地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (12): 1510-1520 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.12.006



马学广1, 李鲁奇2

1. 中国海洋大学法政学院,山东 青岛 266100
2. 华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院,上海 200241

The production and restructuring of interurban cooperative space:From the perspective of territory, network and scale

MA Xueguang1, LI Luqi2

1. Law and Politics School, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, Shandong, China
2. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(17YJA630071)国家自然科学基金应急管理项目(41440005)


作者简介:马学广(1979-),男,山东临沂人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事城乡规划与区域空间治理、海洋国土空间规划与管理、住房政策与土地开发管理研究,E-mail: hugeomaxg@163.com




关键词: 城市合作 ; 尺度 ; 领域 ; 网络 ; 空间生产 ; 深汕特别合作区


Space-based cooperation is an important form of interurban cooperation and a multidimensional sociospatial process concerning reterritorialization, network building, and rescaling. Based on the case study of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone and considering three sociospatial dimensions including territory, network, and scale, the production and restructuring of interurban cooperative space is analyzed. This research suggests that the reterritorialization involved both capital and regulatory power; the network that link actors together serves as tools for political mobilization and information sharing; the key factor for rescaling is the mobilization of actors at higher scales. Common interests of relevant actors are fundamental factors of space-based interurban cooperation. Specifically, the actors at higher scales tend to embed their own interests into the political strategies crossing scales. Moreover, a complex interaction is found among the three sociospatial dimensions, with four major types of combination including identical, parallel, substitution, and realization, which could be of significance in future studies aiming to further examining the production of multidimensional space.

Keywords: interurban cooperation ; scale ; territory ; network ; production of space ; Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone


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马学广, 李鲁奇. 城际合作空间的生产与重构——基于领域、网络与尺度的视角[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(12): 1510-1520 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.12.006

MA Xueguang, LI Luqi. The production and restructuring of interurban cooperative space:From the perspective of territory, network and scale[J]. Progress in Geography, 2017, 36(12): 1510-1520 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.12.006

1 引言

进入21世纪以来,中国的国家空间经历了形式多样、错综复杂的尺度重组(Li et al, 2012; 晁恒等, 2015),区域整合开始成为国家空间重构的新趋势,城市间旅游、交通等合作开始兴起。而伴随着城市合作的日益深化,空间本身也成为其重要载体。这些城市合作大多以特定领域空间的建构或重构为手段,以扩展发展空间、承接资本转移、缩小区域差距、调整产业结构等为目标,以共同建设、共同管理为特征,表现为一系列合作区、合作试验区、产业转移工业园等,如深汕特别合作区、江阴—靖江工业园区、粤桂合作特别试验区等。

这一合作形式在全球、国家、区域、城市等尺度上存在多种动因,如全球资本流动的加速和全球地方化趋势的显现,国家空间政策的调整所引发的区域间竞争的加剧,区域内产业分工格局的形成和空间发展的不均衡,城市土地和劳动力成本的上升等。除这些结构性因素外,省政府、市政府、企业、非政府组织等行动者也根据各自利益、运用不同政治策略在城市间合作空间的建构中扮演不同的角色,从而在特定社会空间结构的基础上进一步塑造这一新的空间。总之,基于空间的城市合作是多维的,其中领域、网络和尺度等社会空间维度(Sociospatial Dimensions)之间存在复杂的互动,并共同解释了这一过程中资本和权力的运作机制。


图1   深圳市与深汕特别合作区的地理位置

Fig.1   Geographical locations of Shenzhen and the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone

2 社会空间过程的多重维度

社会空间过程是多维的,当前研究多关注领域、地方、尺度、边界、网络等维度(Brenner, 2001; Agnew et al, 2003; Jessop et al, 2008; Wei, 2015),并强调各维度间的层次性(Jones et al, 2010; 王丰龙等, 2015)。其中,边界可构成一定的“有界空间”(Painter, 2010),它成为领域的实体要素。而地方则强调地区间差异和对特定空间的根植性(Staeheli, 2003; Jessop et al, 2008),同时也关注对空间的控制和占有(Leitner et al, 2008),它和领域可相互转化,二者分别对应于权力关系的结果和工具(刘云刚等, 2015)。因此,结合深汕特别合作区的案例,本文将重点关注尺度、领域和网络3个维度,而将边界和地方融入再领域化的分析。

2.1 单一维度的空间重构

同“空间”概念类似,尺度、领域等维度都不再被视为社会关系的固定、封闭的容器,而是由社会所建构并反作用于社会过程,同时,网络概念也伴随着关系转向(李小建等, 2007; Wei, 2015)而受到进一步关注,由此基于特定维度的空间重构研究在国内外逐渐兴起。

“尺度”概念是整个地理学研究的中心(Marston, 2000),在其他学科也受到广泛关注(Marston, 2004)。在20世纪80年代以前,地理学家主要将尺度看作一个制图学概念(即“比例尺”)(McMaster et al, 2004)和“分析层次”(Leitner, 2004),这个意义上的尺度是预先给定的、固定的、嵌套的。80年代中期,西方人文地理学界经历了“尺度转向”,开始关注尺度的社会建构,并运用马克思主义政治经济学方法(Marston et al, 2005; 马学广, 2016)分析全球化、国家重构、城市治理等一系列尺度重组过程。随后,尺度逐渐被一些学者视为一种认识论(Jones, 1998; 马学广等, 2016),因而行动者的话语策略等开始受到关注。在这个过程中,尺度政治(Politics of Scale)研究逐渐兴起,学者们从社会运动(Smith, 1984)、环境问题(Harrison, 2006)、国家管制(Houdret et al, 2014)、种族问题(Clarno, 2013)等多种政治空间过程对其进行应用和发展。自尺度政治引入国内(刘云刚等, 2011a)以来,学者们也将其应用于社会冲突事件(刘云刚等, 2011b)、地缘政治过程(胡志丁等, 2014; 贺小婧等, 2015)、区域发展策略(刘云刚等, 2013)、地方意义的建构和争夺(陈丹阳, 2016)等问题的研究。

同尺度类似,“领域”在地理学甚至政治学、社会学中得到广泛应用,它通常指被特定边界所包围的空间单元,其内外具有明显的差异性。在人文地理学中,领域更为本质的内涵在于个人、群体或机构对有界空间的占有(殷洁等, 2013),而这种占有通常是排他的。这一意义可进一步用“领域性”(Territoriality)来描述,它强调领域的社会属性,指使用有界单元作为取得特定结果的一种行为模式(Taylor, 2003),其目标在于对人和物的控制。在此基础上,“再领域化”成为一个重要的研究对象和分析工具,它以“领域化”(Territorialization)和“去领域化”(Deterritorialization)为前提,前者指“将某些现象或实体同有意义的有界空间连接起来”的过程(Delaney, 2005),后者则强调这一社会关系同有界空间的割裂。当前对再领域化的理解大致有资本循环(Brenner, 2004; 殷洁等, 2013)、国家管制(罗小龙等, 2010)和社会斗争(刘云刚等, 2015) 3个视角。

网络在人文地理学界的兴起主要有2个来源(Sheppard, 2002):一是流动空间(The Space of Flows)理论,二是行动者网络理论(Actor-Network Theory)。同其他维度相比,网络概念本身就摆脱了固定性,并不被特定的空间形式所包含(Cox, 1998)或存在特定坐标;相反,它跨越空间而非覆盖空间,突破了将政治实体所分割开来的边界(Marston et al, 2005),赋予行动者更强的流动性,使其可以动员更广泛的社会力量。同时网络中权力分配的不均衡性也塑造了行动者为获得各种资源而采取的不同政治策略。此外,网络也将资本、信息等要素以及不同的空间单元连接起来,并形成了不同类型的流动空间(Castells, 1999)。

2.2 多重社会空间维度的整合

尽管尺度、领域和网络都为政治地理学研究提供了重要视角,但从单一维度探讨整体的、多元的政治空间过程仍是有问题的。从方法论上看,单一维度只是为分析更复杂的问题提供了一个简单的切入点,常导致概念混乱、对概念的过度扩展、缺乏概念创新等问题(Jessop et al, 2008)。其中,对尺度的过度运用尤其受到学者的批评(Howitt, 2002; Marston et al, 2005)。如有学者指出,尺度概念经常被不假思索地同地方、领域和空间等概念混杂在一起(Brenner, 2001)。总之,对单一维度的分析将面临概念泛化与视角狭窄2个问题,因此对多维度的综合分析在社会空间过程研究中显得十分必要。

对单一维度的批判在很大程度上是伴随着对多重维度的探讨而展开。国内外学者对尺度和网络的关系(Bulkeley, 2005)、尺度和领域的关系(Perkmann, 2007; 殷洁等, 2013)都进行过深入研究。其中,尺度与网络的相互建构受到广泛关注,学者们一方面强调网络的尺度分化和层级特征(Brenner, 2001; Bank et al, 2007),另一方面也关注网络在连接不同尺度并推动“尺度跳跃”(Jumping Scales)中的作用(Cox, 1998)。

尽管多维度的空间政治分析受到广泛关注,但这些讨论大多较为零散,缺乏将各维度整合起来的分析工具。在这一背景下,有学者提出“TPSN”框架,包含领域、地方、尺度、网络4个维度,其中每个维度都可作为结构化原则(Structuring Principle)对其他维度产生影响,并作为结构化场所(Structured Field)而受其他维度影响。例如,领域在地方的影响下表现为核心—边缘结构(Jessop et al, 2008)。此外,每个维度都存在特定的结构矛盾(Structural Tensions),因而不同维度的组合也就进一步体现了领域的有界和跨界、尺度的单一和多重、网络的围合和开放等矛盾及相应的政治策略和结构(Jones et al, 2010)。在此基础上,有学者将该框架用于对中国城市群的分析中,并进一步加入“功能”维度(苗长虹等, 2015)。


3 深汕特别合作区建设中的领域、网络与尺度

3.1 深汕特别合作区建设中的再领域化


图2   深汕特别合作区建设中资本和管制权力的再领域化

Fig.2   Reterritorialization of capital and regulatory power in the construction of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone

3.1.1 深圳市产业的再领域化


图3   粤东西北地区固定资产投资总额和第二产业地区生产总值变化趋势(数据来源:广东统计年鉴2010-2016)

Fig.3   Trends of investment in fixed assets and gross domestic product of secondary industry in eastern, western, and northern Guangdong (Data source: Guangdong Statistical Yearbook 2010-2016)


3.1.2 深圳市管制权力的跨界延伸


3.1.3 小结

领域的基本矛盾是有界与跨界之间的矛盾(Jones et al, 2010),这在案例中集中体现为原有行政边界对深圳市资本和权力的约束同其穿越这一领域边界之间的冲突。之所以通过再领域化能得到解决,主要取决于以下3个方面因素:首先,资本与管制权力在再领域化过程中相互支持、互为条件,资本相比于管制权力具有更强的流动性,因此资本的再领域化成为管制权力再领域化的先导。而管制权力的再领域化又为资本的再领域化提供了制度保证,进一步破除了资本再领域化的阻碍;其次,尺度在再领域化中发挥重要作用,表现为广东省推行的省级双转移政策,强调珠三角地区城市与粤东西北地区城市之间的结对帮扶,直接为跨领域的资本和权力延伸提供了政策依据;最后,深汕之间的联系网络为两市协调跨界权力提供了平台,在这一网络中,汕尾市通过让渡部分管制权力换取投资,从而使两市潜在的互补性得以实现。

3.2 深汕特别合作区建设中的网络建构


图4   深汕特别合作区建设中的主要网络

Fig.4   Major networks in the construction of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone

3.2.1 基于政治动员的网络建构


3.2.2 基于信息共享的网络建构


3.2.3 小结


3.3 深汕特别合作区建设中的尺度重组


图5   深汕特别合作区建设中的尺度间关系调整

Fig.5   Rescaling in the construction of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone




由于管制权力通常是纵向分化的,因此尺度重组中最关键的环节是对高尺度行动者的动员。尽管以往研究通常都强调尺度上推、尺度下推等“过程”,但对于高尺度行动者为何能被动员并进行尺度下推,仍缺乏较为直接的探讨。深汕特别合作区的案例表明,高尺度行动者是因自身利益而被动员起来的,即试图通过尺度下推实现特定利益,如广东省的区域均衡发展。从这个意义上看,高尺度的“第三方”(刘云刚等, 2011a)在一定程度上并非“被动员”,而是尺度政治中积极主动的参与者。

3.4 多维社会空间过程下的制度形态


图6   深汕特别合作区初期的组织架构

Fig.6   Organizational structure of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone



4 多重维度间的相互作用及组合关系


图7   作为多维社会空间过程的深汕特别合作区建设

Fig.7   Construction of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone as a multidimensional sociospatial process

表1   深汕特别合作区建设中领域、网络与尺度间的相互作用

Tab.1   Interactions among territory, network, and scale in the construction of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone




表2   深汕特别合作区建设中各维度间的组合关系

Tab.2   Types of combination of dimensions in the construction of the Shenzhen-Shanwei Special Cooperation Zone

实现关系不能深圳市向广东省的尺度跳跃(不能独立实现) —深圳市与广东省之间的网络建构


(1) 同一关系。即2个维度所表示的是同一个社会空间过程,换言之,一个社会空间过程同时体现了2个维度的重构。如汕尾市对合作区所进行的行政权限赋予不仅意味着合作区因获得地级审批权限而实现了尺度跳跃,同时也意味着合作区这一行政领域本身也发生重构,导致合作区与汕尾其他领域之间形成一条权力边界。在这种关系中,一个社会空间过程只能基于不同的维度进行不同的解读,而难以被区分为2个相对独立的基于不同维度的社会空间过程。

(2) 并行关系。即2个维度尽管代表不同的社会空间过程,但这2个社会空间过程是并行的,它们可能由同一行动者发起、作用于同一客体甚至具有共同的目标。如广东省政府为促进合作区建设,一方面通过对尺度的调整赋予合作区管委会地级行政权限,另一方面也通过多次到合作区视察的方式运用这一联系网络对合作区建设中的问题进行指导。在这一过程中,尽管权限下放和视察指导是2个不同维度的空间过程,但它们在主体、客体和目标等方面都是相对一致的。

(3) 替代关系。即当基于某一维度的政治空间策略受到一定阻碍时,行动者通过对基于其他维度政治策略的运用实现原有目标。例如深圳市与汕尾四镇之间的行政领域边界在现有行政体制下很难突破,故通过建构联系网络同汕尾市政府进行沟通和协商,以推动产业的转移和承接。在这个过程中,基于不同维度的空间政治过程具有共同的目标和主体,但其中一个维度所对应的过程因受到阻碍(这一阻碍可能正缘于该维度本身的性质)而难以顺利进行。

(4) 实现关系。即一个维度所对应的社会空间过程成为另一个维度所对应过程的实现方式。如深圳通过联系网络的建构动员了省政府的主要领导,而省政府领导对合作区建设这一倡议的关注又使后者实现了尺度跳跃,成为广东省区域发展战略的一部分。这一过程不能分别从网络和尺度视角被单独解释,因为从尺度视角进行解释时将面临“尺度跳跃如何实现”的问题,因此它不同于同一关系;出于同样的原因,它更不能被拆分为2个独立的社会空间过程,因而也不同于并行关系;此外,网络的建构也并非因尺度跳跃受到阻碍而采取的替代性方案,相反,尺度跳跃通过网络建构得以实现,因此二者也并非替代关系。

5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论


(1) 基于空间的合作是城市合作的重要形式,它具有很强的复杂性、综合性和系统性,不仅涉及投资融资、基础设施建设等经济空间过程,还涉及更为复杂的利益关系、权力格局的重构等政治空间过程,因此需要两城市更高强度的投入和更深入的协调。从此角度看,基于空间的合作是城市合作的一种高级形式。在这个过程中,空间成为城市间经济和权力关系调整的舞台、工具和结果,空间的生产伴随着城市间合作关系的生产。

(2) 在基于空间的城市合作中,领域、网络与尺度等空间维度都参与进这一复杂的社会空间关系重构。其中,再领域化涉及资本的再领域化和管制权力的再领域化,前者因资本较强的流动性而成为管制权力再领域化的先导,而后者则为资本的再领域化提供制度支撑;网络建构涉及政治动员和信息共享两方面,当基于政治动员的网络被尺度所分化时,它可能成为向上或向下尺度跳跃的重要手段;尺度重组主要涉及跨尺度政治动员和权限调整,其中高尺度行动者发挥十分关键的作用,并且它也试图将自身利益嵌入跨尺度的行动策略。各个空间维度所对应的社会空间过程最终将共同塑造城市合作空间特殊的制度形态,而这一制度形态也同时是多个行动者之间权力和利益关系相互妥协的 结果。

(3) 在以上社会空间过程中,各个维度之间也存在更为复杂的相互作用,其中每个维度都对其他维度产生不同程度的影响,并表现为多样的社会空间过程。具体来看,在合作区建设中,以“是否同属一个社会空间过程”和“是否在各维度都能被完整解释”两方面为标准,各维度间主要存在同一、并行、替代和实现4种组合关系。


5.2 讨论



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 晁恒, 马学广, 李贵才. 2015.

尺度重构视角下国家战略区域的空间生产策略: 基于国家级新区的探讨

[J]. 经济地理, 35(5): 1-8.

https://doi.org/10.15957/j.cnki.jjdl.2015.05.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Chao H, Ma X G, Li G C.2015.

Production strategy of space under the national strategy region in the perspective of scale rescaling: Based on the analysis of the state-level new areas

[J]. Economic Geography, 35(5): 1-8.]

https://doi.org/10.15957/j.cnki.jjdl.2015.05.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[2] 陈丹阳. 2016.


[J]. 热带地理, 36(2): 158-165, 173.

https://doi.org/10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002820      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

现代涂鸦发源于欧美国家,近些 年来也在中国的城市街巷空间中大量出现,并带来了一定的社会问题。通过梳理国内外学界相关研究成果,阐明了涂鸦具有建构和改变地方意义的作用。在此基础上 运用尺度政治理论分析香港著名涂鸦者"九龙皇帝"曾灶财的个案,探讨了3个时期中香港政府、文化精英和曾灶财本人对其涂鸦性质的不同界定,以及相互之间的 博弈过程。分析认为:香港政府在曾灶财去世后对其涂鸦的保护并不意味着对这些涂鸦艺术品性质的承认,而是面对文化精英尺度上推策略的妥协。最后探讨了尺度 政治理论在当前中国城市涂鸦问题中的应用前景。

[Chen D Y.2016.

Politics of scale in Tsang Tsou Choi's graffiti

[J]. Tropical Geography, 36(2): 158-165, 173.]

https://doi.org/10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002820      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

现代涂鸦发源于欧美国家,近些 年来也在中国的城市街巷空间中大量出现,并带来了一定的社会问题。通过梳理国内外学界相关研究成果,阐明了涂鸦具有建构和改变地方意义的作用。在此基础上 运用尺度政治理论分析香港著名涂鸦者"九龙皇帝"曾灶财的个案,探讨了3个时期中香港政府、文化精英和曾灶财本人对其涂鸦性质的不同界定,以及相互之间的 博弈过程。分析认为:香港政府在曾灶财去世后对其涂鸦的保护并不意味着对这些涂鸦艺术品性质的承认,而是面对文化精英尺度上推策略的妥协。最后探讨了尺度 政治理论在当前中国城市涂鸦问题中的应用前景。
[3] 贺小婧, 刘云刚, 葛岳静. 2015.


[J]. 世界地理研究, 24(3): 24-33.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[He X J, Liu Y G, Ge Y J.2015.

Analysis of the Diaoyu Islands dispute by the method of politics of scale and text analysis

[J]. World Regional Studies, 24(3): 24-33.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[4] 胡志丁, 葛岳静, 徐建伟. 2014.


[J]. 地理研究, 33(5): 853-862.

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Hu Z D, Ge Y J, Xu J W.2014.

Geopolitical energy security evaluation method and its application based on politics of scale

[J]. Geographical Research, 33(5): 853-862.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201405005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[5] 李小建, 罗庆. 2007.


[J]. 世界地理研究, 16(4): 19-27.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2007.04.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

20世纪90年代以来,经济地理学的理论和实践领域经历了一次" 关系转向"研究范式转折,集中研究多种地理尺度下的经济变化过程中,经济行为者的社会-空间关系的方式.文章评述了西方经济地理学"关系转向"的产生和研 究进展,分析"关系转向"的特征和关系政策,探讨其对经济地理学科的影响以及对中国经济地理学科发展的启示.

[Li X J, Luo Q.2007.

A review on relational turn in economic geography

[J]. World Regional Studies, 16(4): 19-27.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2007.04.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

20世纪90年代以来,经济地理学的理论和实践领域经历了一次" 关系转向"研究范式转折,集中研究多种地理尺度下的经济变化过程中,经济行为者的社会-空间关系的方式.文章评述了西方经济地理学"关系转向"的产生和研 究进展,分析"关系转向"的特征和关系政策,探讨其对经济地理学科的影响以及对中国经济地理学科发展的启示.
[6] 刘云刚, 王丰龙. 2011

a. 尺度的人文地理内涵与尺度政治: 基于1980年代以来英语圈人文地理学的尺度研究

[J]. 人文地理, 26(3): 1-6.

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[Liu Y G, Wang F L.2011

a. Concept of scale in human geography and political of scale: Based on Anglophone human geography since 1980s

[J]. Human Geography, 26(3): 1-6.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[7] 刘云刚, 王丰龙. 2011

b. 三鹿奶粉事件的尺度政治分析

[J]. 地理学报, 66(10): 1368-1378.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201110007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Liu Y G, Wang F L.2011

b. Politics of scale in "Sanlu-Milkpowder Scandal"

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 66(10): 1368-1378.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201110007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[8] 刘云刚, 叶清露. 2013.

区域发展中的路径创造和尺度政治: 对广东惠州发展历程的解读

[J]. 地理科学, 33(9): 1029-1036.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Liu Y G, Ye Q L.2013.

Path creation with politics of scale in the regional development: A case study of Huizhou City

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 33(9): 1029-1036.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[9] 刘云刚, 叶清露, 许晓霞. 2015.

空间、权力与领域: 领域的政治地理研究综述与展望

[J]. 人文地理, 30(3): 1-6.

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Liu Y G, Ye Q L, Xu X X.2015.

Space, power and territory: A review on territory in political geography

[J]. Human Geography, 30(3): 1-6.]

URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[10] 罗小龙, 殷洁, 田冬. 2010.

不完全的再领域化与大都市区行政区划重组: 以南京市江宁撤县设区为例

[J]. 地理研究, 29(10): 1746-1756.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010100003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Luo X L, Yin J, Tian D.2010.

Administrative boundary re-organization in Nanjing metropolitan region

[J]. Geographical Research, 29(10): 1746-1756.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2010100003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] 马学广. 2016. 全球城市区域的空间生产与跨界治理研究[M]. 北京: 科学出版社.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Ma X G.2016. Quanqiu chengshi quyu de kongjian shengchan yu kuajie zhili yanjiu[M]. Beijing, China: Science Publishing.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] 马学广, 李鲁奇. 2016.


[J]. 人文地理, 31(2): 6-12.

URL      摘要


[Ma X G, Li L Q.2016.

A review of overseas research on politics of scale in human geography

[J]. Human Geography, 31(2): 6-12.]

URL      摘要

[13] 苗长虹, 胡志强. 2015.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(3): 271-279.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.03.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Miao C H, Hu Z Q.2015.

The nature of urban agglomeration space and the construction of Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(3): 271-279.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.03.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[14] 王丰龙, 刘云刚. 2015.

尺度概念的演化与尺度的本质: 基于二次抽象的尺度认识论

[J]. 人文地理, 30(1): 9-15.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wang F L, Liu Y G.2015.

An analytical framework of scale based on second abstraction

[J]. Human Geography, 30(1): 9-15.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[15] 殷洁, 罗小龙. 2013.

尺度重组与地域重构: 城市与区域重构的政治经济学分析

[J]. 人文地理, 28(2): 67-73.

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[Yin J, Luo X L.2013.

Rescaling, deterritorialization and reterritorialization: The political economic analysis for city and regional restructuring

[J]. Human Geography, 28(2): 67-73.]

URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[16] Agnew J, Mitchell K, Toal G.2003. A companion to political geography[M]. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.

[本文引用: 1]     

[17] Bank A, Van Heur B.2007.

Transnational conflicts and the politics of scalar networks: Evidence from Northern Africa

[J]. Third World Quarterly, 28(3): 593-612.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01436590701193031      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article offers a conceptualisation of transnational conflicts between state and non-state actors. Theorists of globalisation and transnationalism have developed a number of approaches in order to rethink the roles of these actors in conditions of globality. Their reluctance, however, to develop middle-range concepts has left us with arguments that are unable to deal with the complexity of transnational conflicts. In the theoretical section we develop a conceptual vocabulary that tries to do justice to these complexities and to questions of hierarchy and internal differentiation of the conflicting formations. We focus in particular on the ways conflict is mediated through various scalar networks. In the empirical section we draw on two cases from Northern Africa—the Ethiopian state versus Oromo ethno-nationalists and the Moroccan state versus Western Sahara activists—in order to illustrate how these concepts can contribute to a theoretically guided understanding of the emergence and perpetuation of transnational conflicts.
[18] Brenner N.2001.

The limits to scale? Methodological reflections on scalar structuration

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 25(4): 591-614.

https://doi.org/10.1191/030913201682688959      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[19] Brenner N.2004. New state spaces: Urban governance and the rescaling of statehood[M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Bulkeley H.2005.

Reconfiguring environmental governance: Towards a politics of scales and networks

[J]. Political Geography, 24(8): 875-902.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2005.07.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper seeks to develop an alternative account of the geographies of environmental governance to those current conceptions which tend to take space and scale for granted as pre-given, contained, natural entities. Through an engagement with the debates on the politics of scale, the argument is made that a new spatial grammar of environmental governance must be sensitive to both the politics of scale and the politics of networks. Rather than considering scalar and non-scalar interpretations of spatiality as necessarily opposite, the paper argues that through a more careful deployment of concepts of hierarchy and territory common ground between scalar and network geographies can be forged, and can inform our understanding of environmental governance. In making this argument, the paper provides an overview of contemporary configurations of global environmental governance, and seeks to illustrate by reference to one transnational municipal network, the Cities for Climate Protection programme, how governing the environment involves both political processes of scaling and rescaling the objects and agents of governance, as well as attempts to create new, networked, arenas of governance. The paper concludes that recognition of new spatial grammars is necessary for understanding emerging hybrid forms of environmental governance and their political and ecological implications.
[21] Castells M.1999.

Grassrooting the space of flows

[J]. Urban Geography, 20(4): 294-302.

https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.20.4.294      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The “space of flows,” the concept I advocated a decade ago, represents the material arrangements that allow for simultaneity of social practices without territorial contiguity. In this article, I refer to a series of dimensions of autonomous expression of social meaning in the space of flows, with emphasis on electronic spaces, but in interaction with the space of places. I argue that a new dynamics is operating, a dynamics of interpenetration of uniformity and autonomy, of domination and resistance, and of instrumentality and experience, within the space of flows. The geography of the new history will not be made of the separation between places and flows, but out of the interface between places and flows and between cultures and social interests, both in the space of flows and in the space of places.
[22] Clarno A.2013.

Rescaling white space in post-apartheid Johannesburg

[J]. Antipode, 45(5): 1190-1212.

https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper traces three political mobilizations in the wealthy suburbs of Johannesburg: a boycott of redistributive tax policies, the creation of gated communities and residents associations, and the demand for residential city improvement districts (CIDs). I argue that state rescaling and networked governance are constituted through struggles over governmental power. I also argue for more attention to race in the political economy of scale. Struggles over the scalar, networked, and territorial dimensions of governance are constitutive moments in the shifting articulation of race, class, and space. An analysis of articulation highlights the role of territory, identity and imagination in the production of space, demonstrates that neoliberal forms of networked governance are products of struggle, and reiterates the feminist argument that governmental interventions are about more than just capital accumulation.
[23] Cox K R.1998.

Spaces of dependence, spaces of engagement and the politics of scale, or: looking for local politics

[J]. Political Geography, 17(1): 1-23.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0962-6298(97)00048-6      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In the fall of 1994 a nonpartisan and nonprofit voter information organization-Project Vote Smart-designed and implemented an education project for "at-risk" voters in northern California. The Project Vote Smart (PVS) effort was a systematic attempt to provide typically nonvoting groups both information and incentive to participate in the November general election. The results presented here suggest that the receipt of PVS materials did not directly increase the likelihood of voting or election interest. However, the receipt of PVS materials did make voters feel better about the resources they had to bring to bear on electoral choices.
[24] Delaney D.2005. Territory: A short introduction[M]. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.

[本文引用: 1]     

[25] Harrison J L.2006.

'Accidents' and invisibilities: Scaled discourse and the naturalization of regulatory neglect in California's pesticide drift conflict

[J]. Political Geography, 25(5): 506-529.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2006.02.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, I draw on the politics of scale literature in order to discuss the strategic use of scale as a framing device. I argue that scale-based framings can gain effectiveness through capitalizing on longstanding social inequalities and thus deserve careful consideration for their abilities to reinforce those inequalities and obscure ongoing illness. I discuss the ways in which actors in the present conflict over agricultural pesticide drift in California discursively engage scale in order to reframe the issue and justify (or, in other cases, contest) minimal regulatory response. I argue that the predominant scale-based framing of pesticide drift as a series of particularized, local ‘accidents’ gains its effectiveness through multiple intersections with long-standing social invisibilities and injustices endured by California's farmworkers, with the problematic results of rendering pollution invisible and naturalizing regulatory neglect. I also introduce the efforts of pesticide drift activists to ‘push up’ the framing of the issue, improve their political traction at the statewide level, and justify their demands for precautionary, health-based restrictions on the use of agricultural pesticides. Finally, I conclude by applying this analysis to recent debates for devolved environmental governance and problematizing the tendency to associate local governance and social justice.
[26] Houdret A, Dombrowsky I, Horlemann L.2014.

The institutionalization of river basin management as politics of scale: Insights from Mongolia

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 2392-2404.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.11.037      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

River Basin Management (RBM) as an approach to sustainable water use has become the dominant model of water governance. Its introduction, however, entails a fundamental realignment and rescaling of water-sector institutions along hydrological boundaries. Creating such a new governance scale is inherently political, and is being described as politics of scale. This paper analyzes how the politics of scale play out in the institutionalization of RBM in Mongolia. It furthermore scrutinizes the role of the broader political decentralization process in the introduction of RBM, an issue that has so far received little attention. Finally, it assesses whether the river basin is an adequate water management scale in Mongolia. This article finds that institutionalizing RBM in Mongolia is indeed a highly political negotiation process that does not only concern the choice of the governance scale, but also its detailed institutional design. It furthermore reveals that Mongolia incomplete political decentralization process has for a long time negatively impacted the decentralization of water-related tasks and the implementation of RBM. However, the 2011 Budget Law and the 2012 Water Law provide for a fiscal strengthening of local governments and clearer sharing of responsibilities among the various different institutions involved in water management. Nevertheless, only if the 2012 Water Law is complemented by adequate by-laws and if the newly created river basin institutions are adequately equipped can RBM be effectively put into practice. This article confirms the usefulness of a politics-of-scale approach to understand scalar practices and changes in water management. However, the article also argues for a broadening of the analytical perspective to take the interdependencies between changes in water governance and other political processes, such as decentralization, into account.
[27] Howitt R.2002.

Scale and the other: Levinas and geography

[J]. Geoforum, 33(3): 299-313.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-7185(02)00006-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper seeks to contribute to Geography's recent conversation of identity, landscape, scale and difference. It brings into dialogue previously divergent discussions about space, place and difference and proposes an approach that treats time, space, place and scale as co-equal conceptual and/or analytical elements of cultural landscapes. It argues that many philosophical debates about embodiment, emplacement and difference abstract a universalized notion of `place', `body' and `self' which confounds and conflates scale issues and consequently confuses the dialectical interplay of `time', `space', `being' and `culture' across scales. The paper takes the work of Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995) and the discursive communities around it as a philosophical entry point into these debates.
[28] Jessop B, Brenner N, Jones M.2008.

Theorizing sociospatial relations

[J]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 26(3): 389-401.

https://doi.org/10.1068/d9107      URL      [本文引用: 4]     

[29] Jones K T.1998.

Scale as epistemology

[J]. Political Geography, 17(1): 25-28.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0962-6298(97)00049-8      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[30] Jones M, Jessop B.2010.

Thinking state/space incompossibly

[J]. Antipode, 42(5): 1119-1149.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2010.00796.x      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Abstract: This paper develops multi-dimensional analyses of socio-spatial relations. Building on previous research, we identify some tensions associated with different dimensions of socio-spatiality and introduce the theme of compossible and, more importantly, incompossible socio-spatial configurations. Two short studies are deployed to highlight the socio-spatial implications of the principle that not everything that is possible is compossible. The first shows the power of thinking varieties of capitalism compossibly (via the concept of variegated capitalism) and then examines the successive strategies adopted by the European Communities and European Union to address the significance of changing patterns of variegation for approaches to European integration, spatial strategies, and economic and social policies. The second case discusses some related problems for state spatial projects, starting in the 1980s with spatial planning, promotion of a Europe of the Regions and/or of Europe and the regions, and then turns to examine city-regional development strategies.
[31] Leitner H.2004. The politics of scale and networks of spatial connectivity: Transnational interurban networks and the rescaling of political governance in Europe[M]//Sheppard E, McMaster R B. Scale and geographic inquiry: Nature, society, and method. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing: 236-255.

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] Leitner H, Sheppard E, Sziarto K M.2008.

The spatialities of contentious politics

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 33(2): 157-172.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2008.00293.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The question of how space matters to the mobilisation, practices and trajectories of contentious politics has frequently been represented as a politics of scale. Others have focused on place and networks as key spatialities of contentious politics. Yet there are multiple spatialities - scale, place, networks, positionality and mobility - that are implicated in and shape contentious politics. No one of these should be privileged: in practice, participants in contentious politics frequently draw on several at once. It is thus important to consider all of them and the complex ways in which they are co-implicated with one another, with unexpected consequences for contentious politics. This co-implication in practice, and its impact on social movements, is illustrated with the Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride in the United States.
[33] Li Y, Wu F L.2012.

The transformation of regional governance in China: The rescaling of statehood

[J]. Progress in Planning, 78(2): 55-99.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.progress.2012.03.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban entrepreneurialism and intensive inter-city competition prevail in post-reform China, which has been extensively documented in the literature. However, decentralization is not the only characterisation of China's changing central ocal relationship since 1978. Since the 2000s, economic development and agglomeration in China have created more scope of and need for collaboration. Regional collaboration is valued and driven by both central and local government. The aim of this research is to present various types of egionalisation initiatives and examine the development of regional governance in China. It is found that there are two main actors leading the current regional practices, that is, the central government (the top-down mechanism) and local government (the bottom-up mechanism). Nevertheless, in terms of institutional arrangement, there has been no formal regional institution or informal regional coalition for either of the mechanism thus far. Moreover, both bottom-up and top-down regional governance initiatives lack substantial participation and multilateral negotiation between cities. There are essentially two different readings of the rationale of regional governance. While the bottom-up collaborative development is envisioned by the local entrepreneurial government to use regional competitiveness to promote local development, the top-down national and regional agenda is used by the central government to tackle discretionary local development. Therefore, the emerging regional governance in China is hybrid and complicated. With reference to the Western theoretical perspectives of state spatiality, state rescaling and politics of scale, this study argues that the emerging regional practices in contemporary China represent another round of changing statehood after governance downscaling to the urban level. This is in response to the territorial problems such as administrative fragmentation and excessive competition caused by earlier decentralisation and localism. It is held that, however, the state rescaling process is not a straightforward process but ridden with conflicts and tensions. Different actors at different spatial levels are articulating their vested interests at the regional scale. The building of regional governance is hence contested by complex inter-governmental politics, especially the division of central ocal power and responsibility.
[34] Marston S A.2000.

The social construction of scale

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 24(2): 219-242.

https://doi.org/10.1177/030913330002400204      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Throughout the world, several millions of small ponds exist for water supply, irrigation, flood control or to control water quality downstream. The reduced flow velocity in these ponds causes sedimentation of transported particles. For most ponds this is a negative impact as their retention capacity decreases due to sedimentation processes. Sediment volumes in small ponds can be used to reconstruct sediment yield values and to study the spatial variation in sediment yield over large areas. Especially in developing countries, this technique can be very helpful in establishing large data sets on sediment delivery as there are often no resources for expensive monitoring programmes. However, when such studies are undertaken, one has to take into account the efficiency of the pond in trapping sediments. This trap efficiency is dependent on the characteristics of the inflowing sediment and the retention time of the water in the pond, which in turn are controlled by pond geometry and runoff characteristics. Because trap efficiency is one of the most important properties of a pond or reservoir, it has been studied for quite some time. This article provides an overview of the different methods available to estimate the trap efficiency of reservoirs and ponds. The first set of methods are empirical models that predict trap efficiency, mostly of normally ponded large reservoirs using data on a mid to long-term basis. These models relate trap efficiency to a capacity/watershed ratio, a capacity/annual inflow ratio or a sedimentation index. Today, these models are the most widely used models to predict trap efficiency, even for reservoirs or ponds that have totally different characteristics from the reservoirs used in these models. For small ponds, these models seem to be less appropriate. They also cannot be used for predicting trap efficiency for a single event. To overcome these restrictions, different theoretical models have been developed based on sedimentation principles. These can be very simple, such as the overflow rate method, but also very complex when runoff and sediment are routed through a pond with incremental time-steps. The theoretical-based models are probably more capable of predicting trap efficiency for small ponds with varying geometric characteristics, and some of them also provide data on effluent sediment concentrations and quality. However, when reconstructing sediment yield values using sedimentation rates over a period of a few months to a few year (the mid-term basis), one needs a trap efficiency value for the whole period, not for one single event. At present only limited research has been done on establishing mid-term trap efficiency models based on theoretical principles. This is probably the most important gap in trap efficiency research.
[35] Marston S A.2004. A long way from home: Domesticating the social production of scale[M]//Sheppard E, McMaster R B. Scale and geographic inquiry: Nature, society, and method. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing: 170-191.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Marston S A, Jones III J P, Woodward K.2005.

Human geography without scale

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30(4): 416-432.

https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.2005.30.issue-4      URL      [本文引用: 3]     

[37] McMaster R B, Sheppard E. 2004. Introduction: Scale and geographic inquiry[M]//Sheppard E, McMaster R B. Scale and geographic inquiry: Nature, society, and method. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing: 1-22.

[本文引用: 1]     

[38] Painter J.2010.

Rethinking territory

[J]. Antipode, 42(5): 1090-1118.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.2010.00795.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[39] Perkmann M.2007.

Construction of new territorial scales: A framework and case study of the EUREGIO cross-border region

[J]. Regional Studies, 41(2): 253-266.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400600990517      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Perkmann M. (2006) Construction of new territorial scales: a framework and case study of the EUREGIO cross-border region, Regional Studies 40, 1–15. This paper proposes a framework for analysing re-scaling processes and applies it to a case study of the Dutch–German EUREGIO cross-border region. While much of the scale debate focuses on the causes and consequences of re-scaling, this paper addresses the conditions and circumstances in which new territorial scales emerge and suggests a framework of necessary components of re-scaling processes. Informed by neo-Gramscian thinking, the scales debate and recent analyses of regionalization, these are formulated as: political mobilization, governance building and strategic unification. The case study locates the EUREGIO case with respect to these dimensions. The paper concludes that this framework can be used for studying and comparing other re-scaling cases and presents an initial typology for classifying cross-border regions. Perkmann M. (2006) La construction d'une nouvelle délimitation régionale: un cadre et une étude de cas de la région transfrontalière EUREGIO, Regional Studies 40, 1–15. L'article avance un cadre pour l'analyse des démarches à suivre quant à une nouvelle délimitation régionale et l'applique à une étude de cas de la région transfrontalière hollandaise–allemande EUREGIO. Alors qu'une partie non-négligeable du débat porte sur les causes et les conséquences d'une nouvelle délimitation, cet article aborde les conditions et les circonstances nécessaires à une nouvelle délimitation territoriale et avance un cadre des éléments essentiels aux processus de délimitation. Fondés sur la pensée néo-gramscienne, le débat sur la délimitation et de récentes analyses de la régionalisation, ces éléments sont élaborés comme la mobilisation politique, le développement de la gouvernance et l'unification stratégique. L'étude de cas situe l'EUREGIO par rapport à ces éléments. L'article conclut que ce cadre pourrait servir de moyen d'étudier et de comparer d'autres exemples d'une nouvelle délimitation régionale et présente une première typologie du classement des régions transfrontalières. Délimitation69Nouvelle délimitation69Région transfrontalière69Coopération transfrontalière69Europe69Territoire Perkmann M. (2006) Die Konstruktion neuer Ma08st01be; ein begriffliches konzept und Fallstudie der Euregio, einer grenzüberschreitenden Region, Regional Studies 40, 1–15. Dieser Aufsatz schl01gt eine Grundstruktur zur Analyse der Schaffung neuer Gr0208enordnungen vor, und wendet sie auf eine Fallstudie der Euregio, einer deutsch- niederl01ndischen, grenzüberschreitenden Region an. Obschon ein Gro08teil der Gr0208enordnungsdebatte sich auf die Ursachen und Folgen der neuen Gr0208enordnung konzentriert, besch01ftigt sich dieser Aufsatz mit den Bedingungen und Umst01nden, unter denen sich neue territoriale Gr0208enordnungen ergeben, und schl01gt eine grundlegende Struktur notwendiger Komponenten bei Verfahren zur Einführung neuer Gr0208enordnungen vor. Auf neo-Gramscische Gedankeng01nge, die Gr0208enordnungsdebatte und kürzlich durchgeführte Analysen der Regionalisierung zurückgreifend, werden diese auf folgende Weise analysiert: als politische Mobilmachung, als Aufbau eines Regierungsapparates,und als strategische Vereinheitlichung. Die Fallstudie ordnet den Fall Euregio im Hinblick auf diese Gr0208enordnungen hin ein. Der Aufsatz kommt zu dem Schlu08, da08 die grundlegende Struktur zur Untersuchung und zum Vergleich anderer, neu einzuordnender F01lle geeignet ist und legt eine vorl01ufige Typologie zur Klassifizierung grenzüberschreitender Regionen vor. Gr0208enordnung69Neufestlegung von Gr0208enordnungen69Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in Europa69Gebiet Perkmann M. (2006) Construcción de nuevas escalas: marco de trabajo con el ejemplo de la región transnacional EUREGIO, Regional Studies 40, 1–15. En este artículo se expone un marco de trabajo para analizar los procesos de reescalamiento aplicándolo a un caso práctico en la región transfronteriza Euregio de Holanda a Alemania. Aunque el debate de la escala se centra en las causas y las consecuencias del reescalamiento, en este artículo se analiza en qué condiciones y circunstancias surgen las nuevas escalas de territorios. Se sugiere también un marco de trabajo para los componentes que son necesarios en los procesos de reescalamiento. Con datos del pensamiento neogramsciano, del debate sobre las escalas y los recientes análisis de regionalización, estos componentes se definen del siguiente modo: movilización política, construcción de la gobernanza y unificación estratégica. El caso estudiado se sitúa en la zona Euregio con respecto a estos factores. Termino el artículo exponiendo que esta estructura puede servir para estudiar y comparar otros casos de reescalamiento y presento una tipología inicial para clasificar las regiones transfronterizas. Escala69Reescalamiento69Región transfronteriza69Cooperación transnacional en Europa69Territorio
[40] Sheppard E.2002.

The spaces and times of globalization: Place, scale, networks, and positionality

[J]. Economic Geography, 78(3): 307-330.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2002.tb00189.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract: Discussions of the spatiality of globalization have largely focused on place-based attributes that fix globalization locally, on globalization as the construction of scale, and on networks as a distinctive feature of contemporary globalization. By contrast, position within the global economy is frequently regarded as anachronistic in a shrinking, networked world. A critical review of how place, scale, and networks are used as metaphors for the spatiality of globalization suggests that space/time still matters. Positionality (position in relational space/time within the global economy) is conceptualized as both shaping and shaped by the trajectories of globalization and as influencing the conditions of possibility of places in a globalizing world. The wormhole is invoked as a way of describing the concrete geographies of positionality and their non-Euclidean relationship to the Earth's surface. The inclusion of positionality challenges the simplicity of pro- and antiglobalization narratives and can change how we think about globalization and devise strategies to alter its trajectory.
[41] Smith N.1984.

Uneven development: Nature, capital and the production of space

[M]. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell.

[本文引用: 1]     

[42] Staeheli L A.2003. Place[M]//Agnew J A, Mitchell K, Toal G. A companion to political geography. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing: 158-170.

[本文引用: 1]     

[43] Taylor P J.2003. The state as container: Territoriality in the modern world-system[M]//Brenner N, Jessop B, Jones M, et al. State/space: A reader. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing: 101-113.

[本文引用: 1]     

[44] Wei Y D.2015.

Spatiality of regional inequality

[J]. Applied Geography, 61: 1-10.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.03.013      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Spatial inequality has drawn renewed scholarly interests and societal concerns. This paper reviews the literature on regional inequality, with a focus on spatiality of regional economic/income inequality, to make a timely contribution for a better understanding of the complexity and dynamics of spatial inequality. We find that existing theories disagree over temporal trends and underlying forces of regional inequality, and spatio-temporal models have been favored by economic geographers. It also shows that the research on regional inequality covers all continents of the world, including both developed and developing countries. The scope of research has also been broadened, expanding to household and environmental inequalities. The paper proposes components of spatiality of regional inequality, including scale, location, physical geography, place, space, spatial network, and spatial-temporal models. The paper also proposes areas for future research.
