地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (3): 428-440 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.012



王甫园12, 王开泳12*

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101

Connectivity and distribution pattern of regional greenways and ecological recreation spaces in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration

WANG Fuyuan12, WANG Kaiyong12*

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者:  *通信作者简介:王开泳(1980— ),男,山东滕州人,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向为城市地理、行政区划。E-mail: wangky@igsnrr.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2018-05-14

修回日期:  2018-12-26

网络出版日期:  2019-03-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2018M641457)国家自然科学基金项目(41871151)


第一作者简介:王甫园(1988— ),男,湖南新化人,博士后,研究方向为旅游地理与生态空间治理。E-mail: wangfy.15b@igsnrr.ac.cn




关键词: 生态游憩空间 ; 绿道 ; 连接度 ; 分布模式 ; 珠三角城市群


Greenways play an important role in building a continuous ecological open space system in an urban agglomeration. Based on the regional greenways in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration, topological network analysis and social network analysis were used to assess the connectivity and distribution pattern of ecological recreation space-regional greenway network. The results show that: 1) The α, β, and γ indices are 0, 0.386, and 0.129 respectively, indicating a low-circuitry and low-connectivity topological structure of the network. 2) The network is clustered, and the degree of connectivity of the cohesive subgroups at the edge is higher than that of the central region. 3) The degree of connectivity between the cohesive subgroups in the eastern and northern regions is greater than that of the cohesive subgroups in the western region, and the connectivity between the western subgroups and eastern subgroups is low, suggesting that the network is fragmented in the east-west direction. 4) The distribution pattern of the connectivity is formed under the influences of the greenway development policy and layout, the greenway construction mechanism, the agglomeration pattern of ecological recreation spaces, geographical barriers, and spatial proximity. Several pathways were proposed to construct an ecological recreation space-greenway network with higher connectivity, for providing some references for the planning and development of China's urban agglomerations.

Keywords: ecological recreation spaces ; greenway ; connectivity ; distribution pattern ; Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration


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王甫园, 王开泳. 珠江三角洲城市群区域绿道与生态游憩空间的连接度与分布模式[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(3): 428-440 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.012

WANG Fuyuan, WANG Kaiyong. Connectivity and distribution pattern of regional greenways and ecological recreation spaces in the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(3): 428-440 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.012

生态游憩空间提供支持、供给、调节与文化服务等多元生态系统服务,是维系生态安全、提升居民福祉的重要空间。在城市群地区,无序扩张的建筑设施与交通用地或难以进入的河流、山地等成为生态游憩空间之间功能互动的阻隔,导致生态游憩空间分布孤岛化、破碎化。绿道是沿自然廊道(如河流、溪谷,或者山脊线)或交通线修建的线性绿色开放空间,将公园、自然保护地、文化和历史场所以及聚居区等连接起来(查尔斯·E·利特尔, 2013),兼具生态廊道、开敞空间和游径的功能,是优化城市群生态网络、促进区域景观整体性保护与生态空间游憩利用的轴线。本文试图采用地理网络分析方法评估珠三角城市群现有绿道网络与生态游憩空间连接的分布模式与存在的问题,充实绿道评估的方法,并提出优化路径,有利于城市群构建连续的,融游憩、生态与文化保护、科普教育等功能于一体的生态开放空间骨干网。

绿道的概念由古代礼仪道、林荫道、公园道(parkway)、带状公园、绿带、绿径(green trail)等演化而来(Turner, 2006),它是一种可持续利用的包含线性要素的土地网络,经规划、设计和管理而用于生态、游憩、文化、美学等多方面的目的,具有线性配置、连接、多功能性、可持续性、整合性五个特征(Ahern, 1995)。现代意义上的绿道的实践和概念源起于美国。19世纪时,在城市美化运动思潮影响下,城市公园道建设兴起,1867年奥姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted)规划设计了一个由滨河绿色通道连接的公园系统,即著名的波士顿“翡翠项链”,同时满足了生态保护与居民休闲需求,并平衡了各利益相关者的利益诉求(文克·E·德拉姆施塔德等, 2016)。此后,Charles Eliot、Olmsted Brothers、Eliot Ⅱ和Henry Wright等景观设计师将绿道规划设计拓展到大都市乃至国家尺度,如Charles Eliot与Eliot Ⅱ在19世纪末主持的波士顿地区开放空间系统规划利用绿道将3条主要河流和6大城市郊区开放空间连接起来,使波士顿地区增加了约630 km2的开放空间(引自周年兴等, 2006; 徐东辉等, 2014)。20世纪60—70年代美国的环保运动进一步刺激了绿道的研究与实践;80年代末,绿道的作用受到了美国户外游憩总统委员会的充分肯定;至90年代后,绿道运动在世界范围内扩展(周年兴等, 2006)。中国绿道规划与建设起步较晚,直到2009年才在珠三角城市群地区开始酝酿。

20世纪80年代以来,国外绿道研究集中在4个方面:① 中外绿道发展史的研究(Fábos, 2004; Yu et al, 2006);② 绿道的规划与设计研究,如Linehan等(1995)发展了一种基于区域生物多样性保护网络的绿道规划方法,Sinclair等(2005)基于生物多样性保护的角度提出了绿道设计宽度要求,Toccolini等(2006)指出绿道的规划步骤有景观资源分析以及现有绿道和历史游径的评价、要素综合评价、绿道网络完善等;③ 绿道使用行为及其影响因素研究,如Akpinar(2016)发现可达性影响绿道使用频率,而绿道的照明、安全、维护、卫生管理和停车等因素影响绿道使用的持续时间,又如Senes等(2017)发现绿道使用人数与月份有关,且受人口教育水平、游客人数、历史和建筑资源的丰度和可达性的正向影响,受小于15岁及大于64岁人口规模、城市化水平的负向影响,还有Keith等(2018)发现使用者普遍关注绿道的安全性,使用城市绿道时追求社会互动和邻里联系等文化利益,而使用郊区绿道时注重自然体验; ④ 其他研究还包括绿道的环境效应(Rao et al, 2004)以及绿道对旅游经济(Flink et al, 2001; Deenihan et al, 2013)、土地利用变化(Jang et al, 2015)的影响。1992年,国内期刊上出现了介绍美国绿道(greenway)的文献(叶盛东, 1992),现有研究主要关注绿道规划设计(刘岳等, 2012; 马向明等, 2013; 刘铮, 2017)、绿道旅游开发(胡卫华, 2013)、绿道的生态系统服务评估(吴隽宇等, 2017)、绿道的适宜性评价(俞孔坚等, 2005)、国外案例与经验借鉴(赵珂等, 2017)、绿道使用满意度(卢飞红等, 2015)等。

近年来,国外有关城市生态游憩空间的研究成果相对丰富,表现为:① 分析了城市生态游憩空间对居民福祉的作用与机理(Smyth et al, 2008; Dzhambov et al, 2015);② 探究了城市生态游憩空间感知利益、使用行为及其影响因素(Madureira et al, 2015; Wan et al, 2015);③ 探讨城市生态游憩空间对房价与社会文化的影响及其机理(Arnberger et al, 2012; Czembrowski et al, 2016);④ 开展城市生态游憩空间服务功能评价研究(Tyrväinen等, 2007)。此外,一些研究也考察了生态游憩空间的分布格局与演化(Preston-Whyte, 2001)。国内研究成果相对较少,主要包含3个方面:基于人口需求的城市生态游憩空间服务功能、价值评估(李华, 2015; 孙琨, 唐承财等, 2016)与配置需求(孙琨, 钟林生等, 2016);城市生态游憩空间的分布格局与成因探究(李玏等, 2015);城市生态游憩空间的感知调查和影响因素分析(陈爽等, 2010)。总的来说,国内外城市群尺度生态游憩空间的直接研究较少,相关文献只探讨了城市群尺度生态游憩空间可达性格局(杨丽婷等, 2016)、城市群旅游流空间结构(陈浩等, 2011)、城市群旅游合作(殷柏慧等, 2004)、欧美城市群生态游憩空间规划经验(柴舟跃等, 2016)等。

综合来看,当前研究对绿道与生态游憩空间连接的分布特征与模式缺少关注,相关分析方法的探索也较少。连接度(connectivity)也称为连通性,是景观生态学的经典概念,原意是指景观间生态流(如物种交换)的畅通程度,良好的连接度是促进生态系统健康、可持续发展的关键(熊春妮等, 2008)。生态连接度是测度景观对于生态斑块间运动的促进或者阻碍作用程度的指标,它主要基于渗透和图论两大理论(富伟等, 2009)。本文借鉴生态连接度的概念,评价珠三角城市群以区域绿道为媒介的各生态游憩空间连接度的分布模式,包括结构(或形态)和功能的互动性,并从城市群整体性的视角提出优化路径。

1 数据与方法

1.1 研究区域概况

2010年1月,广东省在全国率先编制完成了《珠江三角洲绿道网总体规划纲要》,提出3 a内建成总长约1690 km的6条区域绿道,分为生态型、郊野型和都市型3种类型,控制宽度分别不低于200、100、20 m(广东省住房和建设厅, 2010)。建设性规划实际确定的绿道总里程达到1905.61 km(高长征等, 2011)。由于地方政府建设积极性较高,到2011年1月,珠三角城市群超额建成了2372 km的区域(省立)绿道,串联了200多个风景名胜区、自然保护区、森林公园、郊野公园、湿地公园和历史文化遗址遗迹等(冯利芳, 2012),并配备了标识系统、171个驿站和休息点,以及停车场、自行车租赁、餐饮、卫生、安保等服务设施,不仅具备生态功能,而且也具有生态观光、运动健身、环境教育、文化体验等多元游憩功能。

到2014年12月底,城市绿道、社区绿道也已经建立起来,珠三角城市群的绿道总长度已经达到8909 km,绿道网络逐渐完善。2016年,广东省政府在《政府工作报告》中提出了“修复南粤古驿道,提升绿道网管理和利用水平”的工作安排,并于2017年11月正式印发《广东省南粤古驿道文化线路保护利用总体规划》,南粤古驿道的建设,标志着广东省计划以历史文化线路的形式实现绿道建设的创新及向粤东西北地区拓展(马向明等, 2017)。鉴于南粤古驿道尚处于建设中,且其主要分布在粤东西北地区,本文暂不考虑。根据规划,区域绿道是珠三角城市群骨干生态与游憩综合廊道,其地位非常重要,因而本文聚焦于评价区域绿道网与城市群生态游憩空间连接的空间分布。

1.2 数据来源与处理

城市群生态游憩空间以城市群生态空间为基底,配备有基本的休闲设施,可供居民进入开展游憩活动。根据重要性和价值,将珠三角城市群区域性的生态游憩空间界定为7类:风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园、水利风景区、湿地公园、生态型旅游景区以及城市公园(只含综合公园和专类公园)。前6类是国家自上而下指导建立的国家公园体系的重要组成部分,兼具生态保护与游憩服务功能,最后1类也是城市重要的生态空间和公共游憩空间。并且,一些城市将上述7类生态游憩空间划为游憩用地与生态控制区(佛山市人民政府, 2017),说明这种界定方法具有合理性。各类生态游憩空间的名称、等级和面积信息的来源见表1

表1   生态游憩空间属性信息的来源

Tab.1   Sources of attribute information of ecological recreation space

森林公园名录国家级、省级、市级、县(市、区)级1) 广东省森林公园一览表(https://www.gdf.gov.cn/index.php?action=view&id=7481)
2) 省级森林公园名录(https://park.gdf.gov.cn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=79:2010-01-11-03-07-17&catid=16:gongyuanminglu)
3) 广东省免费森林公园名单(https://www.gdf.gov.cn/index.php?controller=front&action=view&id=10033759)
4) 广东省森林公园体系和湿地公园体系建设与发展规划基础数据(https://www.gdf.gov.cn/index.php?controller=front&action=view&id=10019383)
风景名胜区名录国家级、省级1) 广东省风景名胜区名录(http://www.360doc.com/document/13/0122/16/9090133_261783885.shtml)
2) 广东省风景名胜区体系规划(2015—2030)
A级景区名录(截至2017年9月8日)5A、4A、3A、2A名录和等级信息来自广东省旅游局官方网站(广东省旅游局, 2017),面积同样通过网络搜索整理



整合各类信息并建立Excel数据库,且合并一地多牌的生态游憩空间,面积和等级数据分别取相应类别中的较高者,最终得到539条生态游憩空间记录。采用点定位和目视解译相结合的方法,对生态游憩空间进行矢量化。首先,搜集各生态游憩点的经纬度信息,并将其导入到ArcGIS 10.0形成点集矢量图层,然后结合谷歌影像图与点的位置,对点周围的生态斑块进行数字化,得到面状的生态游憩空间。解译过程详见图1

图1   广州白云山旅游区目视解译过程示意

Fig.1   Visual interpretation process of tourist scenic spots of the Baiyun Mountain

区域(省立)绿道网矢量图层基于广东省旅游局编制的珠三角绿道旅游地图数字化得来,共包括6条区域绿道,构成珠三角城市群的绿道骨干网络。其中广州市、佛山市和深圳市拥有的区域绿道里程较长,均在300 km以上;惠州市、东莞市和江门市的区域绿道里程也在200 km以上;中山市、珠海市的区域绿道里程较小,分别只有182、82 km(图2)。

图2   各城市区域绿道里程

Fig.2   Total length of regional greenways in each city

1.3 研究方法


1.3.1 生态游憩网络的拓扑结构评估

首先定义一个“生态游憩空间—区域绿道”拓扑结构网络N(V, L)(以下简称生态游憩网络),其中V为节点集,即539个生态游憩空间,L为边,即两点之间的绿道,边都是简单连通的,不包含环和多重边,结合珠三角区域绿道旅游地图和生态游憩空间分布图手动绘制。然后,借鉴经济地理学的αβγ指数来测评N(V, L)的网络连通性。这3个指数常用于评价道路网的连通性(高洁, 2010),适用于本研究的情境。

其中,α指数可以测度生态游憩网络出现回路的可能性,其表达式为(Cook, 2002):








γ的取值范围同样介于0~1之间,当其值为0时,表示网络内没有连线;当γ=1时,表示所有节点相互连接(高洁, 2010)。

1.3.2 生态游憩网络的集群结构评估

绿道连接会对生态游憩空间产生组群效应,形成大小不一的组团。为揭示这种集群式结构,借鉴Linehan等(1995)的做法,采用引力模型得出所有节点两两之间的互动程度。一般而言,节点的规模(或其他质量属性)越大,节点间的距离越短,节点的互动倾向越强,分离趋势越小。因而,引力模型可以反映生态游憩空间的连接度(Linehan et al, 1995)。其计算公式为:


式中:Gab指节点ab之间的互动程度;Dab为两点之间的绿道连线距离,采用ArcGIS 10.0网络分析中的OD成本矩阵方法测算得出;NaNb分别指节点ab的权重,这里指每个节点的生态游憩服务供给水平,为生态游憩空间等级和面积的综合值。设定省级(或4A级)生态游憩空间的质量权重为1,则县级(或2A级)、地市级(或3A级)与国家级(或5A级)的权重分别为0.333、0.667、1.333(表2),将面积乘以质量权重值就可以得出N值。

表2   各等级生态游憩空间的权重

Tab.2   Weights of ecological recreation spaces at all levels



Gab值为指标,采用社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis)中的凝聚子群分析(Cohesive subgroup analysis)揭示生态游憩网络的集群结构。凝聚子群是指在社会关系网络中具有相对较强的、直接、紧密或者经常的和积极关系的一组行动者集合,它可以建立在互惠关系的基础上,也可以建立在可达性、联系频次或关系密度的基础上(Wasserman et al, 1994; 刘军, 2009)。在本文中,凝聚子群反映了绿道连接的生态游憩空间的小团体集聚现象,这种子群结构不完全由空间距离决定,还与生态游憩空间的服务水平成正比,因此也可能存在个别子群内部板块在空间上不连续的现象。凝聚子群密度表征了连接度的大小

具体操作时,首先建立以Gab值为指标的N×N的对称矩阵(表3),将矩阵导入UNINET 6.212,再运用CONCOR算法揭示生态游憩网络的凝聚子群。CONCOR算法是一种迭代相关收敛法,它首先计算出矩阵各行(或各列)的相关系数,然后进一步计算相关系数矩阵各行(或各列)的相关系数,经多次迭代运算后,矩阵的相关系数值由-1和1组成,对-1和1进行重新排列,就得出了绿道连接的生态游憩空间的凝聚子群分组结果(刘军, 2009)。

表3   由Gab值建立的对称矩阵

Tab.3   Symmetric matrix based on the values of Gab



2 分布模式与成因

2.1 连接度及其分布模式分析


图3   珠三角城市群区域绿道连接的拓扑网络

Fig.3   Topological network connected by greenways in the Pearl River Delta region


图4显示的是第2个层面的4个子群分区结果,根据其分布位置和范围可以将其命名为:① 珠三角南部组团;② 珠三角东部组团;③ 珠三角西部组团;④ 珠三角北部组团。说明绿道连接效应使珠三角城市群生态游憩空间分布形成四大联系相对紧密的片区。

图4   第2个层面的4个子群的空间分布

Fig.4   Spatial distribution of the four subgroups at Level 2

图5显示的是第3个层面的8个凝聚子群:① 珠海市东部集群;② 深圳市东部—惠州市南部集群;③ 东莞市—深圳市北部—惠州市西部集群;④ 深圳市西部和广州市中部集群;⑤ 珠海市西部—中山市南部集群;⑥ 肇庆市市辖区—佛山市—江门市东北部集群;⑦ 广州市南部集群;⑧ 广州市北部集群。8个组团中,除了组团④ 由空间不邻近的两部分组成外,其余的都具有空间集聚性。

图5   第3个层面的8个凝聚子群的分布

Fig.5   Spatial distribution of the eight cohesive subgroups at Level 3


表4   珠三角城市群生态游憩网络的凝聚子群密度

Tab.4   Cohesive subgroup density of the ecological recreation network of the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration

① 珠海市东部集群25701.94
② 深圳市东部-惠州市南部集群46.946721995.50
③ 东莞市-深圳市北部-惠州市西部集群3266.2779.88984.72
④ 深圳市西部和广州市中部集群37997.99108.1982.713310.63
⑤ 珠海市西部-中山市南部集群1.492.023.972.14681.82
⑥ 肇庆市辖区-佛山市-江门市东北部集群6.624.7310.195.975.90118111.57
⑦ 广州市南部集群1.850.952.331.579.255.4456.26
⑧ 广州市北部集群213.5521.29118.49956.536.7220.336.189250.32




图6   各凝聚子群间连接关系图示

Fig.6   Illustration of the connections between the cohesive subgroups


2.2 成因解析

2.2.1 绿道政策与布局


2.2.2 绿道建设机制

图2可发现各市绿道长度存在较大的差异。绿道发展是珠三角区域自上而下发起的,但为减少省政府的财政负担,绿道建设采用的是自下而上的机制,省级管理部门负责规划和业务指导,各城市分别成立了市级绿道领导小组,将建设任务分解至县区(或镇),建设资金由市级政府或县区(镇)政府负担,也有的由两级政府共同分担(刘铮,2017)。总体而言,地方政府(市、县区与镇政府)自主负担绿道建设与维护所需资金,但因为地方财政实力与政府竞争意识不一,如广州市黄埔区主动要求建设40 km省立绿道(广州市林业和园林局, 2010),导致绿道建设水平出现差异,最终使得广州、深圳、佛山等市的区域绿道实际建设里程较长,连接度也相对较高,而西部、西北地区成为绿道建设的短板。

2.2.3 生态游憩空间规模的集聚格局


图7   2017年生态游憩空间规模分布的核密度

Fig.7   Nuclear density map of the scale of ecological recreation space in 2017

2.2.4 地理阻隔与空间邻近性


3 结论、讨论与优化路径

3.1 结论与讨论

(1) 本文定义了一个“生态游憩空间—区域绿道”拓扑网,构建了连接度定量评价的模型。“生态游憩空间—区域绿道”拓扑网的构想源自道路拓扑网,但与之不同的是,生态游憩网络中节点不具备枢纽功能,因而节点的瘫痪对整体连接度的负效应要低于道路网(高洁, 2010)。评价模型的测算结果主要反映了连接度的整体水平和空间分布特征,在方法应用上有一定的创新,但模型也具有一定的局限性。首先,本文表达的连接度,实际上是一种基于绿道连接线的生态游憩空间综合功能间的潜在联系度,侧重从景观形态与结构方面考察,并不是基于实际生态流、人流的各细分功能的联系。其次,模型对网络中边和节点的结构性特征缺少揭示。实际上,即使2个网络的边和节点数量相等,也会因为边连接方向不同导致总体连接度的差异。最后,本文所用模型没能反映区域社会经济要素和生态游憩空间连接度的关系。

(2) 本文采用αβγ指数评价了网络的回路数、线点率和环通度,发现珠三角城市群生态游憩网络为树状型,节点数量、节点规模和回路数的值较低,空间连接度整体不高。据测算,绿道连接的节点数量和面积不超过40%,仍有60%以上的生态游憩空间没有被纳入网络。由于珠三角区域绿道规划和政策是以建成区优先,然后再向郊区的乡村拓展,因而郊区市县绝大多数生态游憩空间尽管规模相对较大,但未被接入绿道网,拉低了整体的连接度。而城市群核心地区现有绿道网络也因为环线和连接道较少,所以环通度较差、总体连接度较低。与道路网类似(徐军等, 2000),αβγ指数值主要体现了生态游憩网络中边的数量多少,但难以反映网络在结构和形态方面的特性。

(3) “生态游憩空间-区域绿道”网络呈集群式分布,各集群连接度存在明显的区域分异。绿道分布和生态游憩空间规模集聚的双重效应使珠三角城市群形成了8 个凝聚子群,且边缘地区子群(包括第1、2、6、8 子群)的连接度要高于中心地区子群的密度。这一结论与大都市区绿地的可达性格局(Dai,2011)以及珠三角城市群生态游憩空间可达性格局类似(Wang et al, 2018),但与工业化和城镇化格局恰好相反,这是由于中心地区人口、产业与城镇等要素高度集聚,占用了较多的生态空间(叶玉瑶,2006;丁俊等, 2016),而边缘山区和海滨地区还保留有规模较大的生态游憩空间,表明了城镇化进程中生态景观可持续发展和建设用地扩张的矛盾,同时也凸显了通过区域绿道整合城市群中心区和边缘区生态游憩空间的必要性。

(4) 生态游憩空间集群之间的空间联系呈现出东部-北部大于西部、东西部之间空间分割性比较明显的格局。具体而言,珠三角东部-北部的广州、东莞、深圳、惠州以及珠海市东部5 个区域内的第1、2、3、4、8 子群之间连接度相对较高,而珠三角城市群西南部子群、西北部子群与东部-北部子群之间的连接度较低,空间分割性比较明显。这与陈浩等(2011)得出的珠三角城市群旅游流联系、陈伟劲等(2013)发现的城市联系的网络结构以及区域发展轴线布局类似,即由深圳、广州和珠海市构成的三角形区域旅游流联系较密切,并显著大于其他区域。原因在于3 个方面:一是因为绿道布局与旅游流、城市联系和区域规划的空间轴线分布类似;其二,生态游憩空间规模分布不平衡,广州、深圳、东莞城市经济发展和城镇化水平高,生态游憩空间建设力度更大,集聚水平要大于西部地区(图7);其三,东部-北部之间的子群分布邻近,而与西部子群则距离相对较远,且受珠江河口阻隔。这说明各地市绿道建设和生态空间游憩利用各自为阵,协作力度不够,而区域所做的统筹协调工作也不够。

3.2 优化路径


3.2.1 推进城市群边缘区生态游憩空间的绿道连接


3.2.2 完善城市群现有绿道连接网络


3.2.3 加强生态空间修复与游憩利用


3.2.4 建立绿道建设和生态空间游憩利用的区域统筹机制


3.2.5 强化“生态游憩空间-区域绿道”规划与优化的科技支撑

需进一步加强“生态游憩空间-区域绿道”网络评估和规划的理论和技术方法研究,为绿道与生态游憩空间的科学布局与管理提供更有力的决策支持。本文虽就此进行了有益探究,但仍需突破的问题包括:① 珠三角城市群部分绿道段存在配套设施不完善、生态性不足、过于人工化与交通化等问题(胡卫华, 2013; 刘铮, 2017),后续研究需重视绿道设计、建设和管理中的微观问题,加强中观微观尺度绿道质量和功能评价与实证研究,为绿道设计和建设提供支撑;② 进一步加强方法和技术手段的创新,力争利用实际对流数据来考察生态游憩空间细分功能的连接度,刻画网络在结构上的特性;③ 引入社会经济要素,基于多要素间关系综合评价网络的文化服务功能,如考察人口对网络的可达性,调研居民对网络的感知、评价、使用行为以及网络对身心健康、社会融合等的效应,为网络的管理提供支撑。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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GIS空间分析技术为空间形态的精准判别提供了新的路径和研究视角。本文通过高分辨率Google Earth影像提取2013年珠江三角洲城市群的工业生产空间分布信息,运用分形模型、形态紧凑度、空间离散度、密度指数定量分析珠三角工业生产空间的形态特征,采用GIS空间分析并结合社会经济统计分析进一步探讨了影响其分布的主要因素。结果表明:①2013年珠江三角洲城市群的工业生产空间共有2604.71 km2,其空间分布呈现典型的“核心—边缘”结构,并且形成了交错式、零散式和集中式3种分布模式。②珠江三角洲城市群的工业生产空间具有很强的分形特征,核心区的分形维数整体小于外围地区,而空间结构的稳定性高于外围地区;珠三角各市中,工业生产空间形态紧凑度最高的为珠海、最低的为广州,而空间离散度最高的为惠州、最低的为中山;珠三角各市工业生产空间的规模差异显著,与经济规模、人口规模、工业企业数等呈较强的正相关关系,而东莞、深圳、中山、佛山的密度指数过高,需加强工业生产空间的集约高效利用。③自然因素与交通条件、城镇化与开发区的发展、政策的引导和调控以及经济全球化是珠江三角洲城市群工业生产空间分布的主要影响因素。

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GIS空间分析技术为空间形态的精准判别提供了新的路径和研究视角。本文通过高分辨率Google Earth影像提取2013年珠江三角洲城市群的工业生产空间分布信息,运用分形模型、形态紧凑度、空间离散度、密度指数定量分析珠三角工业生产空间的形态特征,采用GIS空间分析并结合社会经济统计分析进一步探讨了影响其分布的主要因素。结果表明:①2013年珠江三角洲城市群的工业生产空间共有2604.71 km2,其空间分布呈现典型的“核心—边缘”结构,并且形成了交错式、零散式和集中式3种分布模式。②珠江三角洲城市群的工业生产空间具有很强的分形特征,核心区的分形维数整体小于外围地区,而空间结构的稳定性高于外围地区;珠三角各市中,工业生产空间形态紧凑度最高的为珠海、最低的为广州,而空间离散度最高的为惠州、最低的为中山;珠三角各市工业生产空间的规模差异显著,与经济规模、人口规模、工业企业数等呈较强的正相关关系,而东莞、深圳、中山、佛山的密度指数过高,需加强工业生产空间的集约高效利用。③自然因素与交通条件、城镇化与开发区的发展、政策的引导和调控以及经济全球化是珠江三角洲城市群工业生产空间分布的主要影响因素。
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珠三角在工业化快速发展进程中 出现了城市无序蔓延、生态环境破坏严重、城市可使用绿地不多等诸多问题。为改善人居环境,维护生态安全,2010年初广东省启动了珠三角区域绿道建设, 在"一年基本建成"的任务目标完成后,针对一年多以来珠三角绿道在设计、建设和管理等方面出现的问题,借鉴美国绿道建设的经验,提出"分类分期,实现优质 建设;生态优先,提高绿化质量;完善配套,加强安全管理;政府主导,提出社会共建"四条建议,为绿道建设与管理提供借鉴。

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https://doi.org/10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201608009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

运用空间分析方法,对长江中游城市群森林公园的空间分布及其可达性进行综合分析,并对不同等级森林公园的空间分异进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)长江中游城市群森林公园在空间上表现为聚集分布,且具有“东密西疏”的空间分布格局,国家级和省级森林公园的分布模式分别为随机分布和聚集分布。(2)长江中游城市群森林公园的空间可达性较好,区域内平均可达性时间为38.84 min,且具有明显的交通指向性,省级森林公园的可达性要优于国家级森林公园。(3)基于县级单元的整体可达性在空间上呈聚集格局,森林公园可达性的热点区域分布自东向西表现为热点区、次热区、次冷区和冷点区,省级森林公园可达性与之表现出较强的相似,而国家级森林公园可达性的热点区域分布相对随机。在此基础上提出相应的对策措施,为长江中游城市群森林旅游的发展提供了依据。

[Yang L T, Liu D J, Zhao Y, et al.2016.

Spatial pattern and accessibility of the forest parks in urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River

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https://doi.org/10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201608009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

运用空间分析方法,对长江中游城市群森林公园的空间分布及其可达性进行综合分析,并对不同等级森林公园的空间分异进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)长江中游城市群森林公园在空间上表现为聚集分布,且具有“东密西疏”的空间分布格局,国家级和省级森林公园的分布模式分别为随机分布和聚集分布。(2)长江中游城市群森林公园的空间可达性较好,区域内平均可达性时间为38.84 min,且具有明显的交通指向性,省级森林公园的可达性要优于国家级森林公园。(3)基于县级单元的整体可达性在空间上呈聚集格局,森林公园可达性的热点区域分布自东向西表现为热点区、次热区、次冷区和冷点区,省级森林公园可达性与之表现出较强的相似,而国家级森林公园可达性的热点区域分布相对随机。在此基础上提出相应的对策措施,为长江中游城市群森林旅游的发展提供了依据。
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The introduction of American greenways

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城市群空间演化动力机制初探: 以珠江三角洲城市群为例

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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2006.01.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以珠江三角洲城市群为例,对城市群空间演化的动力机制进行了初步 的探讨.将城市群空间演化的动力归结为三类,即自然生长力、市场驱动力以及政府调控力,并以此为基础构建了城市群空间演化动力模型,初步揭示了城市群空间 演化动力作用机制、合成原则,以及不同演化阶段主导动力与空间演化特征的关系.

[Ye Y Y.2006.

Spatial evolution mechanism of urban conglomeration: A case study of the Pearl River Delta

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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2006.01.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以珠江三角洲城市群为例,对城市群空间演化的动力机制进行了初步 的探讨.将城市群空间演化的动力归结为三类,即自然生长力、市场驱动力以及政府调控力,并以此为基础构建了城市群空间演化动力模型,初步揭示了城市群空间 演化动力作用机制、合成原则,以及不同演化阶段主导动力与空间演化特征的关系.
[34] 殷柏慧, 吴必虎. 2004.

长三角与环渤海区域旅游合作条件对比研究: 兼论环渤海次区域旅游合作道路选择

[J]. 旅游学刊, 19(6): 33-37.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文从区域旅游角度对长三角和环渤海地区旅 游合作条件进行 对比分析,认为两个区域都具有经济圈的背景支撑、旅游业发展水平高、资源优势度大、旅 游合作尝试早等共性;差异性在于区域内部均衡性、空间结构和旅游合作阶段等方面。试图 从区域客观属性来解释环渤海区域旅游合

[Yin B H, Wu B H.2004.

A comparative study on regional tourism cooperation between Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim

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Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

本文从区域旅游角度对长三角和环渤海地区旅 游合作条件进行 对比分析,认为两个区域都具有经济圈的背景支撑、旅游业发展水平高、资源优势度大、旅 游合作尝试早等共性;差异性在于区域内部均衡性、空间结构和旅游合作阶段等方面。试图 从区域客观属性来解释环渤海区域旅游合
[35] 俞孔坚, 李伟, 李迪华, . 2005.

快速城市化地区遗产廊道适宜性分析方法探讨: 以台州市为例

[J]. 地理研究, 24(1): 69-76.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2005.01.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

遗产廊道是绿道基础上形成的概念, 融休闲游憩、文化与生态保护于一体。本文运用最小累积阻力模型, 结合GIS技术尝试探讨遗产廊道适宜性分析的新途径。主要的思路是:把遗产和生态休闲活动作为一种空间水平过程, 基于土地利用属性和遗产廊道元素的不同阻力分布, 模拟其空间扩张状况, 在此基础上进一步分析确定适宜建立廊道的区域。依据公众偏好调查, 和在此基础上的专业人员评价, 来确定土地利用属性和遗产廊道元素的阻力系数。在有关探讨的基础上, 针对一个快速城市化进程中的典型地区———浙江台州市案例, 进行了较详细的呈示和讨论。

[Yu K J, Li W, Li D H.2005.

Suitability analysis of heritage corridor in rapidly urbanizing region: A case study of Taizhou City

. Geographical Research, 24(1): 69-76. ]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0585.2005.01.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

遗产廊道是绿道基础上形成的概念, 融休闲游憩、文化与生态保护于一体。本文运用最小累积阻力模型, 结合GIS技术尝试探讨遗产廊道适宜性分析的新途径。主要的思路是:把遗产和生态休闲活动作为一种空间水平过程, 基于土地利用属性和遗产廊道元素的不同阻力分布, 模拟其空间扩张状况, 在此基础上进一步分析确定适宜建立廊道的区域。依据公众偏好调查, 和在此基础上的专业人员评价, 来确定土地利用属性和遗产廊道元素的阻力系数。在有关探讨的基础上, 针对一个快速城市化进程中的典型地区———浙江台州市案例, 进行了较详细的呈示和讨论。
[36] 赵珂, 李享, 袁南华. 2017.

从美国“绿道”到欧洲绿道: 城乡空间生态网络构建: 以广州市增城区为例

[J]. 中国园林, 33(8): 82-87.

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[Zhao K, Li X, Yuan N H.2017.

From American "Greenway" to European Greenway: The construction of ecological network in urban and rural space: A case study of Zengcheng District of Guangzhou

. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 33(8): 82-87. ]

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[37] 周年兴, 俞孔坚, 黄震方. 2006.


[J]. 生态学报, 26(9): 3108-3116.

Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Zhou N X, Yu K J, Huang Z F.2006.

Perspectives on greenway development

. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26(9): 3108-3116. ]

Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[38] Ahern J.1995.

Greenways as a planning strategy

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 33(1-3): 131-155.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-2046(95)02039-V      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Greenways is a generic term that has been applied to a wide range of landscape planning strategies, concepts, and plans. While there is some consensus emerging on the benefits of protecting networks of land, there is little agreement on terminology. As a result, communication and knowledge exchange are limited. This paper offers an inclusive definition of greenways, discusses greenway characteristics, benefits and liabilities, and presents a typology for greenway classification based on scale, goals, landscape context, and planning strategy. This typology is applied to three case studies from the Netherlands and the USA which have been selected to represent a range of greenway types, to articulate similarities, differences, and to explore the transferability of knowledge and concepts. Through this discussion, greenways are considered as a useful strategy for planning, design and management of sustainable landscapes.
[39] Akpinar A.2016.

Factors influencing the use of urban greenways: A case study of Aydın, Turkey

[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 16: 123-131.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2016.02.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban greenways are important quality of life indicators in cities. However, urban greenways research is mostly carried out in developed countries, which limits the knowledge about urban greenways use, perceptions and preferences in urbanized metropolitan cities in developing countries. Considering the high levels of urbanization in Turkey, it is necessary to evaluate urban greenways. This study explores users’ perceptions, preferences in urban greenways, and the factors that affect urban greenways in the city of Ayd03n, Turkey. Data were collected through a survey with 417 active users on the field and the data were analyzed with multivariate linear regression while controlling for sex, age, marital status, education level, job status, and household income level. Respondents were asked about the distance from their home to the Ko06uyolu Urban Greenway (KUG), frequency and duration of use of the KUG, and the factors that affected their use of the KUG. Results showed that 79.8% of the users live within 1km of the KUG, 55.4% of the users use the greenway everyday spending 1–2h for health, recreational and leisure activities. Two factors, distance to home and accessibility were identified as factors influencing frequency of use. Six factors, lighting, drinking water and restroom facilities, well-design, cleanliness, safety, and parking lot, were important factors relating to duration of use. This study shows that greenways are more than “luxury” and provide important health, recreational and leisure activities for Turkish people. When designing an urban greenway, consideration of certain factors may be an effective strategy to improve the use of urban greenways in developing countries.
[40] Arnberger A, Eder R.2012.

The influence of green space on community attachment of urban and suburban residents

[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 11(1): 41-49.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2011.11.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although community attachment and urban green space provide many benefits to local residents, the relationship between them seems to be unknown. The aim of the study was to analyse this relationship. The objective was to investigate the influence of public green space and recreation behaviour on community attachment and explore differences in community attachment between urban and suburban residents of the Vienna region. To a large degree, both study areas border on, and share, the same recreation areas along the Danube River and are subject to urban sprawl. A mail survey was carried out in 2006 to ask local residents (N=602) about community green space, recreation behaviour, community qualities, ownership of private green space and community attachment. Urban residents showed higher community attachment, valued the community green space higher and perceived a better quality of life in their community than the suburban sample. Regression analysis identified perceived green space supply and qualities, recreation behaviour, and residential variables predicting community attachment. Different predictors were found for the community attachment of the samples, while several public green space-related items were consistent and strong predictors. The study findings suggest that the perceived supply and quality of green space can foster community attachment.
[41] Cook E A.2002.

Landscape structure indices for assessing urban ecological networks

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 58(2-4): 269-280.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-2046(01)00226-2      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Analysis and planning of ecological networks is a relatively new phenomenon and is a response to fragmentation and deterioration of quality of natural systems. In urban areas, the problems of land use intransigence, political and jurisdictional issues create a difficult environment for implementing ecological networks. The specific questions addressed in this research program revolve around the viability of planning an ecological network in an urban landscape. The development and articulation of an ecological network plan was undertaken previously and in this paper, a series of assays of landscape structure are used to examine the viability of an ecological network in the Phoenix, Arizona urban area. Three principal analyses were utilized: (1) patch content analysis, (2) corridor content analysis, and (3) network structure analysis. Patch and corridor content analyses examined the internal characteristic and immediate context for each of the 89 ecological network elements. The network structure analysis incorporates a process for aggregating results of patch and corridor analyses and incorporates indicators that describe interrelationships between landscape elements. For each of these analyses the existing condition was compared to the optimal plan to demonstrate the level of change that can be expected. The results and conclusions of this research are that an ecological network plan provides modest but important improvement in ecological systems in the Phoenix urban area.
[42] Czembrowski P, Kronenberg J.2016.

Hedonic pricing and different urban green space types and sizes: Insights into the discussion on valuing ecosystem services

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 146: 11-19.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.10.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In order to differentiate the potential key benefits associated with different urban green spaces, we divided green spaces into nine categories, depending on their type and size. Additionally, we used the percentage of green space in a 500m radius to represent the general ambient condition. Our sample consists of 9346 apartment sales' transactions that took place in Lodz, Poland in 2011 2013. The stepwise regression reduced the number of variables from the initial 48 to 24 in the standard model, and to 26 in the fixed effects model (considering the effects of different districts). The impacts of various green space categories were consistent in both models: the largest forest and large parks were the most important and, together with small forests and the percentage of green space in a 500m radius, positively influenced apartment prices. Cemeteries had a negative impact on apartment prices. Our results show that people do value nature, but unfortunately we cannot determine for which specific reasons. Hedonic pricing seems to be too general for that purpose, in that it only depicts the impacts of the best-known green spaces and the general ambient condition. In this way, our findings contribute to the broader discussion on applying hedonic pricing to the valuation of ecosystem services.
[43] Dai D.2011.

Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in urban green space accessibility: Where to intervene?

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 102(4): 234-244.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.05.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Access to green spaces is important to physical activities and public health, yet one concern remains as to whether the disparities in green space access exist. This study aimed to (1) introduce an approach to quantify potential spatial accessibility to green spaces in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment; and (2) evaluate the racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in green space access. Urban green spaces ( n = 890) in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia were collected from the Atlanta Regional Commission. A Gaussian-based two-step floating catchment area method was adapted to assess the spatial accessibility to green spaces at the census tract level. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model and the spatial lag model were used to evaluate the racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities. Results suggest that the spatial accessibility to green spaces in Atlanta was not evenly distributed. Both models show that neighborhoods with a higher concentration of African Americans had significantly poorer access to green spaces ( P < 0.05). Asian population had significantly poor access in the OLS model but not in the spatial lag model. Poor access was present in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas as well. Findings can be used for the city and regional planners to target the specific areas for green space development in order to elucidate the disparities.
[44] Deenihan G, Caulfield B, O'Dwyer D.2013.

Measuring the success of the Great Western Greenway in Ireland

[J]. Tourism Management Perspectives, 7: 73-82.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2013.03.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper analyses the usage of a pilot Greenway (cycle way) in a rural environment in Ireland. The path is 42km long and has several settlements along the route. Usage of the path is established by means of automatic counters located along the route. Usage patterns are analysed in relation to a number of weather variables and hours of the day. An economic analysis of tourists cycling along the Greenway was conducted to determine, the quantity of tourists needed to pay for the path is estimated and the payback period. In terms of increased tourist expenditure to the area, the facility brings approximately 405,000 from non-domestic tourists and 737,000 from domestic tourists annually, giving the facility a payback period of 6years.
[45] Dzhambov A M, Dimitrova D D.2015.

Green spaces and environmental noise perception

[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(4): 1000-1008.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2015.09.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Physical reduction of noise exposure is no longer considered the only preventive approach towards noise mitigation. Urban green spaces constitute an important factor in ameliorating the negative perception of noise in cities. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between several objective and self-rated indicators of interaction with green spaces and noise perception. In a small scale cross-sectional survey of residents of Plovdiv, Bulgaria we collected data on noise sensitivity (NS), noise annoyance (NA) and several green space variables. A conceptual mediation model in which the effects of green spaces on NA were hypothesized to be mediated through NS was tested. While most green space variables had significant indirect effects on NA, the only one having a significant total effect was distance to the nearest green space; that is, living closer to a green space was associated with lower NA. It seemed that while the other aspects of interaction with green spaces could reduce the susceptibility to noise, they could not do so for NA. In conclusion, interaction with green spaces had a beneficial impact on noise perception, but we still lack hard evidence regarding the mechanisms underlying these effects.
[46] Fábos J G.2004.

Greenway planning in the United States: Its origins and recent case studies

[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 68(2): 321-342.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2003.07.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The thesis of this paper is that the origin of greenway planning goes back to the beginning of the landscape architecture profession in the United States. This thesis is substantiated below through an extensive literature review. It describes three phases of this evolution of planning which started with Frederick Law Olmsted’s Boston’s Emerald Necklace, the planning of this Boston Park System by Frederick Law Olmsted, during the late 19th century and by Charles Eliot, a pupil of Olmsted. The second phase of this evolution was during the early 20th century. This time, Olmsted’s sons and Eliot’s nephew expanded the work of Olmsted and Eliot. The third phase of this greenway evolution reviewed here was by Phil Lewis, Ian McHarg and others during the post-World War II decades, also known as the environmental decades. Interestingly, all planners of these first three phases of greenway planning were landscape architects. After describing the origin of greenway planning in America, the paper traces the beginning of greenway planning during the 1980s and 1990s, and summarizes the greenway literature of these two decades. The result of this literature review concludes that while the greenway movement has resulted in thousands of greenway plans and projects in the USA, it produced only a small amount of publications, which are placed in research libraries. Unfortunately, the greenway reports of greenway projects are published for limited distribution and only a handful of these reports become part of “scholarly literature”. Secondly, the greenway reports seldom include relevant literature review or descriptions of the study methodology. Hence, their research and educational value is limited. The second part of the paper describes two current greenway plans in the United States. Both of these plans were initiated and done at the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Massachusetts. The author served as co-director of both of these plans. The first plan is a vision plan for the New England region, which consists of six states in the Northeast corner of the United States. This plan was prepared for the Centennial Conference of the American Society of Landscape Architects in 1999. Its aim was to stimulate landscape architectural professionals to join the greenway movement. The second plan builds on planning efforts of the US governmental, non-governmental agencies and some visionary planners of the past century. Our team mapped all published greenways and greenspaces; then gathered recent proposals by governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and individuals. Finally, our team made additional proposals, which if implemented would result in an ideal network of greenways and greenspaces at the national level in the USA. This plan would protect all nationally significant and environmentally sensitive corridors and areas or green spaces. It would also provide the population of the United States with increased recreational opportunities and thirdly, it would restore all nationally significant historical and cultural greenway corridors. In summary, the aim of this national vision plan was to show a plausible planning direction based on the principles of both, landscape and greenway planning. It illustrates the importance of planning greenways comprehensively. It calls for nature protection, for the development of appropriate recreational uses, and for the preservation and restoration of valuable historical/cultural resources. Not surprising, the vast majority of the nation’s historical and cultural resources are within river corridors, which constitutes the framework for many greenways corridors. Greenway planning has, indeed, evolved as a planning tool of multipurpose greenway corridors at every scale and planning levels, ranging from sites through municipal and regional to national levels.
[47] Flink C A, Olka K, Searns R M.2001.

Trails for the Twenty-first Century: Planning, Design, and management manual for multi-use trails

[M]. Second Edition. Washington: Island Press

[本文引用: 1]     

[48] Jang M, Kang C-D.2015.

Urban greenway and compact land use development: A multilevel assessment in Seoul, South Korea

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 143: 160-172.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.07.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study uses multilevel logit models to analyze the impact of urban greenway projects on land use in Seoul, Korea. Results derived from the use of land use change models confirm that the conversion of land from single-family residential use to commercial use is more likely to occur within 1.5km of the Cheong Gye Cheon (CGC) greenway pedestrian entrances; conversions from single-family housing to mixed use appeared to a lesser extent within the same distance bands. However, land used for single-family housing could be converted to high-rises and dense housing (condominiums) within the band 3 4km from the entrances. In addition, commercial land is more likely to be converted to mixed use land within 500m of the CGC corridor entrances, while mixed use land tends to be converted into commercial land within the 1.5-km band and within 3.5 4km of the pedestrian entrance along the urban greenway. These results suggest that urban greenway infrastructure can effectively encourage higher-density residential and commercial development. Furthermore, appealing amenities in the greenway attract people and firms and thus promote the demand for further property development. Finally, this study confirms that we need to keep a holistic view in linking the urban greenway, land use patterns, and transportation systems for sustainable and livable cities.
[49] Keith S J, Larson L R, Shafer C S, et al.2018.

Greenway use and preferences in diverse urban communities: Implications for trail design and management

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 172: 47-59.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.12.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Greenways represent corridors of benefits with a unique capacity to contribute to sustainable urban development, yet more research is needed to understand the extent to which greenway-related benefits are realized and distributed across diverse populations and settings. Using intercept surveys of greenway users during summer 2015, our study explored use patterns and preferences along two trails traversing diverse neighborhoods: the Eastside Trail in Atlanta, GA (n62=62505), and the Leon Creek Greenway in San Antonio, TX (n62=62429). Descriptive statistics and regression-based analyses revealed that exercising and escaping the stress of city life were the top motivations for visiting both trails, and safety and security were rated as top concerns among visitors (particularly women and racial/ethnic minorities). On the urban Eastside Trail, where more users accessed the trail by foot or bicycle and engaged in a variety of trail-based activities, cultural benefits linked to social interaction and community connectivity were more widely acknowledged. On the suburban Leon Creek Greenway, where most visitors tended to travel longer distances to access the trail, typically for physically-active recreation, experiential benefits stemming from outdoor recreation in natural settings were more strongly recognized. Both trails attracted substantial numbers of racial/ethnic minorities, with Hispanics and other non-white users representing about 55% of Leon Creek Greenway and 32% of Eastside Trail visitors. Social and nature-based motivations were more common among these user groups. Planners and managers can utilize these results to identify strategies for maximizing greenway-related benefits among diverse groups of potential trail users.
[50] Linehan J, Gross M, Finn J.1995.

Greenway planning: Developing a landscape ecological network approach

[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 33(1-3): 179-193.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-2046(94)02017-A      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Greenway planning has steadily grown in popularity in the planning and design professions as an efficient and socially desirable approach to open space planning. The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical and methodological approach to greenway planning that accounts for regional biodiversity and systematizes the selection of greenway links. The approach used in this paper is based on the premise that a network of wildlife reserves and corridors should serve as the skeletal framework of a comprehensive greenway system. The paper draws from the knowledge bases of landscape ecology, conservation biology, network theory, and landscape planning. A case study is presented to demonstrate the approach using a forested region of Central New England.
[51] Madureira H, Nunes F, Oliveira J V, et al.2015.

Urban residents’ beliefs concerning green space benefits in four cities in France and Portugal

[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(1): 56-64.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2014.11.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Understanding how urban residents rate the benefits associated with urban green spaces is crucial in developing appropriate urban green infrastructure strategies. This study explores residents’ beliefs concerning the benefits of urban green spaces and investigates whether similarities and differences can be highlighted in four different French and Portuguese urban areas (Paris, Angers, Lisbon and Porto) through a questionnaire survey (n=1000) based on the best–worst scaling (BWS) method. The results demonstrated that urban green space benefits are not equally valued among cities, suggesting that there is simultaneously a consensus among the most and least valued benefits across cities, as well as local variations in city residents’ beliefs about some other benefits of urban green spaces. For example, the importance of urban green spaces for personal health and well-being and to facilitate contact with nature were noted by residents of all four urban areas; consensus also exists on the little support given to two microclimatic functions of green spaces, namely, air temperature reduction and noise reduction. On the other hand, some green space benefits, such as the promotion of biodiversity or the contribution to the city image, are differentially valued among the four cities. Overall, the study stresses the importance of developing local assessments of the beliefs surrounding the benefits of urban green spaces. Recognizing these multiple beliefs and communicating clearly about the benefits offered by green spaces may help to mitigate future conflicts between residents and urban planners and managers, and thus contribute to optimizing green infrastructure planning benefits.
[52] Preston-Whyte R.2001.

Constructed leisure space: The seaside at Durban

[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 28(3): 581-596.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0160-7383(00)00067-0      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[53] Rao P S, Gavane A G, Ansari M F, et al.2004.

Performance evaluation of a green belt in a petroleum refinery: A case study

[J]. Ecological Engineering, 23(2): 77-84.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2004.06.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Green belts (GB) or vegetation around factories and industrial premises mitigate air pollution (as the plants serve as a sink for pollutants and check the flow of dust, etc.) and reduce noise levels. Software developed by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for the determination of optimal width of a GB in and around an industry is based on pollution attenuation coefficient of selected plant species of deciduous trees existing in the region. The performance of the green belt of 500 m width of a 13.5 million tons/year refinery in the West coast of India is evaluated for reducing/managing various wastes generated. Its overall efficiency is above 60%.
[54] Senes G, Rovelli R, Bertoni D, et al.2017.

Factors influencing greenways use: Definition of a method for estimation in the Italian context

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 65: 175-187.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2017.10.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[55] Sinclair K E, Hess G R, Moorman C E, et al.2005.

Mammalian nest predators respond to greenway width, landscape context and habitat structure

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 71(2-4): 277-293.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2004.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Birds of conservation concern breed in suburban greenways, yet abundant populations of mammals that depredate bird nests might reduce nest success. We evaluated how three factors influenced the abundance of mammalian nest predators in thirty-four 300-m long forested greenway segments in Raleigh and Cary, North Carolina, USA: (1) the width of the forested corridor containing the greenway, (2) the land-use adjacent to the forested corridor, and (3) the habitat structure within the greenway. Forest corridor width and adjacent land-use were measured using aerial photographs. Attributes of adjacent land use included categorical measures of development intensity (low-density residential, high-density residential, office/institutional), and the proportions of forest canopy, grass, buildings, and pavement. Several measures of habitat structure within the greenway were collected in the field, including trail width and surface type, and percentage of mature forest. We measured the relative abundance of mammalian nest predators with scent-station transects, operated for five nights during the 2002 breeding bird season. Total abundance of mammalian nest predators increased significantly as forest corridor width decreased. We found no relationship between categorical measures of land-use and total abundance of mammalian nest predators. Specific attributes of the landscape adjacent to the greenway, however, did have an effect. Greenways adjacent to landscapes with fewer buildings had a higher abundance of mammalian nest predators. The abundance of individual species varied with the amount of canopy, lawn, and pavement in the adjacent landscape. Some measures of habitat structure of greenways also were correlated with the abundance of mammalian nest predators. Greenway segments with wider trails had a higher abundance of mammalian nest predators, as did segments with a higher percentage of mature forest. No habitat structure variables were significant for all species. To reduce the overall risk of avian nest predation by mammals, forested greenways should be designed with wider forest corridors and narrower, unpaved trails. Some greenway characteristics that favor high-nest predator populations also favor birds of conservation concern. Similarly, some characteristics correlated with lower predator occurrence are also correlated with lower abundance of birds of conservation concern. Thus, management of greenways and the surrounding landscape must balance reduction of predator communities with the promotion of desired bird communities and other conservation goals.
[56] Smyth R, Mishra V, Qian X.2008.

The environment and well-being in urban China

[J]. Ecological Economics, 68(1-2): 547-555.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.05.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We examine the relationship between atmospheric pollution, measured as sulphur dioxide emissions, environmental disasters, traffic congestion, access to parkland and well-being in urban China, using a large survey administered across 30 cities in 2003. We find that in cities with high levels of atmospheric pollution, environmental disasters and traffic congestion Chinese citizens report significantly lower levels of well-being ceteris paribus while in cities with greater access to parkland Chinese citizens report significantly higher levels of well-being ceteris paribus.
[57] Toccolini A, Fumagalli N, Senes G.2006.

Greenways planning in Italy: The Lambro River Valley Greenways System

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 76(1-4): 98-111.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2004.09.038      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The greenways movement in Europe developed differently to its counterpart in the USA, influenced by geographical, economic and cultural differences as well as differences in social and urban development. Europe has seen a discontinuous and fragmented process, diversified in the various countries. The explosion of the greenway concept in Europe is a very recent phenomenon: the European Greenways Association and the Italian Greenways Association both date back only as far as 1998. Clearly, before this date the European countries did see a degree of activity both cultural and operational, but it is equally clear that there was a lack of commonality. Specifically, greenway planning in Italy while on the one hand work has been underway on green trails for many years, on the other there is a clear lack of methodology that allows for the planning of a broader network. This paper has two objectives; firstly to define a methodology useful for greenways planning in Italy at regional level, and secondly, to demonstrate the application of this methodology to a case study. The methodology adopted derives from an approach to planning inspired principally by the work of Ian McHarg and Julius Fabos and already applied by the authors to protected areas in Italy. The methodology is structured in four phases: analysis of the landscape resources, the existing green trail and historical route networks; assessment of each element; composite assessment; and definition of the Greenways Plan. A case study for the Lambro River Valley Park is used to illustrate the methodology proposed. The park comprises the municipalities situated along the Lambro River to the north of Milan. This is densely inhabited land and features multiple human activities located within a context conserving residual elements of naturalistic, landscape and historical ultural interest. The application of the methodology to the Lambro River Valley Park allowed the development of a greenways network incorporating the existing network of green trails: 80% of the network is, in fact, already in place. The methodology also proved to be useful in the definition of a network dedicated to non-motorized traffic capable of connecting the numerous urban centres with the many resources present in the area.
[58] Turner T.2006.

Greenway planning in Britain: Recent work and future plans

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 76(1-4): 240-251.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2004.09.035      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The author's preferred definition of a greenway, as proposed in 1995, remains: ‘a route which is good from an environmental point of view’ (Turner, 1995). This paper is concerned with the condition of British greenway planning in the first decade of the 21st century. The aim was to discover how the concept is understood and how it is being used. A questionnaire was circulated to all local authorities in the UK. An initial set of questions dealt with definition of the greenway concept. The most supported definition was ‘A linear space containing elements planned, designed and managed for multiple purposes including ecological, recreational, cultural, aesthetic and other purposes compatible with the concept of sustainable land use’. A second set of questions dealt with the status of the greenway concept. It was found that the concept was used by 33% of authorities during the past decade but that 75% expected it to become significant during the next decade. A final set of questions dealt with a greenway project selected by the responding local authority. The typical planning period for these projects was 1997–2007 and the average length was 12.9 km. The author concludes that greenways are a landscape planning tool of considerable potential. Though comparatively neglected at the end of the 20th century, there are encouraging signs relating to the prospects for open space planning in 21st century Britain.
[59] Tyrväinen L, Mäkinen K, Schipperijn J.2007.

Tools for mapping social values of urban woodlands and other green areas

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 79(1): 5-19.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2006.03.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Since the social values of urban woodlands are not always sufficiently taken into account in decision-making on urban land-use and green space planning, new means of collecting the experienced values of urban green areas and integrating this information into the planning processes are needed. The main aim of this study was to develop a simple method to describe the experienced qualities of green areas for strategic green area planning purposes. In a postal survey conducted in Helsinki, Finland, general attitudes towards and benefits felt to be derived from green areas as well as site specific information about the experience values were gathered. Local residents were asked to identify, those areas on a map of the study area that had particular positive qualities, such as beautiful scenery, peace and quiet and the feeling of being in a forest as well as those areas with negative features. These results were compiled in map form using GIS software. The results highlight the most valued sites as well as problem areas within the study area. The most important features associated with favourite places were: tranquillity, the feeling of being in a forest, and naturalness. The results suggest that the method is communicative and relatively easy to use in both collaborative green area planning and land-use planning.
[60] Wan C, Shen G Q.2015.

Encouraging the use of urban green space: The mediating role of attitude, perceived usefulness and perceived behavioural control

[J]. Habitat International, 50: 130-139.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.08.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61The relationships between urban green space attributes & urban green space use were mediated by the 3 factors.61Attitude, perceived usefulness & perceived behavioural control were the mediators.61Public authorities should promote to change users' attitude on urban green space use.61Public authorities should position urban green space use as a social trend.
[61] Wang F Y, Wang K Y.2018.

Measuring spatial accessibility to ecological recreation spaces in the Pearl River Delta region: An improved twostep floating catchment area method

[J]. Journal of Spatial Science, 63(2): 279-295.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14498596.2018.1488633      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[62] Wasserman S, Faust K.1994. Social network analysis: Methods and applications [M]. New York: Cambridge University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[63] Yu K, Li D, Li N.2006.

The evolution of greenways in China

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 76(1-4): 223-239.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2004.09.034      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper focuses on the evolution of Greenway planning and implementation in China, and provides a historical context to the Greenway concept. It was found that: (1) Although the concept of Greenway was an adaptation from the Western World, the Chinese have a history of more than 2000 years of Greenway planning and implementation. Chinese Greenways have been called various names and were planned for various reasons. (2) The long history of Greenway planning and implementation in China was mainly a “top-down” approach, which, while very effective under a centralized administrative system, often lacked a scientific basis and significant public participation. (3) The functions of the Greenways were mainly protection and productive, with little concern for human uses such recreational uses of cycling and hiking. Greenways in China are discussed chronologically and in three categories: (1) Riparian Greenways run along rivers, streams and water channels. The history of these Greenways dates more than 2000 years, since a time when trees were grown along canals and city moats. They have in modern times evolved into a network of drainage channels. (2) Greenways along transportation corridors. These Greenways run parallel to state and provincial highways, railroads, country roads and urban streets and evolved from tree plantings along highways. Used exclusively by emperors, the green corridor networks have been systematically planned and constructed at a national scale and directly organized by the central government. (3) Greenways along farmland for wind protection. These plantings evolved from individual segments of windbreak rows to a network of protective windbreaks and the large, regional scale “Green Great Wall” project running along the northern edge of China. As Greenways have evolved in China, they reflect changes in ideology, utilization and scale; from protection of production or beautification to ecological and multiple uses, and from small-scale fragments to a systematic regional and national network. The occurrence of disasters, the involvement of state leaders and the influence of science played an important role in the evolution of Greenways in China. The paper also argues that: 61 the traditional top-down approach in Greenway planning and implement should be integrated with scientifically based methods; 61 recreational uses should be considered and integrated into existing and planned Greenways; 61 the recently invoked “city beautiful”, or cosmetic approach to Greenway planning and implementation should be stopped; and 61 Greenways should be planned as an critical strategic element of ecological infrastructure at both the regional and urban scale during current rapid and extensive urbanization occurring in China.
