地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (2): 283-295 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.02.011



邱婴芝12, 陈宏胜3, 李志刚4, 王若宇1, 刘晔12*, 覃小菲1

1. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广州 510275
2. 广东省城市化与地理环境空间模拟重点实验室,广州 510275
3. 东南大学建筑学院,南京 210096
4. 武汉大学城市设计学院,武汉 430072

Exploring neighborhood environmental effects on mental health:A case study in Guangzhou, China

QIU Yingzhi12, CHEN Hongsheng3, LI Zhigang4, WANG Ruoyu1, LIU Ye12*, QIN Xiaofei1

1. School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
2. Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
3. School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
4. School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

通讯作者:  *通信作者简介:刘晔(1986— ),男,广东广州人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为城市社会地理、人口地理和健康地理。E-mail: liuye25@mail.sysu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-04-26

修回日期:  2018-12-19

网络出版日期:  2019-02-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41871140,41422103,41771167)


第一作者简介:邱婴芝(1992— ),女,浙江宁波人,博士生,主要从事城市地理研究。E-mail: qiuyz@pku.edu.cn




关键词: 社区 ; 邻里效应 ; 心理健康 ; 多层线性模型 ; 广州


When China enters the "urban era," the environmental and social problems brought about by rapid urbanization have posed a serious threat to urban residents' physical and mental health outcomes. Urban health problems have become an important concern both in academic circles and in the public sphere. As an indispensable dimension of health, mental health is an important prerequisite for achieving "good life." In Western urban studies, the last decade has seen an acceleration in research examining the close relationship between urban environment and mental health outcomes. A growing body of literature has reported significant impact of neighborhood characteristics on residents' mental health, such as housing condition, green space, and neighborhood social support, among others. In China, however, mechanism of mental health associated with neighborhood environment remains poorly understood. This article systematically explores the direct impact of neighborhood environment on mental health, which helps to promote the "Healthy City" and new urbanization strategies. Based on the data collected from a questionnaire survey involving 23 neighborhoods and 1,150 respondents in Guangzhou City, this research employed the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and multilevel linear regression models to examine the surveyed residents' mental health and its determinants. It particularly focused on the extent to which and the ways in which neighborhood built and social environments influence their residents’ mental health status. The results indicate that mental health status of residents living in different neighborhoods was significantly different. Multilevel modeling shows that residents' mental health is influenced by both individual and neighborhood factors. Regarding individual variables, low educational level is negatively related to mental health. Residents with housing property rights have better mental health outcomes than those without housing property rights. In addition, good physical health condition contributes to better mental health status. After controlling for individual variables, the impact of neighborhood environment is still significant. For variables related to the built environment, residents living in neighborhoods with abundant facilities and parks around have better mental health outcomes. With regard to neighborhood social environment, high neighborhood interactions and adequate community groups lead to better mental health status, but community disputes can negatively affect mental health of residents. This study confirms that neighborhood characteristics have significant influence on mental health in Guangzhou City, China, which provides valuable implications for policies and practices seeking to promote residents’ mental health. First, facilities and parks should be taken into consideration in neighborhood design and city planning. Another useful approach to improving mental health is for community committees and residents to make joint efforts to build a cohesive and supportive neighborhood, including enriching community groups and strengthening neighborhood interactions.

Keywords: neighborhood environment ; neighborhood effects ; mental health ; multilevel linear model ; Guangzhou City


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邱婴芝, 陈宏胜, 李志刚, 王若宇, 刘晔, 覃小菲. 基于邻里效应视角的城市居民心理健康影响因素研究——以广州市为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(2): 283-295 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.02.011

QIU Yingzhi, CHEN Hongsheng, LI Zhigang, WANG Ruoyu, LIU Ye, QIN Xiaofei. Exploring neighborhood environmental effects on mental health:A case study in Guangzhou, China[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(2): 283-295 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.02.011

随着中国全面步入“城市时代”,快速城镇化带来的环境问题与社会问题严重威胁着居民的身心健康。城市健康问题已成为社会各界关注的重要议题,“健康中国”也已上升为国家发展战略。居民健康一般分为身体健康和心理健康,但与西方发达国家对居民心理健康的重视不同,国内对居民心理健康的关注程度仍较低。心理健康是健康的重要维度,是实现“美好生活”的重要前提。据统计,中国约有1.73亿居民存在心理健康问题(Xiang et al, 2012),对健康中国建设提出严峻的挑战。城市环境对居民健康的影响也是健康地理学、环境科学、公共卫生学、心理学、城乡规划学和社会学等多学科交叉的新兴研究领域(Lederbogen et al, 2011; Kwan, 2012; Giles-Corti et al, 2016)。在宏观层面,越来越多的学者开始关注城市化进程对城市生态环境、建成环境和社会人文环境造成的变化以及这种变化所带来的健康影响(Vlahov et al, 2002),例如环境污染与人口流动产生的健康问题(Frumkin, 2002; Li et al, 2017)。在中微观层面,人居环境与居民身心健康的研究也在快速增加,西方发达国家的经验表明,社区环境能够影响居民的心理健康(Almedom, 2005; Bond et al, 2012; Lachowycz et al, 2013)。这种影响称为“邻里效应”,即社区环境直接或间接地影响居民的思维和行为方式,从而影响其健康行为和健康状况(Sampson et al, 2002)。阐明中国城市社区环境对居民心理健康的影响机制,探讨促进居民心理健康的主动式空间干预方法,将为健康城市建设提供科学的依据。

社区环境包括建成环境和社会环境两大方面。建成环境包括社区绿地、公共服务设施、住房等。其中,公园绿地为居民的体育锻炼和社会交往提供场所,有助于减轻居民精神压力,恢复注意力和精力,促进身心健康(Maas et al, 2009; Markevych et al, 2017)。不同类型的公园绿地对缓解压力的作用机制和效果存在一定差异。如Fan等(2011)对美国芝加哥77个社区的研究发现,公园通过促进社会支持间接减轻压力,社区绿地则能够直接减轻居民精神压力,且相较于社区绿地,公园对居民心理健康的影响更大。社区周围的服务设施是影响心理健康的重要因素。如Guite等(2006)采用伦敦格林威治区的大型问卷调查数据研究发现,居民对社交和娱乐设施的不满会降低其心理健康水平。Liu H等(2017)对中国上海15个社区的研究也发现,文化设施的高可达性对老年人的心理健康及幸福感存在显著的正向影响。另外,医疗、体育、公交站点等服务设施也会对居民的生活满意度产生影响(田莉等, 2017)。住房问题涉及人们多方面的基本需求,同样对居民心理健康产生重要作用(Evans et al, 2003),如低质量的住房易诱发心理问题(Xiao et al, 2018),拥有房屋所有权对居民心理健康具有正向影响(Diaz-Serrano, 2009; Hu, 2013)等。社会环境主要包括社区安全、邻里交往与社会网络等方面。其中,社区安全是影响居民心理健康的重要因素(White et al, 1987)。一方面,社区犯罪率高将直接增加居民精神压力(Lorenc et al, 2012),另一方面,不安全的社区通常意味着社区缺少社会控制和社会资本,进而降低居民心理健康水平(Schieman et al, 2004)。邻里交往和社会网络对居民心理健康的影响机制主要包括3个方面:一是促进有关心理健康信息的传播;二是通过参与社会团体或集体活动提升居民心理健康状态;三是通过社会网络使居民更易获得物质和情感的支持,从而提高其心理健康水平(Kawachi et al, 1999)。

需要说明的是,以上研究大多基于西方发达国家背景,国内对于邻里环境健康效应的研究仍处于起步阶段(杨林生, 李海蓉, 等, 2010),且国内既有健康地理研究大多关注中宏观尺度的居民健康问题,如居民健康状况的空间格局(赵雪雁等, 2017; 敖荣军等, 2017)、城镇化进程与居民健康的关系(顾丽娟等, 2017)等。从邻里尺度对居民健康问题的研究仍不多,一些代表性研究如孙斌栋等(2016)探究了建成环境对居民超重的影响,发现提高社区人口密度或公共服务设施与公交站点的可达性将间接降低居民超重的概率。张延吉等(2018)则通过倾向值匹配法发现高密度的土地利用对居民总体的身体健康状况具有负向影响。周素红、何嘉明(2017)研究发现郊区公共交通系统不完善且居民通勤距离较长导致郊区居民心理健康水平普遍低于城区居民。Dong等(2017)对北京的研究显示在社区的容积率、建筑密度、土地混合利用情况、社区大小、与城市公园的邻近度5个客观社区建成环境指标中,只有公园显著影响居民的心理健康。总体来看,基于中国特殊的发展背景从邻里尺度对居民身心健康影响因素与机制的探讨仍有较大的空间。

综上所述,城市环境对居民健康的影响机制正日益受到国内地理学界和城市研究学界的广泛关注。然而,既有研究大多基于城市和区域尺度的汇总数据,探究疾病和居民健康水平的空间分布规律,并探索城市整体的自然环境和社会经济环境对居民健康的影响(杨林生, 李海蓉等, 2010; 杨林生, 王五一等, 2010)。少量研究开始利用大规模的问卷调查数据,揭示城市建成环境和社会环境对居民身体健康的影响机制(顾丽娟等, 2017)。虽然近年来一些学者开始关注社区建成环境和社会环境对居民心理健康水平的影响(Wen et al, 2010; Dong et al, 2017; Liu H et al, 2017; Liu Y et al, 2017),但研究案例地局限于北京和上海2个城市,缺乏对其他城市的关注,且采用的心理健康测量标准、社区环境指标多样,分析结果亦不同,心理健康的邻里效应仍有待进一步考察。基于此,本文以广州市居民为研究对象,利用在广州市23个社区收集的问卷调查数据和基础地理数据,采用科学的心理健康测量量表,系统地选取了社区建成环境和社会环境的指标,采用多层线性回归模型,识别广州市居民心理健康个体层面和社区层面的决定因素,尤其关注社区建成环境和社会环境的影响,从邻里尺度探究居民心理健康的影响因素。本文一方面回答了“广州市居民心理健康的整体水平如何”,“社区环境在何种程度上影响广州市居民的心理健康水平”,“哪些社区环境因素对居民心理健康产生影响”3个问题,另一方面也将丰富已有研究的案例地,有助于后续研究对比社区环境对心理健康影响的地方差异性。

1 数据与方法

1.1 研究区域与数据收集


图1   23个抽样社区在广州的区位

Fig.1   Location of the 23 sampled neighborhoods in Guangzhou City, China

1.2 指标选取与研究框架

本文回归分析中的因变量为居民心理健康水平(连续变量)。在居民心理健康水平的测度上,既有研究大多采用问卷或访谈测量的方式来评价社区居民的心理健康水平(Bond et al, 2012)。在心理健康状况的测度上,学者们根据研究目的而采用不同的量表,常见的心理健康测度量表包括一般健康问卷(General Health Questionnaire, GHQ-12)(Steptoe et al, 2001)、抑郁症自我评价量表(CES-D)(Elliott, 2000)、健康调查简表(SF-36)(Guite et al, 2006)等。本文采用一般健康问卷量表(GHQ-12)对社区居民心理健康进行测量。GHQ-12自1988年问世以来,被中西方广泛用于心理健康状况测量,其信度和效度都已通过检验(肖世富等, 1993; Lundin et al, 2016)。该问卷共有12项关于过去一周内出现的心理感受的设问,其中:6项为积极性项目,包括能集中精力、感到发挥了作用、对事情能做出决定、喜欢日常活动、能直面矛盾、感到比较愉悦;6项为消极性项目,包括由于焦虑而失眠、精神紧张、感到不能克服困难、不高兴和抑郁、对自己失去信心、认为自己没有价值。该量表采用4级记分:6项消极性项目从“从不”计1分到“经常”计4分;积极性项目为反向计分,得分范围在12~48分之间,分数越高表示心理健康水平越低,总分超过27为心理状况不佳(李永鑫等, 2008)。本次问卷调查中量表的信度系数α为0.80,通过检验,表明本次居民心理健康调查数据可信。


图2   个人与社区环境对心理健康直接影响的研究框架

Fig.2   Framework of research on the impact of individual and neighborhood environmental factors on mental health

其中,社区建成环境数据(社区周围服务设施与公园数量)通过百度地图API服务获取,分别统计社区几何中心1 km2范围内的服务设施数量,具体包括体育场所、文化设施(图书馆、文化活动中心)、商业设施(超市及便利店、肉菜市场)、交通设施(地铁及公交站点)和幼儿园(教育设施中仅选择幼儿园而没有选择中小学的原因在于:广州市本地居民和流动人口子女就读公立学校的准入条件和招生顺序存在差异。政府制定了许多复杂的条款限制流动人口的子女就近进入公立学校,大比例的流动人口子女选择民办学校就学。由于中小学的数量相对较少,流动人口子女通常无法就近读中小学,但社区周围民办幼儿园的数量较多,流动人口可以选择就近读幼儿园,因此仅选择了教育设施中的幼儿园。)。该指标通过分别计算各类设施密度并进行标准化后加总而得。由于公园对居民心理健康的影响相对突出,故将其单独列为一个指标。公园密度为社区1 km2范围内市区级综合公园及专类公园的密度。社区社会环境中,社区安全与和谐以2014年各社区纠纷数量进行衡量,社区纠纷数量越高,表明社区安全与和谐的程度越低。社区社会组织数量指社区中拥有娱乐艺术类团体、体育锻炼类团体、老人协会、技能函授类团体、知识学习类团体、志愿者团体的种类数量。邻里交往状况以“与本地居民和外来人口的交往频率”衡量,该量表采用5级记分,从“非常不频繁”计1到“非常频繁”计5,统计每个社区选择4和5的比例。社区社会网络则通过居住在本社区的亲友数量均值进行测度。

1.3 数据分析方法

居民心理健康水平的地理分异特征往往是个体属性和外界环境共同影响形成的。传统的单层模型研究方法只针对个人层面或环境层面进行分析,忽略了组间(环境)或组内(个体)差异,难以准确解释健康水平的多因素影响机制(Duncan et al, 1998)。而近年来快速发展和广泛使用的多层模型(multilevel models)为解决以上问题提供了有效的方法(Duncan et al, 1998) 。多层模型能够分离不同层次的变量,分别检验每个层次的效应以及各层次对解释因变量差异的贡献。由于多层模型能分离出环境层面变量的影响效应,其应用价值越来越被地理学者所重视(顾丽娟等, 2017; 周素红, 宋江宇等, 2017)。

本文采用多层线性模型中的空模型(null model)和随机截距模型识别不同层面变量对居民心理健康的影响。借助STATA 14.0软件,首先对数据进行预处理,根据指标的数据类型,将有序变量进行分类处理,连续性变量进行中心化处理;接着,对自变量进行共线性检测,得到方差膨胀因子(VIF)小于3,表明自变量之间不存在多重共线性;第三,构建空模型,考察因变量是否存在组间差异,并判断多层模型的适用性;最后,构建随机截距模型,探究个体层面变量和社区层面变量对居民心理健康的影响。另外,由于社区环境对居民心理健康状况产生稳定影响需要一定时间,故在回归模型中剔除了在社区居住不满1年的居民样本,即模型中共包含1124个有效样本。



假设: Eεij=0,Varεij=σ2;Euj=0,Varuj


式(1)表示第一层存在i=1, 2, …, ni个个体分别从属于j=1, 2, …, nj个第二层的社区(即居民i嵌套于社区j)。 γ为个人层级的系数, αβ是社区层级的系数且为固定效应; Xij为个人层级的自变量(如居民的年龄、教育、收入等个人属性), Wj为社区层级的自变量(如社区的服务设施等社区属性); εij为个人层级的随机效应, uj为社区层级的随机效应; σ2为个人层级的方差, τ2为社区层级的方差。

1.4 样本描述性统计

样本的描述性统计见表1。个人属性方面,男性占样本量的52.26%,略高于女性样本。受访居民平均年龄为40.55岁,88.52%的居民处于25~60岁的年龄段,60岁及以上的受访者占比最少(4.00%)。单身、离异、丧偶的受访居民较少,84.69%为已婚人士,6.52%的居民已婚但单独居住,绝大部分已婚人士跟家人共同居住(78.17%)。不同教育程度的居民在人数上较为平均,其中,初中及以下学历的受访居民占31.82%,高中、职高及技校学历的受访居民占33.48%,大专及以上教育水平的受访居民最多,占34.70%。受访居民家庭人均年收入均值为4.01万元,介于1~5万元的受访者比例最高(71.13%),小于1万元以及大于5万元的居民分别占总体的4.96%和23.91%。受访者中广州本地居民占59.39%,流动人口为40.61%。在自评身体健康一项中,84.70%的受访居民身体状况良好,身体健康不佳的居民较少(3.13%)。在住房状况上,54.17%的受访居民拥有住房产权。2015年广州市城镇居民人均住房面积为24 m2,样本中小于均值的占45.22%,50 m2及以上的占15.57%。住宅建成时间在1980—2000年的受访居民比例最高(43.48%),34.78%和21.74%的居民分别居住在2000年后和1980年前建设的住房。

表1   受访居民社会经济状况与调研社区环境的描述性统计

Tab.1   Summary statistics of the surveyed residents' sociodemographic situation and neighborhood environment

年龄18 ~ 25岁7.48
25 ~ 40岁40.17
40 ~ 60岁48.35
家庭人均年收入< 1万元4.96
1万元 ~ 3万元46.43
3万元 ~ 5万元24.70
5万元 ~ 10万元15.91
人均房屋居住面积24 m2以下45.22
24 ~ 50 m239.22
50 m2及以上15.57
社区建成环境服务设施密度/(个/km2)社区1 km2范围内服务设施密度(未标准化)64.86/34.28
公园密度/(个/km2)社区1 km2范围内公园密度0.64/0.39


社区属性方面,社区建成环境与社会环境指标均为连续性变量。样本社区1 km2范围内公共服务及便利性商业设施密度的平均值为64.86个/km2,公园密度的均值为0.64个/km2。2014年社区平均发生纠纷17.45起,社区之间差异较显著,标准差达到29.5起。社区平均拥有社会组织类型的数量为3.85个,最多的社区拥有6类组织,最少则仅有2类。社区互动较为频繁的比例均值为0.32,在社区中能获得支持的亲友平均数量为4.91人。

2 广州市居民心理健康水平状况

分组计算不同群体的GHQ值(表2),并对不同群体的GHQ均值进行单因素方差分析,探讨不同组别群体的心理健康水平是否存在显著差异。在个体属性方面,不同性别、年龄、婚姻与家庭、户口状况的群体的GHQ均值差异不大,各组群体的心理健康水平在统计上无显著差异。但不同教育程度居民的心理健康水平差异较为显著,高中、职高及技校学历的居民的心理健康水平明显高于初中及以下者(22.60/23.66,P<0.05),大专及以上教育水平的居民相较于高中(21.73/22.60,P<0.1)、初中及以下(21.73/23.66,P<0.01)两组居民而言拥有更佳的心理健康水平。家庭人均年收入低于1万元的居民的GHQ值最高(24.77),其心理健康水平相较于收入在1万元 ~ 3万元(22.87,P<0.1),3万元 ~ 5万元(22.10,P<0.05)及5万元 ~ 10万元(21.96,P<0.05)的居民处于劣势。在自评身体健康一项中,身体状况良好的居民的GHQ值为22.26,显著低于身体健康状况一般(24.38,P<0.01)和身体健康状况较差的居民(26.03,P<0.01),即身体健康的居民的心理健康水平显著高于其他2组。就住房状况而言,拥有住房产权的居民的心理健康状况显著优于无住房产权的居民(22.20/23.14,P<0.05)。家庭人均居住面积的3个组别群体的心理健康水平在统计学意义上没有显著差别。住宅建筑时间在1980—2000年的居民的心理健康状况比居住在2000年后建设的住房的居民更佳(22.20/23.16,P<0.05)。

表2   广州市居民心理健康水平分布

Tab.2   Residents's average scores of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) survey

18 ~ 2522.155.2124以下22.745.34
25 ~ 4022.285.0024 ~ 5022.455.39
40 ~ 6022.915.4150及以上22.774.72
教育水平低(9.87 ~ 63.98)22.985.44
初中及以下23.665.37高(63.99 ~ 118.09)22.235.03
大专及以上21.734.97低(0 ~ 0.79)22.965.20
家庭人均年收入/万元高(0.80 ~ 1.59)21.695.35
1 ~ 322.875.43低(0 ~ 17.45)22.295.22
3 ~ 522.105.08高(17.45 ~ 100)24.135.21
5 ~ 1021.964.66社区社会组织类型数量
>1022.964.91低(2 ~ 3.85)23.275.11
户籍状况高(3.85 ~ 6)22.175.34
非广州户口22.845.18低(0.11 ~ 0.32)22.925.34
自评身体健康高(0.32 ~ 0.59)22.245.14
一般24.384.71低(1.39 ~ 4.91)22.295.29
良好22.265.17高(4.91 ~ 12.34)23.325.16



在社区环境中,社区1 km2范围内服务设施密度高(22.23/22.98,P<0.05)、公园密度高(22.96/21.69,P<0.01)的社区的居民心理健康水平相对较高。居住在纠纷数量较少(22.29/24.13,P<0.01)、组织类型数量多(22.17/23.27,P<0.05)、居民之间频繁交往比例高(22.24/22.92,P<0.05)的社区的居民群体的心理健康状况要高于居住在纠纷数量较多、社区组织类型数量少、居民之间频繁交往比例低的社区的居民。与预期相悖的是,社区亲友数量高的居民的心理健康水平较低(23.32/22.29,P<0.05),原因在后文讨论。


图3   广州市23个社区居民的心理健康平均水平

Fig.3   Residents' mental health in the 23 surveyed neighborhoods

3 社区环境对居民心理健康的影响

3.1 心理健康影响效应的空模型

为了检验多层线性模型的适用性,首先构建社区环境对居民心理健康影响的空模型。模型卡方值为38.98(P<0.001),表明模型通过检验。空模型所得的组间方差(社区层面)估计值(1.38)远远大于其标准误(0.26),说明居民心理健康水平的差异在很大程度上来自于社区间的差异(表3)。具体而言,根据组内和组间的方差贡献,计算得到组间相关系数(ICC)为0.21,即社区因素对这一差异的解释度为21%,而个体因素对这一差异的解释度为79%。似然比检验(LR test)结果表明,多层模型的解释能力显著高于单层模型。因此,采用多层模型能够有效探究居民心理健康状况的影响因素。

表3   广州市居民心理健康影响的多层线性模型

Tab.3   Multilevel modeling on residents' mental health in Guangzhou City

社区1 km2内服务设施密度-0.03***0.01
社区1 km2内公园密度-1.05**0.53



3.2 个体因素对居民心理健康的影响

表3中,模型一展示了个体层面因素对居民心理健康的影响,由于GHQ值越大,心理健康水平越低,因此模型中的回归系数为正表明该指标与心理健康水平呈负相关关系,系数为负表明该指标与心理健康水平呈正相关关系。其中,与大专及以上学历的居民相比,初中及以下学历的居民的心理健康水平显著较低(GHQ系数=1.34,P<0.01)。这可能是因为教育往往能够促进人们形成良好的健康习惯,有助于人们掌握更多的健康知识,从而更好地应对所面临的心理压力(Ross et al, 2010)。与身体健康水平一般的居民相比,身体健康的居民的心理健康水平更高(GHQ系数=-2.01,P<0.01),而身体不健康的居民的心理健康水平更低(GHQ系数=1.75,P<0.1)。在住房的影响上,无住房产权对居民心理健康水平有显著的负向作用(GHQ系数=1.03,P<0.05)。由此可推知,近10年来中国大城市住房价格的高速上涨使得无住房产权的居民面临巨大的购房压力(林江等, 2012),而拥有住房产权的居民经济压力相对较小,因而心理健康水平较高(李涛等, 2011)。此外,居民的心理健康水平与其性别、年龄、婚姻与家庭状况、家庭人均年收入、户口状况、住房建筑面积和住房建筑年代的关系不显著。

3.3 社区环境因素对居民心理健康的影响

表3中模型二结果表明,把社区环境变量加入模型一以后,社区层面(组间)的方差估计值下降为0.13,其方差缩减比达到了90.58%。这表明了所选取的社区环境指标能够有效解释居民心理健康水平在社区层面上的异质性。其中,社区建成环境中服务设施密度(GHQ系数=-0.03,P<0.01)和公园密度(GHQ系数=-1.05,P<0.05)均对居民心理健康有显著的正向预测作用。具体而言,每增加1单位的服务设施密度,将降低0.03个单位的GHQ值,即居民心理健康水平将提升0.03个单位。类似地,每提高1单位的公园密度,居民心理健康水平能提升1.05个单位。在社区社会环境变量中,邻里纠纷数量、社会组织团体种类数量和居民社会交往对居民心理健康水平有显著的预测作用。其中,邻里纠纷数量对居民心理健康水平具有显著的负向预测作用(GHQ系数=0.03,P<0.01),即每降低1单位的邻里纠纷数量,将提高0.03单位的居民心理健康水平。社区拥有多样社会组织或团体(GHQ系数= -0.49,P<0.01)和良好的邻里互动环境(GHQ系数=-2.75,P<0.1)与居民心理健康水平存在显著的正相关。具体表现为每提升1单位的社会组织团体数量或邻里交往频繁度,分别能提升0.49个单位和2.75个单位的心理健康水平。但是,模型显示社区可获得支持的亲友数量对心理健康水平的预测作用无统计学意义。与本文结论相类似,刘志林等(2015)对于北京的研究也发现社区亲友的数量对居住满意度无显著影响,可能是由于社区亲友的数量所产生的作用效果不如社会交往的质量,居民更关注邻里间互相交往、社区参与。值得注意的是,在加入社区环境变量后,相较于建筑年代为1980—2000年的住房,建筑年代为2000年后的住房对心理健康的影响由不显著变为显著的负向影响(GHQ系数=0.69,P<0.1)。引起这一变化的原因可能有与社区环境变量相关的2个方面:一是由于2000年后新建的住房选址在郊区的比例较大,周围服务设施和公园绿地的可达性相较于中心城区较低(伍艳慈等, 2017);另一方面,2000年后建成的住宅多为高层商品房小区,邻里间的社会交往不如老街坊社区密切(Dong et al, 2017)。

研究进一步分析了多层线性模型社区层级残差的变化,并展示了所选的社区环境因素心理健康效应的空间差异(图4)。借鉴相关研究(党云晓等, 2016),选取残差分布的 ±15%作为分割点,+15%接近-1.68,-15%接近1.24。在模型一中,残差值低于-1.68的社区有2个,高于1.24的社区有3个。加入社区变量后,所有社区的残差值均增加或减少到-0.05~0.05之间,进一步验证了所选的社区变量对居民心理健康的有效影响。且从空间上来看,原先被低估的社区主要分布于广州核心区的西部,而被高估的社区分布在南部的番禺区和东部的黄埔区。

图4   广州市居民心理健康水平回归模型的残差比较

Fig.4   Comparison of residuals of multilevel modeling on residents' mental health in Guangzhou City

4 结论与讨论


(1) 总体而言,广州市居民GHQ值为22.63,心理健康水平良好,且在社区层面上存在心理健康的空间异质性。

(2) 组间相关系数显示,个体层面因素和社区层面因素分别解释了居民心理健康水平总差异的79%和21%,社区环境的作用不容忽视。

(3) 就个体层面因素而言,受教育程度对个人心理健康水平具有显著的正向预测作用,表明良好的教育往往对心理健康具有促进效应。个人的身体健康状况与心理健康状况联系紧密,两者呈显著正相关。拥有住房产权的居民比无住房产权者拥有更健康的心理状态,反映了住房压力对心理健康的显著负作用。

(4) 就社区层面因素而言,社区建成环境和社会环境对居民心理健康均存在重要影响。在社区建成环境因素中,提高社区周围服务设施配套和公园绿地供给均能显著提高居民的心理健康水平。在社区社会环境因素中,居民心理健康水平与社区纠纷数量呈显著负相关,与社会组织类型数量、社区居民频繁交往比例呈显著正相关,表明社区纠纷增多会降低居民心理健康程度,而增加社区组织、提高居民交往频率则能促进居民的心理健康水平。

综上,本文论证了在中国快速城镇化背景下社区建成环境和社会环境对居民的心理健康存在显著影响。对比国内外其他案例地的研究,来自欧美以及中国北京的实证分析表明,公园绿地、社区安全对于心理健康具有正面的影响(Fan et al, 2011; Lorenc et al, 2012; Dong et al, 2017; Liu H et al, 2017; Liu Y et al, 2017; Markevych et al, 2017),本文的分析结果进一步验证了此结论。在社区服务设施和社区组织对心理健康的影响方面,Wen等(2010)对上海的研究发现社区服务设施并未对居民心理健康产生显著影响,Shen(2014)基于2008年CHARLS试点问卷发现社区服务设施和组织对中老年群体的心理健康具有正向的相关关系,本文则发现这2个指标对所有群体的心理健康均有正向的预测作用。因此,建议通过社区规划和社区建设,加大公共服务设施和公园绿地的供给,健全社区组织,鼓励邻里交往,从而提升居民的心理健康水平。

本文尚存在以下3点不足有待后续研究跟进:首先,本文揭示了各种社区环境因素与居民心理健康水平的直接相关关系,但缺乏深入探索社区建成环境和社会环境影响居民心理健康的过程与路径。未来的研究将利用结构方程模型和中介效应分析,分析体育锻炼和居民主观环境感知等中介变量所起到的作用。其次,本文没有控制邻里选择机制的干扰,有可能导致邻里效应的分析结果存在偏误。事实上,由于居民自身的个体属性、行为偏好和生活习惯会影响其对居所的选择,仅使用多层线性模型有可能高估居民心理健康与公共服务设施/公园绿地供给的相关关系(张延吉等, 2018)。因此,未来的研究可进一步利用倾向得分分配技术,解决邻里选择所导致的模型结果偏误问题。此外,社区建成环境和社会环境对心理健康的效应,可能会因居民个人家庭属性的不同而不同。因此,下一步的研究还可利用调节效应分析技术,探究年龄、性别、家庭生命周期和社会经济地位等调节变量对社区环境心理健康效应的调节作用。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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组织认同是社会认同的一种特殊形式,是与组织具有一致性或从属于 组织的知觉.该文通过对700名教师施测Mael & Tetrick组织认同问卷、沟通满意感问卷和一般健康问卷,得出以下结论:1)沟通满意感能够正向的预测个体的组织认同水平;2)沟通满意感能够正向的 预测个体的心理健康水平;3)组织认同对于心理健康的预测作用不显著.

[Li Y X, Shen J L, Zhang N.2008.

Relation among teachers' communication satisfaction, organizational identification and mental health

. Psychological Exploration, 26(3): 53-57. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-5184.2008.03.012      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

组织认同是社会认同的一种特殊形式,是与组织具有一致性或从属于 组织的知觉.该文通过对700名教师施测Mael & Tetrick组织认同问卷、沟通满意感问卷和一般健康问卷,得出以下结论:1)沟通满意感能够正向的预测个体的组织认同水平;2)沟通满意感能够正向的 预测个体的心理健康水平;3)组织认同对于心理健康的预测作用不显著.
[7] 林江, 周少君, 魏万青. 2012.


[J]. 财贸经济, 33(5): 114-120.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Lin J, Zhou S J, Wei W Q.2012.

Prices of urban real estate, housing property and subjective well-being

. Finance & Trade Economics, 33(5): 114-120. ]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[8] 刘志林, 廖露, 钮晨琳. 2015.

社区社会资本对居住满意度的影响: 基于北京市中低收入社区调查的实证分析

[J]. 人文地理, 30(3): 21-27.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Z L, Liao L, Niu C L.2015.

Residential satisfaction of community social capital: An empirical study of middle and low income residents in urban Beijing

. Human Geography, 30(3): 21-27. ]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[9] 孙斌栋, 阎宏, 张婷麟. 2016.

社区建成环境对健康的影响: 基于居民个体超重的实证研究

[J]. 地理学报, 71(10): 1721-1730.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201610005      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Sun B D, Yan H, Zhang T L.2016.

Impact of community built environment on residents' health: A case study on individual overweight

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 71(10): 1721-1730. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201610005      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[10] 田莉, 王博祎, 欧阳伟, . 2017.

外来与本地社区公共服务设施供应的比较研究: 基于空间剥夺的视角

[J]. 城市规划, 41(3): 77-83.

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[Tian L, Wang B Y, Ouyang W, et al.2017.

A comparative study on urban public service facilities supply between local and migrant communities: A perspective of spatial deprivation

. City Planning Review, 41(3): 77-83. ]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] 伍艳慈, 李爽, 丁瑜. 2017.

基于可达性的城市公益性休闲文化服务设施空间配置研究: 以广州市中心城区为例

[J]. 特区经济, (8): 59-64.

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[Wu Y C, Li S, Ding Y.2017.

Study on urban public nonprofit recreational and cultural facilities allocation based on the accessibility: A case of Guangzhou downtown

. Special Zone Economy Issue, (8): 59-64. ]

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[12] 肖世富, 毕华, 卜锦炎, . 1993.


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[Xiao S F, Bi H, Bu J Y, et al.1993.

A study of the reliability and validity of the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire

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[13] 杨林生, 李海蓉, 李永华, . 2010.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 29(1): 31-44.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.005      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Yang L S, Li H R, Li Y H, et al.2010.

Progress of medical geography and environmental health studies

. Progress in Geography, 29(1): 31-44. ]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.01.005      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[14] 杨林生, 王五一, 谭见安, . 2010.


[J]. 地理研究, 29(9): 1571-1583.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010090004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所倡导和建立了化学地理研究机构,是我国最早从事环境科学研究 的单位之一,推动了环境质量调查、环境质量评价、环境背景、环境容量和环境治理等理论和技术的建立和发展;长期进行克山病、大骨节病等地方病的调查及其环 境病因与防治的研究,为上述疾病的控制做出了重大贡献;创立和发展了中国的医学地理学研究体系。2000年以后,在持续开展西部地方病地理流行规律和稀土 元素生物地球化学循环研究基础上,重点开展了重金属等污染物及全球环境变化的健康风险评价研究,拓展了区域碳、氮、磷等生命元素的生物地球化学循环与温室 气体排放的关系研究,强化了环境污染治理和健康保护的技术研究。实现了从化学地理到环境地理、从医学地理到健康地理的转变。未来的环境地理与人类健康研究 将以地理环境的化学属性为重点,以人口健康保护为核心,探讨环境保护、社会经济发展和人类健康安全在整体上协调的机制与途径。

[Yang L S, Wang W Y, Tan J A, et al.2010.

Overview on the research works in the field of environmental geography and human health

. Geographical Research, 29(9): 1571-1583. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010090004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所倡导和建立了化学地理研究机构,是我国最早从事环境科学研究 的单位之一,推动了环境质量调查、环境质量评价、环境背景、环境容量和环境治理等理论和技术的建立和发展;长期进行克山病、大骨节病等地方病的调查及其环 境病因与防治的研究,为上述疾病的控制做出了重大贡献;创立和发展了中国的医学地理学研究体系。2000年以后,在持续开展西部地方病地理流行规律和稀土 元素生物地球化学循环研究基础上,重点开展了重金属等污染物及全球环境变化的健康风险评价研究,拓展了区域碳、氮、磷等生命元素的生物地球化学循环与温室 气体排放的关系研究,强化了环境污染治理和健康保护的技术研究。实现了从化学地理到环境地理、从医学地理到健康地理的转变。未来的环境地理与人类健康研究 将以地理环境的化学属性为重点,以人口健康保护为核心,探讨环境保护、社会经济发展和人类健康安全在整体上协调的机制与途径。
[15] 张延吉, 秦波, 唐杰. 2018.


[J]. 地理学报, 73(2): 333-345.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201802009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the process of urbanization and motorization, obesity and chronic diseases have become a serious social problem, but the empirical study on the impact of urban built environment on public physical health is still lacking in Chinese context. In this paper, we use the data from China's general social survey in 2010 and select 6740 samples in 278 urban communities throughout 31 provincial areas. Other geographical data are also introduced into the analysis, such as point of interests and road network surrounding each community. In order to control the interference of self-selection mechanism, this research uses a quasi-experimental method called propensity score matching. According to this empirical analysis, firstly, the study indicates that high-density land use has a negative impact on the overall physical health of the residents, which is contrary to comparatively low density developed cities in Western countries. Nevertheless, similar to international literatures, all of the mixed urban function, urban texture with an accessible branch network, and adequate health facilities play a positive role in reducing BMI, inhibiting overweight and lowering chronic diseases. Secondly, these built environment elements have various impacts on different social classes. The upper class is mainly influenced in the subjective physical health perception while the lower class is more affected in the objective physical health status. Thirdly, there is a closer relationship between the ambient built environment characteristics of small spatial scale and the health status of middle- and low-stratum groups, but this rule is not obvious among middle and high social classes, which reflects that the surrounding environmental quality of public space has a more direct and important impact on the physical health of vulnerable groups. In conclusion, this study proves the effectiveness of active spatial intervention in the process of improving public physical health as well as alleviating health inequality problem, and then puts forward some suggestions on optimization strategy of urban built environment in China.

[Zhang Y J, Qin B, Tang J.2018.

The impact of urban built environment on residential physical health: Based on propensity score matching

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 73(2): 333-345. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201802009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

With the process of urbanization and motorization, obesity and chronic diseases have become a serious social problem, but the empirical study on the impact of urban built environment on public physical health is still lacking in Chinese context. In this paper, we use the data from China's general social survey in 2010 and select 6740 samples in 278 urban communities throughout 31 provincial areas. Other geographical data are also introduced into the analysis, such as point of interests and road network surrounding each community. In order to control the interference of self-selection mechanism, this research uses a quasi-experimental method called propensity score matching. According to this empirical analysis, firstly, the study indicates that high-density land use has a negative impact on the overall physical health of the residents, which is contrary to comparatively low density developed cities in Western countries. Nevertheless, similar to international literatures, all of the mixed urban function, urban texture with an accessible branch network, and adequate health facilities play a positive role in reducing BMI, inhibiting overweight and lowering chronic diseases. Secondly, these built environment elements have various impacts on different social classes. The upper class is mainly influenced in the subjective physical health perception while the lower class is more affected in the objective physical health status. Thirdly, there is a closer relationship between the ambient built environment characteristics of small spatial scale and the health status of middle- and low-stratum groups, but this rule is not obvious among middle and high social classes, which reflects that the surrounding environmental quality of public space has a more direct and important impact on the physical health of vulnerable groups. In conclusion, this study proves the effectiveness of active spatial intervention in the process of improving public physical health as well as alleviating health inequality problem, and then puts forward some suggestions on optimization strategy of urban built environment in China.
[16] 赵雪雁, 王伟军, 万文玉. 2017.

中国居民健康水平的区域差异: 2003-2013

[J]. 地理学报, 72(4): 685-698.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201704010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhao X Y, Wang W J, Wan W Y.2017.

Regional inequalities of residents' health level in China: 2003-2013

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 72(4): 685-698. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201704010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[17] 周素红, 何嘉明. 2017.

郊区化背景下居民健身活动时空约束对心理健康影响: 以广州为例

[J]. 地理科学进展, 36(10): 1229-1238.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.10.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhou S H, He J M.2017.

Effects of spatial-temporal constraints of suburban residents on fitness activities to mental health in the context of rapid suburbanization: A case study in Guangzhou, China

. Progress in Geography, 36(10): 1229-1238. ]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.10.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[18] 周素红, 宋江宇, 宋广文. 2017.


[J]. 地理学报, 72(8): 1444-1457.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhou S H, Song J Y, Song G W.2017.

Examining the dual-levels impact of neighbourhood and individual variables on car use on weekdays in Guangzhou

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 72(8): 1444-1457. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[19] Almedom A M.2005.

Social capital and mental health: An interdisciplinary review of primary evidence

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 61(5): 943-964.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2004.12.025      URL      PMID: 15955397      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

An interdisciplinary interrogation of primary evidence linking social capital and mental health sought to establish: (1) uality of evidence (assessed in terms of study design, methods used to address stated questions, rigor of data analysis, and logic and clarity of interpretation of results), and (2) applicability of the evidence to public health policy and practice with respect to mental health. It is found that social capital, a complex and compound construct, can be both an asset and a liability with respect to mental health of those in receipt of and those providing services and other interventions. The most meaningful assessment of social capital or components thereof may examine individual access to rather than possession of social capital, a property of groups, and therefore an ecological variable. Theoretical advances in research on social capital serve to identify mainly two types of social capital: bonding (between individuals in a group) and bridging (between groups). Each type of social capital has cognitive and/or structural component(s) and may operate at micro and/or macro level(s). Effective mental health policy and service provision may build or strengthen bridging social capital and benefit from both bonding and bridging social capital where either or both exist. Established indicators of social capital are amenable to quantitative and qualitative assessment, preferably in tandem. However studies that employ combined research design are rare or non-existent. Interdisciplinary multi-method investigations and analyses are called for in order to unravel mechanisms whereby social capital and mental health might be meaningfully associated.
[20] Bond L, Kearns A, Mason P, et al.2012.

Exploring the relationships between housing, neighbourhoods and mental wellbeing for residents of deprived areas

[J]. BMC Public Health, 12: 48.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-12-48      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[21] Diaz-Serrano L.2009.

Disentangling the housing satisfaction puzzle: Does homeownership really matter?

[J]. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(5): 745-755.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joep.2009.06.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There is a general consensus that homeownership has beneficial effects for both individuals and society in many outcomes. However, research regarding the effect of homeownership on individuals’ subjective well-being remains inconclusive. In this paper, for the first time, we provide empirical evidence for the link between homeownership and housing satisfaction using panel data. We use the eight waves of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) covering the period 1994–2001. We observe that renters who become homeowners not only experience a significant increase in housing satisfaction, but also after changing their tenure status, they obtain a different utility from the same housing context. This evidence might provide support to the hypothesis that a share of the differences in the perceived utility derived from housing can be attributed to (un)fulfilled expectations or aspirations regarding homeownership.
[22] Dong H, Qin B.2017.

Exploring the link between neighborhood environment and mental wellbeing: A case study in Beijing, China

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 164: 71-80.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.04.005      URL      [本文引用: 4]     

[23] Duncan C, Jones K, Moon G.1998.

Context, composition and heterogeneity: Using multilevel models in health research

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 46(1): 97-117.

[本文引用: 2]     

[24] Elliott M.2000.

The stress process in neighborhood context

[J]. Health & Place, 6(4): 287-299.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S1353-8292(00)00010-1      URL      PMID: 11027954      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The positive relation between socio-economic status (SES) and health, both mental and physical, is examined within a stress-process framework. Telephone survey data of adults age 45–74 are analyzed to test the roles of stressors and resources as mediators of the SES–health relation. Next, the stress process is tested in neighborhood context by splitting the sample in half according to residence in lower- or higher-SES neighborhoods. The relative impact of stressors on mental and physical health, and effectiveness of resources in protecting mental and physical health, are tested separately for both types of neighborhoods. The results indicate that social support is only protective of mental and physical health among residents of higher-SES neighborhoods. The implications of the results for future research are discussed.
[25] Evans G W, Wells N M, Moch A.2003.

Housing and mental health: A review of the evidence and a methodological and conceptual critique

[J]. Journal of Social Issues, 59(3): 475-500.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1540-4560.00074      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[26] Fan Y, Das K V, Chen Q.2011.

Neighborhood green, social support, physical activity, and stress: Assessing the cumulative impact

[J]. Health & Place, 17(6): 1202-1211.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2011.08.008      URL      PMID: 21920795      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

78 Park spaces are found to indirectly mitigate stress by fostering social support. 78 Neighborhood vegetation is found to have direct stress mitigation impact, yet the impact is counteracted by its negative effect on social support. 78 Different components of neighborhood green play distinct roles in influencing health and well-being.
[27] Frumkin H.2002.

Urban sprawl and public health

[J]. Public Health Reports, 117(3): 201-217.

https://doi.org/10.1093/phr/117.3.201      URL      PMID: 1497432      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In recent years, the rapid expansion of metropolitan areas has been termed urban sprawl, referring to a complex pattern of land use, transportation, and social and economic development. This article considers the impact of urban sprawl on public health. The author notes that some of these health effects relate directly to heavy reliance on automobiles, air pollution, automobile crashes, and pedestrian injuries and fatalities. Other effects relate to land use patterns that typify sprawl, including sedentary lifestyles, threats to water quantity and quality, and an expansion of the urban heat island effect. The author offers a public health framework for understanding these consequences of urban sprawl. For each of these issues, the author present available evidence about the health effect and its connection with sprawl. In addition, because the adverse impacts of sprawl do not fall equally across the population, the distribution of health impacts across different socioeconomic groups is discussed. The author concludes by stressing the importance of incorporating health considerations into policy making regarding land use practices and transportation.
[28] Giles-Corti B, Vernez-Moudon A, Reis R, et al.2016.

City planning and population health: A global challenge

[J]. Lancet, 388: 2912-2924.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30066-6      URL      PMID: 27671668      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

SummarySignificant global health challenges are being confronted in the 21st century, prompting calls to rethink approaches to disease prevention. A key part of the solution is city planning that reduces non-communicable diseases and road trauma while also managing rapid urbanisation. This Series of papers considers the health impacts of city planning through transport mode choices. In this, the first paper, we identify eight integrated regional and local interventions that, when combined, encourage walking, cycling, and public transport use, while reducing private motor vehicle use. These interventions are destination accessibility, equitable distribution of employment across cities, managing demand by reducing the availability and increasing the cost of parking, designing pedestrian-friendly and cycling-friendly movement networks, achieving optimum levels of residential density, reducing distance to public transport, and enhancing the desirability of active travel modes (eg, creating safe attractive neighbourhoods and safe, affordable, and convenient public transport). Together, these interventions will create healthier and more sustainable compact cities that reduce the environmental, social, and behavioural risk factors that affect lifestyle choices, levels of traffic, environmental pollution, noise, and crime. The health sector, including health ministers, must lead in advocating for integrated multisector city planning that prioritises health, sustainability, and liveability outcomes, particularly in rapidly changing low-income and middle-income countries. We recommend establishing a set of indicators to benchmark and monitor progress towards achievement of more compact cities that promote health and reduce health inequities.
[29] Guite H F, Clark C, Ackrill G.2006.

The impact of the physical and urban environment on mental well-being

[J]. Public Health, 120(12): 1117-1126.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2006.10.005      URL      PMID: 17097120      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

To examine the strength of association between physical and social factors in the built environment and mental well-being, and to determine which factors are the most important. A postal survey based on a theoretical model of domains that might link the physical and urban environment with mental well-being was sent to 2696 adults aged 18 years or over, in four areas of Greenwich, London. Mental health was measured using the SF36 subscales for mental health (MH) and vitality (V). Additional household and area level data were appended for each respondent from a range of sources. 1012 questionnaires were returned (38% response rate). At the univariate level significant confounders that were associated with poorer mental well-being were being female, 85+ years, unemployed or retired, on housing benefit, council tenant, two or more children, and having requested re-housing Better mental well-being was associated with being aged 65 years to 84 years (better MH and V). Within domain analysis, adjusting for each of the confounding factors, resulted in the following factors being significantly associated with being in the lowest quartile for MH score: (i) control over the internal environment (damp), (ii) design and maintenance (not liking the look of the estate/road, (iii) noise (neighbour noise), (iv) density and escape (feeling over-crowded in the home, being dissatisfied with green spaces, dissatisfied with social and entertainment facilities) being dissatisfied with community facilities (such as libraries and community centres) was only significant for vitality, (v) fear of crime and harassment (feeling unsafe to go out in the day, feeling unsafe to go out at night, agreeing that needles and syringes left lying around are a problem) (vi) social participation (not enough events to get people together, not enough places to stop and chat). When these 12 factors were entered into a single model with the significant confounders five remained significantly associated with being in the lowest quartile for MH or V: neighbour noise MH OR 2.71 [95% CI 1.48, 4.98]; feeling over-crowded in the home MH OR 2.22 [1.42, 3.48]; being dissatisfied with access to green open spaces MH OR 1.69 [1.05, 2.74]; access to community facilities V OR 1.92, [1.24, 3.00]; feeling unsafe to go out in the day MH OR 1.64 [1.02, 2.64]; V OR 1.58 [1.00, 2.49]. This study confirms an association between the physical environment and mental well-being across a range of domains. The most important factors that operate independently are neighbour noise, sense of over-crowding in the home and escape facilities such as green spaces and community facilities, and fear of crime. This study highlights the need to intervene on both design and social features of residential areas to promote mental well-being.
[30] Hu F.2013.

Homeownership and subjective wellbeing in urban China: Does owning a house make you happier

[J]. Social Indicators Research, 110(3): 951-971.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-011-9967-6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the effect of homeownership status on individual subjective wellbeing indicators in urban China using a large nationally representative dataset. It is the first to gauge the relationship between homeownership and individual subjective wellbeing in the setting of China and is also among the few empirical studies concerning developing countries. The results show that the homeownership status does have a strong positive effect on both one’s housing satisfaction and overall happiness in urban China. Even after controlling for housing satisfaction in the equation, the homeownership status still positively affects one’s overall happiness, suggesting that the homeownership status might also contribute to other possible aspects of life satisfaction except for housing satisfaction. In addition, in terms of housing satisfaction, females seem to value much more on owning a house than males, while the subjective benefits of owing a house in large cities seem to be much smaller than in small cities.
[31] Kawachi I, Kennedy B P, Glass R.1999,

Social capital and self-rated health: A contextual analysis

[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 89(8):1187-1193.

https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.89.8.1187      URL      PMID: 10432904      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

OBJECTIVES: Social capital consists of features of social organization--such as trust between citizens, norms of reciprocity, and group membership--that facilitate collective action. This article reports a contextual analysis of social capital and individual self-rated health, with adjustment for individual household income, health behaviors, and other covariates. METHODS: Self-rated health ("Is your overall health excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?") was assessed among 167,259 individuals residing in 39 US states, sampled by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Social capital indicators, aggregated to the state level, were obtained from the General Social Surveys. RESULTS: Individual-level factors (e.g., low income, low education, smoking) were strongly associated with self-rated poor health. However, even after adjustment for these proximal variables, a contextual effect of low social capital on risk of self-rated poor health was found. For example, the odds ratio for fair or poor health associated with living in areas with the lowest levels of social trust was 1.41 (95% confidence interval = 1.33, 1.50) compared with living in high-trust states. CONCLUSIONS: These results extend previous findings on the health advantages stemming from social capital.
[32] Kwan M.2012.

Geographies of health

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102(5): 891-892.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2012.687348      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[33] Lachowycz K, Jones A P.2013.

Towards a better understanding of the relationship between greenspace and health: Development of a theoretical framework

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 118: 62-69.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2012.10.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A growing body of evidence investigates whether access to greenspace, such as parks and woodland, is beneficial to well-being. Potential health benefits of greenspace exposure include opportunity for activities within the space and psychological benefits of viewing and interacting with nature. However, empirical research evidence on the effects of greenspace exposure shows mixed findings. Hence we suggest that the key questions of "if, why and how?" greenspace influences health remain largely unanswered. We argue that researchers have inadequately considered the causal pathways which drive the relationship. In particular, an improved understanding is needed of potential mediators and moderators. In this paper we draw on social-ecological theories and a review of the literature to develop a novel theoretical framework which summarises current knowledge about hypothetical causal pathways between access to greenspace and health outcomes. The framework highlights how mediators - such as use of greenspace and perceptions of the living environment - drive associations between access and both physical and psychological health outcomes. We propose key moderators based on evidence that associations between greenspace and health differ by demographic factors such as gender, ethnicity and socio-economic status, living context, greenspace type and climate. We discuss the evidence for how and why these factors act as moderators and consider the implications which arise from this improved understanding of the relationship between greenspace and health. In conclusion, we discuss how the framework can be used to inform planning of research studies, and how it may be developed in the future as more evidence emerges. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[34] Lederbogen F, Kirsch P, Haddad L, et al.2011.

City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans

[J]. Nature, 474: 498-501.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10190      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[35] Li J, Rose N.2017.

Urban social exclusion and mental health of China's rural-urban migrants: A review and call for research

[J]. Health & Place, 48: 20-30.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.08.009      URL      PMID: 28892746      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract China's internal rural-urban migrants experience social exclusion that may have significant mental health implications. This has historically been exacerbated by the hukou system. Echoing recent calls for interdisciplinary research on the interdependencies of urbanization and mental health, this review examines evidence of rural-urban migrants' mental health status in comparison with nonmigrants and its association with various dimensions of social exclusion. We found conflicting evidence on the mental health status of migrants in comparison with nonmigrants, but strong evidence that social exclusion is negatively associated with migrants' mental health: limited access to full labour rights and experience of social stigma, discrimination and inequity were the most significant factors. We discuss the limitations of current social epidemiological research and call for an attempt to use close-up, street-level ethnographic data on the daily experience of being a migrant in the mega-city, and describe our aim to produce a new sociological deep surveying instrument to understand migration, urban living, and mental health. Copyright 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.
[36] Liu H, Li F, Li J, et al.2017.

The relationships between urban parks, residents' physical activity, and mental health benefits: A case study from Beijing, China

[J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 190: 223-230.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.12.058      URL      PMID: 28056355      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The average physical activity level of the sample was 92.7min of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. Park users were more active in all forms of physical activity, except transport walking, than non-users. The presence of a park within 500m from home and park use were significantly associated with total physical activity. Physical activity in parks significantly restored visitors' moods and energy levels, and interaction with nature brought mental health benefits in terms of relaxation and self-perceived confidence. Overall, this study found a positive correlation of urban parks with public physical activity and positive mental health benefits. However, further research is needed to improve the understanding of this relationship in the context of China.
[37] Liu Y, Dijst M, Faber J, et al.2017.

Healthy urban living: Residential environment and health of older adults in Shanghai

[J]. Health & Place, 47: 80-89.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.07.007      URL      PMID: 28778036      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A healthy residential environment, especially for older adults, has emerged as an important issue on political and planning agenda in China. This paper aims to investigate the direct and indirect impact of residential environment on the health of older adults in Shanghai, taking into account health-related behaviours, subjective well-being and socio-demographic factors in one comprehensive conceptual model. Our results show that the residential environment is associated with older adults’ health directly, and also indirectly through a series of significant behavioural (physical and social activities) and perceptual (subjective well-being) factors. After combining the direct and indirect association, the results show that good housing and neighbourhood quality and a safe social environment contribute to better subjective, physical and mental health conditions of older adults. In addition, access to cultural facilities is positively related to older adults’ mental and physical health and subjective well-being, while a higher proportion of older adults in a neighbourhood appears to promote physical and social activities but not health.
[38] Lorenc T, Clayton S, Neary D, et al.2012.

Crime, fear of crime, environment, and mental health and wellbeing: Mapping review of theories and causal pathways

[J]. Health & Place, 18(4): 757-765.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.04.001      URL      PMID: 22542441      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

78 We explore links between crime, fear of crime, environment and health and wellbeing. 78 Fear of crime may mediate some impacts of environmental factors on wellbeing. 78 The environmental determinants and population-level impacts of crime are less clear. 78 Theory-informed reviews of pathways can be valuable in synthesising complex evidence.
[39] Lundin A, Hallgren M, Theobald H, et al.2016.

Validity of the 12-item version of the General Health Questionnaire in detecting depression in the general population

[J]. Public Health, 136: 66-74.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2016.03.005      URL      PMID: 27040911      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We validate the 12-item version of the GHQ-12 in a general population.61GHQ-12 works excellently in detecting depression.61GHQ-12 is well suited for use in public mental health surveys.
[40] Maas J, van Dillen S M E, Verheij R A, et al.2009.

Social contacts as a possible mechanism behind the relation between green space and health

[J]. Health & Place, 15(2): 586-595.

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Markevych I, Schoierer J, Hartig T, et al.2017.

Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance

[J]. Environmental Research, 158: 301-317.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.028      URL      PMID: 28672128      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: In a rapidly urbanizing world, many people have little contact with natural environments, which may affect health and well-being. Existing reviews generally conclude that residential greenspace is beneficial to health. However, the processes generating these benefits and how they can be best promoted remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: During an Expert Workshop held in September 2016, the evidence linking greenspace and health was reviewed from a transdisciplinary standpoint, with a particular focus on potential underlying biopsychosocial pathways and how these can be explored and organized to support policy-relevant population health research. DISCUSSIONS: Potential pathways linking greenspace to health are here presented in three domains, which emphasize three general functions of greenspace: reducing harm (e.g. reducing exposure to air pollution, noise and heat), restoring capacities (e.g. attention restoration and physiological stress recovery) and building capacities (e.g. encouraging physical activity and facilitating social cohesion). Interrelations between among the three domains are also noted. Among several recommendations, future studies should: use greenspace and behavioural measures that are relevant to hypothesized pathways; include assessment of presence, access and use of greenspace; use longitudinal, interventional and (quasi)experimental study designs to assess causation; and include low and middle income countries given their absence in the existing literature. Cultural, climatic, geographic and other contextual factors also need further consideration. CONCLUSIONS: While the existing evidence affirms beneficial impacts of greenspace on health, much remains to be learned about the specific pathways and functional form of such relationships, and how these may vary by context, population groups and health outcomes. This Report provides guidance for further epidemiological research with the goal of creating new evidence upon which to develop policy recommendations. Copyright 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[42] Ross C E, Mirowsky J.2010.

Why education is the key to socioeconomic differentials in health

[M]// Bird C E, Conrad P, Fremont A M, et al, Handbook of medical sociology. Nashrille: Vanderbilt University Press: 33-51.

[本文引用: 1]     

[43] Sampson R J, Morenoff J D, Gannon-Rowley T.2002.

Assessing "neighborhood effects": Social processes and new directions in research

[J]. Annual Review of Sociology, 28: 443-478.

https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.soc.28.110601.141114      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper assesses and synthesizes the cumulative results of a new "neighborhood-effects" literature that examines social processes related to problem behaviors and health-related outcomes. Our review identified over 40 relevant studies published in peer-reviewed journals from the mid-1990s to 2001, the take-off point for an increasing level of interest in neighborhood effects. Moving beyond traditional characteristics such as concentrated poverty, we evaluate the salience of social-interactional and institutional mechanisms hypothesized to account for neighborhood-level variations in a variety of phenomena (e.g., delinquency, violence, depression, high-risk behavior), especially among adolescents. We highlight neighborhood ties, social control, mutual trust, institutional resources, disorder, and routine activity patterns. We also discuss a set of thorny methodological problems that plague the study of neighborhood effects, with special attention to selection bias. We conclude with promising strategies and directions for future research, including experimental designs, taking spatial and temporal dynamics seriously, systematic observational approaches, and benchmark data on neighborhood social processes.
[44] Schieman S, Meersman S C.2004.

Neighborhood problems and health among older adults: Received and donated social support and the sense of mastery as effect modifiers

[J]. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 59(2): S89-S97.

https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/59.2.S89      URL      PMID: 15014096      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study examines the associations between perceived neighborhood problems and mental and physical health, exploring the extent to which received social support, donated social support, and the sense of mastery moderate those associations. METHODS: In 2001-2002, face-to-face interviews were conducted with a sample of 1,167 adults over age 65 in several counties in Maryland and the District of Columbia. RESULTS: For men, received support and perceived mastery buffer against the detrimental effects of neighborhood problems on anger. In contrast, donated support exacerbates the negative physical health effects of neighborhood problems. For women, donated support amplifies the effects of neighborhood problems on anger. However, with anger and depression, the buffering effects of received support become evident only after accounting for the interaction between neighborhood problems and donated support. DISCUSSION: The findings have implications for the stress process model, the theoretical perspectives on different forms of social support, and the "buffering" and "cost of caring" predictions for women and men.
[45] Shen Y.2014.

Community building and mental health in mid-life and older life: Evidence from China

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 107: 209-216.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.12.023      PMID: 24485943      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Multilevel mixed models were used for statistical analyses.61China's “community building” program has benefited the mental health in midlife and later life.61Existence of community-based amenities and semi-public spaces was associated with better mental health.61Existence of community-based grassroots organizations was associated with better mental health.
[46] Steptoe A, Feldman P J.2001.

Neighborhood problems as sources of chronic stress: Development of a measure of neighborhood problems, and associations with socioeconomic status and health

[J]. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23(3): 177-185.

https://doi.org/10.1207/S15324796ABM2303_5      URL      PMID: 11495218      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The impact of the residential neighborhood on health and well-being is being increasingly recognized in behavioral medicine, with evidence for neighborhood-level effects that are independent of the individual characteristics of residents. This study addressed the possibility that the effects of neighborhood are due in part to exposure to community-wide stressors rather than variations in protective factors such as social capital. A questionnaire survey including a 10-item neighborhood problems scale and measures of self-reported health, health behaviors, and social capital was completed by 419 residents of 18 higher socioeconomic status (SES) neighborhoods and 235 residents of 19 lower SES neighborhoods. Data were analyzed using regression and multilevel methods. Neighborhood problem scores were greater in lower than higher SES neighborhoods, positively associated with individual deprivation, and negatively correlated with social capital. Neighborhood problems were not related to smoking, diet, alcohol consumption, or physical activity. However, neighborhood problems were associated with poor self-rated health, psychological distress on the General Health Questionnaire, and impaired physical function, independent of age, sex, neighborhood SES, individual deprivation, and social capital. Adjusted odds ratios for the highest versus lowest neighborhood problem quartiles ranged from 2.05 (confidence interval = 1.15-3.69) for poor self-rated health to 3.07 (1.63-5.79) for impaired physical function. The results provide preliminary evidence that residential neighborhood problems constitute sources of chronic stress that may increase risk of poor health.
[47] Vlahov D, Galea S.2002.

Urbanization, urbanicity, and health

[J]. Journal of Urban Health, 79(S1): S1-S12.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jurban/79.suppl_1.S1      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[48] Wen M, Fan J, Jin L, et al.2010.

Neighborhood effects on health among migrants and natives in Shanghai, China

[J]. Health & Place, 16(3): 452-460.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2009.12.001      URL      PMID: 20060767      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article compares health status between internal migrants and urban natives in Shanghai, China and examines neighborhood effects on self-rated health, chronic conditions, and psychological well-being. Migrants on average exhibit better health than natives in Shanghai. Neighborhood satisfaction, social cohesion and safety show strong association with health after controlling for individual factors. However, these associations tend to be weaker for migrants than for natives in Shanghai. Income, perceived stress, and neighborhood social cohesion jointly explain about 26% of the link between neighborhood satisfaction and an index of overall well-being. Among individual-level SES indicators, income is more strongly linked to self-rated health than education and occupation. Relative to SES indicators, perceived loneliness and stress are more directly associated with health. Study limitations and future research direction are discussed in the end.
[49] White M, Kasl S V, Zahner G E P, et al.1987.

Perceived crime in the neighborhood and mental health of women and children

[J]. Environment and Behavior, 19(5): 588-613.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916587195003      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[50] Xiang Y, Yu X, Sartorius N, et al.2012.

Mental health in China: Challenges and progress

[J]. The Lancet, 380: 1715-1716.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60893-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Mental health in China: challenges and progress
[51] Xiao Y, Miao S, Sarkar C, et al.2018.

Exploring the impacts of housing condition on migrants’ mental health in Nanxiang, Shanghai: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2): 225.

https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15020225      URL      PMID: 29382174      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Although rapid urbanization and associated rural-to-urban migration has brought in enormous economic benefits in Chinese cities, one of the negative externalities include adverse effects upon the migrant workers mental health. The links between housing conditions and mental health are well-established in healthy city and community planning scholarship. Nonetheless, there has thusfar been no Chinese study deciphering the links between housing conditions and mental health accounting for macro-level community environments, and no study has previously examined the nature of the relationships in locals and migrants. To overcome this research gap, we hypothesized that housing conditions may have a direct and indirect effects upon mental which may be mediated by neighbourhood satisfaction. We tested this hypothesis with the help of a household survey of 368 adult participants in Nanxiang Town, Shanghai, employing a structural equation modeling approach. Our results point to the differential pathways via which housing conditions effect mental health in locals and migrants. For locals, housing conditions have direct effects on mental health, while as for migrants, housing conditions have indirect effects on mental health, mediated via neighborhood satisfaction. Our findings have significant policy implications on building an inclusive and harmonious society. Upstream-level community interventions in the form of sustainable planning and designing of migrant neighborhoods can promote sense of community, social capital and support, thereby improving mental health and overall mental capital of Chinese cities.
