地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (6): 677-684 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.06.003



刘飞, 郑新奇*, 黄晴


Identification of the physical space of urban systems based on fractal analysis

LIU Fei, ZHENG Xinqi*, HUANG Qing

School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

通讯作者:  郑新奇(1963- ),男,教授,主要从事GIS 开发与应用、土地评价与规划、空间数据挖掘、复杂系统仿真、地理计算等研究, E-mail:zhengxq@cugb.edu.cn

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家国际科技合作与交流专项(S2015ZR1018)


作者简介:刘飞(1989- ),男,博士生,主要研究方向为地理分形与自组织, E-mail:liufei@escience.cn




关键词: 城市群 ; 实体空间 ; 空间识别 ; 空间形态 ; 分形特征


Urban system study is an important field of urban geography. Identification of the physical space of urban systems is a precondition and basis for the research on urban systems. Existing research on urban system identification primarily took city as the minimum unit since urban systems are aggregations of towns and cities. They determine whether a city belong to an urban system through the comparison between values of selected indicators and the criteria set by subjective estimates, which unfortunately lacks consideration of spatial morphology. The morphology of the physical space of urban systems has self-similarity, which can be expressed by the feature of fractal. Through the analysis, identification, and extraction of fractals we can describe the spatial objects objectively based on morphology. In this study, by referencing the experience in identifying boundary of individual cities by fractal, we measured the spatial fractal feature of towns of urban systems from the perspective of spatially identifiable minimum unit at different scales, and proposed a method to identify the towns of urban systems. Through the change of identifiable minimum unit we obtained different scales of towns by which we derive their spatial fractal feature. Then, the range of spatial fractal features was identified, and the identification of urban systems that is the spatial distribution of urban systems was achieved by mapping the range to the space. Finally, this study applied the method to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban system and achieved the identification of the system based on Landsat images in 2016.

Keywords: urban systems ; physical space ; space identification ; spatial morphology ; fractal


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刘飞, 郑新奇, 黄晴. 基于空间分形特征的城市群实体空间识别方法[J]. , 2017, 36(6): 677-684 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.06.003

LIU Fei, ZHENG Xinqi, HUANG Qing. Identification of the physical space of urban systems based on fractal analysis[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(6): 677-684 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.06.003

1 引言

城市群是城镇间的空间联系发展到一定阶段而形成的城镇体系,其实体空间可以看作是由城镇构成的集群,是城市群的客观存在,只有有效地界定城市群的实体空间并获取其空间分布状况,才能对城市群开展有效的统计并进行研究,因此明确城市群的实体空间是开展城市群研究的前提和基础。然而,城市群的复杂性和开放性,使得其实体空间具有模糊性界定困难(姚士谋等, 2006),如何实现城市群的空间识别是目前城市地理学中面临的问题之一。

在城市地理学领域,有关实体空间识别的研究已有众多成果,但大多是针对单个城市的边界识别,对于城市群实体空间的识别并不太多。已有研究对城市群实体空间的识别大体可分为三类:一是直接以行政区域作为城市群的空间,因而划定的城市群空间与城市群的实际存在范围并不相符(陈群元等, 2010),且忽视了邻接城镇作为城市群组成部分的可能(潘竟虎等, 2014; 王成龙等, 2016);二是设定判别指标及判别标准,分别计算并判断各城市的对应指标是否符合城市群成员的标准(方创琳, 2009; 黄金川等, 2014)。虽然这一方法较为成熟,但却忽视了城市部分空间构成城市群的可能,且指标的选择及标准的设定带有主观色彩;三是先遴选城市群中心城市,再采用模型计算周围城市与中心城市的联系强弱,以此判断周边城市是否构成城市群,主要代表模型有引力模型、断裂点模型、场强模型、Voronoi图模型等(Martin, 1998; Mu et al, 2006; 李震等, 2006; Fragkias et al, 2009; 陈群元等, 2010),虽然考虑了城市的空间分布及城市间的相互作用,结果较贴近实际,但应用于模型计算的指标及判定依据的选择同样无法避免主观因素的干扰,同时模型的理论依托、测度方法缺乏科学依据,难以得到普遍认可。由此不难看出,已有的城市群空间识别研究均以城市为研究单元,将城市群的空间识别等同于对城市是否归属城市群的判别,界线过于生硬,忽视了研究单元部分空间归属城市群的可能;同时,识别方法大都属于基于各项统计指标计算后的判别,统计指标的选择、判别标准的制定都具有较强的主观片面性和随意性,更无法真实地获得在空间上连续的指标,不能客观地刻画城市群实体空间。

与传统的离散型统计指标不同,分形作为贴近自然的描述语言逐渐为越来越多的人所关注,空间分形特征是连续型地理空间对象自相似形态的有效表征,通过对空间分形特征的分析、识别及提取,可实现对空间对象基于形态的客观测度。就单一城市的空间识别而言,近年来有学者进行了一些从城市形态学的角度出发,利用城市形态的空间分形特征划定城市空间边界的尝试。Rozenfeld等(2008, 2011)提出了城市集群算法;Tannier等(2011)提出了基于城市分形特征,利用多项式拟合,寻找最大偏离点的城市边界识别方法;Tannier等(2013)基于城市内部集群(组成城市的集群而非城市组成的集群)的识别方法,同时选取不同分形和非分形指征,分别对城市的不同理论形态和实际形态进行分析;谭兴业等(2015)在Tannier的基础上融入了邻域扩展的思想,基于栅格数据,利用多期曲线对比确定城市的边界;Chen(2016)则利用多重分形奇异谱曲线对城市和乡村区域特征进行了定量测定;更早期,Openshaw等(1987, 1988)开发了地理分析机,基于点的空间分布利用变化的搜索圆对其聚集区进行研究。这些尝试虽未以城市群的实体空间为识别目标,但为利用空间形态对实体空间进行识别提供了很好的借鉴。同时,城市群是因城镇间发生空间联系而形成的城镇体系,其实体空间可看作由城镇聚集而成,因而实现对构成城市群空间的城镇的识别,是在空间上识别城市群实体的有效途径。


2 研究方法

2.1 基于空间最小可识别单元的城市群城镇空间分形特征测度方法





图1   最小可识别单元与空间形态关系示意图

Fig.1   Schematic diagram for the relationship between identifiable minimum unit and spatial morphology





2.2 基于空间分形特征的城市群城镇识别方法







3 实验与结果

3.1 数据来源


3.2 实验过程



将空间最小可识别单元与城镇规模作为坐标对标绘在坐标图中。由于数十万条数据量过于庞大,坐标值相对于坐标轴的长度过小,使得数据点过于贴近坐标轴,为提高图表的可读性,本文仅对原始数据的前5000对进行展示,所得散点图见 图2-3,二者均呈幂律变化关系,研究区内构成城镇集合的空间可识别单元表现出典型的分形特征,满足式(2)-(3),因此,可认为城市群城镇的空间形态存在分形特征。

表1   空间最小可识别单元与城镇规模统计表

Tab.1   Statistics of identifiable minimum units and corresponding counts and areas of towns



图2   空间最小可识别单元与城镇数量变化关系图

Fig.2   Relationship between identifiable minimum units and corresponding counts of towns

图3   空间最小可识别单元与城镇总面积变化关系图

Fig.3   Relationship between identifiable minimum units and corresponding areas of towns



图4   空间最小可识别单元与城镇数量双对数样条插值曲线

Fig.4   Curve of spline function for the logarithm of identifiable minimum units and counts of towns

图5   空间最小可识别单元与城镇总面积双对数样条插值曲线

Fig.5   Curve of spline function for the logarithm of identifiable minimum units and areas of towns

图6   空间最小可识别单元与城镇数量双对数线性拟合曲线

Fig.6   Curves of the linear fitting function for the logarithm of identifiable minimum units and counts of towns

图7   空间最小可识别单元与城镇总面积双对数线性拟合曲线

Fig.7   Curves of the linear fitting function for the logarithm of identifiable minimum units and areas of towns

3.3 结果与分析


最后,通过该界限反推空间最小可识别单元,并得出39340.11 m2为所识别的该城市群的空间最小可识别单元。在此基础上,再次以研究区建设用地矢量图班为基础,识别大于所得的最小可识别单元的图斑,得到空间可识别单元集合并进行融合,最终形成京津冀城市群城镇集合,即城市群的实体空间,见图8

图8   城市群实体空间识别结果

Fig.8   Identification of the physical space of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban systems

从所识别的构成京津冀城市群实体空间的城镇集合可以看出,城市群实体空间打破了城市行政区域的束缚,既包括现有的城市主城区,更包括了城市间的次一级中心,这种空间形态可运用中心地理论(Christaller, 1933)进行解释,亦符合现有对京津冀城市群城镇实际空间分布的普遍认知;同时,识别结果并未覆盖全部建成区,剔除了不属于城市群实体空间的零散居民点图斑,与以行政区域作为城市群空间的组份相比,提高了对实体空间认知的科学性,使识别结果更加贴近客观实际;识别的实体空间多集中于东部和南部地区,西部和北部分布较少,呈现出空间分异规律,同时也与京津冀地区西、北部多山地致使城市的发展存在自然阻碍相一致,验证了结果的科学性和可靠性;而分布于聚集中心周围呈放射状的触角形态在表征城市辐射及其扩张范围的同时,通道状分布亦是城镇间的相互作用及要素流的集中体现,符合地理学第一定律。总体上看,识别结果贴近实际,效果较好。因此,实验的结果有效验证了基于空间分形特征的城市群城镇识别方法的可行性和有效性。

4 讨论与总结

4.1 讨论


表2   新旧城市群识别方法对比

Tab.2   Comparison of the identification methods for the space of urban systems





其次,本文采用的识别方法是基于城市群实体空间自相似形态的,在无需单独考虑城市群内部的复杂相互作用及要素流的同时,亦符合Tobler提出的地理学第二定律(引自Goodchild, 2004)即区域外部性,在城市群实体空间的识别过程中无需捕捉影响空间的因素即可得到识别结果,避免了影响因素捕捉的不完整性对识别结果的影响。


第四,城市形态存在双分形特征已为目前的部分研究所证实(White et al, 1993, 1994; Haag, 1994; Frankhauser, 1998; 刘继生等, 2003; Chen et al, 2004; Ariza-Villaverde et al, 2013; Chen et al, 2013),这种特征正是城市与非城市区域的体现。而本文的识别方法并不违背对这一双分形特征的已有认知,可从规模层面直接将非城市群区域从整个区域剔除,避免了在非城市区域中对城市群的识别,是在城市群层面对双分形特征的利用尝试。

4.2 总结


目前,学界对于城市群的定义仍有许多争议(周一星等, 1995; Scott, 2001; 张京祥等, 2001; Ferreira et al, 2010; 方创琳, 2011; 江曼琦, 2013),本文虽实现了对城市群的识别,但并不是一种普适的识别方法,遵循不同的理论依据会得到不同的尺度序列及识别结果。因此,相应于不同的城市群概念该方法的可行性仍有待考究。同时,样条插值并不能等同于真实曲线,曲线两端的数据断崖使得两端曲线非线性程度较高,影响对无标度区的直观识别,亦会造成误判,且本文采用的曲线插值及拟合方法亦不能完全体现样本点的真实状态,如何更趋近地获取真实曲线仍有待探索。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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基于河南省城镇体系空间结构的多分形性质及其与水系的分维关系的 实证探讨发现如下地理规律:①在较大标度范围内,河南省城市体系的空间结构为简单分形,但在较小标度范围内,系统已经具有明确的多重分形特征;②多分维谱 在参数q≈-4处出现标度间断,从而城市体系的空间结构发生对称破缺.③城市体系空间结构的分维小于水系空间结构的分维.由此证明:第一,多分形是由单分 形演化而来,城镇体系的多分形结构是基于地球表面的分形支体由测度集中区向测度疏散区渐近发育的.第二,城市体系的分形发育与水系的分维结构具有一定的数 理关系,城市体系的分维理当小于水系维数.

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基于河南省城镇体系空间结构的多分形性质及其与水系的分维关系的 实证探讨发现如下地理规律:①在较大标度范围内,河南省城市体系的空间结构为简单分形,但在较小标度范围内,系统已经具有明确的多重分形特征;②多分维谱 在参数q≈-4处出现标度间断,从而城市体系的空间结构发生对称破缺.③城市体系空间结构的分维小于水系空间结构的分维.由此证明:第一,多分形是由单分 形演化而来,城镇体系的多分形结构是基于地球表面的分形支体由测度集中区向测度疏散区渐近发育的.第二,城市体系的分形发育与水系的分维结构具有一定的数 理关系,城市体系的分维理当小于水系维数.
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<p>城市群空间影响范围的界定是认清城市群内中心城市与腹地、城市与城市间相互关联的基础。采用主成分分析法计算中国287个地级及以上城市的结节性指数,利用累积耗费距离法和<em>k</em>阶数据场,综合测度了交通可达性与空间场能,根据场强&ldquo;取大&rdquo;原则对城市腹地进行了划分,依据城市腹地范围界定了城市群的空间影响范围。结果表明:①中国地级以上城市最大和最小结节性指数相差157.53倍,城市平均可达时间为193.43 min,场能平均值为5 412,最大和最小城市腹地相差3 751倍;② 23个城市群中,空间影响范围最大的是北疆城市群,空间平均场强最大的是中原城市群;③城市群在空间上呈现为发育程度不同的&ldquo;11+9+3&rdquo;的分布格局和逆时针90&deg;旋转的&ldquo;&beta;&rdquo;型城市群连绵带发展格局;④基于腹地划分的城市群空间影响范围充分考虑了现实的交通网络和地形地貌特点,实现了对广域空间范围内城市腹地范围和城市群空间影响范围的定量测度。</p>

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https://doi.org/10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2014.03.0352      Magsci      摘要

<p>城市群空间影响范围的界定是认清城市群内中心城市与腹地、城市与城市间相互关联的基础。采用主成分分析法计算中国287个地级及以上城市的结节性指数,利用累积耗费距离法和<em>k</em>阶数据场,综合测度了交通可达性与空间场能,根据场强&ldquo;取大&rdquo;原则对城市腹地进行了划分,依据城市腹地范围界定了城市群的空间影响范围。结果表明:①中国地级以上城市最大和最小结节性指数相差157.53倍,城市平均可达时间为193.43 min,场能平均值为5 412,最大和最小城市腹地相差3 751倍;② 23个城市群中,空间影响范围最大的是北疆城市群,空间平均场强最大的是中原城市群;③城市群在空间上呈现为发育程度不同的&ldquo;11+9+3&rdquo;的分布格局和逆时针90&deg;旋转的&ldquo;&beta;&rdquo;型城市群连绵带发展格局;④基于腹地划分的城市群空间影响范围充分考虑了现实的交通网络和地形地貌特点,实现了对广域空间范围内城市腹地范围和城市群空间影响范围的定量测度。</p>
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都市圈是国际上对现代城镇群体发展地区空间组织的基本模式 ,在中国也具有重要的现实应用价值。对都市圈的有关基本概念、空间演化规律、职能与空间规划组织等有关内容进行了论述 ,并结合国情对我国都市圈地区的行政管理模式提出了设想。

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On the spatial organization of the metropolitan area

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https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1002-1329.2001.05.006      URL      摘要

都市圈是国际上对现代城镇群体发展地区空间组织的基本模式 ,在中国也具有重要的现实应用价值。对都市圈的有关基本概念、空间演化规律、职能与空间规划组织等有关内容进行了论述 ,并结合国情对我国都市圈地区的行政管理模式提出了设想。
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https://doi.org/10.11821/xb199504001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[14] Ariza-Villaverde A B, Jiménez-Hornero F J, De Ravé E G.2013.

Multifractal analysis of axial maps applied to the study of urban morphology

[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 38: 1-10.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2012.11.001      URL      摘要

Street layout is an important element of urban morphology that informs on urban patterns influenced by city growing through the years under different planning regulations and different socio-economic contexts. It is assumed by several authors that urban morphology has a fractal or monofractal nature. However, not all the urban patterns can be considered as monofractal because of the presence of different morphologies. Therefore, a single fractal dimension may not always be enough to describe urban morphology. In this sense, a multifractal approach serves to tackle this problem by describing urban areas in terms of a set of fractal dimensions. With this aim in mind, two different neighbourhoods of the city of Cordoba, in Andalusia (Spain), are analysed by using the Sandbox multifractal method and lacunarity. We analyse the street patterns represented by axial maps and obtained from the Space Syntax algorithm. The results suggest that the R茅nyi dimension spectrum is superior to a single fractal dimension to describe the urban morphology of Cordoba, given the presence of regular and irregular street layouts established under different planning and socio-economic regimes.
[15] Chen Y G.2016.

Defining urban and rural regions by multifractal spectrums of urbanization

[J]. Frac-tals-Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society, 24(1): 1650004.

https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218348X16500043      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The spatial pattern of urban-rural regional system is associated with the dynamic process of urbanization. How to characterize the urban-rural terrain using quantitative measurement is a difficult problem remaining to be solved. This paper is devoted to defining urban and rural regions using ideas from fractals. A basic postulate is that human geographical systems are of self-similar patterns associated with recursive processes. Then multifractal geometry can be employed to describe or define the urban and rural terrain with the level of urbanization. A space-filling index of urban-rural region based on the generalized correlation dimension is presented to reflect the degree of geo-spatial utilization in terms of urbanization. The census data of America and China are adopted to show how to make empirical analyses of urban-rural multifractals. This work is not so much a positive analysis as a normative study, but it proposes a new way of investigating urban and rural regional systems using fractal theory.
[16] Chen Y G, Wang J J.2013.

Multifractal characterization of urban form and growth: The case of Beijing

[J]. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40(5): 884-904.

https://doi.org/10.1068/b36155      URL      摘要

Urban form takes on properties similar to random growing fractals and can be described in terms of fractal geometry. However, a model of simple fractals is not effectual enough to characterize both the global and local features of urban patterns. In this paper multifractal measurements are employed to model urban form and analyze urban growth. The capacity dimension D-0, information dimension D-1, and correlation dimension D-2 of a city's pattern can be estimated utilizing the box-counting method. If D-0 > D-1 > D-2 significantly, the city can be treated as a system of multifractals, and two sets of fractal parameters, including global and local parameters, can be used to spatially analyze urban growth. In this case study, multifractal geometry was applied to Beijing city, China. The results based on the remote-sensing images taken in 1988, 1992, 1999, 2006, and 2009 show that the urban landscape of Beijing bears multiscaling fractal attributes. The dimension spectrum curves show several abnormal aspects, especially the upper limit of the global dimension breaks through the Euclidean dimension of embedding space and the local dimension fails to converge in a proper way. The geographical features of Beijing's spatiotemporal evolution are discussed, and the conclusions may be instructive for spatial optimization and city planning in the future.
[17] Chen Y G, Zhou Y X.2004.

Multi-fractal measures of city-size distributions based on the three parameter Zipf model

[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 22(4): 793-805.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2004.02.059      URL      摘要

A multi-fractal framework of urban hierarchies is presented to address the rank-size distribution of cities. The three-parameter Zipf model based on a pair of exponential-type scaling laws is generalized to multi-scale fractal measures. Then according to the equivalent relationship between Zipf's law and Pareto distribution, a set of multi-fractal equations are derived using dual conversion and the Legendre transform. The US city population data coming from the 2000 census are employed to verify the multi-fractal models and the results are satisfying. The multi-fractal measures reveal some strange symmetry regularity of urban systems. While explaining partially the remains of the hierarchical step-like frequency distribution of city sizes suggested by central place theory, the mathematical framework can be interpreted with the entropy-maximizing principle and some related ideas from self-organization.
[18] Christaller W.1933.

Die zentralen orte in suddeutschland

[M]. Jena, Germany: Fischer.

[19] Ferreira J A, Condessa B, Castro e Almeida J, et al.2010.

Urban settlements delimitation in low-density are-as-An application to the municipality of Tomar (Portugal)

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97(3): 156-167.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.05.007      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

One of the major issues in land-use planning is how to contain urban sprawl. To this effect, plans integrate new regulations and mechanisms that severely limit construction outside urban perimeters and restrict the areas available for expansion within the settlements. Before enforcing these restrictions, a review and correction of existing delimitation of settlements was necessary. The new limits were established through the identification of effectively consolidated urban areas. In the absence of official criteria defining them, this paper presents a methodology establishing the limits of these consolidated areas. Based on the identification, in a Geographical Information System (GIS) of existing buildings, and incorporating the analysis of road network, social facilities, and physiographic constraints (such as floodplains or steep slopes), several criteria were defined so as to delimit the urban settlements. A review of other methodologies is presented as a contextualization of the proposed one, but it is not the focus of the paper to specifically contrast or appreciate them. The study area is the municipality of Tomar, in Central Portugal, a territory with very disperse human occupation. Having achieved an accurate delimitation of the settlements鈥 current extent that reflects the purposes of rational land-use, the settlement delimitation was successfully revised so as to mirror the current occupation. Also, the objectivity and clarity of the adopted criteria, and its applicability to the whole municipality, allowed the methodology to be unanimously well received by the Municipal Government and Parish Councils, even if it deals with a somewhat politically delicate subject.
[20] Fragkias M, Seto K C.2009.

Evolving rank-size distributions of intra-metropolitan urban clusters in South China

[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 33(3): 189-199.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2008.08.005      URL      摘要

Cities are the dominant form of human settlements and their interaction with the global environment presents great challenges for sustainability. This paper analyzes the evolution of urban form in three rapidly-growing Chinese metropolitan areas in the Pearl River Delta: Shenzhen, Foshan and Guangzhou. It is the first study to utilize a combination of time-series satellite imagery, GIS, and a time-series of spatial pattern statistics based on rank-size distributions to evaluate the evolving nature of urban clusters in Chinese cities. Defining the urban clusters – contiguous urban built-up areas – as the unit of our analysis, we estimate exponents of rank-size distributions for each city’s clusters for the years between 1988 and 1999. We observe substantial variation in the evolution of urban form across time. For all three metropolitan areas, the rank-size distribution exponents evolve in an oscillatory fashion within the 11-year period as the metropolitan areas grow through a process of cluster birth and coalescence. The analysis sheds light on the evolving nature of urban clusters that can help us better understand urban phenomena, and make inferences on how socioeconomic processes influence urban form which in turn has considerable effects on the ecology of the urban system and the local and regional environment. We show that a time-series analysis of rank-size distributions of urban clusters reveals trends in spatial patterns of urban form that can aid in the design of cities and help achieve more sustainable land-uses.
[21] Frankhauser P.1998.

The fractal approach. A new tool for the spatial analysis of urban agglomerations

[J]. Population, 10(1): 205-240.

https://doi.org/10.2307/1534622      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Fractal geometry is a new approach for the study of spatial distributions....The methods of fractal analysis can be used to study the spatial organization of human activities across scales. The regularities and the discontinuities in the distributions can then be identified. These discontinuities can be spatially situated. Applying this concept to urbanized areas has shown that districts can be defined and classified according to their scaling relations thereby allowing development of a typology of locational patterns....An examination of time series shows that despite the apparent fragmentation of these urban tissues urbanization is often accompanied by structured development. (EXCERPT) (SUMMARY IN ENG AND SPA)
[22] Goodchild M F.2004.

The validity and usefulness of laws in geographic information science and geography

[J]. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 94(2): 300-303.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.2004.09402008.x      URL      摘要

My contribution to the session at the New Orleans meetings of the Assocation of American Geographers at which the ideas that appear in this forum were initially aired was as discussant, following the three main presentations by Barnes, Miller, and Smith. This paper expands on the comments I made during the session, and include reactions to
[23] Haag G.1994.

The rank-size distribution of settlements as a dynamic multifractal phenomenon

[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 4(4): 519-534.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0960-0779(94)90063-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The rank-size distribution in a system of settlements is considered as a multifractal phenomenon. The occurence and temporal stability of the rank-size distribution is obtained as the result of a dynamic self-organization process in the nested system of settlements. The inherent time scale of this self-organization process and the obtained hierarchical structure are related to low intersettlement mobility of urban population, a tendency of the population to agglomerate, as well as distance and preference effects. A well-known migration model is used with three different approaches for the attractivity of a settlement for comparative purposes.
[24] Martin D.1998.

Automatic neighbourhood identification from population surfaces

[J]. Computers, Environ-ment and Urban Systems, 22(2): 107-120.

[25] Mu L, Wang X.2006.

Population landscape: A geometric approach to studying spatial patterns of the US urban hierarchy

[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 20(6): 649-667.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13658810600661342      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We present a geometric and graphic approach to studying spatial patterns of urban hierarchy in the US. The multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram is found to be effective for visualizing theoretical regions delineated by socio‐economic variables. The population landscape of the continental US demonstrates overall and stepwise patterns reflecting population, neighborhood and distance, with overwhelming influence from huge metropolitan areas. Stepwise exploration and cluster analysis of the spatial pattern reveal an urban hierarchy. Attributes and arrangement are the two important factors of urban hierarchy, with attribute having a stronger local influence and arrangement having a stronger global influence. The study also presents a variation of Zipf's law to visualize the rank‐size distribution from tabular and statistical space to map space.
[26] Openshaw S, Charlton M, Craft A W, et al.1988.

Investigation of leukaemia clusters by use of a geographical analysis machine

[J]. The Lancet, 331: 272-273.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(88)90352-2      URL      PMID: 2893085      摘要

A new spatial analysis device called a Geographical Analysis Machine detects deviations from the Poisson distribution of rare events. Application to childhood leukaemia data from the north of England identified five clusters, only one of which had been noted by previous methods.
[27] Openshaw S, Charlton M, Wymer C, et al.1987.

A mark 1 geographical analysis machine for the automated analysis of point data sets

[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, 1(4): 335-358.

[本文引用: 1]     

[28] Rozenfeld H D, Rybski D, Andrade Jr J S, et al.2008.

Laws of population growth

[J]. Proceedings of the Na-tional Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105(48): 18702-18707.

[29] Rozenfeld H D, Rybski D, Gabaix X, et al.2011.

The area and population of cities: New insights from a dif-ferent perspective on cities

[J]. American Economic Review, 101(5): 2205-2225.

https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.101.5.2205      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[30] Scott A J.2001. Global city-regions: Trends, theory, policy[M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Tannier C, Thomas I.2013.

Defining and characterizing urban boundaries: A fractal analysis of theoretical cities and Belgian cities

[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 41: 234-248.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2013.07.003      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In this paper we extract the morphological boundaries of urban agglomerations and characterize boundary shapes using eight fractal and nonfractal spatial indexes. Analyses were first performed on six archetypal theoretical cities, and then on Belgium鈥檚 18 largest towns. The results show that: (1) the relationship between the shape of the urban boundary (fractal dimension, dendricity, and compactness) and the built morphology within the urban agglomeration (fractal dimension, proportion of buildings close to the urban boundary) is not straightforward; (2) each city is a unique combination of the morphological characteristics considered here; (3) due to their different morphological characteristics, the planning potential of Flemish and Walloon cities seems to be very different.
[32] Tannier C, Thomas I, Vuidel G, et al.2011.

A fractal approach to identifying urban boundaries

[J]. Geographical Analysis, 43(2): 211-227.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2011.00814.x      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Fractal geometry can be used for determining the morphological boundaries of metropolitan areas. A two-step method is proposed here: (1) Minkowski's dilation is applied to detect any multiscale spatial discontinuity and (2) a distance threshold is located on the dilation curve corresponding to a major change in its behavior. We therefore measure the maximum curvature of the dilation curve. The method is tested on theoretical urban patterns and on several European cities to identify their morphological boundaries and to track boundary changes over space and time. Results obtained show that cities characterized by comparable global densities may exhibit different distance thresholds. The less the distances separating buildings differ between an urban agglomeration and its surrounding built landscape, the greater the distance threshold. The fewer the buildings that are connected across scales, the greater the distance threshold.La geometría fractal puede ser utilizada para determinar los límites morfológicos de áreas metropolitanas. El método que aquí se propone tiene dos pasos: (1) la aplicación de la dilatación (o suma) de Minkowski (Minkowski's dilation) para detectar cualquier discontinuidad espacial a múltiples escalas; y, (2) la identificación de un umbral de distancia en la curva de dilatación que corresponde a un cambio importante en su comportamiento. En otras palabras, se busca medir la curvatura máxima de la curva de dilatación. El método propuesto es puesto a prueba haciendo uso de patrones urbanos teóricos así como varias ciudades europeas con el fin de identificar sus límites morfológicos y para hacer el seguimiento de los cambios de límites en el espacio y tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que ciudades con densidades globales comparables pueden presentar diferentes umbrales de distancia. A menos diferenciación de distancias que separan los edificios entre una aglomeración urbana y el paisaje construido que lo rodea, mayor es el umbral de distancia identificado. A menor número de edificios conectados a través de varias escalas espaciales, mayor umbrales de distancia.
[33] White R, Engelen G.1993.

Cellular automata and fractal urban form: A cellular modelling approach to the evolution of urban land-use patterns

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 25(8): 1175-1199.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: Cellular automata and fractal urban form: A Cellular modelling approach to the evolution of urban land-use patterns. Environment and Planning
[34] White -R, Engelen G.1994.

Urban systems dynamics and cellular automata: Fractal structures between order and chaos

[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 4(4): 563-583.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0960-0779(94)90066-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT Two-dimensional cellular automata with rules defined on a large neighbourhood are used to simulate the evolution of urban land-use patterns. Both the simulated urban areas and actual cities are shown to be fractal objects characterized by very similar dimensions. But the fractality (and hence realism) of the cellular cities appears only when the degree of stochasticity is within a relatively narrow band; otherwise the city is too uniform or too random. The same phenomenon appears in a conventional dynamic model of the evolution of a system of cities: the size distribution of urban centres assumes a fractal form (one observed in many real systems) only with a ‘fine tuning’ of the relevant parameters. Otherwise the system either evolves toward a uniform state or collapses to a single large centre. The tendency to observe such poised behaviour in both the cellular and the urban system models for realistic calibrations may be a manifestation of a phase-transition phenomenon observed in simpler deterministic cellular automata, and may represent a requirement for evolvability in real systems.
