地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (6): 762-773 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.06.011



梁凯丽12, 曹小曙134, 黄晓燕34

1. 陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,西安 710062
2. 地理学国家级实验教学示范中心(陕西师范大学),西安 710062
3. 陕西师范大学西北国土资源研究中心,西安 710062
4. 陕西师范大学交通地理与空间规划研究所,西安 710062

Research progress on bikesharing travel based on CiteSpace

LIANG Kai1i12, CAO Xiaoshu134, HUANG Xiaoyan34

1. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China
2. National Demonstration Center of Experimental Geography Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China
3. Center for Land Resource Research in Northwest China, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China
4 Institute of Transport Geography and Spatial Planning, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China

通讯作者:  曹小曙(1970- ),男,甘肃灵台人,博士,博导,教授,主要从事地理与规划研究,E-mail:caoxsh@mail.sysu.edu.cn

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目 (41671160,41401127)[Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No41671160,No.41401127]


作者简介:梁凯丽(1991- ),女,新疆阿拉尔人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为交通地理,E-mail:liangkaili163@163.com




关键词: 公共自行车 ; CiteSpace ; 出行特征 ; 影响因素


Bikesharing as a new mode of public transport has experienced a rapid development globally. This study combined the method of knowledge map analysis and traditional literature research analysis to examine existing studies on the subject. Using the CiteSpace software, we derived data on highly cited literature, keywords, important research areas, key authors and journals, and hotspot countries in the field of bikesharing. The existing research has the following features: (1) The research contents and research methods are diversified. The research topics focused on user characteristics, bikesharing travel characteristics, factors influencing bikesharing travel, and the impact of bikesharing on health, the environment, and other modes of transport. (2) Users in different areas have different socioeconomic and travel characteristics. The purpose of travel is related to the spatial and temporal patterns of bikesharing travels. (3) The main factors influencing bikesharing use are users perception, the weather, and the built environment. The development of bikesharing has had a positive influence on transport system, the environment, and citizens health. (4) Future development of bikesharing in China should emphasize improvements in the operation, management, services, and promotion of the systems.

Keywords: bikesharing ; CiteSpace ; travel characteristics ; influencing factors


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梁凯丽, 曹小曙, 黄晓燕. 基于知识图谱的公共自行车出行研究进展[J]. , 2017, 36(6): 762-773 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.06.011

LIANG Kai1i, CAO Xiaoshu, HUANG Xiaoyan. Research progress on bikesharing travel based on CiteSpace[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(6): 762-773 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.06.011

1 引言

公共自行车交通系统(Bike Sharing System)起源于荷兰。1965年7月,在阿姆斯特丹率先由公众发起了“白色自行车计划”,公共自行车被涂成白色,供人们免费使用,但盗窃和破坏使其迅速消亡。从第一代白色自行车系统,第二代的押金系统,到第三代信息技术系统和最近推出的第四代需求响应系统,公共自行车共经历了四代。当前最新的第四代公共自行车系统具有能用手机app预约自行车,使用全球定位系统定位每一辆公共自行车,拥有太阳能车站和即时的可用信息等特征(Shaheen et al, 2010)。新技术的应用使公共自行车越来越受欢迎。纵观全球,公共自行车已蔓延欧洲、北美、南美、亚洲和澳大利亚,比较著名的如法国里昂Vélo'v公共自行车系统,美国华盛顿Alta公共自行车系统,澳大利亚蒙特利尔的BIXI公共自行车系统和布里斯班的City Cycle公共自行车等。截至2015年10月,全球共有965个城市建设了公共自行车系统,近1175550辆公共自行车或智能电动车投入使用。

公共自行车作为一种低碳绿色的交通方式在2005年被引入中国。北京、上海、杭州、武汉、广州等城市先后启动了公共自行车项目(Zhang et al, 2014)。目前杭州公共自行车已成为世界上最大的公共自行车系统。截至2015年,中国城市公共自行车数量超过80万辆,成为公共自行车系统基础设施规划最多的国家,而拥有第二大公共自行车数量的法国,也只有4万多辆(图1-2)。公共自行车作为一种公共交通方式,在运作模式上大多由政府主导,依靠政府的推动,企业承包并加以管理,形成“政府投资企业运营”的模式,如杭州公共自行车系统。此外,还有系统采用“企业主导经营模式”,如武汉公共自行车系统,以及“复合运营模式”,如上海闵行区公共自行车系统(潘海啸等, 2010; 张昱等, 2013)。近年也出现了运营模式和系统设置较为新颖的无桩公共自行车系统,如摩拜单车和ofo共享单车,由私人公司创办运营,使用者通过智能手机就能快速租用和归还,无桩理念让租车和还车更简单,让市民随取随用,因而迅速得到用户青睐。

图1   公共自行车数量前十位国家排名(资料来源:The Bike-sharing World Map, at bike-sharing.blogspot.com.)

Fig.1   Top ten countries of largest number of shared bikes

图2   公共自行车项目数量前十位国家排名(资料来源:The Bike-sharing World Map, at bike-sharing.blogspot.com.)

Fig.2   Top ten countries of largest number of bikesharing systems

公共自行车建立的初衷是解决出行第一和最后一公里问题。已有研究发现,公共自行车的发展可以增加出行方式选择,减少交通拥堵,减少燃料使用,增加公共交通使用和多种交通方式的组合使用,产生环境效益(Shaheen et al, 2010)和健康益处(Rojas-Rueda et al, 2011; Woodcock et al, 2014),节省出行时间(Woodcock et al, 2014),避免自行车被盗,鼓励私人自行车的使用(Goodman et al, 2014)等益处。鉴于公共自行车方式具有的诸多好处,很多国家都对公共自行车m 交通给予大力支持,将公共自行车扩大并集成到综合交通运输系统,使其成为日常交通模式的重要环节。

近年来,公共自行车研究逐渐成为国内外学者关注的热点。2007 年法国巴黎“自行车自由行”(Vélib)系统的成功运营,公共自行车开始真正获得研究者的关注。目前关于公共自行车出行的研究主要集中于4个方面:一是研究公共自行车用户特征;二是研究公共自行车出行时空模式;三是分析公共自行车使用的壁垒和动机;四是研究公共自行车的使用,对城市环境、居民健康、其他交通方式产生的影响。


因此,本文基于web of science数据库,在传统文献统计的基础上利用Citespace软件对公共自行车出行的研究现状进行分析,拟提炼出其知识基础,把握其最新进展和前沿热点,为中国城市公共自行车的发展提供理论基础和依据。

2 基于知识图谱的公共自行车研究动态分析

为梳理公共自行车研究的整体发展脉络,以web of science数据库中的期刊论文为研究样本,以bikesharing、bike share、public bicycle、bikeshed为标题词进行检索,筛选剔除相关度不大的文献后,共获得120篇英文文献,采用CiteSpace文献计量分析工具,对公共自行车学科领域的研究历史与前沿进行了梳理。首先借助CiteSpace筛选出1999-2016年公共自行车研究被引文献排前10的文献(表1)。引用次数是判断文献影响力的一个常用测度指标,通过对表1中高被引文献的分析与解读后发现,高被引文献的发表时间集中在2009-2013年;研究起步较晚,高被引文献研究内容主要集于中公共自行车发展历史、公共自行车研究综述、影响公共自行车的因素分析等。

表1   公共自行车研究高被引文献(前10)

Tab.1   Highly cited articles of bikesharing system research (TOP10)

Shaheen et al, 2010Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, present, and futureTransportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board39
DeMaio, 2009Bike-sharing: History, impacts, models of provision, and futureJournal of Public Transportation29
Lin et al, 2011Strategic design of public bicycle sharing systems with service level constraintsTransportation Research Part E22
Fishman et al, 2013Bike Share: A synthesis of the literatureTransport Reviews20
Fuller et al, 2011Use of a new public bicycle share program in Montreal, CanadaAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine18
Fishman et al, 2012Barriers and facilitators to public bicycle scheme use: A qualitative approachTransportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology &Behaviour15
Shaheen et al, 2011China's hangzhou public bicycleTransportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board14
Kaltenbrunner et al, 2010Urban cycles and mobility patterns: Exploring and predicting trends in a bicycle-based public transport systePervasive and Mobile Computing13
Shaheen et al, 2012Public Bikesharing in North America: Early Operator and User UnderstandingEuropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation13
Nair et al, 2013Large-Scale Vehicle Sharing Systems: Analysis of Vélib'Euro Journal on International Journal of Sustainable Transportation12


在经历近20年的发展之后,西方公共自行车研究领域逐步形成了以下三大主要研究流派:一是以Shaheen为代表,以北美和中国为主要研究区域的研究其关注公共自行车发展历史,用户出行特征,以及公共自行车对环境和居民出行方式的影响,相关文献主要发表在《Journal of the Transportation Research Board》等期刊上。二是以Fishman为代表,以澳大利亚、美国、英国为主要研究区域,关注影响公共自行车出行的因素以及公共自行车对其他交通方式的影响研究。相关文献主要发表在《Transportation Research》等期刊上。三是以Fuller和Rojas-Rueda为代表,分别以加拿大和西班牙为研究区域,关注公共自行车与健康和环境之间的关系研究。相关文献主要发表在《Preventive Medicine》等期刊上。

对关键词进行分析得到公共自行车研究关键词共线图谱(图3),包含的高频关键词有:公共自行车、身体活动、影响、交通运输、健康、设计、项目、步行、可达性、安全、益处、通勤、自行车头盔等。可以看出,公共自行车的研究热点涉及到公共自行车的用途,公共自行车的影响因素,对“健康”等方面产生的影响,与“步行”等其他交通方式的关系,以及从工程“设计”角度对公共自行车系统提升的研究。目前对于公共自行车研究的热点国家有美国、中国、澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、西班牙、新西兰、意大利、法国(图4),中国作为世界上拥有公共自行车最多的国家,研究热度排名第二。本文采用文献出现的频率来反映期刊的热度,如图5所示热度前5位的期刊,分别为:《Transportation research record》、《Public Transport》、《Preventive Medicine》、《Transport Reviews》、《Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment》。图6展示了活跃度最高的公共自行车领域研究学者,排名前五分别为:Shaheen,DeMaio,Pucher,Fishman,Midgley。

图3   公共自行车研究关键词共现图谱

Fig.3   Keywords co-occurrence graph of bikesharing research

图4   公共自行车研究热点国家

Fig.4   Focus countries of bikesharing research

图5   公共自行车研究引文来源热点期刊

Fig.5   Key journals of bikesharing research citation sources

图6   公共自行车研究引文来源热点作者

Fig.6   Key authors of bikesharing research citation sources

3 公共自行车研究热点

3.1 用户特征


(1) 在性别上,公共自行车用户以男性为主。如蒙特利尔男性用户比例58%(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012),墨尔本76.6%(Fishman et al,2014),布里斯班59.8%(Fishman et al,2014),华盛顿57%(Ma et al, 2015)。对于中国北京、上海、杭州、无锡、金华等地的调查研究发现,公共自行车用户男女比例接近,但男性数量略大于女性(Tang et al, 2011; 朱玮等, 2012; 蒋丽芹等, 2014; 张昱等, 2015; 刘琦璐, 2016)。Vogel等(2014)认为,Vélo'v男性用户比女性用户比例高是由于男性比女性更爱骑自行车。

(2) 在年龄、收入和受教育程度上,公共自行车用户往往更倾向于青壮年,普遍收入较高,受教育程度较高。对蒙特利尔、明尼阿波利斯和圣保罗、多伦多、华盛顿、墨尔本和布里斯班等地区的研究发现,公共自行车用户收入和受教育程度普遍较高。如华盛顿公共自行车用户95%拥有大学学位,约81%和77%的MBS和CityCycle用户分别有学士学位或更高学位(Shaheen et al, 2013; Fishman et al,2014; Vogel et al, 2014; Ma et al,2015)。对中国北京、上海、杭州、无锡、金华等地的调查研究发现(Tang et al, 2011; 朱玮等, 2012; 蒋丽芹等, 2014; 张昱等, 2015; 刘琦璐, 2016),用户以中青年为主,老年使用者较少,且有较高比例的白领和高中以上学历学生,受教育程度较高,如北京公共自行车受访者用户高中以上学历达到91.2%(张昱等, 2015)。

(3) 在种族上,对于北美城市的研究发现,更高比例的白种人使用公共自行车(Shaheen et al, 2013),如华盛顿公共自行车系统用户白人占80%(Ma et al, 2015)。

(4) 在交通工具拥有方面,大部分用户拥有私人自行车,且部分用户有过自行车被盗的经历(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012; Fishman et al, 2014)。蒙特利尔用户调查中约有87%的人有驾照,52%的家庭拥有至少一辆小汽车(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012)。对上海的研究发现,拥有机动车的占少数,更多人拥有私人自行车(朱玮等, 2012)。

(5)在出行目的上,北美城市的调查结果显示,以上班和上学的通勤出行为主要目的(Shaheen et al,2013)。对于中国的研究发现,上海、南京等城市以通勤出行为主要目的,而杭州公共自行车出行目的更为多元化(Tang et al,2011),其中旅游是杭州公共自行车出行的重要目的之一。

此外,一些学者将公共自行车用户进行了分类并研究其中差异。Vogel等(2014)根据公共自行车系统用户信息和使用习惯,采用聚类分析,将法国里昂Vélo'v公共自行车系统用户分为以下4类:核心用户、频繁用户、换乘用户、零散用户。还有一些学者将公共自行车年度用户和零散用户,公共自行车用户和非用户,私人自行车用户和公共自行车用户进行了对比,揭示不同类型人群之间的差异。在出行目的方面,公共自行车年度用户主要用于上下班,零散用户的旅行目的更多样(Tran et al, 2015)。以华盛顿公共自行车用户为例,与私人自行车用户相比,公共自行车用户的女性更多、更年轻、家庭收入更低、拥有自己的汽车和自行车的比例更小,且公共自行车用户更多以通勤出行为主(Buck et al,2013)。Fishman等(2014)研究了布里斯班和墨尔本用户与非用户之间的区别,发现公共自行车用户相比非用户通常更年轻,且大部分知道距离家和工作地点最近停靠站的位置,公共自行车用户的朋友或家人通常也更多使用公共自行车;而非公共自行车用户的居住和工作地点在地理上更加分散。

3.2 用户出行模式


3.2.1 时间模式

不同时间段的出行目的不同,致使客流发生变化。在工作日,公共自行车出行的主要目的之一是通勤;在周末,公共自行车出行的目的以休闲为主,公共自行车客流在上下班时间存在早高峰和晚高峰(Kaltenbrunner et al, 2010; Nair et al, 2013)。

有研究发现,某些地区晚高峰客流比早高峰客流更显著,如澳大利亚蒙特利尔的BIXI公共自行车系统(Faghih-Imaniet al, 2014)。研究人员认为这种现象主要是由于人们在早上上班时非常匆忙,这些人可能会决定使用便捷的方式(如公交车或地铁)到达而放弃使用公共自行车。此外,自行车可作为下班后的运动方式吸引了更多人在晚高峰使用公共自行车出行。而对于中国上海和佛山市公共自行车的研究结果却显示,早高峰比晚高峰更显著,其中上海市早高峰的使用强度大约高出晚高峰1倍(朱玮等, 2012),佛山市早高峰小时流量比(9.7%)高于晚高峰小时流量比(9.5%)(蒋忠海等, 2016)。在周末,更多的出行则以休闲为目的。对澳大利亚布里斯班的研究发现,公共自行车在周末的使用会减少(Corcoran et al, 2014);周末客流高峰曲线相对于工作日更加平缓,没有明显的使用高峰时段(朱玮等, 2012),巴黎公共自行车客流甚至没有发现周末高峰(Nair et al, 2013)。但O'Brien等(2014)的研究发现,华盛顿公共自行车系统周末和工作日的客流变化差异较小。


3.2.2 空间模式

公共自行车的出现改变了公共交通可达性,影响居民空间出行模式。有学者发现,空间上公共交通可达性相对薄弱的地区公共自行车出行较为频繁(Fishmanet al, 2014),表明公共自行车作为一种新型公共交通方式,对于公共交通可达性较低地区有较好的补充作用。


3.3 使用壁垒和动机


3.3.1 用户感知

“方便”是推动用户使用公共自行车最为重要的动机。基于用户感知去研究公共自行车使用的动机和壁垒,主要通过问卷调查来获取数据。对北美(Shaheen et al, 2013)、中国(朱玮等, 2014; 曹雪柠等, 2015)、澳大利亚(Fishman et al, 2014)、加拿大(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012)等地区公共自行车用户问卷研究均显示,“方便”是影响公共自行车 使用最为重要的动机。公共自行车站点的空间配置影响用户使用方便程度,从而影响用户的使用(Fuller et al, 2011)。家庭住址接近公共自行车站点的公共自行车用户比远离站点的用户使用更加频繁(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012; Ogilvie et al, 2012)。Bachand-Marleau等(2012)对蒙特利尔的研究发现,生活在一个站点500 m范围内使用公共自行车的概率增加了3倍。除便捷因素外,享受骑行乐趣、避免私人自行车被盗、避免维修、锻炼身体、节省时间、绿色出行和追求流行等也是用户的主要出行动机。

对于实行强制性头盔立法的一些欧洲国家,头盔对公共自行车使用的阻碍作用较为明显。首先,许多公共自行车出行是随机发生的,用户可能没有携带头盔。其次,部分人群对使用头盔有排斥心理。Friedman等(2016)提出,立法头盔的使用和提供头盔租赁可改善公共自行车用户头盔使用情况。对于中国一些城市来说,阻碍用户使用公共自行车的原因主要有:出发点/目的地附近缺少公共自行车租赁点,办卡地点不方便和担心当需要的时候没有自行车等(曹雪柠等, 2015)。

3.3.2 气象条件

自行车骑行作为一种暴露在室外的出行活动,不可避免地会受到气象条件的影响。气象因素对于公共自行车出行的影响研究结果各地区较为一致,人们更倾向于在好的天气条件下使用公共自行车,温度、湿度、风力、雨雪等气象因素对于公共自行车出行产生不同程度的影响。温度与公共自行车客流呈现正相关,湿度、雨雪与公共自行车出行客流呈现负相关(Gebhart et al, 2013; Faghih-Imani et al, 2014; El-Assi et al, 2017)。Corcoran等(2014)研究发现,降雨对公共自行车出行的负作用在周末更大,强风(超过5 km/h)会严重减少长距离出行。龚迪嘉等(2008)采用降水量、气温和地形指标作为评价因子,发现上海、北京、天津市适宜推广PBS,而重庆市则不适宜推广PBS。气象因素对于以休闲娱乐为目的的公共自行车用户的影响大于通勤用户。另外Saneinejad等(2012)对加拿大多伦多的研究发现,温度的上升与以通勤为目的的公共自行车出行有正相关关系。

3.3.3 建成环境


(1) 基础设施

公共自行车基础设施主要包括公共自行车站点和自行车道。对于一个特定的起始地和目的地,自行车道占总路径的比例越高,相应的客流量越高 (El-Assi et al, 2017)。公共自行车车站附近自行车道越长,该车站始发的车次数量越多(Buck et al, 2012)。Faghih-Imani等(2014)对加拿大蒙特利尔的公共自行车系统研究发现,增加车站的数量比增加车站容量对客流有更大的推动作用。以上研究结果对于未来公共自行车站点和自行车道的规划具有指导意义。一方面,在表现不佳的站点附近修建更多的自行车道可以促进公共自行车的使用;另一方面,在公共自行车数量一定的情况下,增加车站的数量,扩大服务范围,比仅仅增加已有站点的容量更加有利于吸引客流。

(2) 人口密度和就业密度

人口密度和就业密度越高的站点,公共自行车使用越频繁(Faghih-Imani et al, 2014)。有研究发现,人口密度每增加1000人,每天将会增加0.5个公共自行车客流(Buck et al, 2012)。El-Assi等(2017)的研究表明,公共自行车用户更容易被就业密度高的区域吸引,由此也可以佐证,有相当一部分用户使用公共自行车的目的是通勤。

(3) 土地利用

土地利用因素上,CBD、餐厅、零售点、商企业、地铁、大学等因素的存在对于公共自行车的使用有推动作用。CBD是人口密度和就业密度较高的区域,研究发现公共自行车站距CBD的距离与客流呈负相关(Buck et al, 2012),说明CBD是公共自行车出行较为频繁的地区。公共自行车站附近餐厅和零售点的数量与客流呈正相关,说明餐厅和零售点是公共自行车常用的出发地和目的地(Buck et al, 2012; Faghih-Imani et al, 2014; Wang et al, 2015)。地铁的可达性与公共自行车的使用也呈正相关(Kimet al, 2012; Faghih-Imani et al, 2014; Wang et al, 2015; 曹雪柠等, 2015),表明公共自行车用户常常将公共自行车出行与地铁相结合。El-Assi等(2017)发现,公共自行车站附近的大学校园与客流呈同样正相关,说明大学生是公共自行车的重要用户。有研究发现不同用地类型的站点使用时间特征不同。对于上海闵行区的研究发现,位于交通用地、居住用地、公共用地类型的公共自行车使用时间均具有双峰式特征,但不同用地类型双峰式特征存在差异(朱玮等, 2012)。

3.4 公共自行车对其他交通方式、居民健康和环境的影响

3.4.1 对不同交通出行方式的影响

城市公共自行车通过对其他交通方式的“补充”与“替代”作用,促使居民出行方式发生转变(Fuller et al, 2013; Fishman et al, 2015; Ma et al, 2015)。公共自行车的“补充”作用主要体现在其补充了交通网络的缺陷,提高了区域内公共交通的可达性,同时鼓励个人使用多种运输方式完成单次出行。公共自行车的“替代”作用则反映了公共自行车与其他交通方式的竞争关系。

(1) 公共自行车对于公共交通和慢行交通“补充”作用和“替代”作用共存

公共自行车在居民交通出行换乘中利用其短距离出行优势,对公共交通形成补充,增加了公共交通可达性。此外,相对公共交通而言,自行车具有便捷性,车速可以实现中档速度出行等,在一些短途出行上,公共自行车可能比其他公共运输方式的速度更快(考虑了候车时间),从而形成与公共交通的竞争(Shaheen et al, 2013)。有研究发现了公共自行车对地铁出行的“补充”作用。Ma等(2015)研究了华盛顿公共自行车对于地铁客流的影响,发现地铁站是公共自行车的重要出发和目的地,地铁服务区域的公共自行车客流与地铁换乘客流呈正相关,公共自行车增加10%的载客量将导致地铁载客量增加2.8%。公共自行车对慢行交通的影响作用主要体现在其带来的城市自行车使用的增加,以及其对于私人自行车和步行的“替代”作用。公共自行车使人们更容易接触到自行车,增加了骑行的兴趣,促进了自行车交通方式的使用(Buck et al, 2013; Fuller et al, 2013)。如Vélo'v系统增加了50%的城市自行车使用(Vogel et al, 2014)。朱玮等(2012, 2014)对上海闵行区公共自行车的研究表明,多数公共自行车使用者将公共自行车作为步行、公交以及私人自行车的替代方式,且步行在所有出行方式中被替代最多。

(2) 公共自行车对于小汽车出行具有替代作用,但作用微弱

公共自行车出行的某些好处是以假设公共自行车能够代替小汽车出行为基础的(Fishman et al, 2013)。假设公共自行车替代了小汽车,那么小汽车产生的空气污染、噪音以及交通拥堵将会减少。通常以出行方式替代率对于公共自行车对小汽车的替代作用进行评估,出行方式替代率以调查问卷形式得到,现有研究表明这种直接替代作用非常微弱(Shaheen et al, 2013)。小汽车出行比例是影响公共自行车对小汽车替代率的重要因素。在汽车使用率高的地方,公共自行车用户使用自行车代替小汽车出行的比例也更高(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012)。例如,布里斯班和明尼阿波利斯分别有70%和76%的居民乘汽车上班,相应地有19%和21%的公共自行车用户取代汽车出行。在伦敦和华盛顿特区,分别只有36%和46%的居民乘汽车上班,公共自行车对汽车的替代率分别为2%和7%(Fishman et al, 2014)。以上实证表明,小汽车出行比例与公共自行车对小汽车的替代率呈正相关,也反映出小汽车驾驶者较愿意使用公共自行车,这与澳大利亚(Bachand-Marleau et al, 2012)和中国(Shaheen et al, 2011)的研究结果一致。

(3) 不同城市形态下公共自行车对其他交通出行方式的作用不同

部分学者发现城市建成环境以及路网密度会影响公共自行车对其他交通方式的作用。现有研究表明:高密度的城市建成环境下,公共自行车对于其他交通方式更多的是“替代”作用;低密度的城市建成环境下,公共自行车更多的是发挥对公共交通系统的补充作用。例如,对北美4个城市的对比研究发现,蒙特利尔,多伦多和华盛顿三大城市由于交通运输网络较为密集,公共自行车对公共交通主要表现为替代作用。而双城由于线性地铁运输网络,公共自行车更多地提供补充换乘功能(Shaheen et al, 2013)。Martin等(2014)对华盛顿和明尼阿波利斯的研究证实,公共自行车在小到中型城市对公共交通方式更具有互补性,在密集的城市则具有更多的公共交通替代性。

3.4.2 公共自行车的环境及健康效益


公共自行车产生的健康效益是显而易见的,它的兴起使人们更容易接触到自行车,鼓励居民使用自行车出行,从而增加了居民日常身体活动(Fuller et al, 2013)。Woodcock等(2014)运用伦敦公共自行车出行数据评估了公共自行车的使用对于空气污染、事故风险和身体活动的影响,并通过与公共自行车不存在的情况进行比较,发现居民身体活动水平大大增强。

公共自行车在减少空气污染和温室气体方面亦有较大环境效益。Rojas-Rueda等(2012)研究发现,如果有5%的小汽车行驶公里数转移到自行车,或者增加40%不超过5~7 km的短途自行车出行,将增强居民个人健康和寿命。Grabow等(2012)研究发现,如果50%的小汽车短途出行(少于4 km)被自行车出行替代,对于20亿城市人口来说,每年死亡率和健康花费的减少将会节约38亿美元。


4 对中国公共自行车研究与实践的启示

中国公共自行车的建设运营自2005年开始,历经10年的发展,尚处于探索阶段。杭州等城市公共自行车的成功运营,使得许多中国城市开始效仿。2012年9月至今,国家住建部、发改委、财政部分别下发各种指导意见,明确要求加强对城市步行和自行车系统的建设,转变过度依赖小汽车出行的交通发展模式。然而正像一切新生并正在兴起的领域一样,在政策主导下如此快速扩张,中国公共自行车的发展自然也免不了有喜有忧。中国的城市公共自行车系统中目前存在诸多问题,归结起来主要有以下几点:①经营主体的选择问题,政府和企业的角色定位和相互配合出现偏差对公共自行车发展产生负面影响。②交通规划与道路设计问题,由于“小汽车导向型”的城市交通发展,交通规划和道路设计忽略了自行车出行的需要。③公共自行车租赁服务系统问题,如公共自行车布点不科学,高峰期公共自行车数量不够,自行车的损坏等。④公共自行车的推广问题,人们对于公共自行车了解不足,以及把自行车出行认为是一种低端的出行方式等,阻碍了公共自行车的发展。从国内外的实践经验和教训来看,要成功实施公共自行车的建设运营,必须要做到以下几点:在经营与运作上要推进公共服务市场化,规划管理上高度重视城市慢行交通系统建设,进一步完善公共自行车系统的服务,加强舆论宣传和正确引导(龚迪嘉等, 2008; 王志高等, 2009; Liu et al, 2012; 李康, 2012; 张昱等, 2013, 2015; 蒋丽芹等, 2014; 钱佳等, 2014; 杭东, 2015; 刘琦璐, 2016)。


5 研究总结


(1) 研究内容和研究方法日趋多元化。公共自行车出行有近二十年的研究历程,跨学科的趋势日益明显,研究采用定性与定量相结合的方法,融合了地理学、交通运输、经济学、环境科学、健康卫生等学科。研究主题聚焦于公共自行车用户及出行特征,影响公共自行车出行的因素,公共自行车对其他交通方式以及健康和环境的影响等。

(2) 不同地区公共自行车用户社会经济属性特征和出行特征存在差异。出行目的与公共自行车用户出行时空规律相关。工作日由于通勤出行,存在早高峰和晚高峰;周末主要是休闲出行,客流高峰不明显。

(3) 影响公共自行车出行的因素主要有用户感知、气象特征和建成环境。在用户感知方面,使用的便捷程度是最大的影响因素。气象条件方面,温度促进出行客流增长,湿度、风力、雨雪则与客流呈负相关。建成环境因素上,更长的自行车道、更高的人口和就业密度、更好的公共交通可达性以及学校或餐饮企业的存在等对于公共自行车的使用有促进作用。

(4) 公共自行车的产生对交通系统及城市环境、居民健康产生了积极影响。与其他出行方式(步行、公共交通、汽车)的作用关系成为近期研究的热点,公共自行车对公共交通和慢行出行的“补充”与“替代”作用并存,公共自行车对小汽车出行有“替代”作用但影响甚微。

(5) 中国公共自行车的发展实践需要从经营运作、规划管理、系统服务、宣传推广4个方面加以提升。在研究方面,需要基于中国自身情况,研究中国公共自行车出行特征、出行需求和影响机理等,为中国公共自行车实践奠定理论基础。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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正社会经济发展为公众创造了丰富的物质财富,提高了大众的生活质量。随着汽车的增加,环境污染和交通堵塞问题日益倍受关注。我国的资源有限,在过度开发资源的同时,伴随着全球气候变暖、雾霾影响严重,环境问题并不乐观,因此,国家越来越重视对环境的治理。从2008年至2013年间,我国对环境污染治理的投资总额从4 937亿元增至8 253.5亿元,增幅为67%。这些数据均表明,低碳、环保工作

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Jinhuashi gonggong zixingche yonghu xuanze xingwei yingxiang yinsu yanjiu

[J]. Business, (16): 62-63.]

URL      摘要

[9] 潘海啸, 汤諹, 麦贤敏, . 2010.


[J]. 城市交通, 8(6): 40-43.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-5328.2010.06.007      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Pan H X, Tang Y, Mai X M, et al.2010.

Overview of bicycle transportation development in urban areas

[J]. Urban Transport ofChina, 8(6): 40-43.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-5328.2010.06.007      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[10] 钱佳, 汪德根, 牛玉. 2014.

城市居民使用市内公共自行车的满意度影响因素分析: 以苏州市为例

[J]. 地理研究, 33(2): 358-371.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201402014      Magsci      摘要


[Qian J, Wang D G, Niu Y.2014.

Analysis of the influencing factors of urban residents to use urban public bikes: A case study of Suzhou

[J]. Geographical Research, 33(2): 358-371.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201402014      Magsci      摘要

[11] 王志高, 孔喆, 谢建华, . 2009.


[J]. 城市交通, 7(4): 7-12.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-5328.2009.04.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang Z G, Kong Z, Xie J H, et al.2009.

The 3rd generation of bike sharing systems in Europe: Programs and implications

[J]. Urban Transport of China, 7(4): 7-12.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-5328.2009.04.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[12] 张昱, 刘学敏, 张红. 2013.

中国城市公共自行车系统: 现状、问题和对策

[J]. 中国发展, 13(5): 74-79.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1671-2404.2013.05.013      URL      摘要


[Zhang Y, Liu X M, Zhang H.2013.

Urban public bicycle system in China: Current situation, issues and countermeasures

[J]. China Development, 13(5): 74-79.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1671-2404.2013.05.013      URL      摘要

[13] 张昱, 刘学敏, 张红. 2015.

城乡结合部居民公共自行车系统认知与使用状况调查: 以北京市通州区、大兴区为例

[J]. 城市问题, (3): 42-46.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang Y, Liu X M, Zhang H.2015.

Survey on the reorganization and using status of public bicycle system in urban fringe areas: Taking Tongzhou and Daxing Districts of Beijing for example

[J]. Urban Problems, (3): 42-46.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] 朱玮, 庞宇琦, 王德, . 2012.

公共自行车系统影响下居民出行的变化与机制研究: 以上海闵行区为例

[J]. 城市规划学刊, (5): 76-81.

[Zhu W, Pang Y Q, Wang D, et al.2012.

Travel behavior change after the introduction of public bicycle systems: A case study of Minhang District, Shanghai

[J]. Urban Planning Forum, (5): 76-81.]

[15] 朱玮, 庞宇琦, 王德. 2014.


[J]. 同济大学学报: 自然科学版, 42(7): 1077-1081.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.07.014      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

以上海闵行区公共自行车系统为 例,调查获得人们在公共自行车系统实施之后出行方式的转换,采用离散选择模型解释这种转换下的决策机制.发现公共自行车特征、出行时耗以及服务点可达性是 出行方式转换的重要影响要素.应用模型发现公共自行车使用者的出行质量显著提升,而出行总质量提升最多的集中于较为功利性的出行目的.转换自公交方式的出 行获得质量提升最多,转换自小汽车的出行质量提升最少.预估并比较服务站点密度增加和公共电动自行车两种服务方式的竞争力发现,后者对出行质量提升的效果 明显高于前者.

[Zhu W, Pang Y Q, Wang D.2014.

Travel quality by public bicycles: An empirical study

[J]. Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science, 42(7): 1077-1081.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2014.07.014      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

以上海闵行区公共自行车系统为 例,调查获得人们在公共自行车系统实施之后出行方式的转换,采用离散选择模型解释这种转换下的决策机制.发现公共自行车特征、出行时耗以及服务点可达性是 出行方式转换的重要影响要素.应用模型发现公共自行车使用者的出行质量显著提升,而出行总质量提升最多的集中于较为功利性的出行目的.转换自公交方式的出 行获得质量提升最多,转换自小汽车的出行质量提升最少.预估并比较服务站点密度增加和公共电动自行车两种服务方式的竞争力发现,后者对出行质量提升的效果 明显高于前者.
[16] Bachand-Marleau J, Lee B H Y, El-Geneidy A M.2012.

Better understanding of factors influencing likelihood of using shared bicycle systems and frequency of use

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2314:66-71.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2314-09      URL      摘要

Planning and transportation professionals are promoting a variety of sustainable travel alternatives, such as public transit usage, walking, and cycling, as affordable transportation options to counter the negative effects of widespread car use. In their traditional form, these alternative transport modes do not always offer the flexibility or convenience of the car; therefore, innovative solutions have been developed to allow active and public transport to compete better with the car. Shared bicycle systems have been adopted by a growing number of cities and regions throughout the world, yet little is known about the users of the systems and their motivations. A survey was conducted in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in the summer of 2010 to determine the factors that encouraged individuals to use the system and the elements that influenced frequency of use. The factor found to have the greatest effect on the likelihood for use of a shared bicycle system was the proximity of home to docking stations. Ownership of a yearly shared bicycle membership was associated with cyclists riding shared bicycles 15 additional times per year. Respondents indicated that they valued the shared bicycle鈥檚 trendy status and the role that it could play in bicycle theft prevention. The potential of shared bicycle systems can be maximized by increasing the number of docking stations in residential neighborhoods and by emphasizing the popularity of shared bicycles and theft prevention in advertising campaigns.
[17] Buck D, Buehler R.2012.

Bike lanes and other determinants of capital bikeshare trips

[C]//Transportation research board 91st annual meeting. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Research Board.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] Buck D, Buehler R, Happ P, et al.2013.

Are bikeshare users different from regular cyclists: A first look at short-term users, annual members, and area cyclists in the Washington, D.C., region

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2387: 112-119.

URL      摘要

In recent years, bikeshare systems have spread throughout the United States. Despite the increase in systems and users, little is known about how bikeshare member demographics and travel patterns compare with those of traditional bicyclists. To bridge the gap, this study investigated bikeshare system user travel behavior and developed a profile of user demographics through the comparison of short-term (1 day) users and annual members of Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) in Washington, D.C., with profiles of area bicyclists. Data originated from a Washington, D.C., regional household travel survey of 2007鈥2008, an intercept survey of short-term CaBi users, and an online survey of annual CaBi members. The analysis compared gender, race and ethnicity, age, and student status, as well as socioeconomic status across the surveys. The comparison included trip purpose, helmet use, and travel modes for trips that were replaced by bikesharing. Profiles of CaBi and area cyclists differed with respect to many demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Compared with area cyclists, CaBi short-term users and annual members were more likely to be female and younger, to have lower household incomes, and to own fewer cars and fewer bicycles and were more likely to cycle for utilitarian purposes. CaBi trips mainly replaced trips made by public transport and by walking. CaBi short-term users and members shared similar characteristics, but short-term users were more likely to ride for recreational purposes and were less likely to wear a helmet. The study results indicated that bikesharing can encourage new segments of society to cycle and can help increase the bicycling mode share overall.
[19] Corcoran J, Li T B, Rohde D, et al.2014.

Spatio-temporal patterns of a public bicycle sharing program: The effect of weather and calendar events

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 292-305.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.09.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Employing novel spatial analytical techniques we explore the impact of site specific weather conditions and calendar events on the spatio-temporal dynamics of the case study PBSP. We conclude by highlighting how the results from such analyses may form part of an evidence base for policy makers, providing insights into ‘best practice’ and potentially informing future PBSP expansions to further enhance uptake of this non-motorised urban transport mode.
[20] DeMaio P.2009.

Bike-sharing: History, impacts, models of provision, and future

[J]. Journal of Public Transportation, 12(4): 41-56.

https://doi.org/10.5038/2375-0901.12.4.3      URL      摘要

This paper discusses the history, impacts, models of provision, and future of bike-sharing, or public bicycle programs. The author covers the history of bike-sharing from the early 1st generation program to present day 3rd generation programs, presenting a detailed examination of models of provision, with benefits and detriments of each, and a description of capital and operating costs. In the government model, the locality operates the bike-sharing program must as it would any other transit service. The university model has the educational institution providing the service, most likely in a campus setting. The non-profit model has an organization that was either expressly created for the operation of the bike-sharing service or one that folds the bike-sharing service into its existing interests. With the advertising company model, companies offer a bike-sharing program to a jurisdiction, usually in exchange for the right to use public space to display revenue-generating advertisements. And in the for-profit model, a private company provides the service with limited or no government involvements. The author maintains that there is no one ideal model that is appropriate for all situations. The third-generation of bike-sharing brought the use of smartcards, mobile phones, and kiosks with screens; the fourth generation will be distinguished by improved efficiency, sustainability, and usability. This will be achieved by improving distribution of bikes, installation, powering of stations, tracking, offering pedal assistance bikes, and new business models. The author discusses each of these improvements and concludes that the era of bike-sharing has just begun.
[21] El-Assi W, Mahmoud M S, Habib K N.2017.

Effects of built environment and weather on bike sharing demand: A station level analysis of commercial bike sharing in Toronto

[J]. Transportation, 44: 589-613.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-015-9669-z      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Bike Share Toronto is Canada’s second largest public bike share system. It provides a unique case study as it is one of the few bike share programs located in a relatively cold North American setting, yet operates throughout the entire year. Using year-round historical trip data, this study analyzes the factors affecting Toronto’s bike share ridership. A comprehensive spatial analysis provides meaningful insights on the influences of socio-demographic attributes, land use and built environment, as well as different weather measures on bike share ridership. Empirical models also reveal significant effects of road network configuration (intersection density and spatial dispersion of stations) on bike sharing demands. The effect of bike infrastructure (bike lane, paths etc.) is also found to be crucial in increasing bike sharing demand. Temporal changes in bike share trip making behavior were also investigated using a multilevel framework. The study reveals a significant correlation between temperature, land use and bike share trip activity. The findings of the paper can be translated to guidelines with the aim of increasing bike share activity in urban centers.
[22] Faghih-Imani A, Eluru N, El-GeneidyA M, et al.2014.

How land-use and urban form impact bicycle flows: Evidence from the bicycle-sharing system (BIXI) in Montreal

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 306-314.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.01.013      URL      摘要

Installed in 2009, BIXI is the first major public bicycle-sharing system in Montreal, Canada. The BIXI system has been a success, accounting for more than one million trips annually. This success has increased the interest in exploring the factors affecting bicycle-sharing flows and usage. Using data compiled as minute-by-minute readings of bicycle availability at all the stations of the BIXI system between April and August 2012, this study contributes to the literature on bicycle-sharing. We examine the influence of meteorological data, temporal characteristics, bicycle infrastructure, land use and built environment attributes on arrival and departure flows at the station level using a multilevel approach to statistical modeling, which could easily be applied to other regions. The findings allow us to identify factors contributing to increased usage of bicycle-sharing in Montreal and to provide recommendations pertaining to station size and location decisions. The developed methodology and findings can be of benefit to city planners and engineers who are designing or modifying bicycle-sharing systems with the goal of maximizing usage and availability.
[23] Fishman E, Washington S, Haworth N.2012.

Barriers and facilitators to public bicycle scheme use: A qualitative approach

[J]. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology andBehaviour, 15(6): 686-698.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2012.08.002      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The purpose of this study was to explore barriers and facilitators to using CityCycle , a public bicycle share scheme in Brisbane, Australia. Focus groups were conducted with participants belonging to one of three categories. Group one consisted of infrequent and non-cyclists (no bicycle riding over the past month), group two were regular bicycle riders (ridden a bicycle at least once in the past month) and group three was composed of CityCycle members. A thematic analytic method was used to analyse the data. Three main themes were found: Accessibility / spontaneity , safety and weather / topography . The lengthy sign-up process was thought to stifle the spontaneity typically thought to attract people to public bike share. Mandatory helmet legislation was thought to reduce spontaneous use. Safety was a major concern for all groups and this included a perceived lack of suitable bicycle infrastructure, as well as regular riders describing a negative attitude of some car drivers. Interestingly, CityCycle riders unanimously perceived car driver attitudes to improve when on CityCycle bicycles relative to riding on personal bicycles. Conclusions: In order to increase the popularity of the CityCycle scheme, the results of this study suggest that a more accessible, spontaneous sign-up process is required, 24/7 opening hours, and greater incentives to sign up new members and casual users, as seeing people using CityCycle appears critical to further take up.
[24] Fishman E, Washington S, Haworth N.2013.

Bike share: A synthesis of the literature

[J]. TransportReviews, 33(2): 148-165.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01441647.2013.775612      URL      摘要

This paper begins by providing an overview of bike share programs, followed by a critical examination of the growing body of literature on these programs. This synthesis of previous works, both peer-reviewed and gray, includes an identification of the current gaps in knowledge related to the impacts of bike sharing programs. This synthesis represents a critically needed evaluation of the current state of global bike share research, in order to better understand, and maximize the effectiveness of current and future programs. Several consistent themes have emerged within the growing body of research on bike share programs. Firstly, the importance bike share members place on convenience and value for money appears paramount in their motivation to sign up and use these programs. Secondly, and somewhat counter intuitively, scheme members are more likely to own and use private bicycles than nonmembers. Thirdly, users demonstrate a greater reluctance to wear helmets than private bicycle riders and helmets have acted as a deterrent in jurisdictions in which helmets are mandatory. Finally, and perhaps most importantly from a sustainable transport perspective, the majority of scheme users are substituting from sustainable modes of transport rather than the car.
[25] Fishman E, Washington S, Haworth N, et al.2014.

Barriers to bikesharing: An analysis from Melbourne and Brisbane

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 325-337.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.08.005      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The most influential barriers to bikeshare use related to motorized travel being too convenient and docking stations not being sufficiently close to home, work and other frequented destinations. The findings suggest that bikeshare programs may attract increased membership by ensuring travel times are competitive with motorized travel, for example through efficient bicycle routing and priority progression and, by expanding docking station locations, and by increasing the level of convenience associated with scheme use. Convenience considerations may include strategic location of docking stations, ease of signing up and integration with public transport.
[26] Fishman E, Washington S, Haworth N.2015.

Bikeshare's impact on active travel: Evidence from the United States, Great Britain, and Australia

[J]. Journal of Transport & Health, 2(2): 135-142.

[27] Friedman SM, Adamson M, Cleiman P, et al.2016.

Helmet-Wearing practices and barriersin Toronto bike-share users: A case-control study

[J]. Canadian Journal of EmergencyMedicine, 18(1): 28-36.

https://doi.org/10.1017/cem.2015.22      URL      PMID: 26030137      [本文引用: 6]      摘要

Helmet use among bike-share users is low. We sought to characterize helmet-use patterns, barriers to helmet use, and cycling safety practices among bike-share users in Toronto. A standardized survey of public bike-share program (PBSP) users at semi-random distribution of PBSP stations was undertaken. By maintaining a ratio of one helmet-wearer (HW): two non-helmet-wearers (NHW) per survey period, we controlled for location, day, time, and weather. Surveys were completed on 545 (180 HW, 365 NHW) unique users at 48/80 PBSP locations, from November 2012 to August 2013. More females wore helmets (F: 41.1%, M: 30.9%,p=0.0423). NHWs were slightly younger than HWs (NHW mean age 34.4 years vs HW 37.3,p=0.0018). The groups did not differ by employment status, education, or income. Helmet ownership was lower among NHWs (NHW: 62.4% vs HW: 99.4%,p<0.0001), as was personal bike ownership (NHW: 65.8%, vs HW: 78.3%,p=0.0026). NHWs were less likely to always wear a helmet on personal bikes (NHW: 22.2% vs HW: 66.7%,p<0.0001), and less likely to wear a helmet always or most of the time on PBSP (NHW: 5.8% vs HW: 92.3%,p<0.0001). Both groups, but more HWs, had planned to use PBSP when leaving their houses (HW: 97.2% vs NHW: 85.2%,p<0.0001), primarily to get to work (HW: 88.3% vs NHW: 84.1%,p=0.19). NHWs were more likely to report that they would wear a helmet more (NHW: 61.4% vs HW: 13.9%,p<0.0001), and/or cycle less (NHW: 22.5% vs HW: 4.4%) if helmet use was mandatory. PBSP users surveyed appear to make deliberate decisions regarding helmet use. NHWs tended to be male, slightly younger, and less likely to use helmets on their personal bikes. As Toronto cyclists who do not wear helmets on PBSP generally do not wear helmets on their personal bikes, interventions to increase helmet use should target both personal and bike-share users. Legislating helmet use and provision of rental helmets could improve helmet use among bike-share users, but our results suggest some risk of reduced cycling with legislation.
[28] Fuller D, Gauvin L, KestensY, et al.2011.

Use of a new public bicycle share program in Montreal, Canada

[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(1): 80-83.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2011.03.002      URL      PMID: 21665067      Magsci      摘要

Abstract BACKGROUND: Cycling contributes to physical activity and health. Public bicycle share programs (PBSPs) increase population access to bicycles by deploying bicycles at docking stations throughout a city. Minimal research has systematically examined the prevalence and correlates of PBSP use. PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence and correlates of use of a new public bicycle share program called BIXI (name merges the word BIcycle and taXI) implemented in May 2009 in Montreal, Canada. METHODS: A total of 2502 adults were recruited to a telephone survey in autumn 2009 via random-digit dialing according to a stratified random sampling design. The prevalence of BIXI bicycle use was estimated. Multivariate logistic regression allowed for identification of correlates of use. Data analysis was conducted in spring and summer 2010. RESULTS: The unweighted mean age of respondents was 47.4 (SD=16.8) years and 61.4% were female. The weighted prevalence for use of BIXI bicycles at least once was 8.2%. Significant correlates of BIXI bicycle use were having a BIXI docking station within 250 m of home, being aged 18-24 years, being university educated, being on work leave, and using cycling as the primary mode of transportation to work. CONCLUSIONS: A newly implemented public bicycle share program attracts a substantial fraction of the population and is more likely to attract younger and more educated people who currently use cycling as a primary transportation mode. Copyright 漏 2011 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[29] Fuller D, Gauvin L, KestensY, et al.2013.

The potential modal shift and health benefits of implementing a public bicycle share program in Montreal, Canada

[J]. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(1): 66.

https://doi.org/10.1186/1479-5868-10-66      URL      PMID: 3665584      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Background This study estimated the modal shift associated with the implementation of a public bicycle share program in Montreal, Canada. Methods A population-based sample of adults participated in two cross sectional telephone surveys. Self-reported travel behaviors were collected at the end of the first (fall 2009) and second (fall 2010) season of implementation. The sample included 2502 (Mean age=47.8 years, 61.8% female), and 2509 (Mean age=48.9 years, 59.0% female) adult respondents in each survey. Results The estimated modal shift associated with the implementation of the PBSP from motor vehicle use to walking, cycling, and public transportation was 6483 and 8023 trips in 2009 and 2010. This change represents 0.34% and 0.43% of all motor vehicle trips in Montreal. Conclusions The implementation of a PBSP was associated with a shift toward active transportation. The modal shift was complex and not simply the result of a discrete shift from one mode to another. Promotion of active transportation should encourage integration of multiple active transportation modes to better reflect people???s actual transportation behaviors.
[30] Gebhart K, Noland R B.2013.

The impact of weather conditions on capital bikesharetrips

[C]//Transportation research board 92nd annual meeting. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Research Board: 13-17.

[31] Goodman A, Green J, Woodcock J.2014.

The role of bicycle sharing systems in normalising the image of cycling: An observational study of London cyclists

[J]. Journal of Transport & Health, 1(1): 5-8.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2013.07.001      URL      PMID: 25568838      [本文引用: 7]      摘要

Abstract Bicycle sharing systems are increasingly popular around the world and have the potential to increase the visibility of people cycling in everyday clothing. This may in turn help normalise the image of cycling, and reduce perceptions that cycling is 'risky' or 'only for sporty people'. This paper sought to compare the use of specialist cycling clothing between users of the London bicycle sharing system (LBSS) and cyclists using personal bicycles. To do this, we observed 3594 people on bicycles at 35 randomly-selected locations across central and inner London. The 592 LBSS users were much less likely to wear helmets (16% vs. 64% among personal-bicycle cyclists), high-visibility clothes (11% vs. 35%) and sports clothes (2% vs. 25%). In total, 79% of LBSS users wore none of these types of specialist cycling clothing, as compared to only 30% of personal-bicycle cyclists. This was true of male and female LBSS cyclists alike (all p >0.25 for interaction). We conclude that bicycle sharing systems may not only encourage cycling directly, by providing bicycles to rent, but also indirectly, by increasing the number and diversity of cycling 'role models' visible.
[32] Grabow M L, Spak S N, Holloway T, et al.2012.

Air quality and exercise-related health benefits from reduced car travel in the midwestern United States

[J]. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(1): 68-76.

https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1103440      URL      PMID: 22049372      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

Background: Automobile exhaust contains precursors to ozone and fine particulate matter (PM <05 2.5 08rn in aerodynamic diameter; PM60.62), posing health risks. Dependency on car commuting also reduces physical fitness opportunities. Objective: In this study we sought to quantify benefits from reducing automobile usage for short urban and suburban trips. Methods: We simulated census-tract level changes in hourly pollutant concentrations from the elimination of automobile round trips <05 8 km in 11 metropolitan areas in the upper midwestern United States using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. Next, we estimated annual changes in health outcomes and monetary costs expected from pollution changes using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Benefits Mapping Analysis Program (BenMAP). In addition, we used the World Health Organization Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT) to calculate benefits of increased physical activity if 50% of short trips were made by bicycle. Results: We estimate that, by eliminating these short automobile trips, annual average urban PM60.62 would decline by 0.1 pg/m06 and that summer ozone (O) would increase slightly in cities but decline regionally, resulting in net health benefits of $ 4.94 billion/year [95% confidence interval (CI): $0.2 billion, $13.5 billion), with 25% of PM 60 . 62 and most O61 benefits to populations outside metropolitan areas. Across the study region of approximately 31.3 million people and 37,000 total square miles, mortality would decline by approximately 1,295 deaths/year (95% CI: 912, 1,636) because of improved air quality and increased exercise. Making 50% of short trips by bicycle would yield savings of approximately $3.8 billion/year from avoided mortality and reduced health care costs (95% CI: $2.7 billion, $5.0 billion]. We estimate that the combined benefits of improved air quality and physical fitness would exceed $8 billion/year. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that significant health and economic benefits are possible if bicycling replaces short car trips. Less dependence on automobiles in urban areas would also improve health in downwind rural settings.
[33] Kaltenbrunner A, Meza R, Grivolla J, et al.2010.

Urban cycles and mobility patterns: Exploring and predicting trends in a bicycle-based public transport system

[J]. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 6(4): 455-466.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmcj.2010.07.002      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper provides an analysis of human mobility data in an urban area using the amount of available bikes in the stations of the community bicycle program Bicing in Barcelona. Based on data sampled from the operator’s website, it is possible to detect temporal and geographic mobility patterns within the city. These patterns are applied to predict the number of available bikes for any station some minutes/hours ahead. The predictions could be used to improve the bicycle program and the information given to the users via the Bicing website.
[34] Kim D J, Shin H C, Im H, et al.2012.

Factors influencing travel behaviors in bikesharing

[C]//Transportation research board 91st annual meeting. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Research Board: 1-14.

[本文引用: 1]     

[35] Lin J R, Yang T H.2011.

Strategic design of public bicycle sharing systems with service level constraints

[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(2): 284-294.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2010.09.004      URL      摘要

This study addresses the strategic planning of public bicycle sharing systems with service level considerations. In considering the interests of both users and investors, the proposed model attempts to determine the number and locations of bike stations, the network structure of bike paths connected between the stations, and the travel paths for users between each pair of origins and destinations. A small example is created to illustrate the proposed model. Sensitivity analysis is also performed to gain better insights into knowing how several important parameters affect the design of the system.
[36] Liu Z L, Jia X D, Cheng W.2012.

Solving the last mile Problem: Ensure the success of public bicycle system in beijing

[J]. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 43: 73-78.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.04.079      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Bicycle sharing systems have frequently been cited as a way to solve the “last mile” problem and connect users to public transit networks. The public bicycle system in Beijing suffered a decline after the 2008 Olympic Games. This paper analyzes the causes for failure of the first generation of public bicycle system in Beijing. How to re-establish it? A new scheme for Beijing public bicycle system is introduced based on the worldwide experiences on the implementation of public bicycle plans.
[37] Ma T, Liu C, Erdoğan S.2015.

Bicycle sharing and public transit: Does capital bikeshare affect metrorail ridership in Washington, D. C.

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2534: 1-9.

URL      [本文引用: 5]      摘要

Bicycle-sharing programs have emerged around the world. Theoretically, the effect of bicycle sharing on more conventional transit modes can take a substitute or complementary form. On one hand, bicycle sharing could substitute for conventional transit as a convenient and sustainable travel option. On the other hand, bicycle sharing may complement such transit by seamlessly connecting transit stations with origins and destinations and thus increase accessibility. However, the questions of how and to what extent bicycle-sharing programs affect public transit ridership remain to be answered, despite the attempts of a few empirical and quantitative studies. This study examined the impact of the Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) program on Metrorail鈥檚 ridership in Washington, D.C. When CaBi trips were mapped, it was observed that Metrorail stations had been important origins and destinations for CaBi trips. Six of seven CaBi stations producing more than 500 trips were located close to Metrorail stations. This study conducted a regression analysis and found that public transit ridership was positively associated with CaBi ridership at the station level. A 10% increase in annual CaBi ridership contributed to a 2.8% increase in average daily Metrorail ridership. On the basis of these results, policy implications and recommendations are discussed.
[38] Martin E W, Shaheen S A.2014.

Evaluating public transit modal shift dynamics in response to bikesharing: A tale of two U.S. cities

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 315-324.


[39] Nair R, Miller-Hooks E, Hampshire R C, et al.2013.

Large-scale vehicle sharing systems: Analysis of Vélib'

[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 7(1): 85-106.

https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2012.660115      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A quantitative analysis of the pioneering large-scale bicycle sharing system, Velib' in Paris, France is presented. This system involves a fleet of bicycles strategically located across the network. Users are free to check out a bicycle from close to their origin and drop it off close to their destination to complete their trip. The analysis provides key insights on the functioning of such systems and serves to inform policy makers in other urban communities wanting to explore bicycle-sharing systems. This article studies the Velib' system from several aspects, including system characteristics, utilization patterns, the connection between public transit and bicycle-sharing systems, and flow imbalances between stations. Since flow from one station to another is seldom matched by flows in the reverse direction, the bicycle fleet can become spatially imbalanced over time. This leads to lower levels of service for users who must seek alternate stations to park or check out vehicles. Using a stochastic characterization of demand and a model developed in prior work, fleet-management strategies to deal with this flow asymmetry are presented. Reliability metrics using this characterization show the performance of the system and help identify stations with capacity bottlenecks. Utilization rates also suggest that close coupling of transit and vehicle-sharing systems are beneficial.
[40] O'Brien O, Cheshire J, Batty M.2014.

Mining bicycle sharing data for generating insights into sustainable transport systems

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 34: 262-273.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2013.06.007      URL      [本文引用: 7]      摘要

Bicycle sharing systems (bike-shares) are becoming increasingly popular in towns and cities around the world. They are viewed as a cheap, efficient, and healthy means of navigating dense urban environments. This paper is the first to take a global view of bike-sharing characteristics by analysing data from 38 systems located in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia and the Americas. To achieve this, an extensive database depicting the geographical location and bicycle occupancy of each docking station within a particular system has been created over a number of years to chart the usage in the chosen systems (and others) and provide a consistent basis on which to compare and classify them. Analysis of the variation of occupancy rates over time, and comparison across the system鈥檚 extent, infers the likely demographics and intentions of user groups. A classification of bike-shares, based on the geographical footprint and diurnal, day-of-week and spatial variations in occupancy rates, is proposed. The knowledge of such patterns and characteristics identifiable from the dataset has a range of applications, including informing operators and policymakers about the maintenance of a suitable balance of bicycles throughout the system area (a nontrivial problem for many bike-shares), the location of new docking stations and cycle lanes, and better targeting of promotional materials to encourage new users. Within the context of transport research, the systems utilised here are part of relatively small, closed environments that can be more easily modelled and validated. Such work lays foundations for the analysis of larger scale transport systems by creating a classification of the different systems and seeks to demonstrate that bike-shares have a lot to offer both as an effective method of transport and a rich source of data.
[41] Ogilvie F, Goodman A.2012.

Inequalities in usage of a public bicycle sharing scheme: Socio-demographic predictors of uptake and usage of the London (UK) cycle hire scheme

[J]. Preventive Medicine, 55(1): 40-45.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.05.002      URL      PMID: 22588228      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 Public bicycle sharing schemes are a way of promoting physical activity. 78 We study the socio-demographic predictors of usage of a scheme in London, UK. 78 Women and those from deprived areas are under-represented among users. 78 Those from areas with high commuter-bicycling prevalence are over represented. 78 Expanding the scheme into more deprived areas could improve equitable uptake.
[42] Rojas-Rueda D, de Nazelle A, Tainio M, et al.2011.

The health risks and benefits of cycling in urban environments compared with car use: Health impact assessment study

[J]. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 343: d4521.

[43] Rojas-Rueda D, de Nazelle A, Teixidó O, et al.2012.

Replacing car trips by increasing bike and public transport in the greater Barcelona metropolitan area: A health impact assessment study

[J]. Environment International, 49: 100-109.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2012.08.009      URL      PMID: 23000780      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Interventions to reduce car use and increase cycling and the use of public transport in metropolitan areas, like Barcelona, can produce health benefits for travellers and for the general population of the city. Also these interventions help to reduce green house gas emissions.
[44] Saneinejad S, Roorda M J, Kennedy C.2012.

Modelling the impact of weather conditions on active transportation travel behaviour

[J]. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 17(2): 129-137.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2011.09.005      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Three weather sensitive models are used to explore the relationship between weather and home-based work trips within the City of Toronto, focusing on active modes of transportation. The data are restricted to non-captive commuters who have the option of selecting among five basic modes of auto driver, auto passenger, transit, bike and walk. Daily trip rates in various weather conditions are assessed. Overall, the results confirm that impact of weather on active modes of transportation is significant enough to deserve attention at the research, data collection and planning levels.
[45] Shaheen S A, Cohen A P, Martin E W.2013.

Public bikesharing in North America: Early operator understanding and emerging trends

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2387: 83-92.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2387-10      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Public bikesharing, the shared use of a bicycle fleet by the public, is an innovative mobility strategy that has emerged recently in major North American cities. Typically, bikesharing systems position bicycles throughout an urban environment, within a network of docking stations, for immediate access. Bikesharing services with a basis in information technology (IT) began to emerge in North America approximately 5 years ago. Twenty-eight IT-based programs were deployed between 2007 and March 2013. Twenty-four are operational, two are temporarily suspended, and two are now defunct. This study examined the growth potential of bikesharing in North America on the basis of a survey of all 15 IT-based public bikesharing systems in operation in the United States and all four programs deployed in Canada as of January 2012. These programs accounted for 172,070 users and 5,238 bicycles in the United States and for 44,352 users and 6,235 bicycles in Canada. Early operator understanding of North American public bikesharing is reviewed and emerging trends for prospective program start-ups are discussed.
[46] Shaheen S A, Guzman S, Zhang H.2010.

Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia: Past, present, and future

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2143: 159-167.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2143-20      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Growing concerns over global motorization and climate change have led to increasing interest in sustainable transportation alternatives, such as bikesharing (the shared use of a bicycle fleet). Since 1965, bikesharing has grown across the globe on four continents including: Europe, North America, South America, and Asia (including Australia). Today, there are approximately 100 bikesharing programs operating in an estimated 125 cities around the world with over 139,300 bicycles. Bikesharing0964s evolution is categorized into three generations: 1) White Bikes (or Free Bike Systems); 2) Coin-Deposit Systems; and 3) IT-Based Systems. In this paper, the authors propose a fourth-generation: 0904Demand-Responsive, Multi-Modal Systems.09 A range of existing bikesharing business models (e.g., advertising) and lessons learned are discussed including: 1) bicycle theft and vandalism; 2) bicycle redistribution; 3) information systems (e.g., real-time information); 4) insurance and liability concerns; and 5) pre-launch considerations. While limited in number, several studies have documented bikesharing0964s social and environmental benefits including reduced auto use, increased bicycle use, and a growing awareness of bikesharing as a daily mobility option. Despite bikesharing0964s ongoing growth, obstacles and uncertainty remain, including: future demand; safety; sustainability of business models; limited cycling infrastructure; challenges to integrating with public transportation systems; technology costs; and user convenience (e.g., limited height adjustment on bicycles, lack of cargo space, and exposure to weather conditions). In the future, more research is needed to better understand bikesharing0964s impacts, operations, and business models in light of its reported growth and benefits.
[47] Shaheen S A, Martin E W, Cohen A P, et al.2012.

Public bikesharing in north America: Early operator and user understanding

[C]// Mineta Transportation Institute. San Jose: MTI Report: 11-26.

[48] Shaheen S A, Zhang H, Martin E, et al.2011.

China's Hangzhou public bicycle: Understanding early adoption and behavioral response to bikesharing

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2247: 33-41.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2247-05      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the past 20 years, China has experienced a steady decline in bicycle use. To address this trend, China鈥檚 central and local government for urban transportation created Public Transit Priority to encourage public transport initiatives. As part of this effort, the government of the city of Hangzhou launched Hangzhou Public Bicycle in 2008. This service allows members to access a shared fleet of bicycles. As of March 2011, Hangzhou Public Bicycle operated 60,600 bicycles with 2,416 fixed stations in eight core districts. To understand factors leading to bikesharing adoption and barriers to adoption, the authors conducted an intercept survey in Hangzhou between January and March 2010. Two separate questionnaires were issued to bikesharing members and nonmembers to identify key differences and similarities between these groups. In total, 806 surveys were completed by 666 members and 140 nonmembers. The authors found that bikesharing was capturing modal share from bus transit, walking, autos, and taxis. Approximately 30% of members had incorporated bikesharing into their most common commute. Members indicated that they most frequently used a bikesharing station closest to either home (40%) or work (40%). These modal shifts suggested that bikesharing acted as both a competitor and a complement to existing public transit. Members exhibited a higher rate of auto ownership than nonmembers. This finding suggested that bikesharing was attractive to car owners. Recommendations for improving bikesharing in Hangzhou included adding stations and real-time bike and parking availability technologies, improving bike maintenance and locking mechanisms, and extending operational hours.
[49] Tang Y, Pan H X, Shen Q.2011.

Bike-sharing systems in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou and their impact on travel behavior

[C]//Transportation research board 90th annual meeting. Washington, D. C.: Transportation Research Board.

[本文引用: 1]     

[50] Tran T D, Ovtracht N, d'Arcier B F.2015.

Modeling bike sharing system using built environment factors

[J]. Procedi-a CIRP, 30: 293-298.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2015.02.156      URL      摘要

This paper aims to present a modeling of bike sharing demand at station level in the city of Lyon. Robust linear regression models were used in order to predict the flows of each station. The data used in this project consists of over 6 million bike sharing trips recorded in 2011. The built environment variables used in the model are determined in a buffer zone of 300 meters around each bike sharing station. In order to estimate the bike sharing flow, we use the method of linear regression during the peak periods of a weekday. The results show that bike sharing is principally used for commuting purposes by long term subscribers while short term subscriber's trips purposes are more varied. The combination between bike sharing and train seems to be an important inter-modality. An interesting finding is that student is an important user of bike sharing. We found that there were different types of bikesharing usage which are influenced by socio-economic factors depending on the period within the day and type of subscribers. The present findings could be useful for others cities which want to adopt a bikesharing system and also for a better planning and operation of existing systems. Further, the solutions to encourage the use of bikesharing will be various depending on type of subscribers. The approach in this paper can be useful for estimating car-sharing demand.
[51] Vogel M, Hamon R, Lozenguez G, et al.2014.

From bicycle sharing system movements to users: A typology of Vélo'v cyclists in Lyon based on large-scale behaviouraldataset

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 280-291.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.07.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Vélo’v have been available in Lyon, France, since 2005, and are one of the first major public bicycle sharing systems (BSS) implemented in Europe. With up to 702million trips in 2013 and around 50,000 annual users plus occasional users, Vélo’v have increased bicycle use in the city by 50%. Analysing a database gathering both bicycle movement and user data for the calendar year 2011 provided by the operator, we concentrate our analysis on Vélo’v users. We characterise user mobilities and produce a user typology based on cluster analysis, relying on intensity and on annual and weekly temporal patterns. The proposed analysis, which creates user profiles from patterns, contributes to a close-reading of the interplay between BSS and other transports as well as to an improved understanding of conditions leading to a wider use of bicycles in cities.
[52] Vogel P, Greiser T, Mattfeld D C.2011.

Understanding bike-sharing systems using data mining: Exploring activity patterns

[J]. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 20: 514-523.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.08.058      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

In this paper we analyze extensive operational data from bike-sharing systems in order to derive bike activity patterns. A common issue observed in bike-sharing systems is imbalances in the distribution of bikes. We use Data Mining to gain insight into the complex bike activity patterns at stations. Activity patterns reveal imbalances in the distribution of bikes and lead to a better understanding of the system structure. A structured Data Mining process supports planning and operating decisions for the design and management of bike-sharing systems.
[53] Wang X, Lindsey G, Schoner J E, et al.2016.

Modeling bike share station activity: Effects of nearby businesses and jobs on trips to and from stations

[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142(1): 04015001.

https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000273      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The purpose of this research is to identify correlates of bike station activity for Nice Ride Minnesota, a bike share system in the Minneapolis鈥揝t. Paul Metropolitan Area in Minnesota. The number of trips to and from each of the 116 bike share stations operating in 2011 was obtained from Nice Ride Minnesota. Data for independent variables included in the proposed models come from a variety of sources, including the 2010 U.S. Census; the Metropolitan Council, a regional planning agency; and the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Log-linear and negative binomial regression models are used to evaluate the marginal effects of these factors on average daily station trips. The models have high goodness of fit, and each of 13 independent variables is significant at the 10% level or higher. The number of trips at Nice Ride stations is associated with neighborhood sociodemographics (i.e.,聽age and race), proximity to the central business district, proximity to water, accessibility to trails, distance to other bike share stations, and measures of economic activity. Analysts can use these results to optimize bike share operations, locate new stations, and evaluate the potential of new bike share programs.
[54] Woodcock J, Tainio M, Cheshire J, et al.2014.

Health effects of the London bicycle sharing system: Health impact modelling study

[J]. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 348: g425.

https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g425      URL      PMID: 24524928      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To model the impacts of the bicycle sharing system in London on the health of its users. DESIGN: Health impact modelling and evaluation, using a stochastic simulation model. SETTING: Central and inner London, England. DATA SOURCES: Total population operational registration and usage data for the London cycle hire scheme (collected April 2011-March 2012), surveys of cycle hire users (collected 2011), and London data on travel, physical activity, road traffic collisions, and particulate air pollution (PM2.5, (collected 2005-12). PARTICIPANTS: 578,607 users of the London cycle hire scheme, aged 14 years and over, with an estimated 78% of travel time accounted for by users younger than 45 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Change in lifelong disability adjusted life years (DALYs) based on one year impacts on incidence of disease and injury, modelled through medium term changes in physical activity, road traffic injuries, and exposure to air pollution. RESULTS: Over the year examined the users made 7.4 million cycle hire trips (estimated 71% of cycling time by men). These trips would mostly otherwise have been made on foot (31%) or by public transport (47%). To date there has been a trend towards fewer fatalities and injuries than expected on cycle hire bicycles. Using these observed injury rates, the population benefits from the cycle hire scheme substantially outweighed harms (net change -72 DALYs (95% credible interval -110 to -43) among men using cycle hire per accounting year; -15 (-42 to -6) among women; note that negative DALYs represent a health benefit). When we modelled cycle hire injury rates as being equal to background rates for all cycling in central London, these benefits were smaller and there was no evidence of a benefit among women (change -49 DALYs (-88 to -17) among men; -1 DALY (-27 to 12) among women). This sex difference largely reflected higher road collision fatality rates for female cyclists. At older ages the modelled benefits of cycling were much larger than the harms. Using background injury rates in the youngest age group (15 to 29 years), the medium term benefits and harms were both comparatively small and potentially negative. CONCLUSION: London's bicycle sharing system has positive health impacts overall, but these benefits are clearer for men than for women and for older users than for younger users. The potential benefits of cycling may not currently apply to all groups in all settings.
[55] Zhang H, Shaheen S A, Chen X P.2014.

Bicycle evolution in China: From the 1900s to the present

[J]. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 8(5): 317-335.

https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2012.699999      URL      Magsci      摘要

This article examines four phases in bicycle evolution in China from initial entry and slow growth (1900s to 1978), to rapid growth (1978 to 1995), bicycle use reduction (1995 to 2002), and policy diversification (2002 to present). Two bicycle innovations, electric bikes, and public bikesharing (the shared use of a bicycle fleet), are also explored in this article. Electric bikes could provide a transitional mode on the pathway to bicycle and public transportation integration or to small battery electric cars. Four lessons have been learned from China's electric bike experience relevant to government policy and management. Public bikesharing represents an important step towards integrating the bicycle with bus, metro, and rail systems. Five early operational lessons have been identified from China's limited public bikesharing experience.
