地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (8): 952-964 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.08.00



赵梓渝1, 魏冶2, 庞瑞秋2, 杨冉2, 王士君2

1. 吉林大学地球科学学院,长春 130061
2. 东北师范大学地理科学学院,长春 130024

Spatiotemporal and structural characteristics of interprovincial population flow during the 2015 Spring Festival travel rush

ZHAO Ziyu1, WEI Ye2, PANG Ruiqiu2, YANG Ran2, WANG Shijun2

1. College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China
2. School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

通讯作者:  王士君(1963-),男,黑龙江延寿人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事经济地理和城市地理学研究,E-mail: wangsj@nenu.edu.cn

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金重点项目(41630749)国家自然科学基金项目(41401172,51178091)


作者简介:赵梓渝(1986-),男,吉林长春人,博士研究生,主要从事城市网络及人口流动研究,E-mail: zyzhao14@mails.jlu.edu.cn




关键词: 春运 ; 人口流动 ; 省际流动 ; 网络结构 ; 中国


China is one of the most active areas of the world's population mobility. The social structure of China during the socioeconomic transition period, the country's development phase, and its unique cultural background together form the Spring Festival travel rush, a social behavioral phenomenon with a significant regularity and a high degree of uniformity and unity. By constructing the 2015 Spring Festival interprovincial population flow relation matrix, we examined the dynamics of population flow and its spatial characteristics. The results are as follows: (1) 13-17 February and 25 February-1 March were the peak population flow periods before and after the holiday season. Inflow and outflow of population between provinces during these time periods can be indicative of interprovincial migration of floating population in China. We identified 14 net population inflow provinces and 17 net population outflow provinces. The top six and bottom eight population inflow provinces in the eastern and central regions form the double vertical pattern of immigration and emigration of floating population in China. (2) Provincial population outflow primary directions are clear and flow from the central to the eastern coastal areas is the main direction and path of migration of the floating population. Guangdong and Beijing are the primary migration destinations of the floating population in southern and northern china. These two province/municipality monopolized 2/3 of the interprovincial population flow of the country. (3) The source areas of the floating population in the Beijing and Tianjin area, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta—the three major population agglomeration areas—are significantly different. Those in the Beijing and Tianjin area and the Pearl River Delta are mainly directly from the floating population emigration provinces, but the Yangtze River Delta has formed a more advanced network structure. (4) Mobility-based study on the temporal and spatial characteristics of China's population flow contains a wealth of information on floating population migration, and the Spring Festival travel rush provides an opportunity for such study. By comparing the result with previous research results, similarity between the new data and many conclusions based on the census data is clear.

Keywords: Spring Festival travel rush ; population flow ; interprovincial flow ; network structure ; China


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赵梓渝, 魏冶, 庞瑞秋, 杨冉, 王士君. 中国春运人口省际流动的时空与结构特征[J]. , 2017, 36(8): 952-964 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.08.00

ZHAO Ziyu, WEI Ye, PANG Ruiqiu, YANG Ran, WANG Shijun. Spatiotemporal and structural characteristics of interprovincial population flow during the 2015 Spring Festival travel rush[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(8): 952-964 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.08.00

1 引言

人口流动是一种生产要素的空间再配置过程,其发生和发展是推动经济社会发展的重要动力(de Haas, 2010)。主要发达国家在19世纪中期-20世纪中期经历了快速城市化过程,同时也伴随着大规模的人口流动,且流动方向与工业发展和产业集聚的方向一致(Pons et al, 2007)。从空间交互模型及后续学者的改进(Montis et al, 2007; de Vries et al, 2009),到模拟强度的辐射模型(Simini et al, 2012),西方学者对人口流动的时空特征、规律演变进行了长期的深入研究。

人口流动是中国改革开放以来规模最大、意义最为深远的地理过程之一(朱宇等, 2016)。省际流动对于改善地区间经济发展不平衡、缩小收益差距和产业结构调整具有重要作用(陈锐等, 2014)。2000-2010年间,中国流动人口规模上升了109%,其中省际流动升幅达158%(马红旗等, 2012),呈现出长距离趋势。2013年中国流动人口约有2.4亿,其中39%为跨省流动(国家卫生和计划生育委员会流动人口司, 2014)。对于正处在城镇化、工业化和全球化加速推进的中国而言,人口流动将持续作为城镇化的重要动力(杨传开等, 2015),且必将重塑人口空间格局。因而科学地认识中国人口流动的时空特征,对于编制城镇化发展、土地利用、生态环境保护等各类空间规划具有重要意义(邓羽等, 2014)。

地理学者更多地关注人口流动的空间格局及其影响因素、形成机制。中国学者从人口省际流动的网络结构(陈锐等, 2014)、空间类型(于涛方, 2012)、模式变化(王桂新等, 2012)、多边效应(蒲英霞等, 2016)等多角度对转型期中国人口流动的地理特征进行了研究。在影响因素和形成机制方面,普遍认为人口由欠发达地区向发达地区集聚主要受区域自然地理环境、社会经济发展条件、行政等级、文化及思维方式等差异的影响所致(逯进等, 2014; 童玉芬等, 2014; 李扬等, 2015),同时城乡收入差距、非农就业机会、户籍管制的放松、农村土地和税收制度等因素进一步对人口流动的规模和空间分布产生了重要影响(Mullan et al, 2011)。这些因素实际上反映了政府和市场两种力量在转型期中国人口流动空间过程中的共同存在和相互作用(Shen, 2013; 刘涛等, 2015)。

人口普查和1%人口抽样调查是目前研究中国流动人口、人口流动最主要的数据来源。人口流动是一种大规模的群体性时空行为,从时间维度,普查数据格式的制约决定了在小时间尺度下研究的二维静态视角的局限性。由于缺乏一个相对连续时间内人口流动数据,研究多为一个时间断面或大尺度时间周期的累计结果,如比较“五普”、“六普”10年间的差异变化(邹湘江等, 2013),据此得到的是处于不同阶段的人口流动空间格局的平均状况(Zhu et al, 2010)。从空间维度,问卷调查(田明, 2013)等中观尺度研究的区域聚焦性较强,对于宏观特征的观察度和解析力不足。在宏观尺度,以往研究结论认为,中国流动人口呈现出从安徽、河南、四川、湖南、广西等中西部(尤以中部)省份流出、向东部沿海省份迁移流动的鲜明流向特征,并形成了珠三角、长三角、京津冀等高度集聚区(Liang et al, 2004; Fan, 2005; 李扬等, 2010; 王桂新等, 2012; 张耀军等, 2014)。但仅凭宏观统计数据,显然难以回答人口在流出、流入地区之间集聚与扩散的结构特征、空间差异及其进一步造成的累积结果等问题。

随着社会经济要素流动的网络化趋势凸显,人口流动网络正逐步形成。社会网络分析以行为主体关系为视角,是近年来重要的跨学科研究方法。然而受制于关系型数据的缺失或难以获取,以往对人口流动网络的研究多基于空间交互模型进行模拟。移动数据时代的到来使得基于个体粒度的海量时空轨迹获取人类移动模式成为可能(Lu et al, 2012),人口流动的时空特征通过大量复杂的移动智能设备数据的形式呈现,为地理研究提供了数据支持。基于大数据研究个体或群体行为,为社会政治经济决策、城市规划与管理、交通监控与预测、信息与疾病传播等众多领域的研究提供了工作基础与方法指导(Bian, 2013; Gao et al, 2013; Gonçalves et al, 2013)。

春运是中国春节前后发生的一种由大规模人口流动导致的高交通运输压力现象,如在2015年春运约有28亿人次的人口流动。转型期中国的社会结构与发展阶段的历史时期和中国独特的文化背景,形成了春运这一有显著规律性、高度集体性、统一性的社会行为现象(魏冶等, 2016)。本文基于2015年中国春运期间人口省际流动的实测流数据,构建关系矩阵,观察人口流动的集聚扩散、联络关系的动态过程,对中国人口省际流动的规模差异、关联结构进行研究,以期丰富相关研究成果。

2 数据来源及研究方法

研究数据来源于百度地图迁徙。百度迁徙基于定位服务(location based service, LBS)技术,通过手机用户的定位信息映射人口流动轨迹,塑造出人口流动过程中产生的起止节点及关系强度(赵梓渝等, 2017)。原始数据为一天内中国367个地级行政区之间人口省际流动的关系数据,对地级行政区所在省级行政划进行加和,因此研究对象为中国大陆4个直辖市、22个省及5个自治区,共计31个空间对象。中国春运官方定义周期一般为40天左右,发生在春节前15天至春节后25天。2015年中国春运时间从2月4日-3月16日,由于数据获取原因,本文研究时间为2月7日-3月18日,计40天(下文春运及春运期间均指这一时段)。根据一天内省际人口流动强度构建矩阵R=(Rij),Rijij省的人口流强度,最终数据为40个31×31的加权非对称矩阵。

以总流动规模(gross flow, GF)测度一个省人口流动的活跃度,净流入规模(net inflow, NI)测度人口流入(NI>0)、流出(NI<0)的属性特征及规模差异。则有i省一日内人口总流动、净流入值:



式中: Ri为人口省际流动矩阵, RiTRi转置矩阵。根据流的方向性,春运人口流动可分为春节前的返乡流和春节后的返工流。2015年中国春节国家法定假日共7天,从2月18日除夕-2月24日初六,2月25日为第一个工作日。基于这一时间安排及对数据的总体观察,确定节前返乡流时间起止为2月7-23日,节后返工流时间起止为2月24日-3月18日。节前返乡流期间,人口流动的主导方向由东部向中西部扩散(diffusion, D),人口流入省的NIi_day大多为负值,流出省多为正值。节后人口流动的主导方向是由中西部省份向东部省份汇聚(aggregation, A)。此时,人口流入、流出省NIi_day的正负特征大体较节前相反。




3 春运人口省际流动的总体特征

3.1 时空特征


图1   春运节前、节后人口省际净流入流向图

   Fig1 Interprovincial population flow in the Spring Festival travel rush of 2015


表1   春运节前、节后人口净流入强度前十名统计表/(万人次)

Tab. 1   Top ten provinces (municipalities) of net inflow intensity during the Spring Festival travel rush of 2015 (ten thousand person-time)




图2   每日净流入规模分省曲线图

Fig.2   Daily net inflow of each province (municipality, autonomous region), 7 February-17 March 2015


3.2 规模差异


图3   各省总流动、净流入规模柱形图

Fig.3   Gross flow and net inflow of each province (municipality, autonomous region)

以往基于人口普查数据的相关研究已经指出,随着中西部地区产业的发展,中国流动人口虽然仍向沿海地区集中但已出现分散趋势(段成荣等, 2013),西部地区尤其是新疆、西藏,呈现出人口省际净流入的特征(李扬等, 2015),这与本文识别出的宁夏、青海、陕西、新疆、西藏五省为人口流入省的结论相一致。其原因一方面可以归结为政府力量和宏观政策在引导人口省际流动中所起到推动作用(刘涛等, 2015),另一方面也与该地区的特殊地理条件有关。例如新疆丰富的土地及矿产资源、独具特色的绿洲农业(如棉花产业),加之与中亚国家开展跨境贸易的区位交通条件,是影响人口省际集聚的重要推动力(Loughlin et al, 2001)。



使用ArcGIS 10.1软件中所提供的自然断裂法(jerks)对各省净流入值进行分级(表2),其等级结构呈宝塔形,人口流入省数量少、位于顶层。广东、浙江、北京、上海、江苏、天津六省(市)基本垄断了(98.3%)全国的人口集聚强度,其中广东一省吸纳近半(43.7%)。

表2   净流入等级结构

Tab.2   Net inflow classes

相对均衡-31.9~32.3福建、新疆、辽宁、宁夏、陕西、青海 西藏、海南、云南、内蒙古、吉林(11)
低度流出-137.3~ -41.0甘肃、黑龙江、山西、重庆、贵州、山
中度流出-271.0~ -208.7四川、河北、湖北(3)
高度流出-527.8~ -459.6广西、河南、江西、湖南、安徽(5)




4 春运人口省际流动的空间结构特征

4.1 网络结构




加权度中心性是在度中心性基础上,计入关联路径权重的指标。在有向加权网络中,又可分为加权出度中心性和加权入度中心性,以区分流的方向性。本文的加权出、入度中心性均基于人口的省际净流出、流入值加权而来。在人口流入省中,加权出度中心性前三省分别是江苏(181.2万人次)、福建(97.6万人次)和浙江(68.5万人次),最少的为上海(39人次)、西藏(158人次)、青海(0.9万人次)。以往研究认为,人口净迁移率的变化在很大程度上取决于省(区)间人口迁入率的变化,比如有着较高迁入率的沿海省市迁出率就相对较低,而迁入率较低的中西部省(区)迁出率就较高(李扬等, 2015)。但本文研究结果与这一结论并不相符。以江苏和上海为例,江苏一方面作为人口流入大省,吸纳了安徽、河南、山东、湖北的人口省际集聚;另一方面也是人口流出大省,其人口主要流出指向为上海。因此尽管江苏与上海的加权入度中心性相近,分别为457.8万人次和479.2万人次,但悬殊的人口流出规模差异,导致江苏净流入规模远低于上海。


4.2 地域特征


(1) 以京九铁路和长江经济带构成的十字形结构覆盖了中国人口省际流动的高强度地区、高强度和高密度的空间关联路径(图4a)。十字形格局作为人口流动网络骨架,显示出了强烈的空间沿途效应,从中心到网络边缘,人口流动强度迅速变小,关联密度显著降低。同时,京九铁路两段的北京和珠三角地区是主要人口流入省份,铁路沿线是人口流出省。

图4   人口省际流动网络关联特征图

Fig.4   Interprovincial flow network association characteristics

(2) 中国省际人口迁移表现出明显的地理集中性和强烈的空间差异。其中,从中西部向东部是中国人口省际净流入的主要方向(图4b);京津、江苏、上海、浙江、福建、广东形成了人口集聚的纵向沿海绵延带。净流入位序后七位的安徽、湖南、江西、河南、广西、湖北、河北,形成了高流出的中部纵向“人口塌陷”区。二者共同构成了中国人口省际流入、流出的双纵格局,呈现中国人口省际流动的强烈空间差异特征。

(3) 人口流动遵循空间衰减效应,以近域发生为主要特征,地域相邻省(区)关系更加紧密。如广东人口流动前三位来源省广西、湖南、江西累积贡献了广东67.6%的净流入强度,均紧邻广东;浙江人口流动前四位来源省分别为安徽、江西、河南、湖北,累积贡献了浙江68.7%的净流入强度,该四省也与浙江邻近。上海人口流动前十位来源省依次为江苏、安徽、河南、江西、浙江、湖北、山东、福建、湖南和四川,净流入强度表现出与地理距离的负相关性,即距离越近,强度越高;随距离的增加净流入强度贡献程度依次递减,呈现圈层特征,证实了人口流出地和目的地相邻更容易发生迁移(王桂新等, 2012)、空间上的邻近对人口迁移决策有明显的正向影响(雷光和等, 2013)的观点。

部分研究认为,长三角和珠三角对人口的吸引作用较强,迁移人口有很多来自于距离相对较远的省(市、区),如广东省的迁移人口有很多是来自于较远的四川、河南、重庆、陕西(李袁园, 2013)。但从本文研究结果得出,以上四省(市)累计仅贡献了广东净流入规模的14%(而相比之下仅广西就贡献了广东36%的净流入规模)。可见,即便作为人口集聚规模最大的广东省,其空间虹吸效应仍不能对远距离省区产生突出的影响。另一方面,经济因素对于人口流动目的地选择的决定性影响已成为学术共识,流动劳动力把全国视为一个机会市场,在近域饱和后,将随之向下一个相对更远的劳动力市场流动。在当前阶段下,京津、长三角、珠三角地区经济社会发展的突出优势为流动人口寻求就业机会提供了更加广阔的平台。并可以预见,伴随高铁等国家级基础设施的大量建设,传统时空距离被大大压缩,横跨大尺度地域空间的高强度人口流动将成为必然,因此,全国将形成发达地区空间集聚与相对落后地区劳动力扩散的地理格局。

4.3 基于首位流的结构特征


(1) 各省流出首位流的指向特征显著。广东和北京是中国南、北方人口流动首选目的地,占全国2/3省(市、区)流出首位流。重庆、云南、四川、陕西、江西、湖南、湖北、海南、贵州、广西、福建等省(市)人口流出首位流均指向广东;新疆、天津、山西、山东、青海、内蒙古、辽宁、黑龙江、河北九省(市)流出首位流均指向北京(图5图6a)。可见,以人口流动为媒介,地域之间产生了紧密和复杂的网络关系,并在一定程度上继续强化了传统发达地区的极化效应,形成了广泛的人力资源积累网络和空间剥夺。

图5   人口流出首位、次位流指向图

Fig.5   Population outflow primary and secondary directions

图6   人口流出、流入首位流结构图

Fig.6   Primary flow directions of population inflow and outflow


(2) 南方人口流出省(市、区)人口流出指向存在共性。在南方9个人口流出省(市、区)中,只有安徽受到长三角影响,首位、次位流出流分别指向江苏、浙江。广西、湖北、湖南、贵州、江西、云南、重庆七省(市)在地域空间上相接壤,流出首位流均指向广东,次位流均指向浙江,其余的人口流出省四川和福建两省,首位、第三位流出流均分别指向广东和浙江,显示了一系列的指向共性。考虑到湖北、云南、广西在地理上与长三角、珠三角的空间距离较远,这种大范围区域人口流动共性的背后,文化与意识的相似性是不可忽视的因素。

(3) 京津、长三角、珠三角地区的人口集聚路径存在差异。作为中国流动人口最主要的空间集聚地区,京津、珠三角主要是人口流入与流出省(市、区)的直接关联结构(图6b),如北京、天津人口流入主要来自河北、河南、山东、山西,广东人口流入主要来自广西、湖南、江西、湖北,均直接由人口流出地流入。而长三角形成了边缘—中心—核心的两层关联结构,在上海人口流入前五位来源省江苏、安徽、河南、江西、浙江中,江苏、浙江本身属于人口净流入省,二者一方面吸纳安徽、河南、山东、湖北、江西等人口流出省的流动劳动力,另一方面又成为上海空间虹吸作用的对象。

(4) 从流出前三位流强度占比来看,最不均衡的为广西,前三位流出流分别占总比的97.4%、0.6%、0.4%,其人口净流出基本指向为广东。最均衡的为河南,前三位流出流分别占比18.4%、18.1%、17.2%,人口空间扩散的均质化特征更为明显。从图6b可以看出,河南、河北、四川为多个省(市、区)提供人口流入的首位流。其中,河南是河北、湖北、安徽、陕西四省流入首位流的来源省,且前三省均为人口高度、中度流出省;河北是北京、天津、山东、山西流入首位流的来源省;四川是重庆、云南、贵州和西藏流入首位流的来源省。整体上,这一关系结构符合以往研究结论(马红旗等, 2012; 王桂新等, 2012; 李袁园, 2013)。

5 讨论

5.1 移动数据可作为流动人口规模识别的补充依据


图7   “六普”迁徙人口与春运净流入规模比较图

Fig.7   Comparison of the size of net inflow between the sixth population census and the Spring Festival travel rush data


图8   内蒙古、陕西春运人口净流入规模曲线图

Fig.8   Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi population net inflow during the 2015 Spring Festival travel rush

5.2 百度迁徙为发掘人口流动蕴含的丰富信息提供数据支撑


图9   五省春运人口净流入规模曲线图

Fig.9   Population net inflow of five provinces (municipalities) during the 2015 Spring Festival travel rush

6 结论


(1) 春节前后2个时段中国人口省际流动及各省(市、区)净流入规模呈显著的时空对称性,基于这一规律性特征,采用节后与节前各省(市、区)净流入人次差值的计算方法,识别中国14个人口省际流入省(市、区),包括辽宁、北京、天津、上海、江苏、浙江、福建、广东、海南、宁夏、青海、陕西、新疆和西藏。可见,春运期间中国人口省际流动的空间集聚导向与区域社会经济发展状况、国家宏观政策密切相关。可以预料,随着中国进入新一轮区域协调发展阶段,区域人口的再分布将由东部沿海三点集中转向多向集中,中西部地区的劳动力吸纳效应将进一步显现。


(2) 各省(市、区)流出首位流的指向特征显著。广东和北京是中国南方、北方人口流动首选目的地,合占全国2/3省份流出首位流。以人口流动为媒介,地域间产生了紧密和复杂的网络关系,并进一步强化传统发达地区的极化效应。长期来看,受高度发达地区的虹吸效应和区域发展不平衡的极化效应影响,高强度的远距离人口流动行为将成为必然,全国将形成发达地区空间集聚与相对落后地区劳动力扩散的格局。

(3) 京津、长三角、珠三角三大人口集聚区对于人口流动的吸引路径与影响范围存在显著差异。京津、珠三角直接吸纳了中部人口流出省的人口流入,二者之间呈一层关联结构。长三角形成了更为高级的网络结构,上海人口流入的主要来源地既包括中部人口流出省,也包括江苏、浙江等人口流入省,形成了由网络边缘—中心—核心的两层关联结构。

(4) 信息化背景下,移动数据作为表征人类行为的载体,日益成为地理研究的重要数据来源。本文通过与以往研究结论对比,证实了新数据与人口普查、抽样调查数据研究的结论相似性,例如,人口流动虽然仍向沿海地区集中但已出现分散趋势,西部地区尤其是新疆、西藏,呈现出人口省际净流入的特征。同时也得出一些不同结论,例如,即便是作为人口集聚规模最大的珠三角地区,其空间虹吸效应仍难以对远距离省(区)产生突出影响;人口净流入率(或规模)与该省的人口总流入不存在绝对的决定性关系;以北京为主导的京津地区是中国人口省际流动最具空间尺度影响力的地区等。一方面说明大数据、新数据为地理研究提供了更高的研究精度,另一方面也与“六普”数据的采集时间(2010年)和本文数据(2015年)不一致有关。需要指出的是,由于普查或抽样数据能直接获取人口迁徙结果,因此以往研究结论多以人口省际总、净迁徙规模(率),或净迁入、迁出规模(率)为测度指标;而本文的数据及计算方法,立足于春运这一特殊事件及其背景,因此计算结果中的主导因素是流动人口的空间迁徙。尽管在指标上存在差别,但相关结论具有较好的可比较性。


在中国特有的户籍制度背景下,中国的流动人口与西方迁移人口有着本质的区别。针对转型时期中国特殊的人口迁移特征,学者提出了诸如梯次流动等概念(杜鹏等, 2011)。但因研究数据所限,目前尚难以从实证的角度对一系列假设和理论进行验证。在信息化背景下,人口流动的时空特征可通过大量复杂的移动数据形式显示,因此,对一系列问题的解读、重新审视、验证,将是下一步研究的方向。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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当前我国流动人口面临的主要问题和对策: 基于2010年第六次全国人口普查数据的分析

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中国地级以上城市人口流动空间模式变化: 基于2000和2010年人口普查数据的分析

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The changes in population floating and their influencing factors in China based on the Sixth Census

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[8] 李扬, 刘慧. 2010.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 29(10): 1162-1170.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.10.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>人口迁移空间格局是区域空间结构演化的重要基础。模型构建是人口迁移空间格局定量模拟的关键。本文根据人口迁移研究基础理论的不同,将人口迁移空间格局模拟研究的经典模型分为空间物理学、空间社会学和空间经济学3 大类,系统分析了各大类中相应经典模型的理论基础和模型结构,对不同模型的特点和缺陷进行了深入剖析;总结了当前国内外人口迁移空间格局模拟研究的主要方法;在此基础上,提出了未来我国人口迁移空间格局模拟研究的主要方向和重点任务。</p>

[Li Y, Liu H.2010.

Research progresses on migration spatial structure modeling

[J]. Progress in Geography, 29(10): 1162-1170.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.10.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<p>人口迁移空间格局是区域空间结构演化的重要基础。模型构建是人口迁移空间格局定量模拟的关键。本文根据人口迁移研究基础理论的不同,将人口迁移空间格局模拟研究的经典模型分为空间物理学、空间社会学和空间经济学3 大类,系统分析了各大类中相应经典模型的理论基础和模型结构,对不同模型的特点和缺陷进行了深入剖析;总结了当前国内外人口迁移空间格局模拟研究的主要方法;在此基础上,提出了未来我国人口迁移空间格局模拟研究的主要方向和重点任务。</p>
[9] 李扬, 刘慧, 汤青. 2015.


[J]. 地理研究, 34(6): 1135-1148.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201506012      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Li Y, Liu H, Tang Q.2015.

Spatial-temporal patterns of China's interprovincial migration during 1985-2010

[J]. Geographical Research, 34(6): 1135-1148.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201506012      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[10] 李袁园. 2013.


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[本文引用: 2]     

[11] 刘涛, 齐元静, 曹广忠. 2015.

中国流动人口空间格局演变机制及城镇化效应: 基于2000和2010年人口普查分县数据的分析

[J]. 地理学报, 70(4): 567-581.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201504005      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

China has witnessed unprecedented urbanization over the past decades. The rapid expansion of urban population has been dominated by the floating population from rural areas, of which the spatiotemporal patterns, driving forces, and multidimensional effects have been scrutinized and evaluated by voluminous empirical studies. However, the urban and economic development mode has been reshaped by the globalization and marketization processes and the socioeconomic space has been restructured as a consequence. How has the spatial pattern of floating population evolved against these backdrops? How has the evolution been driven by the interaction of state and market forces? What have been the contribution of population mobility to the urbanization of origin and destination regions and the evolution of China's urban system? The latest national censuses conducted in 2000 and 2010 offer the opportunity to systematically answer these questions. Analysis based on the county-level data comes to conclusions as follows. (1) The spatial pattern of floating population remained stable over the first decade of the 21st century. Three coastal mega-city regions, namely the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, were major concentration areas. As the emergence and rapid development of other coastal mega-city regions, the coastal concentration area of floating population tended to geographically united as a whole, whereas the spatial distribution within each region variegated significantly. (2) Floating population gradually moved into provincial capitals and other big cities in interior regions and its distribution center of gravity moved northward around 110 km during the study period. (3) Compared with extensively investigated inter-provincial migrants, intra-provincial migrants had higher intention and ability to permanently live in cities they worked in and thus might become the main force of China's urbanization in the coming decades. (4) The spatial pattern of floating population was shaped jointly by the state and market forces in transitional China. While the impacts of state forces have been surpassed by market forces in the country as a whole, they are still important in shaping the development space of central and western China. (5) The massive mobility of population contributed a large proportion to the increase of urbanization levels of both origin and destination regions and reshaped China's urban system in terms of its hierarchical organization and spatial structure.

[Liu T, Qi Y J, Cao G Z.2015.

China's floating population in the 21st century: Uneven landscape, influencing factors, and effects on urbanization

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 70(4): 567-581.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201504005      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

China has witnessed unprecedented urbanization over the past decades. The rapid expansion of urban population has been dominated by the floating population from rural areas, of which the spatiotemporal patterns, driving forces, and multidimensional effects have been scrutinized and evaluated by voluminous empirical studies. However, the urban and economic development mode has been reshaped by the globalization and marketization processes and the socioeconomic space has been restructured as a consequence. How has the spatial pattern of floating population evolved against these backdrops? How has the evolution been driven by the interaction of state and market forces? What have been the contribution of population mobility to the urbanization of origin and destination regions and the evolution of China's urban system? The latest national censuses conducted in 2000 and 2010 offer the opportunity to systematically answer these questions. Analysis based on the county-level data comes to conclusions as follows. (1) The spatial pattern of floating population remained stable over the first decade of the 21st century. Three coastal mega-city regions, namely the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, were major concentration areas. As the emergence and rapid development of other coastal mega-city regions, the coastal concentration area of floating population tended to geographically united as a whole, whereas the spatial distribution within each region variegated significantly. (2) Floating population gradually moved into provincial capitals and other big cities in interior regions and its distribution center of gravity moved northward around 110 km during the study period. (3) Compared with extensively investigated inter-provincial migrants, intra-provincial migrants had higher intention and ability to permanently live in cities they worked in and thus might become the main force of China's urbanization in the coming decades. (4) The spatial pattern of floating population was shaped jointly by the state and market forces in transitional China. While the impacts of state forces have been surpassed by market forces in the country as a whole, they are still important in shaping the development space of central and western China. (5) The massive mobility of population contributed a large proportion to the increase of urbanization levels of both origin and destination regions and reshaped China's urban system in terms of its hierarchical organization and spatial structure.
[12] 逯进, 郭志仪. 2014.


[J]. 人口研究, 38(6): 40-56.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章利用层次分析法讨论了我国省域人口迁移和经济增长的变动规律,在此基础上,从系统耦合观视角实证检验了人口迁移与经济增长两系统之间的协调关系之特征,并对二者耦合程度的演化规律做出了理论解析。结果发现,我国各省区人口迁移与经济增长都存在稳定的正向协调演进机制,但总体看二者的耦合度并不高,且区域间存在较大差异,从空间上表现出由东至西依次递减态势; 同时,还表现出人口迁移与经济增长之间存在一定的适宜性特征。此外,各区域都存在耦合衰退趋势,这意味着,随着我国经济发展方式转型的不断深入,经济增长与人口迁移将出现逆向变动趋势,未来由高素质人力资本迁移带动的经济增长特征将愈发明显。

[Lu J, Guo Z Y.2014.

The evolution of coupling relationship between population migration and economic growth in China

[J]. Population Research, 38(6): 40-56.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

文章利用层次分析法讨论了我国省域人口迁移和经济增长的变动规律,在此基础上,从系统耦合观视角实证检验了人口迁移与经济增长两系统之间的协调关系之特征,并对二者耦合程度的演化规律做出了理论解析。结果发现,我国各省区人口迁移与经济增长都存在稳定的正向协调演进机制,但总体看二者的耦合度并不高,且区域间存在较大差异,从空间上表现出由东至西依次递减态势; 同时,还表现出人口迁移与经济增长之间存在一定的适宜性特征。此外,各区域都存在耦合衰退趋势,这意味着,随着我国经济发展方式转型的不断深入,经济增长与人口迁移将出现逆向变动趋势,未来由高素质人力资本迁移带动的经济增长特征将愈发明显。
[13] 马红旗, 陈仲常. 2012.

我国省际流动人口的特征: 基于全国第六次人口普查数据

[J]. 人口研究, 36(6): 87-99.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Ma H Q, Chen Z C.2012.

Patterns of inter-provincial migration in China: Evidence from the Sixth Population Census

[J]. Population Research, 36(6): 87-99.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[14] 蒲英霞, 韩洪凌, 葛莹, . 2016.


[J]. 地理学报, 71(2): 205-216.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

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Multilateral mechanism analysis of interprovincial migration flows in China

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[24] 邹湘江, 吴丹. 2013.

人口流动对农村人口老龄化的影响研究: 基于“五普”和“六普”数据分析

[J]. 人口学刊, 35(4): 70-79.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-129X.2013.04.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-129X.2013.04.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[25] Bian L.2013.

Spatial approaches to modeling dispersion of communicable diseases: a review

[J]. Transactions in GIS, 17(1): 1-17.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9671.2012.01329.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The dispersion of communicable diseases in a population is intrinsically spatial. In the last several decades, a range of spatial approaches has been devised to model epidemiological processes; and they differ significantly from each other. A review of spatially oriented epidemiological models is necessary to assess advances in spatial approaches to modeling disease dispersion and to help identify those most appropriate for specific research goals. The most notable difference in the design of these spatially oriented models is the scale and mobility of the modeling unit. Using two criteria, this review identifies six types of spatially oriented models. These include: (1) population‐based wave models, (2) sub‐population models, (3) individual‐based cellular automata models, (4) mobile sub‐population models, (5) individual‐based spatially implicit models, and (6) individual‐based mobile models. Each model type is evaluated in terms of its design principles, assumptions, and intended applications. For the evaluation of design, four aspects of design principles are discussed: the modeling unit, the interaction between the modeling units, the spatial process, and the temporal process utilized in a design. Insights gained from this review can be useful for devising much‐needed spatially and temporally oriented strategies to forecast, prevent, and control communicable diseases.
[26] de Haas H.2010.

Migration and development: A theoretical perspective

[J]. International Migration Review, 44(1): 227-264.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1747-7379.2009.00804.x      URL      PMID: 26900199      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The debate on migration and development has swung back and forth like a pendulum, from developmentalist optimism in the 1950s and 1960s, to neo-Marxist pessimism over the 1970s and 1980s, towards more optimistic views in the 1990s and 2000s. This paper argues how such discursive shifts in the migration and development debate should be primarily seen as part of more general paradigm shifts in social and development theory. However, the classical opposition between pessimistic and optimistic views is challenged by empirical evidence pointing to the heterogeneity of migration impacts. By integrating and amending insights from the new economics of labor migration, livelihood perspectives in development studies and transnational perspectives in migration studies – which share several though as yet unobserved conceptual parallels – this paper elaborates the contours of a conceptual framework that simultaneously integrates agency and structure perspectives and is therefore able to account for the heterogeneous nature of migration-development interactions. The resulting perspective reveals the naivety of recent views celebrating migration as self-help development “from below”. These views are largely ideologically driven and shift the attention away from structural constraints and the vital role of states in shaping favorable conditions for positive development impacts of migration to occur.
[27] de Montis A, Barthélémy M, Chessa A, et al.2007.

The structure of interurban traffic: A weighted network analysis

[J]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34(5): 905-924.

https://doi.org/10.1068/b32128      URL      摘要

We study the structure of the network representing the interurban commuting traffic of the Sardinia region, Italy, which amounts to 375 municipalities and 1,600,000 inhabitants. We use a weighted network representation where vertices correspond to towns and the edges to the actual commuting flows among those. We characterize quantitatively both the topological and weighted properties of the resulting network. Interestingly, the statistical properties of commuting traffic exhibit complex features and non-trivial relations with the underlying topology. We characterize quantitatively the traffic backbone among large cities and we give evidences for a very high heterogeneity of the commuter flows around large cities. We also discuss the interplay between the topological and dynamical properties of the network as well as their relation with socio-demographic variables such as population and monthly income. This analysis may be useful at various stages in environmental planning and provides analytical tools for a wide spectrum of applications ranging from impact evaluation to decision-making and planning support.
[28] de Vries J, Nijkamp P, Rietveld P.2009.

Exponential or power distance-decay for commuting? An alternative specification

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 41(2): 461-480.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[29] Fan C C.2005.

Interprovincial migration, population redistribution, and regional development in China: 1990 and 2000 census comparisons

[J]. The Professional Geographer, 57(2): 295-311.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0033-0124.2005.00479.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Until recently, migration has had a limited role to play in China's space economy because of central-planning logic and mechanisms. Mobility increases and economic restructuring since the 1980s, however, call for new conceptualizations of migration. Using interprovincial migration data from China's 1990 and 2000 censuses, I analyze migration rates, migration effectiveness, population growth, net migration flows, and spatial focusing of migration. The analysis supports the notions that migration is an increasingly effective factor of population redistribution and that it has a strong relationship with regional development. While these relationships have been documented in many other parts of the world, they have been less well addressed in the case of China. Regional divergence in economic development during the 1990s was accompanied by a marked increase in interprovincial migration and sharply concentrated migration flows, especially from relatively poor central and western provinces to the rapidly growing eastern region. These results suggest that migration theories that draw from experiences of capitalist economies may be of increased relevance to China.
[30] Gao S, Wang Y L, Gao Y, et al.2013.

Understanding urban traffic-flow characteristics: A rethinking of betweenness centrality

[J]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40(1): 135-153.

https://doi.org/10.1068/b38141      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this study we estimate urban traffic flow using GPS-enabled taxi trajectory data in Qingdao, China, and examine the capability of the betweenness centrality of the street network to predict traffic flow. The results show that betweenness centrality is not a good predictor variable for urban traffic flow, which has, theoretically, been pointed out in existing literature. With a critique of the betweenness centrality as a predictor, we further analyze the characteristics of betweenness centrality and point out the 'gap' between this centrality measure and actual flow. Rather than considering only the topological properties of a street network, we take into account two aspects, the spatial heterogeneity of human activities and the distance-decay law, to explain the observed traffic-flow distribution. The spatial distribution of human activities is estimated using mobile phone Erlang values, and the power law distance decay is adopted. We run Monte Carlo simulations to generate trips and predict traffic-flow distributions, and use a weighted correlation coefficient to measure the goodness of fit between the observed and the simulated data. The correlation coefficient achieves the maximum (0.623) when the exponent equals 2.0, indicating that the proposed model, which incorporates geographical constraints and human mobility patterns, can interpret urban traffic flow well.
[31] Gonçalves B, Balcan D, Vespignani A.2013.

Human mobility and the worldwide impact of intentional localized highly pathogenic virus release

[J]. Nature, 3: 810.

https://doi.org/10.1038/srep00810      URL      PMID: 3713588      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The threat of bioterrorism and the possibility of accidental release have spawned a growth of interest in modeling the course of the release of a highly pathogenic agent. Studies focused on strategies to contain local outbreaks after their detection show that timely interventions with vaccination and contact tracing are able to halt transmission. However, such studies do not consider the effects of human mobility patterns. Using a large-scale structured metapopulation model to simulate the global spread of smallpox after an intentional release event, we show that index cases and potential outbreaks can occur in different continents even before the detection of the pathogen release. These results have two major implications: i) intentional release of a highly pathogenic agent within a country will have global effects; ii) the release event may trigger outbreaks in countries lacking the health infrastructure necessary for effective containment. The presented study provides data with potential uses in defining contingency plans at the National and International level.
[32] Liang Z, Ma Z D.2004.

China’s floating population: New evidence from the 2000 census

[J]. Population and Development Review, 30(3): 467-478.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2004.00024.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article uses tabulations from the 2000 Population Census of China along with a micro-level data sample from the census to provide a picture of China's floating population: migrants without local household registration ( hukou ), a status resulting in significant social and economic disadvantages. By 2000, the size of China's floating population had grown to nearly 79 million, if that category is defined as migrants who moved between provinces or counties and resided at their destinations for six months or more. Intra-county floating migration is similarly large, contributing another 66 million to the size of the floating population. The article also discusses the geographic pattern of the floating population and the reasons for moving as reported by migrants. Policy implications are noted.
[33] Loughlin P H, Pannell C W.2001.

Growing economic links and regional development in the Central Asian republics and Xinjiang, China

[J]. Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, 42(7): 469-490.

https://doi.org/10.1080/10889388.2001.10641182      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The article evaluates the impact of the EU structural policy on the employment in agriculture in Slovakia. The amount of the EU financial support for agriculture in Slovakia for the period 2004-2006 created supplementary financial sources for the farmers in Slovakia. Despite of this, the evaluation of the impact of the EU structural policy, based on the realized research, showed the fact that the EU sources will not end the trend in decreasing of employment in agriculture in rural areas, but the EU sources contribute and will contribute in future on slowing this descending trend. The surveys realized in the EU countries pointed the fact that the increase of outflow of labour force in agriculture in rural areas will be mostly in thecountries wherethedecrease of labourforce was lower. In the EU-12 countriesthe decreaseof employment rate during the years 1995-2001 is significantly higher, in average 5%, against the EU-15 countries, where the decrease is in average 2.5%. The reason of this trend is caused by the difference in absolute rate of employment in agriculture between the ELJ-15 and the EU-12 countries. We suppose that in future there will not be marked changes in the mentioned trends in decrease of employment in agriculture in rural areas of the EU-15 and the EU-12 countries.
[34] Lu Y M, Liu Y.2012.

Pervasive location acquisition technologies: Opportunities and challenges for geospatial studies

[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36(2): 105-108.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2012.02.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The rapid development and increasing availability of various location acquisition technologies provide geospatial studies with both opportunities and challenges. These opportunities and challenges are discussed in this paper focusing on the following three aspects: the massive acquisition of location data and data quality, the analysis of massive location data and pattern discovery, and privacy protection for massive location data. This paper examines the current status of and the potential opportunities for geospatial research in these three areas and notes the major challenges. Finally, the development of this special issue is described, and the four articles included in this special issue are presented.
[35] Mullan K, Grosjean P, Kontoleon A.2011.

Land tenure arrangements and rural-urban migration in China

[J]. World Development, 39(1): 123-133.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2010.08.009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Obstacles to internal migration in China contribute to inefficiency, inequality, and land degradation. Academic and policy debate has primarily focused on discrimination against rural migrants on arrival in urban areas. Meanwhile, barriers to migration out of rural areas have received less attention. This paper examines the role of incomplete rural property rights in the migration decisions of rural households. We examine the relationship between tenure insecurity and restrictions on land rentals, and participation in outside labor markets. The results indicate that tenure insecurity reduces migration. This relationship is particularly pronounced on forest land, which has implications for the conservation of recently replanted forest areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[36] Pons J, Paluzie E, Silvestre J, et al.2007.

Testing the new economic geography: Migrations and industrial agglomerations in Spain

[J]. Journal of Regional Science, 47(2): 289-313.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9787.2007.00510.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT. This paper examines whether access to markets had a significant influence on migration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the interwar years. In it we perform a structural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focuses on the forward linkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production. The results prove the existence of a direct relation between workers' localization decisions and the market potential of the host regions. This could help to explain the apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until the 1920s as well as its geography.
[37] Shen J F.2013.

Increasing internal migration in China from 1985 to 2005: Institutional versus economic drivers

[J]. Habitat International, 39: 1-7.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2012.10.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

On the other hand, the registration of temporary population was introduced in the whole country at almost the same time in 1985. It has one-off impact on migration. But population in less developed areas may respond to relaxed migration control and migration opportunities in advanced areas gradually. Their response time is determined by their migration tradition, ability as well as distance from the destinations of opportunities. This paper makes a detailed time鈥搒pace analysis of the migration patterns in China using migration data from 1990 and 2000 censuses and 1995 and 2005 population surveys.
[38] Simini F, González M C, Maritan A, et al.2012.

A universal model for mobility and migration patterns

[J]. Nature, 484: 96-100.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature10856      URL      PMID: 22367540      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Introduced in its contemporary form by George Kingsley Zipf in 1946, but with roots that go back to the work of Gaspard Monge in the 18th century, the gravity law is the prevailing framework to predict population movement, cargo shipping volume, inter-city phone calls, as well as bilateral trade flows between nations. Despite its widespread use, it relies on adjustable parameters that vary from region to region and suffers from known analytic inconsistencies. Here we introduce a stochastic process capturing local mobility decisions that helps us analytically derive commuting and mobility fluxes that require as input only information on the population distribution. The resulting radiation model predicts mobility patterns in good agreement with mobility and transport patterns observed in a wide range of phenomena, from long-term migration patterns to communication volume between different regions. Given its parameter-free nature, the model can be applied in areas where we lack previous mobility measurements, significantly improving the predictive accuracy of most of phenomena affected by mobility and transport processes.
[39] Zhu Y, Chen W Z.2010.

The settlement intention of China's floating population in the cities: Recent changes and multifaceted individual-level determinants

[J]. Population, Space and Place, 16(4): 253-267.

https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.544      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This paper uses data from two surveys conducted in Fujian Province in 2006 and 2002 to examine the recent situation and changes in the settlement intention of China's floating population and its determinants, and the diversification process of the floating population's migration flow. The results suggest that while the intention of the floating population to settle in the cities has increased, the places of origin remain important final destinations of the floating population, and a significant proportion of the floating population are still in the process of continuing their circulating process and looking for their final destination cities. The paper also suggests that there is a gap between the floating population's intention to settle in the cities and their real action to do so, and that they are cautious in turning such intention into immediate action. The paper identifies a set of complex determinants for the settlement intention of the floating population in the cities, and indicates that female, young, unmarried, better educated, non-production workers, and Fujian-origin members of the floating population, are more likely to choose to settle down in the cities. Having non-agricultural Hukou status, higher household income, longer working contracts, better housing conditions, and a higher administrative status and bigger population size of the destination cities, are factors that promote the settlement intention of the floating population in the cities. The paper concludes that the final destination of the floating population's migration has been increasingly diversified, and it is of great importance to monitor and understand this diversification process. Copyright 漏 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
