效比例和流速失效比例作为衡量系统有效性的指标,具体的计算公式如下:



式中:V_failure指系统流速失效比;max(Link_Velocity)管段24 h内最大流速;C_failure指系统充满度失效比;max(Link_Capacity)管段24 h内最大充满度;all_Link指所有管段。

1.4.4 系统适应性







2 结果与讨论

本文利用Kruscal算法为每种形态情景构建不同的污水系统定线方案,每种情景下采样1000次,形成1000套污水系统方案集,每种情景下所有指标均在1000次之内达到滑动平均值差异小于0.0001的收敛状态,说明了本文所构建的模型可靠。为了评估不同城市外轮廓下城市污水系统的差异性,首先对于3种形态情景下的系统生命周期成本、结构、有效性指标和适应性指标在SPSS软件中做了独立样本Kruscal-Wallis 检验,结果均在<0.001水平上拒绝原假设(指标在形态类别上相同),即不同城市形态的污水系统的结构、经济性、有效性和适应性是显著不同的,也说明城市形态会影响城市污水系统的特征。

2.1 污水系统的一般性规律

2.1.1 不同情景下系统性能

本文对不同形态情景和排水情景下城市污水系统的24 h运行性能进行了模拟,结果如图5所示。在原始排水情景中,方形城市污水系统的流速失效比均值为0.55,充满度失效比均值为0.35;长条形城市污水系统的流速失效比均值为0.67,充满度失效比均值为0.42;星形城市的流速失效比均值为0.55,充满度失效比均值为0.36。在0.508变化系数作用下的低排水情景中,方形城市污水系统的流速失效比均值为0.70,充满度失效比均值为0.25;长条形城市污水系统的流速失效比均值为0.68,充满度失效比均值为0.27;星形城市的流速失效比均值为0.70,充满度失效比均值为0.27。在2.025变化系数作用下的高排水情景中,方形城市污水系统的流速失效比均值为0.47,充满度失效比均值为0.54;长条形城市污水系统的流速失效比均值为0.47,充满度失效比均值为0.53;星形城市的流速失效比均值为0.47,充满度失效比均值为0.54。

图5   各形态城市在不同排水情景下污水系统性能表现

Fig.5   Performance of sewage systems under different drainage scenarios

可以看出,当污水量变小时,流速失效情况变得更严重,而充满度失效情况均有所改善;当污水量变大时,流速失效情况有所改善,而充满度失效情况更加严重。因为污水量变小时,管道内污水流速动力减弱,进而流速变慢,24 h持续小于0.6 m/s的管道数量会增加,而由于水量减少,管道内污水的充满度自然会减小,充满度大于0.75的管道数量会减少,但如果管道内污水流速缓慢到一定程度,也会造成污水因为流不出去而带来管道充满度增大的状况,而本文研究并未出现此状况,原因可能是水量的减少还达不到让管道内污水淤塞的程度;当污水量变大时,管内污水流速动力加强,进而流速变快,流速失效状况改善,而由于管内水量增大,本文研究也出现了充满度失效更为严重的情况。

2.1.2 系统结构与性能间关系


图6   污水系统结构指标间关系

Fig.6   Relationship between structural indicators of sewage systems


表2   系统结构、生命周期成本与性能指标间相关性

Tab.2   Correlation between system structure, life cycle cost, and performance indicators

Pearson 相关性生命周期成本V_failureC_failureflexibility_L_Vflexibility_H_Vflexibility_L_Cflexibility_H_C



2.2 城市外轮廓对城市污水系统的影响评估

2.2.1 系统结构和经济性评估


图7   不同形态城市污水系统生命周期成本和结构指标结果条形图

Fig.7   Structure and life cycle cost of sewage systems under different urban morphology scenarios


2.2.2 有效性评估

为了对不同形态城市污水系统运行的性能有效性进行评估,本文对方形、长条形和星形城市的污水系统24 h流速失效比、充满度失效比结果作条形图,如图8所示,对流速失效比来说,长条形城市污水系统的失效情况显著高于方形和星形城市,而对于充满度失效比来说,3种外轮廓城市的结果差异较小,可以认为城市外轮廓对于城市污水系统的流速影响更大;但长条形城市污水系统的充满度的失效比仍然高于方形和星形城市,结合上述3种情景中污水系统的结构特点,系统更为集中的、连通性能更差的长条形的流速失效状况与充满度失效状况相较方形和星形城市均更为严重,因此从系统有效性方面进行评估,方形和星形城市更有利。

图8   不同形态城市污水系统有效性指标结果条形图

Fig.8   Effectiveness of sewage systems under different urban morphology scenarios

2.2.3 适应性评估


图9   不同形态城市污水系统适应性指标结果条形图

Fig.9   Adaptability of sewage systems under different urban morphology scenarios


3 结论与展望


(1) 中国地级城市外轮廓可以划分为星形、长条形和方形3类,2015年分别有141、86和49个。2010—2015年,从地区看,除西南和华北地区外,方形城市比例均有所下降,除华南和西南地区外,长条形城市比例均有所上升;从城市等级看,所有等级城市星形比例都有所上升,而2线、3线城市的方形比例下降较大。对各地级城市2010—2015年的城市形态变化进行归类,按城市数量由多到少依次为:星形→星形、长条→长条、方形→星形、方形→方形、星形→长条、长条→星形、星形→方形、方形→长条和长条→方形。整体来看,各区域城市建成区边界形态均在朝着非紧凑化方向发展。

(2) 在人口36.24万、面积35 km²的城市规模下,污水系统的生命周期成本约为6亿~7亿元。方形、长条形和星形城市的流速失效比分别为0.55、0.67、0.55,充满度失效比分别为0.35、0.42、0.36。在排水情景改变下,污水量变小时,系统流速失效情况均变得更严重,而充满度失效情况均有所改善,当污水量变大时,流速失效情况均有所改善,而充满度失效情况更严重。

(3) 分析系统结构性能,发现系统边介数和全局效率呈现显著负相关,即越分散的污水系统连通性越好。对系统结构、生命周期成本、性能指标作相关性分析,边介数与生命周期成本、流速失效比、充满度失效比均呈显著正相关,与高、低排水量下系统流速和充满度失效比相较于原始比值呈负相关;全局效率与其他指标相关性和边介数正好相反,即污水系统越分散,越节约设施资源,系统有效性越好,但适应性越差。对不同城市形态进行综合评估,从系统经济性和有效性角度出发,认为方形和星形的城市更有利,但从污水系统适应性更长远的角度出发,长条形城市优于方形和星形城市。但考虑设施运行的实际情况,经济性和有效性应该是优于适应性考虑的。

(4) 结合2010—2015年各地级城市的形态变化趋势,从污水系统经济性和有效性角度判断,目前长条→长条、星形→长条、方形→长条的86个城市的城市发展方向不够合理。而中国快速城市化进程中各城市建成区可能在短时间内快速扩张,因此优化布局城市发展形态极其重要。从污水系统优化视角审视,建议有条件的城市在未来新建或扩建规划中应优先考虑方形和星形城市形态,对于具有相对稳定形态的城市可尽量使污水系统分散布局,让城市规划与内部设施形成有机统一,使更优的城市形态带动城市内部设施发挥最佳效能。

(5) 本文概化的3种城市形态能否准确刻画现阶段中国地级城市的特征、对各地级城市的形态归类是否合适还需进一步完善,关于各虚拟形态城市的污水系统运行效率的结论也需实证研究来支撑。另外来自数据获取、指标计算、形态概化过程中的系统误差也可能影响研究结论。希望下一步研究在克服以上不足的基础上做到以下几点:一是用更加系统化的方法分析和概化城市外轮廓形态特征;二是将城市形态与污水系统的耦合研究应用于具有典型形态特征的实际城市;三是将静态的城市形态差异扩展为动态的城市扩张,探究城市扩张方式对污水系统的影响;四是加强城市空间形态应对城市水系统变化的规划应用研究,借鉴“紧凑型城市”“海绵城市”等新兴城市规划理念,研究如何将理论成果应用于城市规划实践。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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构建了SVBI指数,以多时相、多波段的Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像为数据源,提取1990—2010年中国62个主要城市的建成区,通过测算各城市的紧凑度、形状指数及分维数,分析城市空间扩展和形态演变趋势。结果发现,20年间我国主要城市的扩张速度与城市的级别成正比,呈现东部〉西部〉中部的特征;1990年和2010年两个年份城市空间形状趋于稳定,集中于正方形与矩形之间;城市的空间紧凑度总体提升,分维数呈下降趋势;城市扩张方向往往趋向于少数几个方向,"摊大饼"式的扩张不多见;39个城市用地规模扩展不合理;H形和星形形态对消除大气污染的效果最好。城市化推进、交通区位条件变化、城市新空间要素出现和政府调控力度加大是影响62个城市空间形态演变的主要因素。

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构建了SVBI指数,以多时相、多波段的Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像为数据源,提取1990—2010年中国62个主要城市的建成区,通过测算各城市的紧凑度、形状指数及分维数,分析城市空间扩展和形态演变趋势。结果发现,20年间我国主要城市的扩张速度与城市的级别成正比,呈现东部〉西部〉中部的特征;1990年和2010年两个年份城市空间形状趋于稳定,集中于正方形与矩形之间;城市的空间紧凑度总体提升,分维数呈下降趋势;城市扩张方向往往趋向于少数几个方向,"摊大饼"式的扩张不多见;39个城市用地规模扩展不合理;H形和星形形态对消除大气污染的效果最好。城市化推进、交通区位条件变化、城市新空间要素出现和政府调控力度加大是影响62个城市空间形态演变的主要因素。
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以我国城市化快速发展和高强度人类扰动的长三角地区作为研究区域.以区域土地利用状况和碳排放量信息为关键数据源.利用景观格局指数定量分析长三角地区1990-2010年城市斑块大小、形状、规则性、破碎化程度、交通锅合度等城市形态特征对区域碳排放的影响。研究结果表明长三角地区碳排放存在明显的空间分异性.总体呈现中东南和西北部高、东北部次之、西南部最低的特征。1990-2010年区域碳排放量均呈快速增长趋势.其中1990-1995 ,1995-2000 ,2000-2005和2005-2010的平均增长率分别为40.55%,24. 47% ,70.71%和51.43%。研究时段内.道路密度(RD)、交通耦合度(CF)和最大斑块指数(LPI)对区域碳排放一直存在显著影响.表明长三角地区城市形态主要通过路网交通产生作用.进而影响碳排放。不同时间段.城市形态对碳排放的影响不尽一致.这可能与城市化的不同阶段经济发展水平存在差异有关。城市化初级阶段.区域碳排放量随着用地面积和道路密度的增加呈增加的趋势.而随着城市斑块数量、斑块聚合度和道路缓冲区的增加.碳排放量呈现减少的趋势。和1990,2000年相比.2010年增加了平均城市斑块最近邻距离(ENN MN )对碳排放的影响.并且呈负相关.说明增加城市斑块最近邻距离有利于减少碳排放。就当前来看.增加道路缓冲区面积和斑块临近距离.减少城市最大斑块面积是当前从城市形态角度减少碳排放的有效途径。研究结果可加深对城市形态与区域碳排放的客观认识.对于优化城市形态、控制区域碳排放具有实证案例和借鉴意义。

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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2015.11.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以我国城市化快速发展和高强度人类扰动的长三角地区作为研究区域.以区域土地利用状况和碳排放量信息为关键数据源.利用景观格局指数定量分析长三角地区1990-2010年城市斑块大小、形状、规则性、破碎化程度、交通锅合度等城市形态特征对区域碳排放的影响。研究结果表明长三角地区碳排放存在明显的空间分异性.总体呈现中东南和西北部高、东北部次之、西南部最低的特征。1990-2010年区域碳排放量均呈快速增长趋势.其中1990-1995 ,1995-2000 ,2000-2005和2005-2010的平均增长率分别为40.55%,24. 47% ,70.71%和51.43%。研究时段内.道路密度(RD)、交通耦合度(CF)和最大斑块指数(LPI)对区域碳排放一直存在显著影响.表明长三角地区城市形态主要通过路网交通产生作用.进而影响碳排放。不同时间段.城市形态对碳排放的影响不尽一致.这可能与城市化的不同阶段经济发展水平存在差异有关。城市化初级阶段.区域碳排放量随着用地面积和道路密度的增加呈增加的趋势.而随着城市斑块数量、斑块聚合度和道路缓冲区的增加.碳排放量呈现减少的趋势。和1990,2000年相比.2010年增加了平均城市斑块最近邻距离(ENN MN )对碳排放的影响.并且呈负相关.说明增加城市斑块最近邻距离有利于减少碳排放。就当前来看.增加道路缓冲区面积和斑块临近距离.减少城市最大斑块面积是当前从城市形态角度减少碳排放的有效途径。研究结果可加深对城市形态与区域碳排放的客观认识.对于优化城市形态、控制区域碳排放具有实证案例和借鉴意义。
[15] 杨磊, 李贵才, 林姚宇, . 2011.


[J]. 城市发展研究, 18(2): 12-17.

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[Yang L, Li G C, Lin Y Y, et al.2011.

Progress and prospect on relationship research between urban form and carbon emission

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[16] 赵会兵, 江源通, 郑拴宁. 2016.


[J]. 环境科学与技术, 39(S2): 59-65.

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[Zhao H B, Jiang Y T, Zheng S N.2016.

Research progress of the effects of urban form on urban wind environment quality

. Environmental Science & Technology, 39(S2): 59-65. ]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] Astaraie-Imani M, Kapelan Z, Fu G, et al.2012.

Assessing the combined effects of urbanisation and climate change on the river water quality in an integrated urban wastewater system in the UK

[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 112: 1-9.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.06.039      URL      PMID: 22854785      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Climate change and urbanisation are key factors affecting the future of water quality and quantity in urbanised catchments and are associated with significant uncertainty. The work reported in this paper is an evaluation of the combined and relative impacts of climate change and urbanisation on the receiving water quality in the context of an Integrated Urban Wastewater System (IUWS) in the UK. The impacts of intervening system operational control parameters are also investigated. Impact is determined by a detailed modelling study using both local and global sensitivity analysis methods together with correlation analysis. The results obtained from the case-study analysed clearly demonstrate that climate change combined with increasing urbanisation is likely to lead to worsening river water quality in terms of both frequency and magnitude of breaching threshold dissolved oxygen and ammonium concentrations. The results obtained also reveal the key climate change and urbanisation parameters that have the largest negative impact as well as the most responsive IUWS operational control parameters including major dependencies between all these parameters. This information can be further utilised to adapt future IUWS operation and/or design which, in turn, should make these systems more resilient to future climate and urbanisation changes.
[18] Batt A L, Kim S, Aga D S.2007.

Comparison of the occurrence of antibiotics in four full-scale wastewater treatment plants with varying designs and operations

[J]. Chemosphere, 68(3): 428-435.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.01.008      URL      PMID: 17316751      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The occurrence of ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, and trimethoprim antibiotics in four full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) that differ in design and operating conditions was determined. The WWTPs chosen utilized a variety of secondary removal processes, such as a two stage activated sludge process with a nitrification tank, extended aeration, rotating biological contactors, and pure oxygen activated sludge. Several of the WWTPs also employed an advanced treatment process, such as chlorination and UV radiation disinfection. The detected concentrations ( g/l) ranged from 0.20 to 1.4 for ciprofloxacin, 0.21 to 2.8 for sulfamethoxazole, 0.061 to 1.1 for tetracycline, and 0.21 to 7.9 for trimethoprim. The overall percent difference in the concentrations of the antibiotics in the effluent and influent of these antibiotics differed between plants and ranged from 33% to 97%. Based on these four full-scale WWTPs evaluated, the apparent removal of organic micropollutants in wastewater is dependent on a combination of biological and physico-chemical treatment processes and operating conditions of the treatment system.
[19] Beal C, Stewart R A, Spinks A, et al.2011.

Using smart meters to identify social and technological impacts on residential water consumption

[J]. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 11(5): 527-533.

https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2011.088      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[20] Borrego C, Martins H, Tchepel O, et al.2006.

How urban structure can affect city sustainability from an air quality perspective

[J]. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21(4): 461-467.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.07.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Despite the progress made in controlling local air pollution, urban areas show increasing signs of environmental stress and air quality is one of the major concerns. The findings of several studies provide evidence that the shape of a city and the land use distribution determine the location of emission sources and the pattern of urban traffic, affecting urban air quality. This work focuses on the potential impacts of different land use patterns on urban air quality. Three imaginary cities were created, based on alternative urban planning strategies, considering different land use patterns: from the scenario of urban sprawl to the opposite scenario of a compact city with mixed land use. The mesoscale photochemical system MEMO/MARS was applied to evaluate the urban air quality in each of the idealized city structures. Simulation results indicate that more compact cities with mixed land use provide better urban air quality compared to disperse and network cities.
[21] Chopra S S, Khanna V.2014.

Understanding resilience in industrial symbiosis networks: Insights from network analysis

[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 141: 86-94.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.12.038      URL      PMID: 24768838      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Network analysis reveals industries with the highest vulnerabilities.61Vulnerable industries are identified using hypothetical disruptive scenarios.61Time series data provides insights for the network structure evolution.61Industries with more synergetic exchanges incur greater profitability from IS.61Resilience building strategies for IS networks are proposed.
[22] Deng Y, Cardin M A, Babovic V, et al.2013.

Valuing flexibilities in the design of urban water management systems

[J]. Water Research, 47(20): 7162-7174.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2013.09.064      URL      PMID: 24268059      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We explicitly consider uncertainty and flexibility in design and evaluation of urban water management systems.61Incorporating flexibility and uncertainty can provide a more accurate picture of system performance and improve economic life cycle performance compared to standard approaches.61Performance improvement resulting from considerations of flexibility is not guaranteed, and therefore motivates case-by-case quantitative analysis.61The methodology can be applied to a wide range of urban water management systems.
[23] Ewing R, Rong F.2008.

The impact of urban form on U.S. residential energy use

[J]. Housing Policy Debate, 19(1): 1-30.

https://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2008.9521624      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[24] Farmani R, Butler D.2014.

Implications of urban form on water distribution systems performance

[J]. Water Resources Management, 28(1): 83-97.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-013-0472-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper presents the results of an investigation into the relationship between urban form and the performance of a water distribution system. The effect of new development or redevelopment on the...
[25] Filion Y R.2008.

Impact of urban form on energy use in water distribution systems

[J]. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 14(4): 337-346.

https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)1076-0342(2008)14:4(337)      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[26] Foti R, Ramirez J A, Brown T C.2014.

A probabilistic framework for assessing vulnerability to climate variability and change: The case of the US water supply system

[J]. Climatic Change, 125(3-4): 413-427.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-014-1111-6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We introduce a probabilistic framework for vulnerability analysis and use it to quantify current and future vulnerability of the US water supply system. We also determine the contributions of hydro-climatic and socio-economic drivers to the changes in projected vulnerability. For all scenarios and global climate models examined, the US Southwest including California and the southern Great Plains was consistently found to be the most vulnerable. For most of the US, the largest contributions to changes in vulnerability come from changes in supply. However, for some areas of the West changes in vulnerability are caused mainly by changes in demand. These changes in supply and demand result mainly from changes in evapotranspiration rather than from changes in precipitation. Importantly, changes in vulnerability from projected changes in the standard deviations of precipitation and evapotranspiration are of about the same magnitude or larger than those from changes in the corresponding means over most of the US, except in large areas of the Great Plains, in central California and southern and central Texas.
[27] Giuliano G, Narayan D.2003.

Another look at travel patterns and urban form: The US and Great Britain

[J]. Urban Studies, 40(11): 2295-2312.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0042098032000123303      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Hong J, Shen Q, Zhang L.2014.

How do built-environment factors affect travel behavior? A spatial analysis at different geographic scales

[J]. Transportation, 41(3): 419-440.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-013-9462-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Much of the literature shows that a compact city with well-mixed land use tends to produce lower vehicle miles traveled (VMT), and consequently lower energy consumption and less emissions. However, a significant portion of the literature indicates that the built environment only generates some minor f any nfluence on travel behavior. Through the literature review, we identify four major methodological problems that may have resulted in these conflicting conclusions: self-selection, spatial autocorrelation, inter-trip dependency, and geographic scale. Various approaches have been developed to resolve each of these issues separately, but few efforts have been made to reexamine the built environment-travel behavior relationship by considering these methodological issues simultaneously. The objective of this paper is twofold: (1) to better understand the existing methodological gaps, and (2) to reexamine the effects of built-environment factors on transportation by employing a framework that incorporates recently developed methodological approaches. Using the Seattle metropolitan region as our study area, the 2006 Household Activity Survey and the 2005 parcel and building data are used in our analysis. The research employs Bayesian hierarchical models with built-environment factors measured at different geographic scales. Spatial random effects based on a conditional autoregressive specification are incorporated in the hierarchical model framework to account for spatial contiguity among Traffic Analysis Zones. Our findings indicate that land use factors have highly significant effects on VMT even after controlling for travel attitude and spatial autocorrelation. In addition, our analyses suggest that some of these effects may translate into different empirical results depending on geographic scales and tour types.
[29] Kashem S B, Irawan A, Wilson B.2014.

Evaluating the dynamic impacts of urban form on transportation and environmental outcomes in US cities

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11(8): 2233-2244.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-014-0630-z      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Previous urban sprawl studies have typically taken a cross-sectional approach without examining how sprawling urban areas are performing over time. Longitudinal studies of individual or household travel behavior and built-environment preference have made some progress in this direction, but very few studies have explored the longitudinal interaction of urban form with transportation and environmental outcomes. This study begins to fill this gap by evaluating the transportation and environmental impact dynamics of several key dimensions of urban sprawl: density, land use mix, centrality, and street connectivity. The central hypothesis is that while the built environment is durable and development patterns change slowly, the impacts of urban sprawl are dynamic rather than static and are accelerated in more sprawling cities relative to less sprawling cities. To test this hypothesis, a panel dataset of 7 years (2000 2007) was developed for 60 Metropolitan Statistical Areas of the US and a hybrid modeling framework that incorporates fixed and random effects is applied to evaluate different transportation and environmental outcomes over time. We found that the influence of urban centrality or the strength of urban sub-centers on the travel pattern of commuters and transit users is dynamic. This suggests that people living in cities with stronger centers drive less and use public transportation more over time. For environmental outcomes, we found that cities with higher density have experienced a significant decrease in ambient ozone and PM 2.5 concentrations after controlling city-specific variables.
[30] Kotharkar R, Bahadure P N, Vyas A.2012.

Compact city concept: Its relevance and applicability for planning of Indian cities

[C]// PLEA2012: conference, opportunities, limits & needs towards an environmentally responsible architecture. Lima, Peru.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Makki A A, Stewart R A, Beal C D, et al.2015.

Novel bottom-up urban water demand forecasting model: Revealing the determinants, drivers and predictors of residential indoor end-use consumption

[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 95: 15-37.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2014.11.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this comprehensive study was to explore the principal determinants of six residential indoor water end-use consumption categories at the household scale (i.e. namely clothes washer, shower, toilet, tap, dishwasher, and bath), and to find an overarching research design and approach for building a residential indoor water end-use demand forecasting model. A mixed method research design was followed to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from 210 households with a total of 557 occupants located in SEQ, Australia, utilising high resolution smart water metering technology, questionnaire surveys, diaries, and household water stock inventory audits. The principal determinants, main drivers, and predictors of residential indoor water consumption for each end-use category were revealed, and forecasting models were developed this study. This was achieved utilising an array of statistical techniques for each of the six end-use consumption categories. Cluster analysis and dummy coding were used to prepare the data for analysis and modelling. Subsequently, independent t-test and independent one-way ANOVA extended into a series of bootstrapped regression models were used to explore the principal determinants of consumption. Successively, a series of Pearson's Chi-Square tests was used to reveal the main drivers of higher water consumption and to determine alternative sets of consumption predictors. Lastly, independent factorial ANOVA extended into a series of bootstrapped multiple regression models was used for the development of alternative forecasting models. Key findings showed that the usage physical characteristics and the demographic and household makeup characteristics are the most significant determinants of all six end-use consumption categories. Further, the appliances/fixtures physical characteristics are significant determinants of all end-use consumption categories except the bath end-use category. Moreover, the socio-demographic characteristics are significant determinants of all end-use consumption categories except the tap and toilet end-use categories. Results also demonstrated that the main drivers of higher end-use water consumption were households with higher frequency and/or longer end-use events which are most likely to be those larger family households with teenagers and children, with higher income, predominantly working occupants, and/or higher educational level. Moreover, a total of 14 forecasting model alternatives for all six end-use consumption categories, as well as three total indoor bottom-up forecasting model alternatives were developed in this study. All of the developed forecasting model alternatives demonstrated strong statistical power, significance of fit, met the generalisation statistical criteria, and were cross-validated utilising an independent validation data set. The paper concludes with a discussion on the most significant determinants, drivers and predictors of water end-use consumption, and outlines the key implications of the research to enhanced urban water planning and policy design.
[32] Mansfield T J, Rodriguez D A, Huegy M J, et al.2015.

The effects of urban form on ambient air pollution and public health risk: A case study in Raleigh, North Carolina

[J]. Risk Analysis, 35(5): 901.

https://doi.org/10.1111/risa.12317      URL      PMID: 4461560      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Since motor vehicles are a major air pollution source, urban designs that decrease private automobile use could improve air quality and decrease air pollution health risks. Yet, the relationships among urban form, air quality, and health are complex and not fully understood. To explore these relationships, we model the effects of three alternative development scenarios on annual average fine particulate matter (PM2.5 ) concentrations in ambient air and associated health risks from PM2.5 exposure in North Carolina's Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area. We integrate transportation demand, land-use regression, and health risk assessment models to predict air quality and health impacts for three development scenarios: current conditions, compact development, and sprawling development. Compact development slightly decreases (-0.2%) point estimates of regional annual average PM2.5 concentrations, while sprawling development slightly increases (+1%) concentrations. However, point estimates of health impacts are in opposite directions: compact development increases (+39%) and sprawling development decreases (-33%) PM2.5-attributable mortality. Furthermore, compactness increases local variation in PM2.5 concentrations and increases the severity of local air pollution hotspots. Hence, this research suggests that while compact development may improve air quality from a regional perspective, it may also increase the concentration of PM2.5 in local hotspots and increase population exposure to PM2.5 . Health effects may be magnified if compact neighborhoods and PM2.5 hotspots are spatially co-located. We conclude that compactness alone is an insufficient means of reducing the public health impacts of transportation emissions in automobile-dependent regions. Rather, additional measures are needed to decrease automobile dependence and the health risks of transportation emissions. 2014 Society for Risk Analysis.
[33] Pingale S M, Jat M K, Khare D.2014.

Integrated urban water management modelling under climate change scenarios

[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 83: 176-189.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2013.10.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The concept of integrated water management is uncommon in urban areas, unless there is a shortage of supply and severe conflicts among the users competing for limited water resources. Further, problem of water management in urban areas will aggravate due to uncertain climatic events. Therefore, an Integrated Urban Water Management Model considering Climate Change (IUWMCC) has been presented which is suitable for optimum allocation of water from multiple sources to satisfy the demands of different users under different climate change scenarios. Effect of climate change has been incorporated in non-linear mathematical model of resource allocation in term of climate change factors. These factors have been developed using runoff responses corresponding to base and future scenario of climate. Future scenarios have been simulated using stochastic weather generator (LARS-WG) for different IPCC climate change scenarios i.e. A1B, A2 and B1. Further, application of model has been demonstrated for a realistic water supply system of Ajmer urban fringe (India). Developed model is capable in developing adaptation strategies for optimum water resources planning and utilization in urban areas under different climate change scenarios.
[34] Schindler M, Caruso G.2014.

Urban compactness and the trade-off between air pollution emission and exposure: Lessons from a spatially explicit theoretical model

[J]. Computers Environment & Urban Systems, 45(2): 13-23.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2014.01.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Air pollution is a major concern in urban areas worldwide. The interplay between urban structure and air pollution from an environmental, health and social perspective is the focus of our work: we model how urban structure impacts traffic-induced pollutant emissions and the exposure of residents to those pollutants. We present a chain of models applied to theoretical monocentric space: a residential choice model with endogenous open-space and road network, a commuting traffic generation and road assignment model and a pollutant emissions, dispersion and exposure model. The theoretical study approach decouples results from location specific characteristics and enables us to analyse how the preference of households for green amenities, a transport tax, the provision of public transport alternatives and local neighbourhood design impact the environment (total emissions) as well as residents health (population exposure) and utility. We emphasise that environmental strategies in the form of urban compaction have a strong impact on the exposure of households to pollutants, especially close to the centre, in addition to their reduction of welfare. Our results suggest that more beneficial policy outcomes can be obtained from strategies which preserve green spaces close to the centre or which intend a greater shift from car to public transport. Further, we find indication that different local designs of neighbourhoods have much stronger impacts on the exposure mission tension than city-wide land use or transport options.
[35] Schweitzer L, Zhou J P.2010.

Neighborhood air quality, respiratory health, and vulnerable populations in compact and sprawled regions

[J]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 76(3): 363-371.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944363.2010.486623      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[36] Wong H G, Speight V L, Filion Y R.2015.

Impact of urban form on energy use in water distribution systems at the neighbourhood level

[J]. Procedia Engineering, 119(1): 1049-1058.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.932      URL      [本文引用: 1]     
